334 research outputs found

    Particle characterization using THz spectroscopy

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    THz extinction spectroscopy extends UV-Vis and NIR-spectroscopy to characterize particles from fine powders and dust to sand, grains and granulated materials. We extract particle sizes from the spectral position of the first peak of the interference structure and size distributions from the visibility of the fine ripple structure in the measured extinction spectra. As such, we can demonstrate a route for a quick determination of these parameters from single measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    THz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance / THz Spectroscopy at BESSY II

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    The THz beamline at BESSY II employs high power broadband femto- to picosecond long THz pulses for magneto-optical THz and FIR studies. A newly designed set-up exploits the unique properties of ultrashort THz pulses generated by laser-energy modulation of electron bunches in the storage ring or alternatively from compressed electron bunches. Experiments from 0.15 to 5 THz (~ 5 – 150 cm-1) may be conducted at a user station equipped with a fully evacuated high resolution FTIR spectrometer (0.0063 cm-1), lHe cooled bolometer detectors, a THz TDS set-up and different sample environments, including a superconducting high field magnet (+11 T - 11T) with variable temperature insert (1.5 K – 300 K), a sample cryostat and a THz attenuated total reflection chamber.  Main applications are Frequency Domain Fourier transform THz-Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (FD-FT THz-EPR), THz-FTIR spectroscopy and optical pump - THz probe time domain spectroscopy (TDS), with sub-ps time resolution

    Quality Control and Customer Service at BESSY

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    Document Spanners: From Expressive Power to Decision Problems

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    We examine document spanners, a formal framework for information extraction that was introduced by Fagin et al. (PODS 2013). A document spanner is a function that maps an input string to a relation over spans (intervals of positions of the string). We focus on document spanners that are defined by regex formulas, which are basically regular expressions that map matched subexpressions to corresponding spans, and on core spanners, which extend the former by standard algebraic operators and string equality selection. First, we compare the expressive power of core spanners to three models - namely, patterns, word equations, and a rich and natural subclass of extended regular expressions (regular expressions with a repetition operator). These results are then used to analyze the complexity of query evaluation and various aspects of static analysis of core spanners. Finally, we examine the relative succinctness of different kinds of representations of core spanners and relate this to the simplification of core spanners that are extended with difference operators

    Document spanners: from expressive power to decision problems

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    We examine document spanners, a formal framework for information extraction that was introduced by Fagin, Kimelfeld, Reiss, and Vansummeren (PODS 2013, JACM 2015). A document spanner is a function that maps an input string to a relation over spans (intervals of positions of the string). We focus on document spanners that are defined by regex formulas, which are basically regular expressions that map matched subexpressions to corresponding spans, and on core spanners, which extend the former by standard algebraic operators and string equality selection. First, we compare the expressive power of core spanners to three models {namely, patterns, word equations, and a rich and natural subclass of extended regular expressions (regular expressions with a repetition operator). These results are then used to analyze the complexity of query evaluation and various aspects of static analysis of core spanners. Finally, we examine the relative succinctness of different kinds of representations of core spanners and relate this to the simplification of core spanners that are extended with difference operators

    The FemtoSpeX facility at BESSY II

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    The FemtoSpeX facility of the BESSY II storage ring is dedicated to ultrafast optical-pump & soft  x-ray probe experiments. Experimental end-stations for experiments in transmission, reflection, and diffraction geometry are available

    Laser pump X ray probe experiments with electrons ejected from a Cu 111 target space charge acceleration

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    A comprehensive investigation of the emission characteristics for electrons induced by X rays of a few hundred eV at grazing incidence angles on an atomically clean Cu 111 sample during laser excitation is presented. Electron energy spectra due to intense infrared laser irradiation are investigated at the BESSY II slicing facility. Furthermore, the influence of the corresponding high degree of target excitation high peak current of photoemission on the properties of Auger and photoelectrons liberated by a probe X ray beam is investigated in time resolved pump and probe measurements. Strong electron energy shifts have been found and assigned to space charge acceleration. The variation of the shift with laser power and electron energy is investigated and discussed on the basis of experimental as well as new theoretical result

    a FD-FT THz-EPR study

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    A combined X-band and frequency-domain Fourier-transform THz electron paramagnetic resonance (FD-FT THz-EPR) approach has been employed to determine heme Fe(III) S = 5/2 zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters of frozen metHb and metMb solutions, both with fluoro and aquo ligands. Frequency-domain EPR measurements have been carried out by an improved synchrotron-based FD-FT THz- EPR spectrometer. ZFS has been determined by field dependence of spin transitions within the mS = ±1/2 manifold, for all four protein systems, and by zero-field spin transitions between mS = ±1/2 and mS = ±3/2 levels, for metHb and metMb flouro-states. FD-FT THz-EPR data were simulated with a novel numerical routine based on Easyspin, which allows now for direct comparison of EPR spectra in field and frequency domain. We found purely axial ZFSs of D = 5.0(1) cm−1 (flouro-metMb), D = 9.2(4) cm−1 (aquo-metMb), D = 5.1(1) cm−1 (flouro-metHB) and D = 10.4(2) cm−1 (aquo-metHb)
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