374 research outputs found

    Co-creating mediation models to meet cultural needs: two trainers' perspectives

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    Judith and Claire presented at this year's National Mediation Conference. They discussed their personal experiences with developing training for mediators in different cultural settings overseas, including the Thailand-Burma border and the Central African Republic (CAR). Claire and Judith reflected on how their studies in conflict management and resolution as well as their mediation training in Australia had assisted them in developing training modules in these different settings. They evaluated which skills and procedural features of the Australian facilitative mediation model they found to be of greatest use and which procedures needed to be modified to be applicable to the specific locations in which they worked

    When and why do native English speaking students in a Spanish immersion setting switch into English during math instruction?

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    This study addressed when and why do native English speakers in a Spanish immersion switch into English during math instruction? This capstone studied 30 students in a Spanish immersion school in an affluent suburban area in the Upper Midwest. The author used literature from other types of immersion schools to highlight the lack of research on native English speakers in immersion settings. This capstone used audio- recordings, questionnaires and open-ended interviews to research the question. The researcher concludes that teaching Spanish vernacular in the immersion model would decrease the amount of English in the math classroom and that language objectives and math objectives, including vocabulary, must be embedded in the math lessons

    Co-creating mediation models to meet cultural needs: two trainers' perspectives

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    Judith and Claire presented at this year's National Mediation Conference. They discussed their personal experiences with developing training for mediators in different cultural settings overseas, including the Thailand-Burma border and the Central African Republic (CAR). Claire and Judith reflected on how their studies in conflict management and resolution as well as their mediation training in Australia had assisted them in developing training modules in these different settings. They evaluated which skills and procedural features of the Australian facilitative mediation model they found to be of greatest use and which procedures needed to be modified to be applicable to the specific locations in which they worked

    Modeling Learning: The Role of Leaders

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    What follows is the Portland State University story, a reflection on change as a scholarly act within a learning community using techniques from organizational learning

    Enhancing the student experience through the creation and use of authentic and accessible conflict scenarios

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    Authentic conflict scenarios are an essential basis for learning activities and assessment tasks in the conflict management and resolution field. Authentic scenarios allow students to apply theories and skills to realistic situations, enhancing their learning experiences and workforce readiness. However, finding suitable conflict scenarios for use in teaching and learning is challenging due to a) Confidentiality: limiting the types of conflicts that can be used; b) Evolving resources: conflicts already in the public eye are often complex and continue to evolve which requires a great deal of effort by educators to update content, restricts the diversity of resources available, and makes it difficult to impartially present all aspects of a conflict in an engaging way; and c) Lack of engaging resources: fictitious scenarios are often presented in written text only, failing to provide interactive and engaging resources. In 2016, the James Cook University (JCU) Conflict Management and Resolution (CMR) Program, with the support of a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) grant, created an authentic and digitally accessible conflict scenario designed to address these challenges and deliver improved learning experiences for postgraduate conflict management and resolution students and educators. This article discusses the value of authentic scenarios to improve postgraduate student experiences and career outcomes in the dispute resolution field, the approach taken by the JCU CMR Program to develop the scenario and presents findings from preliminary feedback from students' and educators' experience using the conflict scenario in postgraduate course work

    Geschlechterwissen in Gewerkschaften - eine Typologie von Deutungsmustern gewerkschaftlicher Geschlechterpolitik

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    An der Schnittstelle von Gender Studies, Arbeits- und Organisationssoziologie setzt dieser Beitrag an, indem die gewerkschaftliche Repräsentation von Frauen vergleichend dargestellt und zugleich typische Deutungen im Verständnis gewerkschaftlicher Geschlechterpolitik rekonstruiert werden. Aufbauend auf Angelika Wetterers Typologie von Geschlechterwissen zeigen sich in diesen Deutungsmustern Unterschiede, woran die Geschlechter(un)gleichheit festgemacht wird, welche Relevanz gleichstellungspolitischen Maßnahmen beigemessen wird und welche Rolle sie für die eigene Praxis gewerkschaftlicher Interessenpolitik spielen. Das frauenpolitische, das geschlechtertheoretische und das konservative Deutungsmuster werden vorgestellt und zugleich diskutiert, unter welchen Bedingungen es trotz dieser Unterschiede gelingen kann, Gleichstellungspolitik als organisationsübergreifende Aufgabe zu etablieren. Die empirische Basis bilden qualitative Interviews, die mit Gewerkschaftssekretär*innen der ver.di, der IG BAU sowie der IG Metall durchgeführt wurden.This contribution is located at the interface of gender studies and sociology of work and organization by comparing the trade union representation of women and at the same time reconstructing typical interpretations in the understanding of trade union gender politics. Based on Angelika Wetterer's typology of gender knowledge (Geschlechterwissen), there are differences in these interpretative patterns, how gender (in)equality is determined, what relevance gender equality measures are attached to and what role they play for the own practice of trade union politics. The women's political, gender-theoretical and conservative interpretative patterns (frauenpolitisches, geschlechtertheoretisches und konservatives Deutungsmuster) are presented and at the same time it will be discussed, under which conditions and despite these differences equality policy can be introduced as a cross-organizational task. The empirical basis is formed by qualitative interviews with trade union secretaries from ver.di, IG BAU and IG Metall

    Going Beyond NCAA Bylaw 5-1-(j): Developing Learning Prescriptions for Student-Athletes

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    In recent years academic support programs for the student-athlete have become an integral component of athletic departments at major colleges and universities. This study reports the use of a test-scoring procedure called Modified Confidence Weighted-Admissible Probability Measurement (MCW-APM) to assist athletic department academic support personnel in diagnosing student-athlete knowledge gaps. A series of nine criterion-­referenced tests (CRT) in fundamental knowledge-base areas of mathematics, language arts, and reading at the elementary, secondary and junior college skill levels was administered to a group of freshmen student­ athletes at UCLA. The MCW-APM test-scoring analysis generated specific learning prescriptions for each student-athlete along with information use­cognitive maps to indicate those knowledge-base areas where the student­-athlete was informed, partially informed, uninformed, or misinformed. The learning prescription was then used by the tutorial program staff for developing an individualized instruction plan. Subsequent clustering of student-athletes by information type was used to design courses, workshops, and special programs with instructional objectives towards reeducation (for misinformed areas), instruction (for areas with lack of information) and review (for areas with partial information)

    Juvenile granulosa cell tumour in the third trimester of pregnancy

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    This case report describes the rare finding of a granulosa cell tumour in the third trimester of pregnancy. The presentation, investigation, management, histopathological findings and subsequent follow up are detailed. The difficulties associated with such diagnoses in pregnancy are explored

    Immediate Response Strategy and Shift to Place Strategy in Submerged T-Maze

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    A considerable amount of research has demonstrated that animals can use different strategies when learning about, and navigating within, their environment. Since the influential research of Keywords: spatial strategy, place, response, aversive, motivation In spatial navigation tasks, animals can attend to many sources of information. In particular, psychologists have long debated the extent to which animals use cues from either external location or internal movement to guide their behavior in maze learning tasks It has been widely accepted that animals initially learn about relational information found in the configuration of environmental cues (place learning) and, subsequently, switch to a more automatic, and less cognitively effortful, response strategy over time Demonstrations of these strategy shifts are dominated by appetitively motivated tasks, with food reinforcement. In Experiment 1, we examined performance in a similar, but aversively motivated task: rats escaped a submerged maze by swimming to a hidden platform. Remarkably, we observed a response strategy early in training followed by a switch to a place strategy, which persisted over extended training. This observation was opposite of the pattern of data described in the appetitive maze General Method Subjects Male Long Evans rats (275Ϫ325 g; Charles River Laboratories, Raleigh, North Carolina) were housed individually in a temperature-controlled room, with lights on from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Rats in Experiment 1 (n ϭ 34) had free access to food (Teklad Chow 2018; Harlan Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin) and water

    Tracing ingestion of 'novel' foods in UK diets for possible health surveillance: a feasibility study

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    Objective: To investigate the feasibility of using commercially available data on household food consumption to carry out food and nutritional surveillance. Design: Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) collects information on foods brought home for consumption among a representative quota sample of the British population. In total, 33 177 households and 105 667 individuals provided data between 1991 and 2000. These were used to investigate sociodemographic, geographical and temporal trends in purchase patterns of the main macronutrients and four groups of marker products. Results: Sociodemographic characteristics of the TNS sample were broadly consistent with those of the British population. Estimated energy intakes were slightly low (1667 +/- 715 kcal) in comparison with other national data. However, percentage energy contributions were consistent with national trends: e.g. consumption of alcohol in the home increased between 1991 and 2000 with higher intakes among more affluent households, while fat intakes decreased slightly over the same period. Significant temporal, geographic and socio-economic trends were found for all nutrients (P < 0.0001). Intakes of marker products were sparse (purchased by < 4% of households), but significant variations were detected in the proportion of households purchasing some or all of the marker products across temporal, geographic and socio-economic strata. Conclusions: A prospective nutrient surveillance system could be used to trace consumption patterns of foods or nutrients to inform nutritional surveillance. However, existing data sources would require a number of modifications to increase their suitability for such a project. Increasing surveillance to consider ingredients would require the development of a central coding system, with electronically linked barcode, ingredient and nutrient information