217 research outputs found

    The Frequencies of Different Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Adult Metabolic Centres: Report from the SSIEM Adult Metabolic Physicians Group

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    There are few centres which specialise in the care of adults with inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). To anticipate facilities and staffing needed at these centres, it is of interest to know the distribution of the different disorders

    The need for additional care in patients with classical galactosaemia

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    Purpose: Classical galactosaemia is an inborn error of galactose metabolism which may lead to impairments in body functions and accordingly, need for additional care. The primary aim of this study was to establish the type and intensity of this additional care. Materials and methods: Patients with classical galactosaemia aged >/=2 years were evaluated with the Capacity Profile, a standardised method to classify additional care needs according to type and intensity. Based on a semi-structured interview, current impairments in five domains of body functions were determined. The intensity of additional care was assessed (from 0, usual care, to 5, total dependence). Results: Forty-four patients with classical galactosaemia, 18 males and 26 females (median age 15 years, range 2-49 years), were included. There was a wide spectrum of impairments in mental functions. Motor function impairments were present in four patients, and mild speech impairments in eight patients. Additional care for sensory functions was uncommon. All patients needed a diet, which care is scored in the physical health domain. Conclusions: Apart from the diet all patients need, classical galactosaemia leads to the need for additional care mainly in the domains of mental functions and speech and voice functions. Implications for rehabilitation The Capacity Profile is a useful tool to demonstrate additional care needs in classical galactosaemia. In classical galactosaemia additional care is mostly indicated by mental impairments and speech and voice functions. One-fifth of patients have impairment of speech and voice functions at time of the study, and half of all patients had received speech therapy in childhood. Over 70% of patients need additional care/help due to impairment of mental functions, ranging from coaching due to social vulnerability to full day care

    The cognitive profile of type 1 Gaucher disease patients

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.BACKGROUND: The absence of neurological symptoms and signs is traditionally considered mandatory for a diagnosis of type 1 Gaucher disease (GD1), but in recent years many reports have emerged on neurological manifestations in GD1 patients. Nevertheless, it has been unclear whether cognitive deficits are part of the disease as well. METHODS: Cognitive function was assessed in a large cohort of GD1 patients with the use of the CDR system, a set of computerised cognitive tests. Testing was performed at baseline and every 6 months thereafter during a two-year study period. RESULTS: Our patient cohort (84 patients, median age 40 years, median time from diagnosis 15 years) showed mild deficits relative to healthy age-matched subjects on the composite scores: power of attention (Z-score (mean ± SD) -0.9 ± 1.37) and speed of memory (Z-score (mean ± SD) -1.39 ± 1.49). No decline in cognitive function was seen during the two-year period. Age correlated with the composite scores variability of attention and quality of working memory. Moreover, severely affected patients (Zimran severity score (SSI) ≥ 15) scored more poorly compared to mildly affected patients (SSI ≤ 5) on the composite measure power of attention, reflecting the ability to concentrate. CONCLUSIONS: GD1 patients exhibit mild deficits in power of attention and speed of memory, reflecting a decreased ability to focus attention and process information, together with a slowing in the speed of retrieval of items from memory. The clinical relevance of these findings is uncertain.This work was supported by Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Allschwil, Switzerland. This study was set up under the auspices of the European Working Group on Gaucher Disease (EWGGD). MB received financial support from Actelion to conduct her activities related to this study. MB, CEMH, INvS and AM have received consultancy fees from Actelion for participation in clinical trial programs and other projects, and CEMH, INvS and AM have received speaker fees for participation in scientific congresses and sponsored events. MB and CEMH donate all fees to the Gaucher Stichting, a national foundation that supports research in the field of lysosomal storage disorders. Consulting fees for INvS are donated to the Stichting Klinische Neurologie, a local foundation that supports research in the field of neurological disorders. DH has received consultancy fees from Actelion for participation in clinical trials, grants for local laboratory projects, and speaker fees for participation in scientific congresses and sponsored events. KEM, PG and LM have received speaker fees from Actelion for participation in sponsored events. PG received consultancy fees for participation in local clinical projects. LM received a travel grant from Actelion and was financially supported by TÁMOP 4.2.1./B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007 and TÁMOP 4.2.2-08/1-2008-0015. CN got speaker fees for participation in scientific meetings. KAW was sole shareholder of Cognitive Drug Research Ltd. Cognitive Drug Research Ltd supplied the CDR System for the study and received financial support from Actelion. KAW is currently an employee of United BioSource Corporation (UBC) that owns the CDR System since August 2009. CL is an employee of Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. MP and MM report no conflicts of interest

    Predicting the Development of Anti-Drug Antibodies against Recombinant alpha-Galactosidase A in Male Patients with Classical Fabry Disease

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    Fabry Disease (FD) is a rare, X-linked, lysosomal storage disease that mainly causes renal, cardiac and cerebral complications. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with recombinant alpha-galactosidase A is available, but approximately 50% of male patients with classical FD develop inhibiting anti-drug antibodies (iADAs) that lead to reduced biochemical responses and an accelerated loss of renal function. Once immunization has occurred, iADAs tend to persist and tolerization is hard to achieve. Here we developed a pre-treatment prediction model for iADA development in FD using existing data from 120 classical male FD patients from three European centers, treated with ERT. We found that nonsense and frameshift mutations in the α-galactosidase A gene (p = 0.05), higher plasma lysoGb3 at baseline (p < 0.001) and agalsidase beta as first treatment (p = 0.006) were significantly associated with iADA development. Prediction performance of a Random Forest model, using multiple variables (AUC-ROC: 0.77) was compared to a logistic regression (LR) model using the three significantly associated variables (AUC-ROC: 0.77). The LR model can be used to determine iADA risk in individual FD patients prior to treatment initiation. This helps to determine in which patients adjusted treatment and/or immunomodulatory regimes may be considered to minimize iADA development risk. View Full-Tex

    Social-cognitive functioning and social skills in patients with early treated phenylketonuria:a PKU-COBESO study

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    OBJECTIVE: Early treatment of phenylketonuria (ET-PKU) prevents mental retardation, but many patients still show cognitive and mood problems. In this study, it was investigated whether ET-PKU-patients have specific phenylalanine (Phe-)related problems with respect to social-cognitive functioning and social skills. METHODS: Ninety five PKU-patients (mean age 21.6 ± 10.2 years) and 95 healthy controls (mean age 19.6 ± 8.7 years) were compared on performance of computerized and paper-and-pencil tasks measuring social-cognitive abilities and on parent- and self-reported social skills, using multivariate analyses of variance, and controlling for general cognitive ability (IQ-estimate). Further comparisons were made between patients using tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, N = 30) and patients not using BH4. Associations with Phe-levels on the day of testing, during childhood, during adolescence and throughout life were examined. RESULTS: PKU-patients showed poorer social-cognitive functioning and reportedly had poorer social skills than controls (regardless of general cognitive abilities). Quality of social-cognitive functioning was negatively related to recent Phe-levels and Phe-levels between 8 and 12 years for adolescents with PKU. Quality of social skills was negatively related to lifetime phenylalanine levels in adult patients, and specifically to Phe-levels between 0 and 7, and between 8 and 12 years. There were no differences with respect to social outcome measures between the BH4 and non-BH4 groups. CONCLUSION: PKU-patients have Phe-related difficulties with social-cognitive functioning and social skills. Problems seem to be more evident among adolescents and adults with PKU. High Phe-levels during childhood and early adolescence seem to be of greater influence than current and recent Phe-levels for these patients

    Management goals for type 1 Gaucher disease: An expert consensus document from the European working group on Gaucher disease

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    AbstractGaucher Disease type 1 (GD1) is a lysosomal disorder that affects many systems. Therapy improves the principal manifestations of the condition and, as a consequence, many patients show a modified phenotype which reflects manifestations of their disease that are refractory to treatment. More generally, it is increasingly recognised that information as to how a patient feels and functions [obtained by patient- reported outcome measurements (PROMs)] is critical to any comprehensive evaluation of treatment. A new set of management goals for GD1 in which both trends are reflected is needed. To this end, a modified Delphi procedure among 25 experts was performed. Based on a literature review and with input from patients, 65 potential goals were formulated as statements. Consensus was considered to be reached when ≥75% of the participants agreed to include that specific statement in the management goals. There was agreement on 42 statements. In addition to the traditional goals concerning haematological, visceral and bone manifestations, improvement in quality of life, fatigue and social participation, as well as early detection of long-term complications or associated diseases were included. When applying this set of goals in medical practice, the clinical status of the individual patient should be taken into account

    Position statement on the role of healthcare professionals, patient organizations and industry in European Reference Networks

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    A call from the EU for the set-up of European Reference Networks (ERNs) is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2016. ERNs are intended to improve the care for patients with low prevalent or rare diseases throughout the EU by, among other things, facilitating the pooling and exchange of experience and knowledge and the development of protocols and guidelines. In the past, for example where costly orphan drugs have been concerned, industry has played an important role in facilitating consensus meetings and publication of guidelines. The ERNs should provide a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals and patients to lead these activities in an independent way. However, currently costs for networking activities are not to be covered by EU funds and alternative sources of funding are being explored. There is growing concern that any involvement of the industry in the funding of ERNs and their core activities may create a risk of undue influence. To date, the European Commission has not been explicit in how industry will be engaged in ERNs. We believe that public funding and a conflict of interest policy are needed at the level of the ERNs, Centers of Expertise (CEs), healthcare professionals and patient organizations with the aim of maintaining scientific integrity and independence. Specific attention is needed where it concerns the development of clinical practice guidelines. A proposal for a conflict of interest policy is presented, which may support the development of a framework to facilitate collaboration, safeguard professional integrity and to establish and maintain public acceptability and trust among patients, their organizations and the general public

    Neurocognitive outcome and mental health in children with tyrosinemia type 1 and phenylketonuria:A comparison between two genetic disorders affecting the same metabolic pathway

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    Tyrosinemia type 1 (TT1) and phenylketonuria (PKU) are both inborn errors of phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolism. Neurocognitive and behavioral outcomes have always featured in PKU research but received less attention in TT1 research. This study aimed to investigate and compare neurocognitive, behavioral, and social outcomes of treated TT1 and PKU patients. We included 33 TT1 patients (mean age 11.24 years; 16 male), 31 PKU patients (mean age 10.84; 14 male), and 58 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (mean age 10.82 years; 29 male). IQ (Wechsler-subtests), executive functioning (the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning), mental health (the Achenbach-scales), and social functioning (the Social Skills Rating System) were assessed. Results of TT1 patients, PKU patients, and healthy controls were compared using Kruskal-Wallis tests with post-hoc Mann-Whitney U tests. TT1 patients showed a lower IQ and poorer executive functioning, mental health, and social functioning compared to healthy controls and PKU patients. PKU patients did not differ from healthy controls regarding these outcome measures. Relatively poor outcomes for TT1 patients were particularly evident for verbal IQ, BRIEF dimensions "working memory", "plan and organize" and "monitor", ASEBA dimensions "social problems" and "attention problems", and for the SSRS "assertiveness" scale (all p value