11 research outputs found

    Influence on persistence and adherence with oral bisphosphonates on fracture rates in osteoporosis

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    Background and Aim: Oral bisphosphonates have been shown to reduce the risk of fractures in patients with osteoporosis. It can be assumed that the clinical effectiveness of oral bisphosphonates depends on persistence with therapy. Methods: The influence of persistence with and adherence to oral bisphosphonates on fracture risk in a real-life setting was investigated. Data from 4451 patients with a defi ned index prescription of bisphosphonates were included. Fracture rates within 180, 360, and 720 days after index prescription were compared between persistent and non-persistent patients. In an extended Cox regression model applying multiple event analysis, the influence of adherence was analyzed. Persistence was defined as the duration of continuous therapy; adherence was measured in terms of the medication possession ratio (MPR). Results: In patients with a fracture before index prescription, fracture rates were reduced by 29% (p = 0.025) comparing persistent and non-persistent patients within 180 days after the index prescription and by 45% (p < 0.001) within 360 days. The extended Cox regression model showed that good adherence (MPR ≄ 0.8) reduced fracture risk by about 39% (HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.47–0.78; p < 0.01). Conclusions: In patients with osteoporosis-related fractures, good persistence and adherence to oral bisphosphonates reduced fracture risk significantly

    Dimensioning of Punctiform Metal-Composite Joints: A Section-Force Related Failure Criterion: Dimensioning of Punctiform Metal-Composite Joints: A Section-ForceRelated Failure Criterion

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    Reliable line production processes and simulation tools play a central role for the structural integration of thermoplastic composites in advanced lightweight constructions. Provided that material- adapted joining technologies are available, they can be applied in heavy-duty multi-material designs (MMD). A load-adapted approach was implemented into the new fully automatic and faulttolerant thermo mechanical flow drill joining (FDJ) concept. With this method it is possible to manufacture reproducible high strength FRP/metal-joints within short cycle times and without use of extra joining elements for the first time. The analysis of FDJ joints requires a simplified model of the joint to enable efficient numerical simulations. The present work introduces a strategy in modeling a finite-element based analogous-approach for FDJ-joints with glass fiber reinforced polypropylene and high-strength steel. Combined with a newly developed section-force related failure criterion, it is possible to predict the fundamental failure behavior in multi-axial stress states. The functionality of the holistic approach is illustrated by a demonstrator that represents a part of a car body-in-white structure. The comparison of simulated and experimentally determined failure loads proves the applicability for several combined load cases

    Layup Configuration Effect on Notch Residual Strength in Composite Laminates

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    The current trend shows an increasing demand for composites due to their high stiffness to weight ratio and the recent progress in manufacturing and cost reduction of composites. To combine high strength and stiffness in a cost-effective way, composites are often joined with steel or aluminum. However, joining of thermoset composite materials is challenging because circular holes are often used to join them with their metal counterparts. These design based circular holes induce high stress concentration around the hole. The purpose of this paper is to focus on layup configuration and its impact on notch stress distribution. To ensure high quality and uniformity, the holes were machined by a 5 kW continuous wave (cw) CO2 laser. The stress distribution was evaluated and compared by using finite element analysis and Lekhnitskii’s equations. For further understanding, the notch strength of the laminates was compared and strain distributions were analyzed using the digital image correlation technique

    Behavior of Cathodic dip Paint Coated Fiber Reinforced Polymer/Metal Hybrids

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    Increasing mechanical, economic and environmental requirements lead to multi material designs, wherein different classes of materials and manufacturing processes are merged to realize lightweight components with a high level of functional integration. Particularly in automotive industry the use of corresponding technologies will rise in the near future, as they can provide a significant contribution to weight reduction, energy conservation and therefore to the protection of natural resources. Especially the use of continuous fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) with thermoplastic matrices offers advantages for automotive components, due to its good specific characteristics and its suitability for mass production. In conjunction with isotropic materials, such as steel or aluminum, optimized lightweight structures can be produced, whose properties can be easily adapted to the given component requirements. The present paper deals with the development of innovative hybrid laminates with low residual stresses, made of thin-walled steel sheets and glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic (GFRP) prepregs layers. Thereby the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) was increased by an optimization of the FRP/metal-interfaces, carried out by examining the influence of several pre-operations like sanding, cleaning with organic solvents and applying primer systems. Based on these findings optimized compound samples were prepared and tested under realistic Cathodic dip paint conditions to determine the influence on the ILSS

    Influence on persistence and adherence with oral bisphosphonates on fracture rates in osteoporosis

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    Ariane H&amp;ouml;er1, Cornelia Seidlitz1, Holger Gothe1, Guido Schiffhorst1, Melvin Olson2, Peyman Hadji3, Bertram H&amp;auml;ussler11IGES Institut, Friedrichstrasse 180, D-10117 Berlin, Germany; 2Novartis Pharma AG; 3Department of Gynaecology, University hospital of Giessen and Marburg GmbH, Marburg, GermanyBackground and Aim: Oral bisphosphonates have been shown to reduce the risk of fractures in patients with osteoporosis. It can be assumed that the clinical effectiveness of oral bisphosphonates depends on persistence with therapy.Methods: The influence of persistence with and adherence to oral bisphosphonates on fracture risk in a real-life setting was investigated. Data from 4451 patients with a defined index prescription of bisphosphonates were included. Fracture rates within 180, 360, and 720 days after index prescription were compared between persistent and non-persistent patients. In an extended Cox regression model applying multiple event analysis, the influence of adherence was analyzed. Persistence was defined as the duration of continuous therapy; adherence was measured in terms of the medication possession ratio (MPR).Results: In patients with a fracture before index prescription, fracture rates were reduced by 29% (p = 0.025) comparing persistent and non-persistent patients within 180 days after the index prescription and by 45% (p &amp;lt;&amp;nbsp;0.001) within 360 days. The extended Cox regression model showed that good adherence (MPR &amp;ge; 0.8) reduced fracture risk by about 39% (HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.47&amp;ndash;0.78; p &amp;lt;&amp;nbsp;0.01).Conclusions: In patients with osteoporosis-related fractures, good persistence and adherence to oral bisphosphonates reduced fracture risk significantly.Keywords: compliance, fracture risk, oral bisphosphonates, persistenc

    Advanced Joining Technologies for Load and Fibre Adjusted FRP-Metal Hybrid Structures

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    Multi-material-design (MMD) is commonly realized through the combination of thin sheet metal and fibre reinforced plastics (FRP). To maximize the high lightweight potential of the material groups within a multi-material system as good as possible, a material-adapted and particularly fibre adjusted joining technology must be applied. The present paper focuses on two novel joining technologies, the Flow Drill Joining (FDJ) method and Spin-Blind-Riveting (SBR), which were developed for joining heavy-duty metal/composite hybrids. Tests were carried out with material combinations which are significant for lightweight constructions such as aluminium (AA5083) and carbon fibre-reinforced polyamide in sheet thickness of 1.8 mm. The mechanical testing and manufacturing of those multi-material joints was investigated

    Recycling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Polymers—Review—Part 2: Recovery and Application of Recycled Carbon Fibers

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    The paper presents some examples of new technological solutions for the recovery and re-use of recycled carbon fiber in automotive and railway industries, as well as in aviation and wind turbine constructions. The new technologies of fiber recovery that are described can enable the mass-scale use of recycled carbon fiber in the future

    Umformprozessketten fĂŒr Bauteile aus Faser-Kunststoff/Metall-Verbunden

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    Im Rahmen des DFG-AiF-Clustervorhabens »Großserientaugliche Prozessketten fĂŒr hochintegrierte Bauteile aus hybriden Faser-Kunststoff / Metall-Verbunden« beschĂ€ftigt sich das Fraunhofer IWU, die TU Chemnitz und das IFUM mit der Entwicklung großserienfĂ€higer Prozessketten zur effizienten Verarbeitung von Faser-Kunststoff / Metall (FK/M)-Verbunden zu konturierten WerkstĂŒcken, insbesondere unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Anforderungen aus der Automobilindustrie. Dazu werden zwei grundlegende serienfĂ€hige Prozessketten fĂŒr die Fertigung profilierter Bauteile entwickelt: Bei der Prozesskette 1 werden ebene FKM-Verbunde, bestehend aus optimiertem thermoplastischen Faser-Kunststoff und dĂŒnnwandigen Metalldecklagen, thermisch unterstĂŒtzt zu profilierten Strukturbauteilen umgeformt. Die Prozesskette 2 behandelt eine neue Prozessvariante, bei der wĂ€hrend der gemeinsamen Umformung von thermoplastischen Faser-KunstÂŹstoff-Verbunden und metallischen Blechen die Verbindung der Einzelwerkstoffe zu hybriden Strukturen prozessintegriert erfolgt. Bei der Technologieentwicklung wird die gesamte Prozesskette von der Temperierung der Materialien ĂŒber das Handling der Einzelkomponenten bis hin zur Umformung und AbkĂŒhlung der Teile unter Druckbeanspruchung betrachtet. FĂŒr diese Prozesskette wird ein Werkzeug ausgelegt und unter seriennahen Bedingungen umgesetzt. Die Machbarkeit beider Prozessvarianten wird an einem Technologiedemonstrator nachgewiesen und hinsichtlich der ProzessfĂ€higkeit und der Verfahrensgrenzen miteinander verglichen. Als branchenspezifischer Technologiedemonstrator wurde gemeinsam mit den projektbegleitenden Firmen der DachquertrĂ€ger einer PKW-Karosserie ausgewĂ€hlt. An der fertiggestellten Komponente werden die mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften bei statischer Belastung geprĂŒft. Ziel ist die Bewertung des Einsatzpotentials der untersuchten FK/M-Verbunde in Karosseriestrukturen von PKWs unter Leichtbaugesichtspunkten. Auf Basis des erarbeiteten Prozess-Know-hows können die Prozesszeiten und -kosten belastbar kalkuliert werden. Damit steht der Industrie zum Abschluss des Verbundprojekts ein umfassendes Instrument zur prozessorientierten Bauteilauslegung, Technologieplanung und Kalkulation anwendungsbereit fĂŒr die Serienfertigung zur VerfĂŒgung