22 research outputs found

    Globalization, biological invasions, and ecosystem changes in North America’s Great Lakes

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    INTRODUCTION Globalization, in the context of biological invasions, is the increased movement of species around the world. In this chapter, non-indigenous species (NIS) are defined as taxa moved from one geographic location of the world to another from which they were historically absent. The largest geographic barriers to species dispersal, the world’s oceans, have been circumvented by the development of a global economy. Increased demand for and transport of goods has resulted in the transfer - both intentional and unintentional - of NIS on unprecedented scales. For example, colonization rates of European crustaceans in North America are estimated to be 50 000 times background levels associated with natural dispersal (Hebert and Cristescu 2002). A number of dispersal vectors are responsible for transport of aquatic NIS, though transoceanic shipping has played a particularly important role as the global economy has expanded. Establishment of NIS represents one of the most significant threats to the world’s indigenous biota (Mooney and Drake 1989; Mack et al. 2000), in addition to adverse ecological and economic effects that they impart on lakes throughout the world (e.g., Hall and Mills 2000). For example, establishment of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) in Lake Victoria and peacock bass (Cichla ocellaris) in Gatun Lake resulted in extirpation or decline of native fish species (Zaret and Paine 1973; Ogutu-Ohwaya 1990; Witte et al. 1992). © Cambridge University Press 2007

    Bridging troubled waters: Biological invasions, transoceanic shipping, and the Laurentian Great Lakes

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    Release of contaminated ballast water by transoceanic ships has been implicated in more than 70% of faunal nonindigenous species (NIS) introductions to the Great Lakes since the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959. Contrary to expectation, the apparent invasion rate increased after the initiation of voluntary guidelines in 1989 and mandatory regulations in 1993 for open-ocean ballast water exchange by ships declaring ballast on board (BOB). However, more than 90% of vessels that entered during the 1990s declared no ballast on board (NOBOB) and were not required to exchange ballast, although their tanks contained residual sediments and water that would be discharged in the Great Lakes. Lake Superior receives a disproportionate number of discharges by both BOB and NOBOB ships, yet it has sustained surprisingly few initial invasions. Conversely, the waters connecting Lakes Huron and Erie are an invasion hotspot despite receiving disproportionately few ballast discharges. Other vectors, including canals and accidental release, have contributed NIS to the Great Lakes and may increase in relative importance in the future. Based on our knowledge of NIS previously established in the basin, we have developed a vector assignment protocol to systematically ascertain vectors by which invaders enter the Great Lakes

    Ballast-mediated animal introductions in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Retrospective and prospective analyses

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    Since completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, at least 43 nonindigenous species (NIS) of animals and protists have established in the Laurentian Great Lakes, of which ∼67% were attributed to discharge of ballast water from commercial ships. Twenty-three NIS were first discovered in four hotspot areas with a high representation of NIS, most notably the Lake Huron - Lake Erie corridor. Despite implementation of the voluntary (1989, Canada) and mandatory (1993, U.S.A.) ballast water exchange (BWE) regulations, NIS were discovered at a higher rate during the 1990s than in the preceding three decades. Here we integrate knowledge of species\u27 invasion histories, shipping traffic patterns, and physicochemical factors that constrain species\u27 survivorship during ballast-mediated transfer to assess the risk of future introductions to the Great Lakes. Our risk-assessment model identified 26 high-risk species that are likely to survive intercontinental transfer in ballast tanks. Of these, 10 species have already invaded the Great Lakes. An additional 37 lower-risk species, of which six have already invaded, show some but not all attributes needed for successful introduction under current BWE management. Our model indicates that the Great Lakes remain vulnerable to ship-mediated NIS invasions

    Lake Ontario zooplankton in 2003 and 2008: Community changes and vertical redistribution

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    <div><p>Lake-wide zooplankton surveys are critical for documenting and understanding food web responses to ecosystem change. Surveys in 2003 and 2008 during the binational intensive field year in Lake Ontario found that offshore epilimnetic crustacean zooplankton declined by a factor of 12 (density) and factor of 5 (biomass) in the summer with smaller declines in the fall. These declines coincided with an increase in abundance of <i>Bythotrephes</i> and are likely the result of direct predation by, or behavioral responses to this invasive invertebrate predator. Whole water column zooplankton density also declined from 2003 to 2008 in the summer and fall (factor of 4), but biomass only declined in the fall (factor of 2). The decline in biomass was less than the decline in density because the average size of individual zooplankton increased. This was due to changes in the zooplankton community composition from a cyclopoid/bosminid dominated community in 2003 to a calanoid dominated community in 2008. The increase in calanoid copepods was primarily due to the larger species <i>Limnocalanus macrurus</i> and <i>Leptodiaptomus sicilis</i>. These cold water species were found in and below the thermocline associated with a deep chlorophyll layer. In 2008, most of the zooplankton biomass resided in or below the thermocline during the day. Increased importance of copepods in deeper, colder water may favor Cisco and Rainbow Smelt over Alewife because these species are better adapted to cold temperatures than Alewife.</p></div