613 research outputs found

    Intermittency and non-Gaussian fluctuations of the global energy transfer in fully developed turbulence

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    We address the experimentally observed non-Gaussian fluctuations for the energy injected into a closed turbulent flow at fixed Reynolds number. We propose that the power fluctuations mirror the internal kinetic energy fluctuations. Using a stochastic cascade model, we construct the excess kinetic energy as the sum over the energy transfers at different levels of the cascade. We find an asymmetric distribution that strongly resembles the experimental data. The asymmetry is an explicit consequence of intermittency and the global measure is dominated by small scale events correlated over the entire system. Our calculation is consistent with the statistical analogy recently made between a confined turbulent flow and a critical system of finite size.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Nature of finite-temperature transition in anisotropic pyrochlore Er2Ti2O7

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    We study the finite-temperature transition in a model XY antiferromagnet on a pyrochlore lattice, which describes the pyrochlore material Er2Ti2O7. The ordered magnetic structure selected by thermal fluctuations is six-fold degenerate. Nevertheless, our classical Monte Carlo simulations show that the critical behavior corresponds to the three-dimensional XY universality class. We determine an additional critical exponent nu_6=0.75>nu characteristic of a dangerously irrelevant scaling variable. Persistent thermal fluctuations in the ordered phase are revealed in Monte Carlo simulations by the peculiar coexistence of Bragg peaks and diffuse magnetic scattering, the feature also observed in neutron diffraction experiments.Comment: 5+5 pages (including supplemental material

    Crystal Shape-Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility and Curie Law Crossover in the Spin Ices Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7

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    We present an experimental determination of the isothermal magnetic susceptibility of the spin ice materials Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7 in the temperature range 1.8-300 K. The use of spherical crystals has allowed the accurate correction for demagnetizing fields and allowed the true bulk isothermal susceptibility X_T(T) to be estimated. This has been compared to a theoretical expression based on a Husimi tree approximation to the spin ice model. Agreement between experiment and theory is excellent at T > 10 K, but systematic deviations occur below that temperature. Our results largely resolve an apparent disagreement between neutron scattering and bulk measurements that has been previously noted. They also show that the use of non-spherical crystals in magnetization studies of spin ice may introduce very significant systematic errors, although we note some interesting - and possibly new - systematics concerning the demagnetizing factor in cuboidal samples. Finally, our results show how experimental susceptibility measurements on spin ices may be used to extract the characteristic energy scale of the system and the corresponding chemical potential for emergent magnetic monopoles.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures 1 table. Manuscript submitte

    Neel order, ring exchange and charge fluctuations in the half-filled Hubbard model

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    We investigate the ground state properties of the two dimensional half-filled one band Hubbard model in the strong (large-U) to intermediate coupling limit ({\it i.e.} away from the strict Heisenberg limit) using an effective spin-only low-energy theory that includes nearest-neighbor exchange, ring exchange, and all other spin interactions to order t(t/U)^3. We show that the operator for the staggered magnetization, transformed for use in the effective theory, differs from that for the order parameter of the spin model by a renormalization factor accounting for the increased charge fluctuations as t/U is increased from the t/U -> 0 Heisenberg limit. These charge fluctuations lead to an increase of the quantum fluctuations over and above those for an S=1/2 antiferromagnet. The renormalization factor ensures that the zero temperature staggered moment for the Hubbard model is a monotonously decreasing function of t/U, despite the fact that the moment of the spin Hamiltonien, which depends on transverse spin fluctuations only, in an increasing function of t/U. We also comment on quantitative aspects of the t/U and 1/S expansions.Comment: 9 pages - 3 figures - References and details to help the reader adde

    Onsager's Wien Effect on a Lattice

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    The Second Wien Effect describes the non-linear, non-equilibrium response of a weak electrolyte in moderate to high electric fields. Onsager's 1934 electrodiffusion theory along with various extensions has been invoked for systems and phenomena as diverse as solar cells, surfactant solutions, water splitting reactions, dielectric liquids, electrohydrodynamic flow, water and ice physics, electrical double layers, non-Ohmic conduction in semiconductors and oxide glasses, biochemical nerve response and magnetic monopoles in spin ice. In view of this technological importance and the experimental ubiquity of such phenomena, it is surprising that Onsager's Wien effect has never been studied by numerical simulation. Here we present simulations of a lattice Coulomb gas, treating the widely applicable case of a double equilibrium for free charge generation. We obtain detailed characterisation of the Wien effect and confirm the accuracy of the analytical theories as regards the field evolution of the free charge density and correlations. We also demonstrate that simulations can uncover further corrections, such as how the field-dependent conductivity may be influenced by details of microscopic dynamics. We conclude that lattice simulation offers a powerful means by which to investigate system-specific corrections to the Onsager theory, and thus constitutes a valuable tool for detailed theoretical studies of the numerous practical applications of the Second Wien Effect.Comment: Main: 12 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information: 7 page

    Neutron scattering from fragmented frustrated magnets

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    The fragmentation description is used to analyse calculated neutron scattering intensities from kagom\'e ice and spin ice systems. The longitudinal, transverse and harmonic fragments produce independent contributions to the neutron scattering intensity. This framework is used to analyse the ordering due to quantum fluctuations in the topologically constrained phase of kagom\'e ice and the monopole crystal phase of spin ice. Here, quantum fluctuations are restricted to the transverse fragment and they drive the system into a double-qq structure in which longitudinal and transverse fragments have a different ordering wave vector. The intensity reduction of the Bragg peaks for the transverse fragments, compared with known classical limits can be used as a diagnostic tool for quantum fluctuations. Published quantum Monte Carlo data for spin ice in a [111][111] field are consistent with the proposed protocol.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    The multiple symmetry sustaining phase transitions of spin ice

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    We present the full phase diagram of the dumbbell model of spin ice as a function of temperature, chemical potential and staggered chemical potential which breaks the translational lattice symmetry in favour of charge crystal ordering. We observe a double winged structure with five possible phases, monopole fluid (spin ice), fragmented single monopole crystal phases and double monopole crystal, the zinc blend structure. Our model provides a skeleton for liquid-liquid phase transitions and for the winged structures observed for itinerant magnets under pressure and external field. We relate our results to recent experiments on Ho2_2Ir2_2O7_7 and propose a wide ranging set of new experiments that exploit the phase diagram, including high pressure protocols, dynamical scaling of Kibble-Zurek form and universal violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Quantum order by disorder and accidental soft mode Er2Ti2O7

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    Motivated by recent neutron scattering experiments, we derive and study an effective "pseudo-dipolar" spin-1/2 model for the XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Ti2O7. While a bond-dependent in-plane exchange anisotropy removes any continuous symmetry, it does lead to a one-parameter `accidental' classical degeneracy. This degeneracy is lifted by quantum fluctuations in favor of the non-coplanar spin structure observed experimentally -- a rare experimental instance of quantum order by disorder. A non-Goldstone low-energy mode is present in the excitation spectrum in accordance with inelastic neutron scattering data. Our theory also resolves the puzzle of the experimentally observed continuous ordering transition, absent from previous models.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, final versio