8,384 research outputs found

    Soliton-like phenomena in one-dimensional cross-diffusion systems: a predator-prey pursuit and evasion example

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    We have studied properties of nonlinear waves in a mathematical model of a predator-prey system with pursuit and evasion. We demonstrate a new type of propagating wave in this system. The mechanism of propagation of these waves essentially depends on the ``taxis'', represented by nonlinear ``cross-diffusion'' terms in the mathematical formulation. We have shown that the dependence of the velocity of wave propagation on the taxis has two distinct forms, ``parabolic'' and ``linear''. Transition from one form to the other correlates with changes in the shape of the wave profile. Dependence of the propagation velocity on diffusion in this system differs from the square-root dependence typical of reaction-diffusion waves. We demonstrate also that, for systems with negative and positive taxis, for example, pursuit and evasion, there typically exists a large region in the parameter space, where the waves demonstrate quasisoliton interaction: colliding waves can penetrate through each other, and waves can also reflect from impermeable boundaries.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Physica

    Genetic diversity at the FMR1 locus in the Indonesian population

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    We report an analysis of allelic diversity at short tandem repeat polymorphisms within the fragile XA locus in 1069 male volunteers from twelve Indonesian sub-populations. An odd numbered allele of DXS548 was found at high frequency in all Indonesian populations. Greater allelic diversity was identified at the loci under study than has been previously reported for an Asian population. These differences distinguish the Indonesian population from all previously reported Asian, European and African populations. A high frequency of small premutation alleles, 4/120 (3.3%, 95% CI 0.9–8.3%), was identified in the Moluccan population of Hiri Island

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Radio-Selected Galaxy Overdensity at z=1.11

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    We report the discovery of a galaxy overdensity at z=1.11 associated with the z=1.110 high-redshift radio galaxy MG0442+0202. The group, CL0442+0202, was found in a near-infrared survey of z>1 radio galaxies undertaken to identify spatially-coincident regions with a high density of objects red in I-K' color, typical of z>1 elliptical galaxies. Spectroscopic observations from the Keck telescope reveal five galaxies within 35" of MG0442+0202 at 1.10<z<1.11. These member galaxies have broad-band colors and optical spectra consistent with passively-evolving elliptical galaxies formed at high redshift. A 45ks Chandra X-Ray Observatory observation detects the radio galaxy and four point sources within 15" of the radio galaxy, corresponding to a surface density two orders of magnitude higher than average for X-ray sources at these flux levels, S(0.5-2keV) > 5e-16 erg/cm2/s. One of these point sources is identified with a radio-quiet, typeII quasar at z=1.863, akin to sources recently reported in deep Chandra surveys. The limit on an extended hot intracluster medium in the Chandra data is S(1-6keV) < 1.9e-15 erg/cm2/s (3-sigma, 30" radius aperture). Though the X-ray observations do not confirm the existence of a massive, bound cluster at z>1, the success of the optical/near-infrared targeting of early-type systems near the radio galaxy validates searches using radio galaxies as beacons for high-redshift large-scale structure. We interpret CL0442+0202 to be a massive cluster in the process of formation.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA): Analysis of the orbiter main propulsion system

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    The results of the Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA) of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Critical Items List (CIL) are presented. The IOA approach features a top-down analysis of the hardware to determine failure modes, criticality, and potential critical items (PCIs). To preserve independence, this analysis was accomplished without reliance upon the results contained within the NASA FMEA/CIL documentation. The independent analysis results for the Orbiter Main Propulsion System (MPS) hardware are documented. The Orbiter MPS consists of two subsystems: the Propellant Management Subsystem (PMS) and the Helium Subsystem. The PMS is a system of manifolds, distribution lines and valves by which the liquid propellants pass from the External Tank (ET) to the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and gaseous propellants pass from the SSMEs to the ET. The Helium Subsystem consists of a series of helium supply tanks and their associated regulators, check valves, distribution lines, and control valves. The Helium Subsystem supplies helium that is used within the SSMEs for inflight purges and provides pressure for actuation of SSME valves during emergency pneumatic shutdowns. The balance of the helium is used to provide pressure to operate the pneumatically actuated valves within the PMS. Each component was evaluated and analyzed for possible failure modes and effects. Criticalities were assigned based on the worst possible effect of each failure mode. Of the 690 failure modes analyzed, 349 were determined to be PCIs

    Irish Dairy Farming: Effects of Introducing a Maize Component on Grassland Management Over the Next 50 Years

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    Typical management of Irish dairy units is based on a low-cost spring-calving strategy with 90% of annual feed derived from grass grown on the farm. Almost 70% of feed is from grazed grass managed by rotational grazing, the remainder is conserved forage and concentrates. The objectives of the work were to examine how the management system has to be modified when part of the dairy unit land is allocated to maize silage instead of grass silage production, and to examine how climate change over the next 50 years will impact on grass and maize management within the production system

    Surface structure on abandoned upland blanket peatland tracks

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    Temporary permissions are often granted for track use on peatlands. However, even when peatland track designs attempt to minimise environmental impacts via use of mesh systems, such linear disturbances may have persistent impacts. We evaluated the surface peatland structure of five abandoned tracks (four with a mesh surface, one unsurfaced) with varying past usage frequencies, at an upland site in northern England. Simplification of the surface nanotopography was found on all tracks compared to surrounding control areas, with increased micro-erosion patterns in rutted areas, and invasive species on some treatments. The frequency of previous usage was not found to be a significant factor controlling nano-topographic loss. Edge effects and hillslope position were influential in places, but these effects were not consistent across treatments. Nano-topographic recovery was found to be inhibited when track usage commenced within a short time frame after track construction. Mesh tracks appear to create a spatial constraint leading to poor development of plants and a reduced ability to form characteristic structures which are integral to mire function

    Blanket bogs exhibit significant alterations to physical properties as a result of temporary track removal or abandonment

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    Temporarily consented tracks made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) mesh have been used to mitigate both the physical and ecological impacts on peatlands from low-frequency vehicle usage. However, the impacts of mesh track removal or abandonment at the end of the consented period remain poorly understood. Over a 2-year period, we studied replicate sections of abandoned mesh track which, at the start of the experiment, had been unused for approximately 5 years, on a UK blanket bog. Some sections were removed (using two treatment methods – vegetation mown and unprepared), whereas others were left in situ. Metrics were compared both between treatments and to undisturbed reference areas. Significant differences in surface soil moisture were found between abandoned and removed tracks depending on season. Control areas had higher volumetric soil moisture than track locations. Compaction was significantly higher across all track locations in comparison to controls (p < 0.001), but rarefaction was not recorded post-removal, suggesting long-term deformation. Overland flow events were recorded in rut sections for a mean of 16% of the time, compared to <1% in control areas. Sediment traps on the tracks collected 0.406 kg compared to 0.0048 kg from the control traps, equating to a per trap value of 7.3 g from track samplers and 0.17 g from control samplers. Erosion and desiccation features occurred on both removed and abandoned track sections. Both abandonment and removal of mesh tracks have a wide range of impacts on the physical properties of peatlands, suggesting that only where access is a necessity should such a track be installed

    Pursuit-evasion predator-prey waves in two spatial dimensions

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    We consider a spatially distributed population dynamics model with excitable predator-prey dynamics, where species propagate in space due to their taxis with respect to each other's gradient in addition to, or instead of, their diffusive spread. Earlier, we have described new phenomena in this model in one spatial dimension, not found in analogous systems without taxis: reflecting and self-splitting waves. Here we identify new phenomena in two spatial dimensions: unusual patterns of meander of spirals, partial reflection of waves, swelling wavetips, attachment of free wave ends to wave backs, and as a result, a novel mechanism of self-supporting complicated spatio-temporal activity, unknown in reaction-diffusion population models.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Chao
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