41 research outputs found

    The Common Market and The United States—A Dialogue of Continents

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    In the course of the seven years since its establishment, the European Economic Community (Common Market) has accumulated so much experience and has tackled so many problems that to deal with them in one single lecture or article is well-nigh impossible. The fact, however, that many of the topics in question carry with them noteworthy implications for the United States, makes such a task challenging

    Chemische Untersuchungen des Passionsblumenkrautextraktes KY 705 P

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    Passionsblumenkraut wird in der Phytotherapie als Sedativum und Anxiolytikum angewandt. Viele pharmakologische Arbeiten mit kontroversen Angaben hinsichtlich des wirksamen Prinzips wurden bislang publiziert. Eine indische Arbeitsgruppe um Dhawan hat aus P. incarnata ein trisubstituiertes Benzoflavon isoliert, welches an Mäusen signifikante anxiolytische Wirkung zeigte und Entzugserscheinungen z.B. bei Morphinabhängigkeit minderte. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Fraktionierung des Extraktes KY 705 P aus Passionsblumenkraut nach der Methode von Dhawan, die Charakterisierung der Fraktionen mittels HPLC und die Isolierung des BZF. Mittels HPLC-DAD konnte das BZF nicht detektiert werden. Aus einer mit ASE gewonnenen PE-Fraktion konnten mittels Säulenchromatographie unter UV366nm fluoreszierende Komponenten isoliert werden, deren Rf-Werte den von Dhawan beschriebenen entsprachen. Eine Komponente wurde mittels NMR als Phytolisomer identifiziert. BZF-ähnliche Substanzen wurden nur in minimalen Spuren gefunden, sodass NMR-Messungen nicht möglich waren. “BZF“ kommt damit nicht als Wirkstoff des Extraktes KY 705 P in Frage.In phytotherapy, passionflower herb has a long tradition in sedative and anxiolytic treatment, although the therapeutic principle has not been identified. An Indian group published the bioactivity-guided isolation of a tri-substituted benzoflavone (BZF) moiety from P. incarnata in 2001; due to consideration of a patent the structure was not given. BZF showed anxiolytic effects in mice and was considered as the active principle of passionflower herb. The objective of this thesis was to fractionate extract KY 705 P from Passionflower herb, to characterise the obtained fractions by HPLC-DAD, to isolate the BZF and finally to identify its chemical structure using NMR spectroscopy. On TLC plates spots showing blue fluorescence at similar Rf-values as published were detected. Those substances were isolated from the petroleum ether fraction using column chromatography. An isomer of the terpene alcohol phytol was identified using NMR-spectroscopy. A BZF-like substance was only isolated in trace amounts. Obviously BZF is not the active principle in passionflower extract KY 705 P

    United States aid to Vietnam

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    Economic and social reforms

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    Aspects of agrarian reform

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    Israel as a foreign aid donor

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    Fusionen im amerikanischen Bankwesen | Probleme und Tendenzen

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    Mergers in the American Banking Business Problems and Trends Starting from the increasing number of bank mergers in the past 15 years, the first chapter of this monograph gives a survey of the latest developments in the pertinent legislation of the United States. In particular, the Bank Merger Act of 1960 was intended to exercise control over mergers and provide uniform criteria for the authorities’ decisions on merger applications. "The act was amended in 1966 when divergent opinions occurred among the authorities in the socalled Philadelphia case. Banking must be ranked somewhere between the controlled and non-controlled sectors of the economy. The second chapter goes a little more thoroughly into the economic and social objectives. Bankers and authorities support the view that the banks compete with other institutions over almost the intirerange of their business activities, but this opinion is not uncontested. Incidentally, some authors feel that competition could be intensified by amending the regulations and standards applied by the authorities. For example, they are of the opinion that mergers restrain competition. On the other hand, the establishment of bank branches should be liberalized in the USA. The arguments advanced from various quarters against such measures to intensify competition from the standpoint of control of business and central bank policy are dealt with in detail and refuted. However, essential differences in banking competition, as compared with other business undertakings, are the criteria of financial standing and solvency. Proceeding from the consideration that the concentration within a market is usually a measure of the degree of competition, the study examines whether competition, financial standing and solvency conflict with each other as social objectives for the banking business. Empirical studies based on statistical series of interst rates for debit and credit balances have not produced uniform results. But there is much to support the view that credit mobility, which depends inter alia on the balancing of liquid resources, is better in langer institutions. Studies of costs and benefits show slight advantages for a branch banking system. This thesis is substantiated in the third chapter. In a branch banking system the conflict of social objectives is the least serious. Merger policy should be judged from this standpoint