5 research outputs found

    Empirical research of student leadership’s content parameters

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    The aim of this article was to perform a retrospective analysis and generalization of the content parameters of student leadership through an empirical study. Sociometric method and psychodiagnostic instruments were used to establish the values of student group leaders. Significant correlations between the studied leadership parameters were found. The sociometric status of student leaders was determined and their values were clarified. The stages and challenges of forming student leadership qualities were outlined. The model of the development of student leadership qualities was graphically constructed and substantiated. It was generalized that the empirical study of the content parameters of student leadership contains significant scientific facts that should be implemented in the educational process; the data can be useful to university administrations and student group curators

    Tax Policy Formation in the Context of European Integration Processes

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    The article deals with the study of the process of tax policy formation in the context of European integration. The relationship and influence of European integration processes on the formation of tax policy is determined. The analysis of the impact of European integration on the country's tax policy and the main aspects that have an impact on the formation of tax policy were investigated. The article emphasizes the role of European standards and recommendations in construction an effective tax policy. Prospective directions of tax policy formation in connection with European integration processes are considered. The main problems of tax policy formation and aspects of the obligations defined by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union are described, including: harmonization of tax legislation, efforts against tax evasion and tax avoidance, ensuring transparency and efficiency of the tax system. In addition, the article mentions the positive impact of European integration on the development of the business environment and the creation of conditions for investment attraction. Measures to be implemented to ensure a fair and efficient tax policy, as well as to reduce tax barriers to attract investment and prevent tax evasion are also defined. The main changes in the norms of tax legislation, which must be made in accordance with the requirements of the European Union, are considered. It is noted that the development and adoption of certain norms of tax legislation are insufficient, since it is also necessary to form the administrative potential of the tax administration. The challenges facing the country in adapting to European standards in the field of taxation are considered and described. According to the draft Plan for the Recovery of Ukraine, the main goals of tax policy formation are reflected, taking into account the requirements of Ukraine's integration into the European Union. The main areas of tax reform have been determined, including: formation of a favorable tax policy for economic growth; adaptation of the norms of tax legislation in accordance with the Association Agreement to the requirements of the European Union; improvement of tax administration to increase investment activity

    Research of students’ ideas about the actual and expected image of university corporate culture

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    The purpose of the article is an empirical research and theoretical substantiation of students’ ideas about the actual and expected image of university corporate culture. Materials and research methods: valid psychodiagnostic tools made it possible to determine the content-related parameters of university corporate culture relevantly and compare the studied images; a correlation matrix was construct; reliability coefficients for the obtained data were applied. Results. Differences were identified in four types of actual and expected images of corporate culture: Closed (CT), Random (RT), Open (OT), and Synchronous (ST). The author established the prevalence of the closed type (CT) of the actual image of university corporate culture (t= -2.31; p<.05). An open type (OT) was recorded (t=2.41; p<.05) as an expected image of corporate culture. The interrelation between the parameters of students’ social expectations and the parameters of the types of the desired image corporate culture was fixed. Conclusions. Students’ ideas about the actual and expected images of university corporate culture are related to the parameters of social expectations and ascertain the self-regulatory readiness of respondents for future professional activity. &nbsp

    Диспозиційний саморозвиток майбутніх фахівців соціономічного профілю

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    The purpose was to conduct empirical research and theoretically substantiate the correlation between the parameters of dispositional self-development of future specialists of the socioeconomic profile and the factors of professional growth. It is substantiated and generalized that dispositional self-development is the readiness and inclination of future specialists of the socionomic profile to self-education, self-creation, and self-improvement, which is capable of ensuring permanent professional growth and professional development. Participants of the empirical study are seekers of three academic degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctor of Philosophy) studying at three Ukrainian higher education institutions, and are future socioeconomic specialists. The age of the research participants ranged from 17 to 32 years (M=21.06; Me=21.00; SD=5.84), with a total of n=132. Methods: “Dispositional Characteristics of Personality Self-Development” (DCPSD) (Kuzikova, 2017); “Personal Orientation Inventory” (РОІ) (Shostrom, 1964); “The Method of Diagnosing the Individual’s Motivation to Achieve Success and Avoid Failure” (MDIMASAF) (Elers, 2002); methods of mathematical statistics. Results. In the comparison of low, medium, and high levels of dispositional self-development parameters, no statistically significant differences were found (р>.05). It was discovered that the dispositional self-development parameters “Need for Self-Development”, “Conditions of Self-Development”, and “Mechanisms of Self-Development” had statistically significant correlations with the parameters of self-actualization and motivation to achieve success (р<.050; р<.010). When compared to other parameters, it is proved that the “Need of Self-Development” (NSD) was a reflection of the phenomenon’s cognitive intentions and was the most important parameter of the respondents’ dispositional self-development (nine significant correlations – the greatest number). Discussion and сonclusions. It was substantiated and proven that dispositional self-development is an important component of future specialists’ self-actualization, self-education, and quality professional training. The scientific findings should be applied in educational and professional activities.Метою є емпіричне дослідження і теоретичне обґрунтування зв’язку параметрів диспозиційного саморозвитку майбутніх фахівців соціономічного профілю з чинниками професійного зростання. Обґрунтовано й узагальнено, що диспозиційний саморозвиток є готовністю і схильністю до самоосвіти, самотворення і самовдосконалення майбутніх фахівців соціономічного профілю, який здатен забезпечити перманентне професійне зростання і становлення фахівця. Учасниками емпіричного дослідження є здобувачі трьох рівнів освіти (бакалавр, магістр і доктор філософії), які навчаються у трьох закладах вищої освіти України і є майбутніми фахівцями соціономічного профілю. Вік досліджуваних – від 17 до 32 років (M=21.06; Me=21.00; SD=5.84), загальною кількістю n=132. Методи: методика “Диспозиційна характеристика саморозвитку особистості” (ДХСО) (Kuzikova, 2017); “Personal Orientation Inventory” (РОІ) E. Shostrom (1964); методика діагностики мотивації особистості до досягнення успіху й уникнення невдачі (МДУУН) (Elers, 2002); методи математичної статистики. Результати. Зафіксовано відсутність статистично достовірних відмінностей у порівнянні низького рівня з середніми та високими рівнями параметрів диспозиційного саморозвитку (р>.05). З’ясовано, що параметри диспозиційного саморозвитку: “потреба саморозвитку”, “умови саморозвитку”, “механізми саморозвитку” мають статистично достовірні кореляційні зв’язки з параметрами самоактуалізації і мотивації до досягнення успіху (р<.050; р<.010). Доказано, що “потреба саморозвитку” (ПС) є відображенням когнітивних інтенцій феномену і є найважливішим параметром диспозиційного саморозвитку респондентів (дев’ять достовірних зв’язків – найбільше), порівняно з іншими параметрами. Дискусія і висновки. Обґрунтовано і доказано, що диспозиційний саморозвиток є важливою складовою у самоактуалізації, самоосвіті і якісній професійній підготовці майбутніх фахівців. Отримані наукові факти доцільно впровадити у навчально-професійну діяльність

    Development of Marketing Strategy on the Example of it Company

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    In modern conditions, when market factors have gained even more influence, and the behavior of business structures has become less predictable, companies have to rethink their activities and focus on using the concept of marketing as a management tool. The growth of competition has created conditions for the active use of a marketing approach in order to solve management and sales tasks and increase competitive advantages. The chronology of the development of marketing, which includes 6 main stages, was studied. The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “marketing” are analyzed, among which the following are distinguished: philosophical, managerial, organizational, functional, essential, valuable and institutional. Marketing is an activity aimed to generate demand, promote the company’s products/services, attract the attention of consumers and satisfy their needs through the purchase process. The main elements of the marketing strategy were characterized, namely: analysis of the promotion market, research of the target audience, definition of competitors, analysis of the current state of the company, definition of development goals, positioning and development of advertising promotion. The object of the study was the IT company “Uvik Software”, which has been operating on the market since 2013 and specializes in IT services. The current state of marketing activities of the IT company “Uvik Software” was analyzed. A marketing strategy was developed for the IT company “Uvik Software”, in particular, a market analysis was carried out, an analysis of competitors and their products, an analysis of the target audience (a portrait of the target audience was drawn up according to the following parameters: industry, location, financial condition, number of employees and necessary services), carried out SWOT analysis of the company, development goals (business goals, marketing goals, communication goals and media goals), positioning and advertising promotion advice are given. A content plan of publications for the company under study has been created