68 research outputs found

    How educational is experience? An excursion into John Dewey s Art as Experience

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    The concept of experience by Dewey is a promising basis for educational reflection. With Art as Experience as a point of departure the possibilities and limitation of the concept of experience are studied. In a first step the concept is studied on an anthropological level as an understanding of the relationship between the person and her world. In a second step the concept is discussed on the basis of the distinction between “aesthetic quality” of experience and of “aesthetic experience”. In the third and last step the educational implications of the Deweyan distinction between statement and expression are examined. The analysis of Art as Experience shows that the concept of experience only to a limited extend does lend itself to the theory of education and needs a revision in order to be able to function as its theoretical basis. PESGB Annual Conference 2012 30 Mar to 01 Apr 2012 New College, Oxford Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britai

    Kunst og estetisk oppdragelse

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    Med utgangspunkt i begrepet presentativ symbolikk foretas en grenseoppgang mellom kunst og estetisk kommunikasjon og mellom kunst og estetisk oppdragelse: Den estetiske kommunikasjonen er mediert av presentativ symbolikk, mens kunst er en særskilt estetisk kommunikasjon som utforsker verdenen. Estetisk oppdragelse er barnas innføring i estetisk kommunikasjon og samtidig barnas transformative tilegning av dens betydninger i opplevelsen. Den estetiske kommunikasjonen og den estetiske oppdragelsen favner videre enn kunsten og dens formidling og berører alle sider ved hverdagen, måten å kle seg på å bo på, å omgås hverandre på. Kunst og oppdragelse opererer med ulike gyldighetskriterier: Kunsten utvider den kulturelle opplevelseshorisonten, oppdragelsen tar sikte på å utvide den individuelle. Det betyr at kunsten ikke uten videre kan legitimere pedagogiske innhold. De må nemlig begrunnes danningsteoretisk og ut fra følgende spørsmål: Har innholdet verdi for barnas erfaring og for deres framtid? Og hvordan kan innholdet knyttes til barnas erfaring

    Oppdragelsen til verdensborgerskap i kunstnerisk perspektiv

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    In this text, features of fiction are discussed as to their ability for handling cultural diversity in cosmopolitan education. The argument is developed in two steps. First, the biblical story about the construction of the the tower of Babel is analyzed and discussed with respect to what is says about diversity and how it says it. In a second step, aspects of art are gathered from various sources, Aristotle, Cassirer, Gadamer, Langer, Kant, Rorty, in order to define the communicative possibilieties of art with respect to cosmopolitan education

    Double ionization of helium by electron-impact: complete pictures of the four-body breakup dynamics

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    The dynamics of He double ionization by 2 keV electron impact is studied experimentally for a momentum transfer of 0.6 a.u. at excess energies of 10 and 40 eV. Complete sets of fivefold differential cross sections are presented for all electron emission angles in coplanar geometry. Contributions beyond the first Born approximation are identified comparing experimental data with first order convergent close-coupling calculations which are in considerably better agreement with the present experiment than with the earlier measurement of Kheifets et al. [J. Phys. B 32, 5047 (1999)]

    Appearance and disappearance of the second Born effects in the (e,3e) reaction in He

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    We demonstrate, both experimentally and theoretically, clear manifestation of the second Born effects in the angular distributions of two ejected electrons produced by a 500 eV electron impact on the He atom in the so-called (e,3e) reaction. The second Born contribution, due to subsequent interaction of the projectile with the target, is most prominent for glancing collisions with small momentum transfer. However, these effects are absent for hard knock-out collisions with large momentum transfer

    Projectile-Charge Sign Dependence of Four-Particle Dynamics in Helium Double Ionization

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    Double ionization of helium by 6 MeV proton impact has been explored in a kinematically complete experiment using a “reaction microscope.” For the first time, fully differential cross sections for positively charged projectiles have been obtained and compared with data from 2 keV electron impact. The significant differences observed in the angular distribution of the ejected electrons are attributed to the charge sign of the projectile, resulting in different dynamics of the four-particle Coulomb system, which is not considered in the first Born approximation

    Separation of Recollision Mechanisms in Nonsequential Strong Field Double Ionization of Ar: The Role of Excitation Tunneling

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    Vector momentum distributions of two electrons created in double ionization of Ar by 25 fs, 0.25PW/cm2 laser pulses at 795 nm have been measured using a “reaction microscope.” At this intensity, where nonsequential ionization dominates, distinct correlation patterns are observed in the two-electron momentum distributions. A kinematical analysis of these spectra within the classical “recollision model” revealed an (e,2e)-like process and excitation with subsequent tunneling of the second electron as two different ionization mechanisms. This allows a qualitative separation of the two mechanisms demonstrating that excitation-tunneling is the dominant contribution to the total double ionization yield

    Non-Sequential Double Ionization of Ne in Intense Laser Pulses: A Coincidence Experiment

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    The dynamics of Neon double ionization by 25 fs, 1.0 PW/cm2 laser pulses at 795 nm has been studied in a many particle coincidence experiment. The momentum vectors of all ejected atomic fragments (electrons and ions) have been measured using combined electron and recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy. Electron emission spectra for double and single ionization will be discussed. In both processes the mean electron energies differ considerably and high energetic electrons with energies of more than 120 eV have been observed for double ionization. The experimental results are in qualitative agreement with the rescattering model

    The Acute Liver Injury in Mice Caused by Nano-Anatase TiO2

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    Although it is known that nano-TiO2or other nanoparticles can induce liver toxicities, the mechanisms and the molecular pathogenesis are still unclear. In this study, nano-anatase TiO2(5 nm) was injected into the abdominal cavity of ICR mice for consecutive 14 days, and the inflammatory responses of liver of mice was investigated. The results showed the obvious titanium accumulation in liver DNA, histopathological changes and hepatocytes apoptosis of mice liver, and the liver function damaged by higher doses nano-anatase TiO2. The real-time quantitative RT-PCR and ELISA analyses showed that nano-anatase TiO2can significantly alter the mRNA and protein expressions of several inflammatory cytokines, including nucleic factor-κB, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, interleukin-1β, cross-reaction protein, interleukin-4, and interleukin-10. Our results also implied that the inflammatory responses and liver injury may be involved in nano-anatase TiO2-induced liver toxicity