3,148 research outputs found

    Green light for gene targeting in plants

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    Cosmids: a type of plasmid gene-cloning vector that is packageable in vitro in bacteriophage lambda heads.

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    Educational systems around the world judge student academic performance based upon reading and writing abilities, with evidence of critical thinking playing an essential role. In order to improve business education, a better understanding of students’ critical thinking and communication skill is required. This study aimed at assessing reading, writing, and critical thinking skills of accounting students using validated instruments: (a) Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, (b) Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test, and (c) Flesch Reading Ease (English and Portuguese). Students wrote a short essay that was evaluated for writing quality and critical thinking based on the EW-CTET. Scores provided indications of good writing quality and evidence of high levels of critical thinking. No significant differences (i.e., gender, parenthood, program level, and program stage) of measured reading levels of the written products were found. Elements for improving learners’ performance aligned with their critical thinking skills are discussed along with a deep reflection on how educators would behave as agents of change in the reported scenario. Observed cultural differences in critical thinking related to perception of authority should be examined in further investigations.Sistemas educacionales alrededor del mundo evalúan el desempeño académico de los alumnos con base en habilidades de lectura y redacción, con evidencias sobre el papel esencial del raciocinio crítico. Para mejorar la educación en el área de negocios es necesario mejor entendimiento sobre el raciocinio crítico de los alumnos, así como sobre sus habilidades de comunicación. Esta investigación se centró en la evaluación de habilidades de lectura, redacción y raciocinio crítico de alumnos de contabilidad utilizando instrumentos validados: (a) Cuestionario de Estrategias Motivadoras para Aprendizaje (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, MSLQ), (b) Prueba Escrita de Raciocinio Crítico de Ennis-Weir (Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test, EW-CTET), y (c) Indicador Flesch de Facilidad de Lectura (Flesch Reading Ease, en Inglés y versión adaptada al Portugués). Los participantes escribieron una pequeña redacción que fue evaluada en términos de calidad de escrita y de raciocinio crítico con base en el EW-CTET. Los resultados mostraron la buena calidad de la escrita e hicieron evidentes los niveles elevados de raciocinio crítico. Diferencias significativas (por ejemplo: género, maternidad / paternidad, nivel de estudios, y nivel en el programa) no fueron observadas en las métricas sobre niveles de facilidad de lectura de los productos escritos generados por los participantes. Elementos para la mejora del desempeño de los participantes alineados con sus habilidades de raciocinio crítico son discutidos juntamente con la reflexión profunda sobre el comportamiento de educadores como agentes de cambio en este escenario. Se sugiere que las diferencias culturales sobre raciocinio crítico observadas en este estudio relacionadas con la percepción de autoridad sean examinadas en futuras investigaciones.Sistemas educacionais ao redor do mundo avaliam o desempenho acadêmico de alunos com base em habilidades de leitura e redação, com evidências sobre o papel essencial do raciocínio crítico. Para aprimorar a educação na área de negócios é necessário melhor entendimento sobre o raciocínio crítico dos alunos, bem como sobre suas habilidades de comunicação. Esta pesquisa focou na avaliação de habilidades de leitura, redação e raciocínio crítico de alunos de contabildiade utilizando instrumentos validados: (a) Questionário de Estratégias Motivadoras para Aprendizagem (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, MSLQ), (b) Teste Escrito de Raciocínio Crítico de Ennis-Weir (Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test, EW-CTET), e (c) Indicador Flesch de Facilidade de Leitura (Flesch Reading Ease, em Inglês e versão adaptada para o Português). Os participantes escreveram uma pequena redação que foi avaliada em termos de qualidade de escrita e raciocínio crítico com base no EW-CTET. Os resultados trouxeram indicações de boa qualidade de escrita e evidência de níveis elevados de raciocínio crítico. Diferenças significativas (e.g., gênero, maternidade/paternidade, nível de estudos, e estágio no programa) não foram observadas nas métricas sobre níveis de facilidade de leitura dos produtos escritos gerados pelos participantes. Elementos para o aprimoramento de desempenho dos participantes alinhados com suas habilidades de raciocínio crítico são discutidos juntamente com reflexão profunda sobre comportamento de educadores como agentes de mudança neste cenário. Sugere-se que diferenças culturais sobre raciocínio crítico observadas neste estudo relacionadas com a percepção de autoridade sejam examinadas em futuras investigações

    Elevated UV-B radiation reduces genome stability in plants

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    Long-term depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer contributes to an increase in terrestrial solar ultraviolet-B radiation1,2,3^{1,2,3}. This has deleterious effects on living organisms, such as DNA damage4,5^{4,5}. When exposed to elevated ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B; 280–315 nm), plants display a wide variety of physiological and morphological responses characterized as acclimation and adaptation6^{6}. Here we show, using special sun simulators, that elevated solar UV-B doses increase the frequency of somatic homologous DNA rearrangements in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants. Increases in recombination are accompanied by a strong induction of photolyase and Rad51 gene expression. These genes are putatively involved in major DNA repair pathways, photoreactivation and recombination repair7,8^{7,8}. In mutant Arabidopsis plants that are deficient in photoreactivating ultraviolet-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, recombination under elevated UV-B regimes greatly exceeds wild-type levels. Our results show that homologous recombination repair pathways might be involved in eliminating UV-B-induced DNA lesions in plants. Thus, increases in terrestrial solar UV-B radiation as forecasted for the early 21st century may affect genome stability in plants

    Imaging stress and magnetism at high pressures using a nanoscale quantum sensor

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    Pressure alters the physical, chemical and electronic properties of matter. The development of the diamond anvil cell (DAC) enables tabletop experiments to investigate a diverse landscape of high-pressure phenomena ranging from the properties of planetary interiors to transitions between quantum mechanical phases. In this work, we introduce and utilize a novel nanoscale sensing platform, which integrates nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers directly into the culet (tip) of diamond anvils. We demonstrate the versatility of this platform by performing diffraction-limited imaging (~600 nm) of both stress fields and magnetism, up to pressures ~30 GPa and for temperatures ranging from 25-340 K. For the former, we quantify all six (normal and shear) stress components with accuracy <0.01<0.01 GPa, offering unique new capabilities for characterizing the strength and effective viscosity of solids and fluids under pressure. For the latter, we demonstrate vector magnetic field imaging with dipole accuracy <1011<10^{-11} emu, enabling us to measure the pressure-driven αϵ\alpha\leftrightarrow\epsilon phase transition in iron as well as the complex pressure-temperature phase diagram of gadolinium. In addition to DC vector magnetometry, we highlight a complementary NV-sensing modality using T1 noise spectroscopy; crucially, this demonstrates our ability to characterize phase transitions even in the absence of static magnetic signatures. By integrating an atomic-scale sensor directly into DACs, our platform enables the in situ imaging of elastic, electric and magnetic phenomena at high pressures.Comment: 18 + 50 pages, 4 + 19 figure

    ARC‐1, a sequence element complementary to an internal 18S rRNA segment, enhances translation efficiency in plants when present in the leader or intercistronic region of mRNAs

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    The sequences of different plant viral leaders with known translation enhancer ability show partial complementarity to the central region of 18S rRNA. Such complementarity might serve as a means to attract 40S ribosomal subunits and explain in part the translation‐enhancing property of these sequences. To verify this notion, we designed β‐glucuronidase (GUS) mRNAs differing only in the nature of 10 nt inserts in the center of their 41 base leaders. These were complementary to consecutive domains of plant 18S rRNA. Sucrose gradient analysis revealed that leaders with inserts complementary to regions 1105-1114 and 1115-1124 (‘ARC‐1') of plant 18S rRNA bound most efficiently to the 40S ribosomal subunit after dissociation from 80S ribosomes under conditions of high ionic strength, a treatment known to remove translation initiation factors. Using wheat germ cell‐free extracts, we could demonstrate that mRNAs with these leaders were translated more than three times more efficiently than a control lacking such a complementarity. Three linked copies of the insert enhanced translation of reporter mRNA to levels comparable with those directed by the natural translation enhancing leaders of tobacco mosaic virus and potato virus Y RNAs. Moreover, inserting the same leaders as intercistronic sequences in dicistronic mRNAs substantially increased translation of the second cistron, thereby revealing internal ribosome entry site activity. Thus, for plant systems, the complementary interaction between mRNA leader and the central region of 18S rRNA allows cap‐independent binding of mRNA to the 43S pre‐initiation complex without assistance of translation initiation factor

    Occult axillary node metastases in breast cancer: their detection and prognostic significance.

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    Although the presence of axillary node metastases in breast cancer is a key prognostic indicator and may influence treatment decisions, a significant proportion of patients diagnosed as axillary node negative (ANN) using standard histopathological techniques may have occult nodal metastases (OMs). A combination of limited step-sectioning (4 x 100 microns intervals) and immunohistochemical staining (with cytokeratin (MNF.116) and MUC1 (BC2) antibodies) was used to detect OM in a retrospective series of 208 ANN patients. OMs were found in 53 patients (25%), and both step-sectioning and immunohistochemical detection significantly improved detection (P < 0.05). Detection using BC2 (25%) was superior to MNF.116 (18%) and haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (8%). OMs were found in 51 patients using only the first and deepest sectioning levels and BC2 staining. OMs were more frequently found in lobular (38%) than ductal carcinoma (25%), and more frequently in women less than 50 years (41%) than in older women (19%). Univariate overall and disease-free survival analyses showed that the presence, size and number of OM had prognostic significance as did tumour size (disease-free only) and histological and nuclear grade (P > 0.05). Cox multivariate proportional hazard regression analyses showed that the presence and increasing size of OMs were significantly associated with poorer disease-free survival, independently of other prognostic factors (P < 0.05). However there was not a significant independent association of the presence of occult metastases with overall survival (P = 0.11). These findings have important implications with regard to selection of ANN patients for adjuvant therapy