8 research outputs found

    Photon-Upconverting Materials: Advances and Prospects for Various Emerging Applications

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    Rare-earth-doped upconversion materials, featuring exceptional photophysical properties including long lifetime, sharp emission lines, large anti-Stokes shift, low autofluorescence of the background, and low toxicity, are promising for many applications. These materials have been investigated extensively since the 1960s and employed in many optical devices. However, due to rapid development of synthesis strategies for nanomaterials, upconversion materials have been rehighlighted on the basis of nanotechnology. Herein, we discuss the recent advances in upconversion materials. We start by considering energy transfer processes involved in the basic study of upconversion emission phenomena, as well as synthesis strategies of these materials. Progress in different energy transfer processes, which play an important role in determining luminescence efficiency, is then discussed. Newer applications of these materials have been vastly reviewed

    A hyperfine look at titanium dioxide

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    Titanium dioxide is a commonly used material in a wide range of applications, due to its low price, and the increasing demand for it in the food- and pharmaceutical industries, and for low- and high-tech applications. Time-differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) and Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements have a local character and can provide important and new information on the hyperfine interactions in titanium dioxide. With the application of characterization techniques and radioactive beams, these methods have become very powerful, especially for the determination of temperature dependence of hyperfine parameters, even at elevated temperatures. Such measurements lead to a better understanding of lattice defects and irregularities, including local environments with low fractions of particular defect configurations that affect electric quadrupole interactions. At ISOLDE-CERN, physicists benefit from the many beams available for the investigation of new doping configurations in titanium dioxide. We report the annealing study of titanium dioxide by means of the time differential perturbed γ-γ angular correlation of 111mCd/111Cd in order to study the possible effects of vacancies in hyperfine parameters. This paper also provides an overview of TDPAC measurements and gives future perspectives

    Superhard, conductive coatings for atomic force microscopy cantilevers

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    Boron carbide thin films were grown by mass selected ion beam deposition using low energy 11B+ and 12C+ ions at room temperature. The amorphous films exhibit any desired stoichiometry controlled by the ion charge ratio B+/C+. Films with a stoichiometry of B4C showed the optimal combination of a high mechanical strength and a low electrical resistivity for the coating of atomic force microscopy (AFM) silicon cantilevers. The properties of such AFM tips were evaluated and simultaneous topography and Kelvin mode AFM measurements with high lateral resolution were performed on the systems (i) Au nanoparticles on a p-WS2 surface and (ii) conducting/ superconducting YBa2Cu3O72x

    Room-Temperature 181^{181}Ta(TiO2_2): An e-γ TDPAC Study

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    In this work, we report on the hyperfine parameters of the foreign 181Ta probe in the rutile structure of the single crystal TiO2 using the e−γ and γ−γ time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) technique. We implanted 181Hf ions into a sample of single crystal rutile TiO2 in the Bonn Isotope Separator. The implanted sample was then thermally annealed at a temperature of 873 K for 315 min in a vacuum. The 181Hf radioisotopes decayed by β− emission, followed by a cascade to the ground of γ rays or conversion electrons into a stable state 181Ta. The 181Ta probe substitutes the Ti lattice site with a unique nuclear quadrupole interaction, allowing for the precise measurement of the largest electric field gradient (Vzz) and asymmetry parameter (η). The hyperfine parameters obtained from the e−γ TDPAC spectroscopy agree with those of the γ−γ TDPAC spectroscopy at room temperature, apart from a calibration factor, both from our experiments and the literature. This suggests that the electronic recombination following the internal conversion of the L shell electron takes less time (ps) than the intermediate lifetime of the metastable 181Ta state (ns)