36 research outputs found

    Higher order coherence of exciton-polariton condensates

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    The second and third order coherence functions g(n)(0)(n=2and3)g^{(n)}(0) (n=2 {\rm and} 3) of an exciton-polariton condensate is measured and compared to the theory. Contrary to an ideal photon laser, deviation from unity in the second and third order coherence functions is observed, thus showing a bunching effect, but not the characteristics of a standard thermal state with g(n)(0)=n!g^{(n)}(0)=n!. The increase of bunching with the order of the coherence function, g(3)(0)>g(2)(0)>1g^{(3)}(0) > g^{(2)}(0)>1, indicates that the polariton condensate is different from coherent state, number state and thermal state. The experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical model where polariton-polariton and polariton-phonon interactions are responsible for the loss of temporal coherence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spatial Coherence Properties of One Dimensional Exciton-Polariton Condensates

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    In this work, we combine a systematic experimental investigation of the power- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatial coherence function, g(1)(r), in a one dimensional exciton-polariton channel with a modern microscopic numerical theory based on a stochastic master equation approach. The spatial coherence function g(1)(r) is extracted via high-precision Michelson interferometry, which allows us to demonstrate that in the regime of nonresonant excitation, the dependence g(1)(r) reaches a saturation value with a plateau, which is determined by the intensity of the pump and effective temperature of the crystal lattice. The theory, which was extended to allow for treating incoherent excitation in a stochastic frame, matches the experimental data with good qualitative and quantitative agreement. This allows us to verify the prediction that the decay of the off-diagonal long-range order can be almost fully suppressed in one dimensional condensate systems

    Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Quantum Photonic Waveguide Circuits

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    Integrated quantum photonics is a promising approach for future practical and large-scale quantum information processing technologies, with the prospect of on-chip generation, manipulation and measurement of complex quantum states of light. The gallium arsenide (GaAs) material system is a promising technology platform, and has already successfully demonstrated key components including waveguide integrated single-photon sources and integrated single-photon detectors. However, quantum circuits capable of manipulating quantum states of light have so far not been investigated in this material system. Here, we report GaAs photonic circuits for the manipulation of single-photon and two-photon states. Two-photon quantum interference with a visibility of 94.9 +/- 1.3% was observed in GaAs directional couplers. Classical and quantum interference fringes with visibilities of 98.6 +/- 1.3% and 84.4 +/- 1.5% respectively were demonstrated in Mach-Zehnder interferometers exploiting the electro-optic Pockels effect. This work paves the way for a fully integrated quantum technology platform based on the GaAs material system.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of gain-pinned dissipative solitons in a microcavity laser

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    We demonstrate an experimental approach for creating spatially localized states in a semiconductor microcavity laser. In particular, we shape the spatial gain profile of a quasi-one-dimensional microcavity laser with a nonresonant, pulsed optical pump to create spatially localized structures, known as gain-pinned dissipative solitons, that exist due to the balance of gain and nonlinear losses. We directly probe the ultrafast formation dynamics and decay of these localized structures, showing that they are created on a picosecond timescale, orders of magnitude faster than laser cavity solitons. All of the experimentally observed features and dynamics are reconstructed by numerical modeling using a complex Ginzburg-Landau model, which explicitly takes into account the carrier density dynamics in the semiconductorThis work was supported by the National Science Center in Poland, by Grant Nos. 2016/23/N/ST3/01350 and 2018/30/E/ST7/00648, and by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The Würzburg group gratefully acknowledges support by the State of Bavaria. The work at the Australian National University was supported by the Australian Research Council

    Half-skyrmion spin textures in polariton microcavities

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    We study the polarization dynamics of a spatially expanding polariton condensate under nonresonant linearly polarized optical excitation. The spatially and temporally resolved polariton emission reveals the formation of non-trivial spin textures in the form of a quadruplet polarization pattern both in the linear and circular Stokes parameters, and an octuplet in the diagonal Stokes parameter. The continuous rotation of the polariton pseudospin vector through the condensate due to TE-TM splitting exhibits an ordered pattern of half-skyrmions associated with a half-integer topological number. A theoretical model based on a driven-dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii equation coupled with an exciton reservoir describes the dynamics of the nontrivial spin textures through the optical spin-Hall effect

    Talbot Effect for Exciton Polaritons

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    e demonstrate, experimentally and theoretically, a Talbot effect for hybrid light-matter waves—an exciton-polariton condensate formed in a semiconductor microcavity with embedded quantum wells. The characteristic “Talbot carpet” is produced by loading the exciton-polariton condensate into a microstructured one-dimensional periodic array of mesa traps, which creates an array of phase-locked sources for coherent polariton flow in the plane of the quantum wells. The spatial distribution of the Talbot fringes outside the mesas mimics the near-field diffraction of a monochromatic wave on a periodic amplitude and phase grating with the grating period comparable to the wavelength. Despite the lossy nature of the polariton system, the Talbot pattern persists for distances exceeding the size of the mesas by an order of magnitude. Thus, our experiment demonstrates efficient shaping of the two-dimensional flow of coherent exciton polaritons by a one-dimensional “flat lens.

    Half-skyrmion spin textures in polariton microcavities

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    We study the polarization dynamics of a spatially expanding polariton condensate under nonresonant linearly polarized optical excitation. The spatially and temporally resolved polariton emission reveals the formation of non-trivial spin textures in the form of a quadruplet polarization pattern both in the linear and circular Stokes parameters, and an octuplet in the diagonal Stokes parameter. The continuous rotation of the polariton pseudospin vector through the condensate due to TE-TM splitting exhibits an ordered pattern of half-skyrmions associated with a half-integer topological number. A theoretical model based on a driven-dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii equation coupled with an exciton reservoir describes the dynamics of the nontrivial spin textures through the optical spin-Hall effect

    Quantum dots in micropillar cavities for scalable photonic applications

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    Scalable quantum photonic applications require wavelength reproducibility and high quality of the emitted photons. To address these issues, we investigate strain-tuning of self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots embedded into micropillar cavities

    High-performance short-wavelength (similar to 760 nm) AlGaInAs quantum-dot lasers

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    We report on AlGaInAs quantum-dot laser structures emitting at similar to 760 nm with basic device characteristics comparable to state-of-the-art quantum-well lasers. Distributed-feedback laser diodes have been processed emitting in the center of the oxygen A-absorption band. Typical threshold currents of 34 mA (1-mm-long devices), slope efficiencies of 0.33 W/A per facet, and sidemode suppression ratios of 40 dB have been measured at room temperature in continuous-wave mode. Single-mode emission with a maximum output power &gt;= 20 mW has been achieved for temperatures up to 55 degrees C.</p

    Short-Wavelength (760–920 nm) AlGaInAs Quantum Dot Lasers

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