236 research outputs found

    Cell kinetic analysis of murine squamous cell carcinomas: a comparison of single versus double labelling using flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry.

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    The study was originally set up to measure accurate cell kinetic parameters in two murine squamous cell carcinomas (scc) for comparison with radiobiological data on proliferation during radiotherapy. The tumours, AT84 and AT478, were both moderately well differentiated aneuploid scc. In the course of the study, several comparisons of techniques were made in two different centres. This paper reports on the results of those comparisons involving two different detection methods (flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry), single vs double labelling, and in vivo and in vitro labelling, the latter using tissue slices incubated under high pressure oxygen. Pulse labelling studies with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) showed that the labelling indices (LI) were not significantly different after in vitro or in vivo labelling. In addition, the flow cytometry (FCM) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods also gave labelling indices which were not significantly different. Only tumour cells were analysed in these studies by selecting cells on the basis of aneuploidy (FCM) or morphology (IHC). The DNA synthesis time of the tumour cells were analysed by both techniques. For FCM, the Relative Movement method was used (Begg et al., 1985). For IHC, a double labelling method was used, employing BrdUrd and triated thymidine (3H-TdR) administered several hours apart, detected simultaneously using immunoperoxidase and autoradiography, respectively. When both labels were administered in vivo, there was good agreement for Ts between the FCM and IHC methods. Attempts were also made to measure Ts in vitro using both techniques. With double labelling, it was found that cells did not take up the second label, implying a failure of cycle progression. This was confirmed by FCM results, showing no movement of labelled cells through the S-phase, despite an initially high uptake. This could not be influenced by lowering the DNA precursor concentration or by adding foetal calf serum. This indicates that DNA synthesis times are difficult or impossible to measure in vitro in fresh tumour explants. Finally, the double labelling IHC method allowed intratumoural variations of both LI and Ts to be studied. Both parameters were found to vary markedly throughout the tumour volume, particularly for larger tumours (600 mg), giving calculated local potential doubling time values (Tpot) ranging from 1-7 days

    Use of thymidine analogues to indicate vascular perfusion in tumours

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    Temporary reduction in blood-flow within tumour blood vessels can reduce oxygen supply leading to transient perfusion-limited hypoxia. Consequent selection of cells with mutations and reduced radiosensitivity can lead to disease progression and treatment-resistance. In the present study, we investigated whether heterogeneity of labelling after thymidine analogue administration is related to perfusion variations, and if so, could it be quantified and used as a perfusion indicator. Perfusion in murine RIF1 tumours was reduced by hydralazine or increased by nicotinamide and the mice subsequently injected with IdUrd. Tumours were halved for analysis by both flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Tumour sections were stained for vasculature and IdUrd. Each blood vessel was scored for the density of IdUrd-labelled cells surrounding it, using a semi-quantitative scoring system. Flow cytometry showed that the IdUrd labelling index and intensity decreased by approximately 50% after hydralazine. In tumour sections of control animals, 2.9% of vessels showed no IdUrd label. In contrast, after hydralazine almost 50% of vessels had no surrounding IdUrd labelling, whereas after nicotinamide there were fewer vessels with low labelling and a higher median score. In conclusion, changes of tumour perfusion by pharmacological agents is reflected in changes in tumour-cell labelling by the thymidine analogue IdUrd, suggesting that IdUrd labelling could be used to indicate perfusion in individual vessels in human tumours. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A single-dose comparison of the acute effects between the new somatostatin analog SOM230 and octreotide in acromegalic patients

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    Treatment with the somatostatin receptor (sst) subtype 2 predominant analogs octreotide and lanreotide induces clinical and biochemical cure in approximately 65% of acromegalic patients. GH-secreting pituitary adenomas, which are not controlled, also express sst(5). We compared the acute effects of octreotide and SOM230, a new somatostatin analog with high affinity for sst(1,2,3,5) on hormone release in acromegalic patients. In a single-dose, proof-of-concept study, 100 microg octreotide and 100 and 250 microg SOM230 were given s.c. to 12 patients with active acromegaly. Doses of 100 and 250 microg SOM230 dose-dependently suppressed GH levels from 2-8 h after administration (-38 +/- 7.7 vs. -61 +/- 6.7%, respectively; P < 0.01). A comparable suppression of GH levels by octreotide and 250 microg SOM230 was observed in eight patients (-65 +/- 7 vs. -72 +/- 7%, respectively). In three patients, the acute GH-lowering effect of 250 microg SOM230 was significantly superior to that of octreotide (-70 +/- 2 vs. -17 +/- 15%, respectively; P < 0.01). In one patient, the GH-lowering effect of octreotide was better than that of SOM230. Tolerability for SOM230 was good. Glucose levels were initially slightly elevated after octreotide and SOM230, compared with control day, whereas insulin levels were only significantly suppressed by octreotide. We conclude that SOM230 is an effective GH-lowering drug in acromegalic patients with the potential to increase the number of patients controlled during long-term medical treatment

    Somatostatin and dopamine receptors as targets for medical treatment of Cushing's Syndrome

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    Somatostatin (SS) and dopamine (DA) receptors are widely expressed in neuroendocrine tumours that cause Cushing's Syndrome (CS). Increasing knowledge of specific subtype expression within these tumours and the ability to target these receptor subtypes with high-affinity compounds, has driven the search for new SS- or DA-based medical therapies for the various forms of CS. In Cushing's disease, corticotroph adenomas mainly express dopamine receptor subtype 2 (D2) and somatostatin receptor subtype 5 (sst5), whereas sst2is expressed at lower levels. Activation of these receptors can inhibit ACTH-release in primary cultured corticotroph adenomas and compounds that target either sst5(pasireotide, or SOM230) or D2(cabergoline) have shown significant efficacy in subsets of patients in recent clinical studies. Combination therapy, either by administration of both types of compounds separately or by treatment with novel somatostatin-dopamine chimeric molecules (e.g. BIM-23A760), appears to be a promising approach in this respect. In selected cases of Ectopic ACTH-producing Syndrome (EAS), the sst2-preferring compound octreotide is able to reduce cortisol levels effectively. A recent study showed that D2receptors are also significantly expressed in the majority of EAS and that cabergoline may decrease cortisol levels in subsets of these patients. In both normal adrenal tissue as well as in adrenal adenomas and carcinomas that cause CS, sst and DA receptor expression has been demonstrated. Although selected cases of adrenal CS may benefit from sst or DA-targeted treatment, its total contribution to the treatment of these patients is likely to be low as surgery is effective in most cases

    A prospective longitudinal study of Pasireotide in Nelson's syndrome

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    PURPOSE: Nelson's syndrome is a challenging condition that can develop following bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing's disease, with high circulating ACTH levels, pigmentation and an invasive pituitary tumor. There is no established medical therapy. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of pasireotide on plasma ACTH and tumor volume in Nelson's syndrome. METHODS: Open labeled multicenter longitudinal trial in three steps: (1) a placebo-controlled acute response test; (2) 1 month pasireotide 300-600 μg s.c. twice-daily; (3) 6 months pasireotide long-acting-release (LAR) 40-60 mg monthly. RESULTS: Seven patients had s.c. treatment and 5 proceeded to LAR treatment. There was a significant reduction in morning plasma ACTH during treatment (mean ± SD; 1823 ± 1286 ng/l vs. 888.0 ± 812.8 ng/l during the s.c. phase vs. 829.0 ± 1171 ng/l during the LAR phase, p < 0.0001). Analysis of ACTH levels using a random intercept linear mixed-random effects longitudinal model showed that ACTH (before the morning dose of glucocorticoids) declined significantly by 26.1 ng/l per week during the 28-week of treatment (95% CI - 45.2 to - 7.1, p < 0.01). An acute response to a test dose predicted outcome in 4/5 patients. Overall, there was no significant change in tumor volumes (1.4 ± 0.9 vs. 1.3 ± 1.0, p = 0.86). Four patients withdrew during the study. Hyperglycemia occurred in 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Pasireotide lowers plasma ACTH levels in patients with Nelson's syndrome. A longer period of treatment may be needed to assess the effects of pasireotide on tumor volume. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials.gov ID, NCT01617733

    Breast adipocyte size associates with ipsilateral invasive breast cancer risk after ductal carcinoma in situ

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    Although Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a non-obligate precursor to ipsilateral invasive breast cancer (iIBC), most DCIS lesions remain indolent. Hence, overdiagnosis and overtreatment of DCIS is a major concern. There is an urgent need for prognostic markers that can distinguish harmless from potentially hazardous DCIS. We hypothesized that features of the breast adipose tissue may be associated with risk of subsequent iIBC. We performed a case-control study nested in a population-based DCIS cohort, consisting of 2,658 women diagnosed with primary DCIS between 1989-2005, uniformly treated with breast conserving surgery (BCS) alone. We assessed breast adipose features with digital pathology (HALO®, Indica Labs) and related these to iIBC risk in 108 women that developed subsequent iIBC (cases) and 168 women who did not (controls) by conditional logistic regression, accounting for clinicopathological and immunohistochemistry variables. Large breast adipocyte size was significantly associated with iIBC risk (Odds Ratio (OR) 2.75, 95% confidence interval (95%CI)= 1.25 to 6.05). High Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 protein expression in the DCIS cells was also associated with subsequent iIBC (OR 3.70 (95%CI= 1.59 to 8.64). DCIS with both high COX-2 expression and large breast adipocytes was associated with a 12-fold higher risk (OR 12.0, 95%CI= 3.10 to 46.3, P</p

    Urine steroid metabolomics for the differential diagnosis of adrenal incidentalomas in the EURINE-ACT study: a prospective test validation study

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