30 research outputs found

    Deep Super-SAGE transcriptomic analysis of cold acclimation in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)

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    [EN] Background: Frost is one of the main abiotic stresses limiting plant distribution and crop production. To cope with the stress, plants evolved adaptations known as cold acclimation or chilling tolerance to maximize frost tolerance. Cold acclimation is a progressive acquisition of freezing tolerance by plants subjected to low non-freezing temperatures which subsequently allows them to survive exposure to frost. Lentil is a cool season grain legume that is challenged by winter frost in some areas of its cultivation. Results: To better understand the genetic base of frost tolerance differential gene expression in response to cold acclimation was investigated. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross Precoz x WA8649041 were first classified as cold tolerant or cold susceptible according to their response to temperatures between -3 to -15 °C. Then, RILs from both extremes of the response curve were cold acclimated and the leaf transcriptomes of two bulks each of eight frost tolerant and seven cold susceptible RILs were investigated by Deep Super-SAGE transcriptome profiling. Thus, four RNA bulks were analysed: the acclimated susceptible, the acclimated tolerant and the respective controls (non-acclimated susceptible and non-acclimated tolerant). Approximately 16.5 million 26 nucleotide long Super-SAGE tags were sequenced in the four sets (between ~3 and 5.4 millions). In total, 133,077 different unitags, each representing a particular transcript isoform, were identified in these four sets. Tags which showed a significantly different abundance in any of the bulks (fold change ≥4.0 and a significant p-value <0.001) were selected and used to identify the corresponding lentil gene sequence. Three hundred of such lentil sequences were identified. Most of their known homologs coded for glycine-rich, cold and drought-regulated proteins, dormancy-associated proteins, proline-rich proteins (PRPs) and other membrane proteins. These were generally but not exclusively over-expressed in the acclimated tolerant lines. Conclusions: This set of candidate genes implicated in the response to frost in lentil represents an useful base for deeper and more detailed investigations into this important agronomic trait in futureSIThis work was supported by the E.U. ERA-PG 075B LEGRESIST project, the AGL2013-44714-R project from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (co-financed with FEDER funds), and a predoctoral fellowship (A. Barrios) from the ITACyL

    HTS YBCO Resonator Configuration with Coplanar Optimized Flux Concentrator Strongly Coupled to rf SQUID

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    We developed a novel magnetic coupling module formed of a monolayer superconducting flux concentrator, which is integrated with a coplanar resonator strongly coupled to HTS rf-SQUID. Three types of resonators, including a long stripline resonator between input loop and pick-up loop of the flux concentrator, a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR), and also a spiral shape inside the input loop are explored. The resonance quality factors as well as the coupling to the SQUID of different patterns of these three types of the resonators is evaluated using Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. Several readout methods to couple the electronic system to the resonators are tested, including inductive (coil) and capacitive (transmission line) couplings, and the optimum readout is reported for each of the resonators. Among the evaluated resonator types, a spiral shape resonator with optimal design showing the highest quality factor (5900) together with the strongest coupling to the SQUID (-0.5 dB) at resonance frequency of 836 MHz, is fabricated using 200 nm thick superconducting YBCO on a 1 mm thick crystalline LaAlO3 substrate. The flux concentrator of the module is optimized by the variation of its linewidths and also its input loop radius to obtain maximum flux transformation efficiency.Comment: 5 page

    Mapping-by-sequencing using NGS-based 3′-MACE-Seq reveals a new mutant allele of the essential nodulation gene Sym33 (IPD3) in pea (Pisum sativum L.)

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    Large collections of pea symbiotic mutants were accumulated in the 1990s, but the causal genes for a large portion of the mutations are still not identified due to the complexity of the task. We applied a Mapping-by-Sequencing approach including Bulk Segregant Analysis and Massive Analysis of cDNA Ends (MACE-Seq) sequencing technology for genetic mapping the Sym11 gene of pea which controls the formation of symbioses with both nodule bacteria and arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi. For mapping we developed an F2-population from the cross between pea line N24 carrying the mutant allele of sym11 and the wild type NGB1238 (=JI0073) line. Sequencing libraries were prepared from bulks of 20 plants with mutant and 12 with wild-type phenotype. MACE-Seq differential gene expression analysis between mutant-phenotype and wild-type-phenotype bulks revealed 2,235 genes, of which 514 (23%) were up-regulated and 1,721 (77%) were down-regulated in plant roots inoculated with rhizobia as a consequence of sym11 mutation. MACE-Seq also detected single nucleotide variants between bulks in 217 pea genes. Using a novel mathematical model we calculated the recombination frequency (RF) between the Sym11 gene and these 217 polymorphic genes. Six genes with the lowest RF were converted into CAPS or dCAPS markers and genetically mapped on the complete mapping population of 108 F2-plants which confirmed their tight linkage to Sym11 and to each other. The Medicago truncatula Gaertn. (Mt) homologs of these genes are located in a distinct region of Mt chromosome 5, which corresponds to linkage group I of pea. Among 94 candidate genes from this region only one was down-regulated—the pea Sym33 homolog of the Mt IPD3 gene which is essential for nodulation. Sequencing of the Sym33 allele of the N24 (sym11) mutant revealed a single nucleotide deletion (c.C319del) in its third exon resulting in a codon shift in the open reading frame and premature translation termination. Thus, we identified a novel mutant allele sym33-4 most probably responsible for the mutant phenotype of the N24 (sym11) line, thereby demonstrating that mapping by MACE-Seq can be successfully used for genetic mapping of mutations and identification of candidate genes in pea

    Dual 3'Seq using deepSuperSAGE uncovers transcriptomes of interacting Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and human host cells

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    Background: The interaction of eukaryotic host and prokaryotic pathogen cells is linked to specific changes in the cellular proteome, and consequently to infection-related gene expression patterns of the involved cells. To simultaneously assess the transcriptomes of both organisms during their interaction we developed dual 3'Seq, a tag-based sequencing protocol that allows for exact quantification of differentially expressed transcripts in interacting pro-and eukaryotic cells without prior fixation or physical disruption of the interaction. Results: Human epithelial cells were infected with Salmonella enterica Typhimurium as a model system for invasion of the intestinal epithelium, and the transcriptional response of the infected host cells together with the differential expression of invading and intracellular pathogen cells was determined by dual 3'Seq coupled with the next-generation sequencing-based transcriptome profiling technique deepSuperSAGE (deep Serial Analysis of Gene Expression). Annotation to reference transcriptomes comprising the operon structure of the employed S. enterica Typhimurium strain allowed for in silico separation of the interacting cells including quantification of polycistronic RNAs. Eighty-nine percent of the known loci are found to be transcribed in prokaryotic cells prior or subsequent to infection of the host, while 75% of all protein-coding loci are represented in the polyadenylated transcriptomes of human host cells. Conclusions: Dual 3'Seq was alternatively coupled to MACE (Massive Analysis of cDNA ends) to assess the advantages and drawbacks of a library preparation procedure that allows for sequencing of longer fragments. Additionally, the identified expression patterns of both organisms were validated by qRT-PCR using three independent biological replicates, which confirmed that RELB along with NFKB1 and NFKB2 are involved in the initial immune response of epithelial cells after infection with S. enterica Typhimurium

    Morphological and transcriptomic effects of endocrine modulators on the gonadal differentiation of chicken embryos: the case of tributyltin (TBT)

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    Morphological malformations induced by tributyltin (TBT) exposure during embryonic development have already been characterized in various taxonomic groups, but, nonetheless, the molecular processes underlying these changes remain obscure. The present study provides the first genome-wide screening for differentially expressed genes that are linked to morphological alterations of gonadal tissue from chicken embryos after exposure to TBT. We applied a single injection of TBT (between 0.5 and 30 pg as Sn/g egg) into incubated fertile eggs to simulate maternal transfer of the endocrine disruptive compound. Methyltestosterone (MT) served as a positive control (30 pg/g egg). After 19 days of incubation, structural features of the gonads as well as genome-wide gene expression profiles were assessed simultaneously. TBT induced significant morphological and histological malformations of gonadal tissue from female embryos that show a virilization of the ovaries. This phenotypical virilization was mirrored by altered expression profiles of sex-dependent genes. Among these are several transcription and growth factors (e.g. FGF12, CTCF, NFIB), whose altered expression might serve as a set of markers for early identification of endocrine active chemicals that affect embryonic development by transcriptome profiling without the need of elaborate histological analyses

    The swine plasma metabolome chronicles "many days" biological timing and functions linked to growth

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    The paradigm of chronobiology is based almost wholly upon the daily biological clock, or circadian rhythm, which has been the focus of intense molecular, cellular, pharmacological, and behavioral, research. However, the circadian rhythm does not explain biological timings related to fundamental aspects of life history such as rates of tissue/organ/body size development and control of the timing of life stages such as gestation length, age at maturity, and lifespan. This suggests that another biological timing mechanism is at work. Here we focus on a "many days" (multidien) chronobiological period first observed as enigmatic recurring growth lines in developing mammalian tooth enamel that is strongly associate with all adult tissue, organ, and body masses as well as life history attributes such as gestation length, age at maturity, weaning, and lifespan, particularly among the well studied primates. Yet, knowledge of the biological factors regulating the patterning of mammalian life, such as the development of body size and life history structure, does not exist. To identify underlying molecular mechanisms we performed metabolome and genome analyses from blood plasma in domestic pigs. We show that blood plasma metabolites and small non-coding RNA (sncRNA) drawn from 33 domestic pigs over a two-week period strongly oscillate on a 5-day multidien rhythm, as does the pig enamel rhythm. Metabolomics and genomics pathway analyses actually reveal two 5-day rhythms, one related to growth in which biological functions include cell proliferation, apoptosis, and transcription regulation/protein synthesis, and another 5-day rhythm related to degradative pathways that follows three days later. Our results provide experimental confirmation of a 5-day multidien rhythm in the domestic pig linking the periodic growth of enamel with oscillations of the metabolome and genome. This association reveals a new class of chronobiological rhythm and a snapshot of the biological bases that regulate mammalian growth, body size, and life history

    Optimized qRT-PCR approach for the detection of intra- abd extra-cellular SARS-CoV-2 RNAs

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    The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19, which has become a global concern due to its rapid spread. Meanwhile, increased demand for testing has led to a shortage of reagents and supplies and compromised the performance of diagnostic laboratories in many countries. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend multi-step RT-PCR assays using multiple primer and probe pairs, which might complicate the interpretation of the test results, especially for borderline cases. In this study, we describe an alternative RT-PCR approach for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA that can be used for the probe-based detection of clinical isolates in diagnostics as well as in research labs using a low-cost SYBR green method. For the evaluation, we used samples from patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections and performed RT-PCR assays along with successive dilutions of RNA standards to determine the limit of detection. We identified an M-gene binding primer and probe pair highly suitable for the quantitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for diagnostic and research purposes