53 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effects of vitamin D products in a psoriasis plaque test and a murine psoriasis xenograft model

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of Daivobet® and calcipotriol on clinical score and biomarker responses in a modified version of the Scholtz-Dumas psoriasis plaque assay. Furthermore, it was the aim to compare the effects of calcipotriol and betamethasone in the murine psoriasis xenograft model. Twenty four patients with psoriasis were treated topically once daily for three weeks, whereas the grafted mice were treated for four weeks. Clinical responses were scored twice weekly and biopsies were taken at the end of each study to analyse for skin biomarkers by histology and immunohistochemistry. The results clearly demonstrate effects on both clinical signs and biomarkers. In the patient study the total clinical score was reduced significantly with both Daivobet® and calcipotriol. Both treatments reduced epidermal thickness, Ki-67 and cytokeratin 16 expression. T cell infiltration was significantly reduced by Daivobet® but only marginally by calcipotriol. Both treatments showed strong effects on the epidermal psoriatic phenotype

    COVID-19 vaccination in patients receiving allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or biologicals:EAACI recommendations

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    Immune modulation is a key therapeutic approach for allergic diseases, asthma and autoimmunity. It can be achieved in an antigen-specific manner via allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or in an endotype-driven approach using biologicals that target the major pathways of the type 2 (T2) immune response: immunoglobulin (Ig)E, interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-4/IL-13 or non-type 2 response: anti-cytokine antibodies and B-cell depletion via anti-CD20. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination provides an excellent opportunity to tackle the global pandemics and is currently being applied in an accelerated rhythm worldwide. The vaccine exerts its effects through immune modulation, induces and amplifies the response against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Thus, as there may be a discernible interference between these treatment modalities, recommendations on how they should be applied in sequence are expected. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) assembled an expert panel under its Research and Outreach Committee (ROC). This expert panel evaluated the evidence and have formulated recommendations on the administration of COVID-19 vaccine in patients with allergic diseases and asthma receiving AIT or biologicals. The panel also formulated recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine in association with biologicals targeting the type 1 or type 3 immune response. In formulating recommendations, the panel evaluated the mechanisms of COVID-19 infection, of COVID-19 vaccine, of AIT and of biologicals and considered the data published for other anti-infectious vaccines administered concurrently with AIT or biologicals

    The Shifting Boundaries of Prejudice

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    In recent years, harassment and violent attacks against Jews and Muslims have become issues of concern in many Western countries. However, antisemitism and Islamophobia are often framed as essentially different phenomena, not least as a result of political polarization and deeply divided opinions on both immigration and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The present volume challenges this view and argues that antisemitism and Islamophobia are largely related phenomena and linked to xenophobic ideas in the general population. The study is based on varied and comprehensive survey data about attitudes towards Jews and Muslims in Norway, including the attitudes and experiences of the two minority groups themselves. Moreover, it supplements survey analysis with qualitative research, exploring the discursively constructed boundaries of “what can or cannot be said” about Jews and Muslims. Focused on the rich material of the Norwegian case, the volume thus offers new perspectives for the study of prejudice in general

    Baro seçimleri hakkında sandık bilgileri ve sonuçlar

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    Høsten 2006 ble det satt i gang en spørreundersøkelse for å kartlegge flaskehalser i økologisk landbruk i Nord-Norge, samt synliggjøre årsakene til at ikke flere legger om. Spørreundersøkelsen gikk ut til både Debio-godkjente gårdsbruk, tidligere Debio-godkjente gårdsbruk, samt konvensjonelle gårdsbruk i de tre nordligste fylkene. Der økologiske bønder framhever flaskehalser forbundet med eksterne forhold (ytre rammebetingelser og sosiale forhold/rådgivning), framhever konvensjonelle bønder flaskehalser knyttet til drift på det enkelte bruk.publishedVersio

    The Danish National Database for Asthma: establishing clinical quality indicators

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    Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide affecting more than 300 million people. Symptoms are often non-specific and include coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Asthma may be highly variable within the same individual over time. Although asthma results in death only in extreme cases, the disease is associated with significant morbidity, reduced quality of life, increased absenteeism, and large costs for society. Asthma can be diagnosed based on report of characteristic symptoms and/or the use of several different diagnostic tests. However, there is currently no gold standard for making a diagnosis, and some degree of misclassification and inter-observer variation can be expected. This may lead to local and regional differences in the treatment, monitoring, and follow-up of the patients. The Danish National Database for Asthma (DNDA) is slated to be established with the overall aim of collecting data on all patients treated for asthma in Denmark and systematically monitoring the treatment quality and disease management in both primary and secondary care facilities across the country. The DNDA links information from population-based disease registers in Denmark, including the National Patient Register, the National Prescription Registry, and the National Health Insurance Services register, and potentially includes all asthma patients in Denmark. The following quality indicators have been selected to monitor trends: first, conduction of annual asthma control visits, appropriate pharmacological treatment, measurement of lung function, and asthma challenge testing; second, tools used for diagnosis in new cases; and third, annual assessment of smoking status, height, and weight measurements, and the proportion of patients with acute hospital treatment. The DNDA will be launched in 2016 and will initially include patients treated in secondary care facilities in Denmark. In the nearby future, the database aims to include asthma diagnosis codes and clinical data registered by general practitioners and specialised practitioners as well

    Evaluation of circulating levels of CCN2/connective tissue growth factor in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction

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    CCN2/Connective tissue growth factor seems to be involved in development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, but a possible cardioprotective role in left ventricular (LV) remodelling following myocardial infarction has also been suggested. The main objectives of the study were therefore to investigate whether circulating CCN2 levels were associated with infarct size, LV function, adverse remodelling or clinical outcome in two cohorts of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). CCN2 was measured in 988 patients 18 hours after PCI and clinical events were recorded after 55 months in the BAMI cohort. In the POSTEMI trial, serial measurements of CCN2 were performed in 258 STEMI patients during index hospitalisation and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was performed in the acute phase and after 4 months. Clinical events were also recorded. There were no significant associations between levels of CCN2 and infarct size, LV ejection fraction, changes in LV end-diastolic or end-systolic volume, myocardial salvage or microvascular obstruction. There were no significant associations between CCN2 levels and clinical events including mortality, in either of the study cohorts. In conclusion, circulating levels of CCN2 measured in the acute phase of STEMI were not associated with final infarct size, left ventricular function or new clinical events