3,037 research outputs found

    The Holocene Marine Transgression in the Region of the North Frisian Islands

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    Um die unterschiedliche Entwicklung des KĂŒstenholozĂ€ns im Bereich der Nordfriesischen Inseln darzustellen, wird die relativ gering mĂ€chtige — weniger als 10 m — Schichtenfolge von Sylt mit der teilweise ĂŒber 20 m mĂ€chtigen bei Pellworm verglichen. Bei Sylt lĂ€ĂŸt sich das KĂŒstenholozĂ€n in drei Sedimentdecken untergliedern, die durch eine Torflage oder humosen Klei und durch einen Humusdwog voneinander getrennt werden. Seit 2.000 Jahren lag die MarschoberflĂ€che höher als das MThw. Die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Marsch nahm seit dem Mittelalter als Folge stĂ€ndiger Erosion ab. Im Gebiet um Pellworm ist eine Gliederung der vor Chr. Geb. abgelagerten Sedimente wegen des kleinrĂ€umigen Fazieswechsels nicht möglich. Als Folge erheblicher Setzungen wĂ€hrend des ersten nachchristlichen Jahrtausends und der Kultivierungsarbeiten seit dem Mittelalter wurden die MarschoberflĂ€chen niedriger gelegt. In den Jahren 1362 und 1634 n. Chr. Geb. wurden sie von Sturmflutkatastrophen betroffen, große Teile ins Wattenmeer einbezogen und von den Siedlern verlassen. Die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr diese Ereignisse sind teils auf die geologische Entwicklung, teils auf die Einwirkung des Menschen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Der Ablauf der vor allem jĂŒngeren Landschaftsgeschichte wurde in den verglichenen Gebieten in erheblichem Maße von lokalen Faktoren beeinflußt.researc

    Brain & Art: a ripple in the (cyber)space

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    In my text I refer to contemporary art practices, including my own artistic investigations and intuitions; questioning creative powers of the human brain-mind system in the world increasingly dependent on and transformed by Big Data. Currently, with the global revolution of knowledge, driven by scientific and technological progress, creativity and innovation acquire special economic and social values. Research on biochemical processes accompanying creative behaviour stimulates the synergy between artistic, scientific and engineering communities. The acquired knowledge is used in medicine, biotechnology and various types of therapies as well as in deep learning methods. Increasing the efficiency of artificial intelligence systems that quickly take control over all areas of our lives. Will the nascent Internet-of-all-Things transform itself into the Internet-of-all Minds? As an artist, I pose myself a question, which artistic practices may emerge from the marriage of biological and digital algorithms? The future has many scenarios and shades
In my text I refer to contemporary art practices, including my own artistic investigations and intuitions; questioning creative powers of the human brain-mind system in the world increasingly dependent on and transformed by Big Data. Currently, with the global revolution of knowledge, driven by scientific and technological progress, creativity and innovation acquire special economic and social values. Research on biochemical processes accompanying creative behaviour stimulates the synergy between artistic, scientific and engineering communities. The acquired knowledge is used in medicine, biotechnology and various types of therapies as well as in deep learning methods. Increasing the efficiency of artificial intelligence systems that quickly take control over all areas of our lives. Will the nascent Internet--of-all-Things transform itself into the Internet-of-all Minds? As an artist, I pose myself a question, which artistic practices may emerge from the marriage of biological and digital algorithms? The future has many scenarios and shades

    Hidden topology of life: life and space.

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    Taking into account a variety of contemporary definitions of life, I propose to focus on relations between complex systems of life processes and the evolution of our perception and concepts of space. My investigations are closely connected with a series of artistic projects under the common title The Hidden Topology of Being which are realized in cooperation with science research centers both in India and Poland. In this short presentation I do not concentrate to a great degree on the description of my artistic works but on questions of how science, humanities and cultural imageries influence each other and combine in shaping our understanding and knowledge; and how technology modulates these relations

    Meeresspiegeldaten aus landschafts— und siedlungsgeschichtlichen Untersuchungen auf Pellworm (Nordfriesische Inseln)

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    Es wird ĂŒber archĂ€ologische, geographische und geologische Arbeiten zur Landschafts- und Besiedlungsgeschichte des sĂŒdlichen nordfriesischen Wattenmeeres berichtet. Bei der Untersuchung von mittelalterlichen und frĂŒhneuzeitlichen SiedlungsplĂ€tzen und deren Untergrund auf der Insel Pellworm konnten u. a. neue Daten zur örtlichen VerĂ€nderung des Meeresspiegels im HolozĂ€n nachgewiesen werden: Danach hatte das Mittlere Tidehochwasser bereits in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des letzten Jahrtausends vor Chr. Geb. eine Höhe von NN + 0,8 m erreicht, fiel danach jedoch wieder ab und stieg mit Beginn des zweiten Jahrtausends nach Chr. Geb. wieder an.researc

    Identification of cDNAs from Japanese pufferfish (Fugu rubripes) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) coding for homologues to tetrapod prion proteins

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    AbstractWe identified cDNAs coding for homologues to tetrapod prion proteins (PrPs) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Japanese pufferfish (Fugu rubripes), which were termed ‘similar to PrPs’ (stPrPs). Besides significant sequence homologies the fish stPrPs display characteristic structural features in common with tetrapod PrPs. In addition, two stPrPs were shown to be highly expressed in brain tissue. None of the so far identified PrP-homologues of fish resembles doppel. Hence, the duplication of the PrP gene, which generated doppel, may have occurred not in fish but later in the tetrapod lineage. The identification of fish PrPs provides a basis to address concerns about a possible susceptibility of fish to prion infections

    New strategies to measure intracellular sodium concentrations

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    Fluorescent ion indicators are widely used to measure ion concentrations in living cells. However, despite considerable efforts in synthesizing new compounds, no ratiometric sodium indicator is available that can be excited at visible wavelengths. Ratiometric indicators have an advantage in that measured fluorescence intensities can be corrected for fluctuations of the indicator concentration and the illumination intensity, which is not possible when non-ratiometric indicators are used. One way to circumvent this problem is to measure fluorescence lifetimes, which are independent of these factors. Another way to overcome the disadvantages of a non-ratiometric indicator dye is to embed it, together with a reference dye, into nanoparticles. By relating the indicator fluorescence to the fluorescence of the reference dye, inhomogeneities in the nanosensor concentration or the illumination intensity can be cancelled out reliably. In this study we compare the benefits and drawbacks of these approaches. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
