400 research outputs found

    A partition of unity approach to fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interaction

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    For problems involving large deformations of thin structures, simulating fluid-structure interaction (FSI) remains challenging largely due to the need to balance computational feasibility, efficiency, and solution accuracy. Overlapping domain techniques have been introduced as a way to combine the fluid-solid mesh conformity, seen in moving-mesh methods, without the need for mesh smoothing or re-meshing, which is a core characteristic of fixed mesh approaches. In this work, we introduce a novel overlapping domain method based on a partition of unity approach. Unified function spaces are defined as a weighted sum of fields given on two overlapping meshes. The method is shown to achieve optimal convergence rates and to be stable for steady-state Stokes, Navier-Stokes, and ALE Navier-Stokes problems. Finally, we present results for FSI in the case of a 2D mock aortic valve simulation. These initial results point to the potential applicability of the method to a wide range of FSI applications, enabling boundary layer refinement and large deformations without the need for re-meshing or user-defined stabilization.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figur

    A Small-Satellite Demonstrator for Generating Artificial Gravity in Space via a Tethered System

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    It is well-known that prolonged exposure in humans to a microgravity environment leads to significant loss of bone and muscle mass; this presents a formidable obstacle to human exploration of space, particularly for missions requiring travel times of several months or more, such as a 6 to 9mon th trip to Mars. Artificial gravity may be produced by spinning a spacecraft about its center of mass, but since the g– force generated by rotation is equal to “omega-squared times r” (where omega is its angular velocity and r is the distance from the center of rotation), we have that unless the distance from the center of rotation is several kilometers, the rotation rate required to generate “1 − g” would induce vertigo in the astronauts as they moved about the capsule (e.g. if the distance from the center of rotation is 10 meters, the required rotation rate for 1 − g would be 9.5 rpm). By tethering the crew capsule to an object of nearly equal mass (such as the spent final rocket stage) at a distance of 1 to 2 kilometers, the necessary rotation rate would be sufficiently small as to not cause discomfort for the astronauts. For example, if the distance from the center of rotation is 2 kilometers, the required rotation rate for 1−g would be 0.67 rpm; at 1 kilometer the rate is still only 0.95 rpm. 1 rpm is considered an acceptable spin rate for the human body to withstand for extended periods of time. This paper gives an overview of the Tethered Artificial Gravity (TAG) satellite program, a 2-part program to study the operation and dynamics of an artificial-gravity-generating tethered satellite system. Phase I of the program will culminate in a flight of a model spacecraft in a non-ejected Get-Away-Special (GAS) Canister on the Space Shuttle. It is to be operated under the aegis of the Texas Space Grant Consortium. The purpose of the Phase I flight is to test key components of the system to be flown in Phase II of the program. Phase I will also involve detailed modeling and analysis of the dynamics of the spacecraft to be flown in Phase II of the program; the Phase II spacecraft will be a small, 65 kg, tethered satellite system which will be boosted into low-earth orbit, deployed and then spun-up to produce artificial gravity. In addition to a description of the TAG program, results of parametric studies related to TAG will be presented in this paper

    Assessing Inequitable Urban Heat Islands and Air Pollution Disparities with Low-Cost Sensors in Richmond, Virginia

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    Air pollution and the urban heat island effect are consistently linked to numerous respiratory and heat-related illnesses. Additionally, these stressors disproportionately impact low-income and historically marginalized communities due to their proximity to emissions sources, lack of access to green space, and exposure to other adverse environmental conditions. Here, we use relatively low-cost stationary sensors to analyze PM2.5 and temperature data throughout the city of Richmond, Virginia, on the ten hottest days of 2019. For both hourly means within the ten hottest days of 2019 and daily means for the entire record for the year, the temperature was found to exhibit a positive correlation with PM2.5. Analysis of hourly means on the ten hottest days yielded a diurnal pattern in which PM2.5 levels peaked in the early morning and reached their minima in the mid-afternoon. Spatially, sites exhibiting higher temperatures consistently had higher PM2.5 readings, with vulnerable communities in the east end and more intensely developed parts of the city experiencing significantly higher temperatures and PM2.5 concentrations than the suburban neighborhoods in the west end. These findings suggest an uneven distribution of air pollution in Richmond during extreme heat events that are similar in pattern but less pronounced than the temperature differences during these events, although further investigation is required to verify the extent of this relationship. As other studies have found both of these environmental stressors to correlate with the distribution of green space and other land-use factors in cities, innovative and sustainable planning decisions are crucial to the mitigation of these issues of inequity going forward

    TESSX: A Mission for Space Exploration with Tethers

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    Tethers offer significant potential for substantially increasing payload mass fraction, increasing spacecraft lifetime, enhancing long-term space travel, and enabling the understanding and development of gravity-dependent technologies required for Moon and Mars exploration. The development of the Tether Electrodynamic Spin-up and Survivability Experiment (TESSX) will support applications relevant to NASA's new exploration initiative, including: artificial gravity generation, formation flying, electrodynamic propulsion, momentum exchange, and multi-amp current collection and emission. Under the broad term TESSX, we are currently evaluating several different tether system configurations and operational modes. The initial results of this work are presented, including hardware development, orbital dynamics simulations, and electrodynamics design and analysis

    Buccal and palatal alveolar bone dimensions in the anterior maxilla

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.OBJECTIVE : Anterior maxillary immediate implant placement has become a popular procedure. It has aesthetic and functional risks. A prerequisite for success is sufficient alveolar bone for primary stability. Many cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies have assessed alveolar bone dimensions in the anterior maxilla, with varying results. More accurate information on the alveolar bone dimensions in the anterior maxilla is required. The objective of the present study was to evaluate bone dimensions in the anterior maxilla using micro-CT, a high-resolution imaging tool. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Seventy-two human skulls were scanned using micro-CT at the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation. Specialized software was used for 3-D rendering, segmentation, and visualization of the reconstructed volume data. Axial planes were created over each alveolus/tooth from canine to canine. Buccal and palatal bone dimensions were measured at crestal, 3 mm, 6 mm, and 9 mm levels. RESULTS : Buccal bone rarely exceeded 0.5 mm, consisting of bundle bone only for all investigated teeth at all levels. Up to a third of teeth showed buccal fenestrations. Alveolar bone on the palatal side was thicker than buccal and increased from <1 mm at crestal level up to 3.77 mm, 4.56 mm, and 5.43 mm for centrals, laterals, and canines at the 9 mm level, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : Immediate implants in the anterior maxillae has anatomical risks. Alveolar bone on the buccal aspect is very thin, with fenestrations in certain positions. Therefore, a thorough planning and individual approach are needed to avoid possible complications and achieve stable aesthetic and functional results in the long-term.The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cidam2024Oral Pathology and Oral BiologyPeriodontics and Oral MedicineSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Law and Neuroscience: Recommendations Submitted to the President\u27s Bioethics Commission

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    President Obama charged the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to identify a set of core ethical standards in the neuroscience domain, including the appropriate use of neuroscience in the criminal-justice system. The Commission, in turn, called for comments and recommendations. The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience submitted a consensus statement, published here, containing 16 specific recommendations. These are organized within three main themes: 1) what steps should be taken to enhance the capacity of the criminal justice system to make sound decisions regarding the admissibility and weight of neuroscientific evidence?; 2) to what extent can the capacity of neurotechnologies to aid in the administration of criminal justice be enhanced through research?; and 3) in what additional ways might important ethical issues at the intersection of neuroscience and criminal justice be addressed

    Law and Neuroscience: Recommendations Submitted to the President\u27s Bioethics Commission

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    President Obama charged the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to identify a set of core ethical standards in the neuroscience domain, including the appropriate use of neuroscience in the criminal-justice system. The Commission, in turn, called for comments and recommendations. The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience submitted a consensus statement, published here, containing 16 specific recommendations. These are organized within three main themes: 1) what steps should be taken to enhance the capacity of the criminal justice system to make sound decisions regarding the admissibility and weight of neuroscientific evidence?; 2) to what extent can the capacity of neurotechnologies to aid in the administration of criminal justice be enhanced through research?; and 3) in what additional ways might important ethical issues at the intersection of neuroscience and criminal justice be addressed

    Ultra-high-field fMRI insights on insight: Neural correlates of 2 the Aha!-moment

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    Finding creative solutions to difficult problems is a fundamental aspect of human culture and a skill highly needed. However, the exact neural processes underlying creative problem solving remain unclear. Insightful problem solving tasks were shown to be a valid method for investigating one subcomponent of creativity: the Aha!-Moment. Finding insightful solutions during a remote associates task (RAT) was found to elicit specific cortical activity changes. Considering the strong affective components of Aha!-Moments, as manifested in the subjectively experienced feeling of relief following the sudden emergence of the solution of the problem without any conscious forewarning, we hypothesized the subcortical dopaminergic reward network to be critically engaged during Aha. To investigate those subcortical contributions to insight, we employed ultra-high field 7-Tesla fMRI during a German Version of the RAT. During this task subjects were exposed to word triplets and instructed to find a solution word being associated with all of the three given words. They were supposed to press a button as soon as they felt confident about their solution without further revision, allowing us to capture the exact event of Aha!-Moment. Besides the finding on cortical involvement of the left anterior middle temporal gyrus (aMTG), here we showed for the first time robust subcortical activity changes related to insightful problem solving in the bilateral thalamus, hippocampus and the dopaminergic midbrain comprising ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and caudate nucleus. These results shed new light on the affective neural mechanisms underlying insightful problem solving

    G2i Knowledge Brief: A Knowledge Brief of the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience

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    Courts are daily confronted with admissibility issues – such as in cases involving neuroscientific testimony – that sometimes involve both the existence of a general phenomenon (i.e., “G”) and the question of whether a particular case represents a specific instance of that general phenomenon (i.e., “i”). Unfortunately, courts have yet to carefully consider the implications of “G2i” for their admissibility decisions. In some areas, courts limit an expert’s testimony to the general phenomenon. They insist that whether the case at hand is an instance of that phenomenon is exclusively a jury question, and thus not an appropriate subject of expert opinion. In other cases, in contrast, courts hold that expert evidence must be provided on both the group-data issue (i.e., that the phenomenon exists) and what is called the “diagnostic” issue (i.e., that this case is an instance of that phenomenon). Consequently, the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience has prepared this knowledge brief to help courts manage the G2i divide. Specifically, we recommend that courts first determine whether proffered expert testimony concerns only the existence of the general phenomenon or instead concerns both that and the diagnosis that a particular case represents an instance of that phenomenon. Only after making that determination should the court make its admissibility decision (guided, for instance, by the Daubert factors for admitting scientific evidence)
