270 research outputs found

    Burgers en gezondheid : Themarapport Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2014

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    Zelfontplooiing van de autonome burger kenmerkt de huidige tijd. Eigen verantwoordelijkheid, autonomie, eigen keuze en eigen regie zijn kernwoorden bij deze ontwikkelingen. Ook als het gaat om gezondheid, preventie en zorg. Het RIVM en het SCP hebben beschreven hoe de burger deze ontwikkelingen ervaart en welke aandachtspunten er voor beleid zijn. Bij de ontwikkelingen gaat het allereerst om de zorg voor de eigen gezondheid: als gezonde burger om gezond te blijven, en als patiënt om zelf de regie te houden over de eigen zorg (zelfmanagement). Mensen kunnen zo kiezen voor vormen van preventie en zorg die goed aansluiten bij hun eigen voorkeuren. Bovendien geeft zelfmanagement patiënten meer controle op de behandeling van de aandoening, en daarmee op de aandoening én op hun leven. Alleen wil niet iedereen zelf die regie voeren. Ook zijn er kwetsbare groepen in de samenleving, zoals ouderen en mensen uit lagere sociaaleconomische milieus, voor wie zelf regie voeren niet lukt, omdat ze daar de vaardigheden niet voor hebben. Deze groepen zullen ondersteuning op maat moeten krijgen. Een tweede ontwikkeling behelst de zorg voor anderen, bijvoorbeeld in de rol van mantelzorger en vrijwilliger. Nederlanders zijn voorstanders van een samenleving waarin mensen voor elkaar zorgen, en doen veel en vaak vrijwilligerswerk. De plicht om te zorgen voor een naaste botst echter met de behoefte aan vrijheid om zelf keuzes te maken. Een verplichting kan daardoor demotiverend werken. De onderzoekers bevelen aan om de komende tijd te monitoren wat de effecten zijn van deze ontwikkelingen op autonomie, eigen regie en gezondheid, maar ook op gezondheidsverschillen, de mate van participatie en de kosten van de zorg. Op die manier kunnen de gevolgen van de veranderingen onderbouwd worden geëvalueerd. Dit onderzoek maakt deel uit van de Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2014 (VTV-2014). De VTV is een rapportage die het RIVM elke vier jaar opstelt in opdracht van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS)

    Health effects and burden of disease due to exposure to chemicals at the workplace - an exploratory study

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    Dit rapport bevat een erratum d.d. 25-1-2005 op de laatste paginaHet RIVM heeft onderzocht wat het aandeel zou kunnen zijn van blootstelling aan chemische stoffen op de werkplek op het ontstaan van een tiental ziekten. Dit verkennende onderzoek is uitgevoerd in opdracht van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid en geeft voor het eerst een integrale schatting van de ziektelast door blootstelling aan stoffen in de arbeidssituatie.De uitkomst van het onderzoek is dat voor negen onderzochte ziekten de blootstelling aan stoffen in de arbeidssituatie een geschatte ziektelast oplevert van ongeveer 47.000 DALY's per jaar, inclusief naar schatting circa 1.900 sterfgevallen. DALY staat voor 'Disability Adjusted Life Years', waarin vroegtijdige sterfte en jaren doorgebracht met ziekte op gewogen wijze bij elkaar worden opgeteld. De grootste bijdragen worden gevormd door borstvlieskanker, longkanker, astma en chronische luchtwegobstructie.De marge van onzekerheid in de genoemde uitkomsten is erg groot, wat vooral veroorzaakt wordt door de onvolledige gegevens, en bedraagt ongeveer een factor 5.Voor reproductiestoornissen was het niet mogelijk om een schatting te maken van de ziektelast tengevolge van werkgerelateerde blootstelling aan stoffen. De resultaten van recent onderzoek naar de relatie tussen blootstelling aan stoffen en reproductiestoornissen geven echter aanleiding tot zorg.The RIVM investigated the probable contribution of exposure to chemicals at the workplace as the cause of some ten diseases. This exploratory study was requested by of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, and presents for the first time an integrated estimation of the burden of disease due to occupational exposure to chemicals.For nine investigated diseases the study resulted in a burden of disease of approximately 47,000 DALYs, including about 1,900 deaths, due to exposure to chemicals at the workplace. DALY stands for 'Disability Adjusted Life Years', in which premature death and years with disease are weighted counted up. The largest contributions are formed by mesothelioma, lung cancer, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The margin of uncertainty in the results is very large, mainly caused by the scarce and incomplete data, and amounts about a factor of 5.It was not possible to estimate the burden of disease due to reproductive disorders following occupational exposure to chemicals. However, results of recent research in this area indicate concern.SZ

    Health effects and burden of disease due to exposure to chemicals at the workplace - an exploratory study

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    The RIVM investigated the probable contribution of exposure to chemicals at the workplace as the cause of some ten diseases. This exploratory study was requested by of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, and presents for the first time an integrated estimation of the burden of disease due to occupational exposure to chemicals.For nine investigated diseases the study resulted in a burden of disease of approximately 47,000 DALYs, including about 1,900 deaths, due to exposure to chemicals at the workplace. DALY stands for 'Disability Adjusted Life Years', in which premature death and years with disease are weighted counted up. The largest contributions are formed by mesothelioma, lung cancer, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The margin of uncertainty in the results is very large, mainly caused by the scarce and incomplete data, and amounts about a factor of 5.It was not possible to estimate the burden of disease due to reproductive disorders following occupational exposure to chemicals. However, results of recent research in this area indicate concern.Het RIVM heeft onderzocht wat het aandeel zou kunnen zijn van blootstelling aan chemische stoffen op de werkplek op het ontstaan van een tiental ziekten. Dit verkennende onderzoek is uitgevoerd in opdracht van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid en geeft voor het eerst een integrale schatting van de ziektelast door blootstelling aan stoffen in de arbeidssituatie.De uitkomst van het onderzoek is dat voor negen onderzochte ziekten de blootstelling aan stoffen in de arbeidssituatie een geschatte ziektelast oplevert van ongeveer 47.000 DALY's per jaar, inclusief naar schatting circa 1.900 sterfgevallen. DALY staat voor 'Disability Adjusted Life Years', waarin vroegtijdige sterfte en jaren doorgebracht met ziekte op gewogen wijze bij elkaar worden opgeteld. De grootste bijdragen worden gevormd door borstvlieskanker, longkanker, astma en chronische luchtwegobstructie.De marge van onzekerheid in de genoemde uitkomsten is erg groot, wat vooral veroorzaakt wordt door de onvolledige gegevens, en bedraagt ongeveer een factor 5.Voor reproductiestoornissen was het niet mogelijk om een schatting te maken van de ziektelast tengevolge van werkgerelateerde blootstelling aan stoffen. De resultaten van recent onderzoek naar de relatie tussen blootstelling aan stoffen en reproductiestoornissen geven echter aanleiding tot zorg

    Occupational burden of disease in the Netherlands

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    Ongunstige arbeidsomstandigheden veroorzaken 2 tot 4% van de totale ziektelast in Nederland. Het begrip ziektelast is een maatstaf om de gevolgen van ziekte uit te drukken. Het combineert gezondheidsverlies door verminderde kwaliteit van leven en door vroegtijdig overlijden. Hoge werkdruk, blootstelling aan schadelijke stoffen (inclusief passief roken) en beeldschermwerk zijn de ongunstigste arbeidsomstandigheden. Zij zorgen voor veel ziektelast door burn-out, de chronische luchtwegaandoening COPD, longkanker en klachten van arm, nek en schouder (KANS). In het rapport is de positieve invloed van arbeid op de gezondheid niet meegenomen. Het RIVM laat voor het eerst zien welke arbeidsgerelateerde aandoeningen veel ziektelast in Nederland veroorzaken. Deze gegevens bieden aanknopingspunten voor verder onderzoek en voor maatregelen om de ziektelast door deze aandoeningen te verminderen. Dat is niet alleen goed voor werknemers en werkgevers, maar ook voor de volksgezondheid en de samenleving in haar geheel: health is wealth. In eerdere ziektelastberekeningen van de wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) is de arbeidsgerelateerde ziektelast in Nederland sterk onderschat. In Nederland veroorzaken niet zozeer de 'klassieke' risico's en aandoeningen, zoals arbeidsongevallen en slechthorendheid door lawaai, de meeste ziektelast. Juist 'nieuwe' aandoeningen, zoals burn-out en KANS, leiden hiertoe, en die zijn niet meegenomen in de WHO-schattingen. Behalve negatieve effecten op de gezondheid hebben ongunstige arbeidsomstandigheden een nadelig effect op de arbeidsproductiviteit, het ziekteverzuim en arbeidsongeschiktheid. In theorie blijkt het mogelijk om deze effecten te berekenen. Het is aan te bevelen om uit te zoeken of dit in de praktijk haalbaar is.Occupational health risks cause 2 to 4% of the total burden of disease in the Netherlands. The concept of burden of disease is a criterion to express the consequences of disease. It combines the time lived with disability and the time lost due to premature mortality. A high workload, exposure to harmful chemicals (including environmental tobacco smoke) and working with a computer are the most unfavourable working conditions. They contribute most to the occupational burden of disease caused by: burn-out, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and complaints of arm, neck and shoulder (CANS). The health benefits of work were not included in this report. For the first time, the RIVM shows in this study which occupational diseases contribute most to the burden of disease in the Netherlands. The data offer starting points for further research and measures to reduce the burden of disease caused by these complaints. This is good not only for employers and employees but also for public health and society as a whole: health is wealth. The World Health Organization (WHO) underestimated the occupational burden of disease in the Netherlands in its earlier burden of disease assessments. In the Netherlands, most of the burden of disease is not caused by the 'classical' risks and diseases like accidents and hearing impairment caused by noise. Rather 'new' diseases like burn-out and CANS cause considerable loss of health and were not taken into account in the assessments of the WHO. Unfavourable working conditions do not only have negative effects on health, but also have a disadvantageous effect on productivity, absenteeism and incapacity for work. In theory it is possible to estimate these adverse effects. We therefore advise to study whether estimating them is feasible in practice.SZ

    Costs of the 'Hartslag Limburg' community heart health intervention

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the costs of community programmes to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The present study calculated the economic costs of all interventions within a Dutch community programme called Hartslag Limburg, in such a way as to facilitate generalisation to other countries. It also calculated the difference between the economic costs and the costs incurred by the coordinating institution. METHODS: Hartslag Limburg was a large-scale community programme that consisted of many interventions to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The target population consisted of all inhabitants of the region (n = 180.000). Special attention was paid to reach persons with a low socio-economic status. Costs were calculated using the guidelines for economic evaluation in health care. An overview of the material and staffing input involved was drawn up for every single intervention, and volume components were attached to each intervention component. These data were gathered during to the implementation of the intervention. Finally, the input was valued, using Dutch price levels for 2004. RESULTS: The economic costs of the interventions that were implemented within the five-year community programme (n = 180,000) were calculated to be about €900,000. €555,000 was spent on interventions to change people's exercise patterns, €250,000 on improving nutrition, €50,000 on smoking cessation, and €45,000 on lifestyle in general. The coordinating agency contributed about 10% to the costs of the interventions. Other institutions that were part of the programme's network and external subsidy providers contributed the other 90% of the costs. CONCLUSION: The current study calculated the costs of a community programme in a detailed and systematic way, allowing the costs to be easily adapted to other countries and regions. The study further showed that the difference between economic costs and the costs incurred by the coordinating agency can be very large. Cost sharing was facilitated by the unique approach used in the Hartslag Limburg programme

    Evaluating cutpoints for the MHI-5 and MCS using the GHQ-12: a comparison of five different methods

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    Background The Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) and the Mental Health Component Summary score (MCS) derived from the Short Form 36 (SF-36) instrument are well validated and reliable scales. A drawback of their construction is that neither has a clinically validated cutpoint to define a case of common mental disorder (CMD). This paper aims to produce cutpoints for the MHI-5 and MCS by comparison with the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Methods Data were analysed from wave 9 of the British Household Panel Survey (2000), providing a sample size of 14,669 individuals. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to compare the scales and define cutpoints for the MHI-5 and MCS, using the following optimisation criteria: the Youden Index, the point closest to (0,1) on the ROC curve, minimising the misclassification rate, the minimax method, and prevalence matching. Results For the MHI-5, the Youden Index and the (0,1) methods both gave a cutpoint of 76, minimising the misclassification rate gave a cutpoint of 60 and the minimax method and prevalence matching gave a cutpoint of 68. For the MCS, the Youden Index and the (0,1) methods gave cutpoints of 51.7 and 52.1 respectively, minimising the error rate gave a cutpoint of 44.8 and both the minimax method and prevalence matching gave a cutpoint of 48.9. The correlation between the MHI-5 and the MCS was 0.88. Conclusion The Youden Index and (0,1) methods are most suitable for determining a cutpoint for the MHI-5, since they are least dependent on population prevalence. The choice of method is dependent on the intended application. The MHI-5 performs remarkably well against the longer MCS

    The effect of comorbidity on health-related quality of life for injury patients in the first year following injury: comparison of three comorbidity adjustment approaches

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    Background: Three approaches exist to deal with the impact of comorbidity in burden of disease studies - the maximum limit approach, the additive approach, and the multiplicative approach. The aim of this study was to compare the three comorbidity approaches in patients with temporary injury consequences as well as comorbid chronic conditions with nontrivial health impacts.Methods: Disability weights were assessed using data from the EQ-5D instrument developed by the EuroQol Group and derived from a postal survey among 2,295 injury patients at 2.5 and 9 months after being treated at an emergency department. We compared the observed and predicted EQ-5D disability weights in comorbid case

    Coping style and health-related quality of life in caregivers of epilepsy patients

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    Epilepsy has a significant impact on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients and personal coping style is an important determinant. Less is known about home caregivers. This study investigates HRQOL and coping style of both patients and caregivers and their interaction. Epilepsy patients attending the outpatient clinic of the University Medical Centre in Utrecht and their caregivers were sent EQ5D and RAND-36 questionnaires. The Utrecht Coping List was used to chart personal coping styles. HRQOL scores of patients and caregivers were compared to the general Dutch population. The association between patient and caregiver HRQOL scores was calculated. A stepwise backward multivariate linear regression analysis was used to explain variances in caregiver HRQOL. Eighty-six couples (49%) returned all questionnaires. Caregiver HRQOL scores were comparable to the general Dutch population (EQ5D: 0.88–0.88; p = 0.90, RAND-36 MCS: −2 points; p = 0.16), while patients HRQOL scores were lower (EQ5D: 0.79; p < 0.01, RAND-36 MCS −10 points; p < 0.01). However, on several specific domains, associations between patient and caregiver HRQOL scores within couples were found. Passive coping style explained 50% of variation in HRQOL scores of caregivers. As a group, caregivers of epilepsy patients have normal HRQOL, but there are significant associations between patient and caregiver HRQOL scores. Improving caregiver HRQOL through interventions on coping style might benefit patients as well. Recognizing personal coping styles of both patient and caregiver should be part of a patient-oriented approach in treatment

    Dupuytren's contracture: a retrospective database analysis to determine hospitalizations in the Netherlands

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    Background: Dupuytren's contracture is a condition of the palmar fascia involving contractures of the fascia and skin in the hand. Current treatment for Dupuytren's contracture is mainly limited to surgery. In the Netherlands, little is known about the prevalence of Dupuytren's contracture. In this study we determined the prevalence of patients with a hospitalization for Dupuytren's contracture in the Netherlands and characterized their (re)hospitalizations. Methods. From the PHARMO database, which consists of multiple observational databases linked on a patient level, all patients hospitalized for Dupuytren's contracture between 2004 and 2007 were included in the source population (ICD-9-CM code 728.6). Numbers from this source population were used to provide estimates of hospitalizations for Dupuytren's contracture in the Netherlands. Patients with a medical history in the PHARMO database of at least 12 months before their hospitalization were included in the study cohort and followed until end of data collection, death, or end of study period, whichever occurred first. Type of admission, length of stay, recorded procedures, treating specialty, number of rehospitalizations for Dupuytren's contracture, and time to first rehospitalization were assessed. Results: Of 3, 126 patients included in the source population, 3, 040 were included in the study population. The overall prevalence of patients with a hospitalization for Dupuytren'

    German translation and external validation of the Radboud Skills Questionnaire in patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1

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    BACKGROUND: Patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome commonly complain of substantial limitations in their activities of daily living. The Radboud Skills Questionnaire measures alterations in the level of disability of patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, but this instrument is currently not available in German. The goals of our study were to translate the Dutch Radboud Skills Questionnaire into German and to assess its external criterion validity with the German version of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire. METHODS: We translated the Radboud Skills Questionnaire according to published guidelines. Demographic data and validity were assessed in 57 consecutive patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1 of the upper extremity. Information on age, duration of symptoms, type of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1 and type of initiating event was obtained. We assessed the external criterion validity by comparing the German Radboud Skills Questionnaire and the German Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire and calculated the prediction intervals. RESULTS: Score values ranged from 55.4 +/- 22.0 for the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire score and 140.1 +/- 39.2 for the Radboud Skills Questionnaire. We found a high correlation between the Radboud Skills Questionnaire and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (R2 = 0.83). CONCLUSION: This validation of the Radboud Skills Questionnaire demonstrates that this German version is a simple and accurate instrument to assess and quantify disabilities of patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1 of the upper extremity for clinical and research purposes