398 research outputs found

    Stav njemačkih sindikata prema radnicima migrantima

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    In a short introduction to this paper a specific development of the German social democratic party and trade unions is dealt with, along with workers\u27 emigration, mostly to the United States of America, and a growth of immigration, mainly from Poland and Italy. There follows an account of job competition, because of the danger of undercutting wage levels on the labor market, an account of strikebreaking, and of threats to migrants\u27 health, morals and culture. In the final part of the paper German trade unions\u27 practices towards foreign workers are compared from a theoretical point of view.U kratkom uvodu ovog referata izlaĆŸe se specifičan razvoj njemačke socijaldemokratske stranke i sindikata, te emigracija radnika, posebice u SAD, a isto tako i razvoj imigracije, uglavnom iz Poljske i Italije. Dalje se govori o ekonomskoj konkurenciji u vezi s nadnicama, konkurenciji na trĆŸiĆĄtu rada, ĆĄtrajkolomstvu, te konačno pretpostavljenim opasnostima za zdravlje, moral i kulturu. U posljednjem dijelu referata uspoređuje se praksa njemačkih sindikata prema stranim radnicima s teorijskog stajaliĆĄta

    Transformations over Time or Sudden Change:Historical Perspectives on Mass Migrations and Human Lives

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    Sowohl die Migration als auch die Einstellungen dazu sind historisch tief verwurzelt. Wenn die aktuellen Wanderungsbewegungen und die von DerivatehĂ€ndlern im Herbst 2008 verursachte Wirtschaftskrise als „neu und historisch beispiellos“ bezeichnet werden, wird ĂŒber die Auswirkungen von Mustern der Vergangenheit auf die Gegenwart hinweggesehen und somit verhindert, dass Erkenntnisse ĂŒber KontinuitĂ€ten und Vergleiche gewonnen werden. Nicht die Migranten werden „entwurzelt“, wie bisweilen behauptet wird, sondern dem historischen GedĂ€chtnis werden gezielt seine Wurzeln entzogen. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht zunĂ€chst auf die verschiedenen Probleme der heutigen Migrationsdebatten und die Historisierung der Perspektiven ein. Die einwandererfeindlichen Zuschreibungen, Stigmata und Ideologien werden kritisiert. Sodann werden die Daten prĂ€sentiert und die geographischen Dimensionen der Migrantenwege im Kontext der translokalen, transregionalen, transnationalen und globalen Vernetzung besprochen. Ein integrativer Ansatz im Sinne transkultureller Gesellschaftswissenschaften wird vorgeschlagen. Schließlich geht der Beitrag auf das Handeln (agency) von Migranten ein, wobei die „Viktimisierungs”-AnsĂ€tze kritisiert werden und argumentiert wird, dass Andersartigkeit eine Ressource ist, aber auch eine AngriffsflĂ€che fĂŒr Ausbeutung bietet. GeldĂŒberweisungen werden als Beispiel fĂŒr die Schnittpunkte zwischen dem Handeln von Migranten und staatlichen BedĂŒrfnissen angefĂŒhrt. In der Schlussfolgerung wird die Gegenwart kurz in den Kontext der globalen Ungleichheiten, des wirtschaftlichen Aspekts und der Einwandererfeindlichkeit sowie des ideologischen national-essentialistischen Aspekts gesetzt.Both migrations and attitudes towards them have deep historical roots. To pronounce the present migration and the economic crisis triggered by derivative bankers in the fall of 2008 as “new without historical precedent” overlooks the impact of patterns of the past on the present and prevents an understanding being reached of continuities and comparisons. It is not migrants who are “uprooted”, as some would have it, but historical memory is deliberately being uprooted. This essay starts by addressing the multiple problems of present-day debates about migration and historicising the perspectives. It critiques the anti-immigrant ascriptions, labels and ideologies. It goes on to present the data and discuss the geographies of migrant trajectories in the context of translocal, transregional, transnational and global connectivity. An integrative Transcultural Societal Studies approach will be proposed. The essay will then deal with migrant agency, that is the actions of migrants, criticising “victimization” approaches and argue that Otherness is a resource as well as a framework for exploitation. Remittances will serve as an example of the intersection between migrant agency and states’ needs. The conclusion will briefly place the present in the context of global inequalities, of the economic aspect and of anti-immigrantism, as well as the ideological national-essentialist aspect

    Towards a History of Canadians: Transcultural Human Agency as Seen Through Economic Behaviour, Community Formation, and Societal Institutions

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    Social history approaches to Canadian history have expanded the master narrative to encompass a comprehensive story. Within social history, a perspective taken from common people’s life-writing changes interpretation in similar ways as community and life-course approaches have done. People’s own life projects were at first based on economic mutualism in the local community, which, over time, gave way to a slowly imposed capitalist economy. However, the mail-order business and its relation to the earlier local economy, based on trust rather than an abstract market, constituted an important factor in the emergence of Canadian society. Nineteenthcentury immigrants, like their predecessors from the dynastic states of France and the United Kingdom, came from pre-national, many-cultured societies and found a feeling of belonging in their participation in institution-building in a decentralized civic society. The historic dynastic states, comprised of many peoples, provide historical and conceptual antecedents that can help us understand the state and society of Canada.Les approches sociales Ă  l’histoire canadienne ont rĂ©orientĂ© le discours maĂźtre pour en faire une histoire globale. Au sein de l’histoire sociale, la perspective fondĂ©e sur les Ă©crits de vie des gens ordinaires modifie l’interprĂ©tation des choses, un peu comme l’ont fait les approches fondĂ©es sur la communautĂ© et le parcours de vie. Les projets de vie des gens se s’appuyaient initialement sur le mutualisme Ă©conomique communautaire, qui fit place Ă  une Ă©conomie capitaliste lentement imposĂ©e. Mais la vente par correspondance et sa relation avec l’économie locale antĂ©rieure, fondĂ©e sur la confiance plutĂŽt que sur un marchĂ© abstrait, s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e un facteur important de l’émergence de la sociĂ©tĂ© canadienne. Tout comme leurs prĂ©dĂ©cesseurs des États dynastiques de la France et du Royaume-Uni, les immigrants du XIXe siĂšcle venaient de sociĂ©tĂ©s prĂ©-nationales multiculturelles et dĂ©veloppĂšrent un sentiment d’apparte- nance du fait de participer Ă  l’édification des institutions d’une sociĂ©tĂ© civile dĂ©centralisĂ©e. Les États dynastiques historiques, formĂ©s de nombreux peuples, offrent des antĂ©cĂ©dents historiques et conceptuels susceptibles de nous aider Ă  comprendre l’État et la sociĂ©tĂ© au Canada

    Negotiating Nations: Exclusions, Networks, Inclusions — An Introduction

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    The concept of nation is usually understood to include all people within the respective boundaries, and the concept of state to treat all equally. From an analytical perspective, however, these concepts are not mutually reinforcing or even complementary, but contradictory. Political practice and power relationships exclude particular groups because of ethno-culture, religion, gender, class, or “race”. Who belongs, struggles for belonging, or is excluded is a matter of negotiation in power relationships. Non-territorial peoples, diasporic peoples, settled groups who became minorities in larger political entities, working-class men and women, and those regarded as socially inferior have gained admission to national belonging and equal rights only late, or are still struggling for inclusion. An international symposium, “Recasting European and Canadian History: National Con-sciousness, Migration, Multicultural Lives”, brought together scholars from twelve European states and two North American ones to reconsider approaches to migration and the interaction of many cultures in the European past and present. A selection of papers dealing with inclusion in and exclusion from nation-states is presented here.S’entend habituellement par nation l’ensemble des habitants d’un mĂȘme territoire et par État l’idĂ©e d’un traitement Ă©gal pour tous. D’un point de vue analytique, cependant, ces concepts ne se renforcent ni se complĂštent l’un l’autre : ils sont contradictoires. La politique et les relations de pouvoir excluent les groupes particuliers pour des raisons d’ethno-culture, de religion, de sexe, de classe ou de « race ». Le fait d’appartenir au groupe, de se battre pour en faire partie ou d’en ĂȘtre exclu est tributaire de la nĂ©gociation Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des relations de pouvoir. Les non-territoriaux, les peuples de la diaspora, les groupes Ă©tablis devenus minoritĂ©s au sein d’entitĂ©s politiques plus vastes, les hommes et les femmes de la classe ouvriĂšre et les personnes considĂ©rĂ©s de statut social infĂ©rieur n’ont Ă©tĂ© admis dans le giron national et n’ont joui de droits Ă©gaux que sur le tard s’ils revendiquent pas encore l’inclusion. Un symposium international, intitulĂ© « Recasting European and Canadian History: National Consciousness, Migration, Multicultural Lives », a rĂ©union des universitaires de douze États europĂ©ens et de deux pays nord-amĂ©ricains pour repenser les approches Ă  la migration et l’interaction des nombreuses cultures de l’Europe d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Nous vous prĂ©sentons ci-dessous un choix de communications sur l’inclusion dans les États-nations et l’exclusion de ceux-ci

    Pripadanje, članstvo in mobilnost v globalni zgodovini

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    Belonging and membership in societies depend on resources, societal structures, and stateside frames rather than on postulated and essentialized identities. Throughout the ages migrants have changed societies and affiliations; globalization emerged in the 1490s when the tri-continental    African-Asian-European worlds and the dual American continent became connected. Migrants moved translocally or transregionally – the “trans” emphasizes connections across dividing lines or spaces, to continuities cre- ated (or, perhaps, merely mentally constructed) by human agency. This essay approaches the topic from four angles: (1) migrants’“funds of knowledge,”(2) newcomers’“Otherness,”(3) power hierarchies, and (4) connectivity-inclusions-exclusions. In conclusion, belongings of globally mobile men and women will be discussed as transcultural rather than transnational.Pripadanje in članstvo v druĆŸbah nista toliko odvisna od predpostavljenih in esencializiranih identitet kot od sredstev, druĆŸbenih struktur in nacionalnih okvirov. V zgodovini so migranti menjali druĆŸbe in pripadnosti; globalizacija se je pojavila okrog 1490, ko sta se povezala trikontinentalni afriĆĄko-evropsko-azijski svet in dvojni ameriĆĄki kontinent. Migranti so se selili translokalno ali transregionalno – »trans« poudarja povezave z razločevalnimi črtami ali prostori v nepretrganost/kontinuitete, ki jih ustvarja (ali morda konstruira zgolj v duhu) človeĆĄki dejavnik. Pričujoči esej se teme loteva s ĆĄtirih plati: (1) iz »zakladnice znanja« migrantov, (2) »drugosti« novih priĆĄlekov, (3) hierarhije moči in (4) povezljivosti-vključevanja-izključevanja, pripadnost globalno mobilnih moĆĄkih in ĆŸensk pa obravnava transkulturalno in ne transnacionalno

    Student Satisfaction with Hotel Management Internship in the multi - cultural context of the University of the South Pacific

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    Many international hospitality organisations interact and effectively work with people from different cultural backgrounds. The issue of cultural awareness, sensitivity, and understanding of cultural differences has created unusual challenges for interns to work effectively in a multi-cultural workplace and deliver quality services to an international tourism market. This qualitative study of student reflections and staff facilitation of internships will determine the factors that contribute to student satisfaction with their working and learning experiences. The proposed research will be of value and have practical implications for both academics who wish to further study student internship satisfaction, sponsors and industry professionals as this research will serve as a framework for a successful internship experience for future hospitality practitioners

    Subplate in a rat model of preterm hypoxia-ischemia.

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in preterm infants primarily leads to injuries in the cerebral white matter. However, there is growing evidence that perinatal injury in preterms can also involve other zones including the cortical gray matter. In a neonatal rat model of HI, selective vulnerability of subplate has been suggested using BrdU birth-dating methods. In this study, we aimed to investigate the neuropathological changes of the subplate and deep layers of the cortex following cerebral HI in neonatal rats with specific cell markers. METHODS: P2 rats underwent permanent occlusion of the right common carotid artery followed by a period of hypoxia. P8 rats were analyzed using immunohistochemistry; subplate and deep layers cells were quantified and compared with sham-operated case. RESULTS: A large variability in the extent of the cerebral injury was apparent. For the three analyzed subplate populations (Nurr1+, Cplx3+, and Ctgf+ cells), no significant cell reduction was observed in mild and moderate cases. Only in severe cases, subplate cells were strongly affected, but these injuries were always accompanied by the cell reductions in layers VI and V. INTERPRETATION: We could therefore not confirm a specific vulnerability of subplate cells compared to other deep layers or the white matter in our model
