165 research outputs found

    Exploring wastewater nitrogen and phosphorus flows in urban and rural areas in China for the period 1970 to 2015

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    China has experienced rapid population growth and increasing human N and P discharge from point sources. This paper presents a new spatial and temporal model-based, province-scale inventory of N and P in wastewater using detailed information on the location and functioning of 4436 WWTPs covering China for the period 1970–2015. China's nutrient discharge to surface water increased 22-fold from 177 to 3908 Gg N yr−1 and 29-fold from 20 to 577 Gg P yr−1 in urban areas between 1970 and 2015. The ten strongly urbanized and industrialized provinces along the Eastern coast contributed 43 % of China's total N and P discharge to surface water in 2015. At present, the contribution of rural areas to total wastewater discharge (2082 Gg N yr−1 and 434 Gg P yr−1) is 35 % for N and 43 % for P. The model approach and sensitivity analysis of this study indicate that policies aiming at improving water quality need to consider these regional differences, i.e., improvement of the wastewater treatment technology level in Eastern regions and increasing both the sewage connection and wastewater treatment in Central and Western regions

    Inland Waters Increasingly Produce and Emit Nitrous Oxide

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    Nitrous oxide (N 2O) is a long-lived greenhouse gas and currently contributes ∼10% to global greenhouse warming. Studies have suggested that inland waters are a large and growing global N 2O source, but whether, how, where, when, and why inland-water N 2O emissions changed in the Anthropocene remains unclear. Here, we quantify global N 2O formation, transport, and emission along the aquatic continuum and their changes using a spatially explicit, mechanistic, coupled biogeochemistry-hydrology model. The global inland-water N 2O emission increased from 0.4 to 1.3 Tg N yr -1 during 1900-2010 due to (1) growing N 2O inputs mainly from groundwater and (2) increased inland-water N 2O production, largely in reservoirs. Inland waters currently contribute 7 (5-10)% to global total N 2O emissions. The highest inland-water N 2O emissions are typically in and downstream of reservoirs and areas with high population density and intensive agricultural activities in eastern and southern Asia, southeastern North America, and Europe. The expected continuing excessive use of nutrients, dam construction, and development of suboxic conditions in aging reservoirs imply persisting high inland-water N 2O emissions

    Seroepidemiology of Human Bocavirus Infection in Jamaica

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    Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a newly identified human parvovirus. HBoV is associated with upper and lower respiratory tract infections and gastroenteritis in children. Little is known about the seroepidemiology of HBoV in populations in the Caribbean.In a cross-sectional study conducted at the University Hospital of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, 287 blood samples were collected from pediatric patients and tested for the presence of HBoV-specific antibody using a virus-like-particle based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).HBoV-specific antibodies were found to be present in 220/287 (76.7%) of samples collected from the pediatric population. Seroprevalence of HBoV was highest in those ≥2 years old. The seroepidemiological profile suggests that most children are exposed to HBoV during the first two years of life in Jamaica.HBoV infection is common in children in Jamaica. HBoV seroprevalence rates in the Caribbean are similar to those previously reported in other areas of the world

    Long-term residential exposure to PM2.5 constituents and mortality in a Danish cohort

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    Studies on health effects of long-term exposure to specific PM2.5 constituents are few. Previous studies have reported an association between black carbon (BC) exposure and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and a few studies have found an association between sulfate exposure and mortality. These studies, however, relied mainly on exposure data from centrally located air-monitoring stations, which is a crude approximation of personal exposure. We focused on specific chemical constituents of PM2.5, i.e. elemental and primary organic carbonaceous particles (BC/OC), sea salt, secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA, i.e. NO3–, NH4+, and SO42-), and secondary organic aerosols (SOA), in relation to all-cause, CVD and respiratory disease mortality. We followed a Danish cohort of 49,564 individuals from enrollment in 1993–1997 through 2015. We combined residential address history from 1979 onwards with mean annual air pollution concentrations obtained by the AirGIS air pollution modelling system, lifestyle information from baseline questionnaires and socio-demography obtained by register linkage. During 895,897 person-years of follow-up, 10,193 deaths from all causes occurred – of which 2319 were CVD-related and 870 were related to respiratory disease. The 15-year time-weighted average concentrations of PM2.5, BC/OC, sea salt, SIA and SOA were 13.8, 2.8, 3.4, 4.9, and 0.3 µg/m3, respectively. For all-cause mortality, a higher risk was observed with higher exposure to PM2.5, BC/OC and SOA with adjusted hazard ratios of 1.03 (95% confidence intervals: 1.01, 1.05), 1.06 (1.03, 1.09), and 1.08 (1.03, 1.13) per interquartile range, respectively. The associations for BC/OC and SOA remained after adjustment for PM2.5 in two-pollutant models. For CVD mortality, we observed elevated risks with higher exposure to PM2.5, BC/OC and SIA. The results showed no clear relationship between sea salt and mortality. In this study, we observed a relationship between long-term exposure to PM2.5, BC/OC, and SOA and all-cause mortality and between PM2.5, BC/OC, and SIA and CVD mortality.</p

    Detection of human bocavirus from children and adults with acute respiratory tract illness in Guangzhou, southern China

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a newly discovered parvovirus associated with acute respiratory tract illness (ARTI) and gastrointestinal illness. Our study is the first to analyze the characteristics of HBoV-positive samples from ARTI patients with a wide age distribution from Guangzhou, southern China.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Throat swabs (n=2811) were collected and analyzed from children and adults with ARTI over a 13-month period. The HBoV complete genome from a 60 year-old female patient isolate was also determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HBoV DNA was detected in 65/2811 (2.3%) samples, of which 61/1797 were from children (<18 years old) and 4/1014 from adults (≥18 years old). Seasonal peaks of 4.8% and 7.7% were detected in May and June, respectively. 28 of 65 (43.1%) HBoV-positive samples were co-detected with 11/16 other potential pathogens. <it>Mycoplasma pneumoniae </it>had the highest frequency of 16.9% (11/65). Upper and lower respiratory tract illness were common symptoms, with 19/65 (29.2%) patients diagnosed with pneumonia by chest radiography. All four adult patients had systemic influenza-like symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome revealed a close relationship with other HBoVs, and a more distant relationship with HBoV2 and HBoV3.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>HBoV was detected from children and adults with ARTI from Guangzhou, southern China. Elderly people were also susceptive to HBoV. A single lineage of HBoV was detected among a wide age distribution of patients with ARTI.</p

    Sp(4) gauge theory on the lattice: towards SU(4)/Sp(4) composite Higgs (and beyond)

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    The Sp(4) gauge theory with two Dirac fundamental flavours provides a candidate for the microscopic origin of composite-Higgs models based on the SU(4)/Sp(4) coset. We employ a combination of two different, complementary strategies for the numerical lattice calculations, based on the Hybrid Monte Carlo and on the Heat Bath algorithms. We perform pure Yang-Mills, quenched computations and exploratory studies with dynamical Wilson fermions. We present the first results in the literature for the spectrum of glueballs of the pure Sp(4) Yang-Mills theory, an EFT framework for the interpretation of the masses and decay constants of the lightest pion, vector and axial-vector mesons, and a preliminary calculation of the latter in the quenched approximation. We show the first numerical evidence of a bulk phase transition in the lattice theory with dynamical Wilson fermions, and perform the technical steps necessary to set up future investigations of the mesonic spectrum of the full theory

    Status of the BELLE II Pixel Detector

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    The Belle II experiment at the super KEK B-factory (SuperKEKB) in Tsukuba, Japan, has been collecting e+e−e^+e^− collision data since March 2019. Operating at a record-breaking luminosity of up to 4.7×1034cm−2s−14.7×10^{34} cm^{−2}s^{−1}, data corresponding to 424fb−1424 fb^{−1} has since been recorded. The Belle II VerteX Detector (VXD) is central to the Belle II detector and its physics program and plays a crucial role in reconstructing precise primary and decay vertices. It consists of the outer 4-layer Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) using double sided silicon strips and the inner two-layer PiXel Detector (PXD) based on the Depleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DePFET) technology. The PXD DePFET structure combines signal generation and amplification within pixels with a minimum pitch of (50×55)μm2(50×55) μm^2. A high gain and a high signal-to-noise ratio allow thinning the pixels to 75μm75 μm while retaining a high pixel hit efficiency of about 9999%. As a consequence, also the material budget of the full detector is kept low at ≈0.21≈0.21%XX0\frac{X}{X_0} per layer in the acceptance region. This also includes contributions from the control, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), and data processing Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) as well as from cooling and support structures. This article will present the experience gained from four years of operating PXD; the first full scale detector employing the DePFET technology in High Energy Physics. Overall, the PXD has met the expectations. Operating in the intense SuperKEKB environment poses many challenges that will also be discussed. The current PXD system remains incomplete with only 20 out of 40 modules having been installed. A full replacement has been constructed and is currently in its final testing stage before it will be installed into Belle II during the ongoing long shutdown that will last throughout 2023

    Viral, bacterial, metabolic, and autoimmune causes of severe acute encephalopathy in sub-Saharan Africa: a multicenter cohort study

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    Objectives: To assess whether viral, bacterial, metabolic, and autoimmune diseases are missed by conventional diagnostics among children with severe acute encephalopathy in sub-Saharan Africa. Study design: One hundred thirty-four children (6 months to 18 years) presenting with nontraumatic coma or convulsive status epilepticus to 1 of 4 medical referral centers in Uganda, Malawi, and Rwanda were enrolled between 2015 and 2016. Locally available diagnostic tests could be supplemented in 117 patients by viral, bacterial, and 16s quantitative polymerase chain reaction testing, metagenomics, untargeted metabolomics, and autoimmune immunohistochemistry screening. Results: Fourteen (12%) cases of viral encephalopathies, 8 (7%) cases of bacterial central nervous system (CNS) infections, and 4 (4%) cases of inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) were newly identified by additional diagnostic testing as the most likely cause of encephalopathy. No confirmed cases of autoimmune encephalitis were found. Patients for whom additional diagnostic testing aided causal evaluation (aOR 3.59, 90% CI 1.57-8.36), patients with a viral CNS infection (aOR 7.91, 90% CI 2.49-30.07), and patients with an IMD (aOR 9.10, 90% CI 1.37-110.45) were at increased risk for poor outcome of disease. Conclusions: Viral and bacterial CNS infections and IMDs are prevalent causes of severe acute encephalopathy in children in Uganda, Malawi, and Rwanda that are missed by conventional diagnostics and are associated with poor outcome of disease. Improved diagnostic capacity may increase diagnostic yield and might improve outcome of disease

    Parasitic, bacterial, viral, immune-mediated, metabolic and nutritional factors associated with nodding syndrome

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    Nodding syndrome is a neglected, disabling and potentially fatal epileptic disorder of unknown aetiology affecting thousands of individuals mostly confined to Eastern sub-Saharan Africa. Previous studies have identified multiple associations-including Onchocerca volvulus, antileiomodin-1 antibodies, vitamin B 6 deficiency and measles virus infection-yet, none is proven causal. We conducted a case-control study of children with early-stage nodding syndrome (symptom onset <1 year). Cases and controls were identified through a household survey in the Greater Mundri area in South Sudan. A wide range of parasitic, bacterial, viral, immune-mediated, metabolic and nutritional risk factors was investigated using conventional and state-of-the-art untargeted assays. Associations were examined by multiple logistic regression analysis, and a hypothetical causal model was constructed using structural equation modelling. Of 607 children with nodding syndrome, 72 with early-stage disease were included as cases and matched to 65 household- and 44 community controls. Mansonella perstans infection (odds ratio 7.04, 95% confidence interval 2.28-21.7), Necator americanus infection (odds ratio 2.33, 95% confidence interval 1.02-5.3), higher antimalarial seroreactivity (odds ratio 1.75, 95% confidence interval 1.20-2.57), higher vitamin E concentration (odds ratio 1.53 per standard deviation increase, 95% confidence interval 1.07-2.19) and lower vitamin B 12 concentration (odds ratio 0.56 per standard deviation increase, 95% confidence interval 0.36-0.87) were associated with higher odds of nodding syndrome. In a structural equation model, we hypothesized that Mansonella perstans infection, higher vitamin E concentration and fewer viral exposures increased the risk of nodding syndrome while lower vitamin B 12 concentration, Necator americanus and malaria infections resulted from having nodding syndrome. We found no evidence that Onchocerca volvulus, antileiomodin-1 antibodies, vitamin B 6 and other factors were associated with nodding syndrome. Our results argue against several previous causal hypotheses including Onchocerca volvulus. Instead, nodding syndrome may be caused by a complex interplay between multiple pathogens and nutrient levels. Further studies need to confirm these associations and determine the direction of effect
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