14 research outputs found

    Characterization of magnetic force microscopy probe tip remagnetization for measurements in external in-plane magnetic fields

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    Weis T, Krug I, Engel D, et al. Characterization of magnetic force microscopy probe tip remagnetization for measurements in external in-plane magnetic fields. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2008;104(12): 123503.A quantitative analysis of magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images taken in external in-plane magnetic fields is difficult because of the influence of the magnetic field on the magnetization state of the magnetic probe tip. We prepared calibration samples by ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning with a topographically flat magnetic pattern magnetically stable in a certain external magnetic field range for a quantitative characterization of the MFM probe tip magnetization in point-dipole approximation

    Magnetic and chemical properties of Co2MnSi thin films compared to the Co2MnSi/Al-O interface

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    Schmalhorst J-M, Sacher M, Hoeink V, et al. Magnetic and chemical properties of Co2MnSi thin films compared to the Co2MnSi/Al-O interface. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2006;100(11): 113903.The Heusler alloy Co2MnSi with theoretically predicted 100% spin polarization has been successfully implemented in Co2MnSi/AlOx/Co7Fe3 magnetic tunnel junctions recently. Here we investigated 100 nm thick Co2MnSi films grown on a vanadium buffer and capped by a thin alumina film. This stack is similar to the lower electrode including the tunneling barrier of magnetic tunnel junctions. By soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic circular dichroism in fluorescence and total electron yield detection we determined differences between the chemical and magnetic properties of the Co2MnSi thin films and the Co2MnSi/AlOx interface. Whereas MnO was formed directly at the interface during plasma oxidation of the Al layer, the interfacial Co was not oxidized and its x-ray absorption line shape at the L-2,L-3 edge was similar to the line shape of bulk Co2MnSi. The atomically ordered bulk Co2MnSi showed characteristic differences in the x-ray absorption spectra in comparison with the disordered samples: in the ordered state of the bulk both, Co and Mn, showed additional shoulders about 4 eV above the L-2,L-3 resonances, a large circular dichroism, and a pronounced x-ray absorption near edge fine structure. The same was found for interfacial Co, whereas for interfacial Mn these features were masked by the characteristic absorption multiplet structure of MnO right at the interface which also resulted in a strong reduction of the interfacial Mn moment in annealed samples. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Response Evaluation of Malignant Liver Lesions After TACE/SIRT: Comparison of Manual and Semi-Automatic Measurement of Different Response Criteria in Multislice CT

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    Purpose To compare measurement precision and interobserver variability in the evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver metastases in MSCT before and after transarterial local ablative therapies. Materials and Methods Retrospective study of 72 patients with malignant liver lesions (42 metastases; 30 HCCs) before and after therapy (43 SIRT procedures; 29 TACE procedures). Established (LAD; SAD; WHO) and vitality-based parameters (mRECIST; mLAD; mSAD; EASL) were assessed manually and semi-automatically by two readers. The relative interobserver difference (RID) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated. Results The median RID for vitality-based parameters was lower from semi-automatic than from manual measurement of mLAD (manual 12.5 %; semi-automatic 3.4 %), mSAD(manual 12.7 %; semi-automatic 5.7 %) and EASL (manual 10.4 %; semi-automatic 1.8 %). The difference in established parameters was not statistically noticeable (p > 0.05). The ICCs of LAD (manual 0.984; semi-automatic 0.982), SAD (manual 0.975; semi-automatic 0.958) and WHO (manual 0.984; semi-automatic 0.978) are high, both in manual and semi-automatic measurements. The ICCs of manual measurements of mLAD (0.897), mSAD(0.844) and EASL (0.875) are lower. This decrease cannot be found in semi-automatic measurements of mLAD (0.997), mSAD(0.992) and EASL (0.998). Conclusion Vitality-based tumor measurements of HCC and metastases after transarterial local therapies should be performed semi-automatically due to greater measurement precision, thus increasing the reproducibility and in turn the reliability of therapeutic decisions

    Gadofosveset-enhanced MRI as simple surrogate parameter for real-time evaluation of the initial tumour vessel infarction by retargeted tissue factor tTF-NGR

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    Truncated tissue factor (tTF)-NGR consists of the extracellular domain of the human TF and the binding motif NGR. tTF-NGR activates blood coagulation within the tumour vasculature following binding to CD13, and is overexpressed in the endothelial cells of tumour vessels, resulting in tumour vessel infarction and subsequent retardation/regression of tumour growth. The aim of the present study was to investigate gadofosveset-based real-time dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in evaluating the initial therapeutic effects of the anti-vascular tTF-NGR approach. DCE-MRI (3.0 T) was performed in human U87-glioblastoma tumour-bearing nude mice. During a dynamic T1w GE-sequence, a gadolinium-based blood pool contrast agent (gadofosveset) was injected via a tail vein catheter. Following the maximum contrast intensity inside the tumour being obtained, tTF-NGR was injected (controls received NaCl) and the contrast behaviour of the tumour was monitored by ROI analysis. The slope difference of signal intensities between controls and the tTF-NGR group was investigated, as well as the differences between the average area under the curve (AUC) of the two groups. The association between intensity, group (control vs. tTF-NGR group) and time was analysed by fitting a linear mixed model. Following the injection of tTF-NGR, the signal intensity inside the tumours exhibited a statistically significantly stronger average slope decrease compared with the signal intensity of the tumours in the NaCl group. Furthermore, the initial average AUC values of mice treated with tTF-NGR were 5.7% lower than the average AUC of the control animals (P<0.05). Gadofosveset-enhanced MRI enables the visualization of the initial tumour response to anti-vascular treatment in real-time. Considering the clinical application of tTF-NGR, this method may provide a simple alternative parameter for monitoring the tumour response to vascular disrupting agents and certain vascular targeting agents in humans

    Assessment of arterially hyper-enhancing liver lesions using virtual monoenergetic images from spectral detector CT: phantom and patient experience

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    To investigate a benefit from virtual monoenergetic reconstructions (VMIs) for assessment of arterially hyper-enhancing liver lesions in phantom and patients and to compare hybrid-iterative and spectral image reconstructions of conventional images (CI-IR and CI-SR). All imaging was performed on a SDCT (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands). Images of a non-anthropomorphic phantom with a lesion-mimicking insert (containing iodine in water solution) and arterial-phase images from contrast-enhanced patient examinations were evaluated. VMIs (40-200 keV, 10 keV increment), CI-IR, and CI-SR were reconstructed using different strengths of image denoising. ROIs were placed in lesions, liver/matrix, muscle; signal-to-noise, contrast-to-noise, and lesion-to-liver ratios (SNR, CNR, and LLR) were calculated. Qualitatively, 40, 70, and 110 keV and CI images were assessed by two radiologists on five-point Likert scales regarding overall image quality, lesion assessment, and noise. In phantoms, SNR was increased threefold by VMI40keV compared with CI-IR/SR (5.8 +/- 1.1 vs. 18.8 +/- 2.2, p ae 0.001), while no difference was found between CI-IR and CI-SR (p = 1). Denoising was capable of noise reduction by 40%. In total, 20 patients exhibiting 51 liver lesions were assessed. Attenuation was the highest in VMI40keV, while image noise was comparable to CI-IR resulting in a threefold increase of CNR/LLR (CI-IR 1.3 +/- 0.8/4.4 +/- 2.0, VMI40keV: 3.8 +/- 2.7/14.2 +/- 7.5, p ae 0.001). Subjective lesion delineation was the best in VMI40keV image (p ae 0.01), which also provided the lowest perceptible noise and the best overall image quality. VMIs improve assessment of arterially hyper-enhancing liver lesions since they increase lesion contrast while maintaining low image noise throughout the entire keV spectrum. These data suggest that to consider VMI screening after arterially hyper-enhancing liver lesions

    Monitoring of laser micromanipulated optically trapped cells by digital holographic microscopy

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    For a precise manipulation of particles and cells with laser light as well as for the understanding and the control of the underlying processes it is important to visualize and quantify the response of the specimens. Thus, we investigated if digital holographic microscopy (DHM) can be used in combination with microfluidics to observe optically trapped living cells in a minimally invasive fashion during laser micromanipulation. The obtained results demonstrate that DHM multi-focus phase contrast provides label-free quantitative monitoring of optical manipulation with a temporal resolution of a few milliseconds. [GRAPHICS] Laser micromanipulation monitoring of optically trapped pancreas tumor cells by quantitative digital holographic phase contrast. The arrows in the false colour coded quantitative phase contrast images indicate the impact of the treatment with focussed laser light

    Automated detection and segmentation of thoracic lymph nodes from CT using 3D foveal fully convolutional neural networks

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    Background In oncology, the correct determination of nodal metastatic disease is essential for patient management, as patient treatment and prognosis are closely linked to the stage of the disease. The aim of the study was to develop a tool for automatic 3D detection and segmentation of lymph nodes (LNs) in computed tomography (CT) scans of the thorax using a fully convolutional neural network based on 3D foveal patches. Methods The training dataset was collected from the Computed Tomography Lymph Nodes Collection of the Cancer Imaging Archive, containing 89 contrast-enhanced CT scans of the thorax. A total number of 4275 LNs was segmented semi-automatically by a radiologist, assessing the entire 3D volume of the LNs. Using this data, a fully convolutional neuronal network based on 3D foveal patches was trained with fourfold cross-validation. Testing was performed on an unseen dataset containing 15 contrast-enhanced CT scans of patients who were referred upon suspicion or for staging of bronchial carcinoma. Results The algorithm achieved a good overall performance with a total detection rate of 76.9% for enlarged LNs during fourfold cross-validation in the training dataset with 10.3 false-positives per volume and of 69.9% in the unseen testing dataset. In the training dataset a better detection rate was observed for enlarged LNs compared to smaller LNs, the detection rate for LNs with a short-axis diameter (SAD) >= 20 mm and SAD 5-10 mm being 91.6% and 62.2% (p < 0.001), respectively. Best detection rates were obtained for LNs located in Level 4R (83.6%) and Level 7 (80.4%). Conclusions The proposed 3D deep learning approach achieves an overall good performance in the automatic detection and segmentation of thoracic LNs and shows reasonable generalizability, yielding the potential to facilitate detection during routine clinical work and to enable radiomics research without observer-bias

    Exchange-bias instability in a bilayer with an ion-beam imprinted stripe pattern of ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic interfaces

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    Theis-Broehl K, Wolff M, Westphalen A, et al. Exchange-bias instability in a bilayer with an ion-beam imprinted stripe pattern of ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic interfaces. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2006;73(17): 174408.We have investigated the magnetization arrangement in an in-plane stripe pattern with alternating exchange-bias domains. The stripe pattern was produced by ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning, which changed locally the exchange-bias direction at the ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface, but not the magnetic or antiferromagnetic properties of the Co70Fe30 and Mn83Ir17 layers, respectively. For the analysis of the magnetic domain structure evolution along the hysteresis loop we used a combination of experimental techniques: magneto-optical Kerr effect, Kerr microscopy, polarized neutron reflectometry, and off-specular scattering of polarized neutrons with polarization analysis. Instead of a perfect antiparallel alignment we found that the magnetization in neighboring stripes is periodically canted with respect to the stripe axis so that the net magnetization of the ferromagnetic film turns almost perpendicular to the stripes. At the same time the projection of the magnetization vector onto the stripe axis has a periodically alternating sign. The experimental observations are explained and quantitatively described within the frame of a phenomenological model, taking into account interfacial exchange bias, intralayer exchange energy, and uniaxial anisotropy. The model defines conditions which can be used for tailoring nano- and micro-patterned exchange-bias systems with different types of magnetic order

    The test–retest reliability of large and small fiber nerve excitability testing with threshold tracking

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    Standard nerve excitability testing (NET) predominantly assesses Aα- and Aβ-fiber function, but a method examining small afferents would be of great interest in pain studies. Here, we examined the properties of a novel perception threshold tracking (PTT) method that preferentially activates Aδ-fibers using weak currents delivered by a novel multipin electrode and compared its reliability with NET. Eighteen healthy subjects (mean age:34.06 ± 2.0) were examined three times with motor and sensory NET and PTT in morning and afternoon sessions on the same day (intra-day reliability) and after a week (inter-day reliability). NET was performed on the median nerve, while PTT stimuli were delivered through a multipin electrode located on the forearm. During PTT, subjects indicated stimulus perception via a button press and the intensity of the current was automatically increased or decreased accordingly by Qtrac software. This allowed changes in the perception threshold to be tracked during strength-duration time constant (SDTC) and threshold electrotonus protocols. The coefficient of variation (CoV) and interclass coefficient of variation (ICC) showed good-excellent reliability for most NET parameters. PTT showed poor reliability for both SDTC and threshold electrotonus parameters. There was a significant correlation between large (sensory NET) and small (PTT) fiber SDTC when all sessions were pooled (r = 0.29, p = 0.03). Threshold tracking technique can be applied directly to small fibers via a psychophysical readout, but with the current technique, the reliability is poor. Further studies are needed to examine whether Aβ-fiber SDTC may be a surrogate biomarker for peripheral nociceptive signalling