2,089 research outputs found

    Direct Detection of Galactic Halo Dark Matter

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    The Milky Way Galaxy contains a large, spherical component which is believed to harbor a substantial amount of unseen matter. Recent observations indirectly suggest that as much as half of this ``dark matter'' may be in the form of old, very cool white dwarfs, the remnants of an ancient population of stars as old as the Galaxy itself. We conducted a survey to find faint, cool white dwarfs with large space velocities, indicative of their membership in the Galaxy's spherical halo component. The survey reveals a substantial, directly observed population of old white dwarfs, too faint to be seen in previous surveys. This newly discovered population accounts for at least 2% of the halo dark matter. It provides a natural explanation for the indirect observations, and represents a direct detection of Galactic halo dark matter.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Note added after Science Express online publication: This text reflects the correction of a few typographical errors in the online version of the table. It also includes the new constraint on the calculation of d_max which accounts for the fact that the survey could not have detected stars with proper motions below 0.33 arcseconds per year. Published online at ScienceExpress www.sciencemag.org 22 March 2001; 10.1126/science.1059954; To appear in Science 27 April 200

    Integrated regulation of PIKK-mediated stress responses by AAA+ proteins RUVBL1 and RUVBL2

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    Proteins of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related protein kinase (PIKK) family are activated by various cellular stresses, including DNA damage, premature termination codon and nutritional status, and induce appropriate cellular responses. The importance of PIKK functions in the maintenance of genome integrity, accurate gene expression and the proper control of cell growth/proliferation is established. Recently, ATPase associated diverse cellular activities (AAA+) proteins RUVBL1 and RUVBL2 (RUVBL1/2) have been shown to be common regulators of PIKKs. The RUVBL1/2 complex regulates PIKK-mediated stress responses through physical interactions with PIKKs and by controlling PIKK mRNA levels. In this review, the functions of PIKKs in stress responses are outlined and the physiological significance of the integrated regulation of PIKKs by the RUVBL1/2 complex is presented. We also discuss a putative “PIKK regulatory chaperone complex” including other PIKK regulators, Hsp90 and the Tel2 complex

    Dynamical response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime

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    The response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal model subjected to stochastic uncorrelated spike trains originating from a large number of inhibitory and excitatory post-synaptic potentials is analyzed in detail. The model is examined in its three fundamental dynamical regimes: silence, bistability and repetitive firing. Its response is characterized in terms of statistical indicators (interspike-interval distributions and their first moments) as well as of dynamical indicators (autocorrelation functions and conditional entropies). In the silent regime, the coexistence of two different coherence resonances is revealed: one occurs at quite low noise and is related to the stimulation of subthreshold oscillations around the rest state; the second one (at intermediate noise variance) is associated with the regularization of the sequence of spikes emitted by the neuron. Bistability in the low noise limit can be interpreted in terms of jumping processes across barriers activated by stochastic fluctuations. In the repetitive firing regime a maximization of incoherence is observed at finite noise variance. Finally, the mechanisms responsible for spike triggering in the various regimes are clearly identified.Comment: 14 pages, 24 figures in eps, submitted to Physical Review

    Observations of Ultracool White Dwarfs

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    We present new spectroscopic and photometric measurements of the white dwarfs LHS 3250 and WD 0346+246. Along with F351-50, these white dwarfs are the coolest ones known, all with effective temperatures below 4000 K. Their membership in the Galactic halo population is discussed, and detailed comparisons of all three objects with new atmosphere models are presented. The new models consider the effects of mixed H/He atmospheres and indicate that WD 0346+246 and F351-50 have predominantly helium atmospheres with only traces of hydrogen. LHS 3250 may be a double degenerate whose average radiative temperature is between 2000 and 4000 K, but the new models fail to explain this object

    Information Flow through a Chaotic Channel: Prediction and Postdiction at Finite Resolution

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    We reconsider the persistence of information under the dynamics of the logistic map in order to discuss communication through a nonlinear channel where the sender can set the initial state of the system with finite resolution, and the recipient measures it with the same accuracy. We separate out the contributions of global phase space shrinkage and local phase space contraction and expansion to the uncertainty in predicting and postdicting the state of the system. Thus, we determine how the amplification parameter, the time lag, and the resolution influence the possibility for communication. A novel representation for real numbers is introduced that allows for a visualization of the flow of information between scales.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    On the action potential as a propagating density pulse and the role of anesthetics

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    The Hodgkin-Huxley model of nerve pulse propagation relies on ion currents through specific resistors called ion channels. We discuss a number of classical thermodynamic findings on nerves that are not contained in this classical theory. Particularly striking is the finding of reversible heat changes, thickness and phase changes of the membrane during the action potential. Data on various nerves rather suggest that a reversible density pulse accompanies the action potential of nerves. Here, we attempted to explain these phenomena by propagating solitons that depend on the presence of cooperative phase transitions in the nerve membrane. These transitions are, however, strongly influenced by the presence of anesthetics. Therefore, the thermodynamic theory of nerve pulses suggests a explanation for the famous Meyer-Overton rule that states that the critical anesthetic dose is linearly related to the solubility of the drug in the membranes.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    The Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey: optical catalogue and point-source counterparts to X-ray sources

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    As part of the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS), we present a catalogue of optical sources in the GBS footprint. This consists of two regions centered at Galactic latitude b = 1.5 degrees above and below the Galactic Centre, spanning (l x b) = (6x1) degrees. The catalogue consists of 2 or more epochs of observations for each line of sight in r', i' and H{\alpha} filters. It is complete down to r' = 20.2 and i' = 19.2 mag; the mean 5{\sigma} depth is r' = 22.5 and i' = 21.1 mag. The mean root-mean-square residuals of the astrometric solutions is 0.04 arcsec. We cross-correlate this optical catalogue with the 1640 unique X-ray sources detected in Chandra observations of the GBS area, and find candidate optical counterparts to 1480 X-ray sources. We use a false alarm probability analysis to estimate the contamination by interlopers, and expect ~ 10 per cent of optical counterparts to be chance alignments. To determine the most likely counterpart for each X-ray source, we compute the likelihood ratio for all optical sources within the 4{\sigma} X-ray error circle. This analysis yields 1480 potential counterparts (~ 90 per cent of the sample). 584 counterparts have saturated photometry (r'<17, i'<16), indicating these objects are likely foreground sources and the real counterparts. 171 candidate counterparts are detected only in the i'-band. These sources are good qLMXB and CV candidates as they are X-ray bright and likely located in the Bulge.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures. Published in MNRAS. 2016MNRAS.458.4530