76 research outputs found


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    Built heritage constitutes the physical components of the city\u27s identity and image; adding historical, symbolic or cultural values to old buildings justifies the need to protect them, and to find a way to integrate them with the expected development of the city. On the other hand, the modernity of the city reflects the contemporary character of the society by adopting the current architectural trends and the newest technologies in construction. This paper investigates the historical cities image throughout its continuous development, where the built heritage needs to be integrated within the new urban context established by the rational development of the city, through studying the case of Tyre city in South Lebanon. In this city, 1930s-1970s buildings achieved a sense of disjunctive break from the old city fabric (1766-1900s). In spite of the differences between these two fabrics, both represent a clear and strong identity for the two historical stages. This identity is confused in the later urban fabric of the city. As a result, the development of Tyre city should be balanced to improve \u27the sense of place\u27


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    Capital investments in information and communication technology (ICT) have been a major contributor to the growth of several developed countries. In an attempt to boost their economies, some emerging and developing countries have been following a similar path, in which they heavily invest in the sector of ICT. However, due to other factors, ICT capital growth may not always produce the desired economic outcome. The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of capital growth in ICT on economic growth in one developing country, Egypt, which has been heavily investing in the sector of ICT. The study analyses time series data covering the period from 1999 to 2019 using an error correction model. The findings demonstrate that there is no long-term positive association between ICT capital growth and economic growth in Egypt. While the development of ICT provides the potential for Egypt to achieve sustained economic growth, the significance and size of these impacts are currently negligible. The study concludes that in order to benefit from capital investments in ICT, policymakers should enact high-quality investment policies and improve the overall quality of the surrounding environment, such as the regulatory and institutional environments, in addition to controlling inflation and government consumption

    The role of effective governance in determining the relationship between Muslims’ religiosity and their income

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    Most of the studies which examine the effect of religiosity on income in the literature have found the relationship to be negative among Muslims and non-Muslims. The waves of migration of religious Muslims to non-Muslim majority countries have raised concerns about the future of the economic growth of such hosting countries. This paper introduces the government as a variable that interacts with religiosity and explains this complex link. In this study, we use panel data from the World Values Survey and the World Bank Governance Indicators for 68 countries over 14 different years from 1996 to 2014 to test how governance explain the religiosity-income link among Muslims. The study found evidence that countries with higher government effectiveness levels experience a lower negative impact of religiosity on income. Results show that the negative size shrinks with better governance until it becomes statistically insignificant when countries are at a very high government effectiveness level

    Schistosoma mansoni: Antiparasitic effects of orally administered Nigella sativa oil and/or Chroococcus turgidus extract

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    Schistosoma mansoni is one of the parasites causing schistosomiasis, a disease which threatens millions of people all over the world. Traditional chemical drugs are not fully effective against schistosomaisis due to the evolving drug resistant worm strains, so exploring new remedies derived from natural products is a good way to fight schistosomiasis. In the present investigation two natural products, Nigella sativa oil and Chroococcus turgidus extract were used separately or in a combination to explore their effect on S. mansoni. The infected mice treated with Chroococcus turgidus extract or/and sativa seed oil showed a significant decrease in the total worm burden. The total number of deposited eggs by females of S. mansoni was significantly decreased in the liver of mice treated with Chroococcus turgidus extract or/and sativa seed oil. However, in the intestine, the number of eggs was significantly reduced in mice treated with algal extract and those treated with both algal extract and oil. Fecundity of female S. mansoni showed a significant decrease from mice treated with algal extract or/and sativa seed oil. According to SEM investigations the tegmental surface, oral and ventral suckers of worms also showed considerable changes; as the tubercles lost their spines, some are swollen and torn out. The suckers become edematous and enlarged while the tegmental surface is damaged due to the treatment with Chroococcus turgidus extract or/and sativa seed oil. In conclusion, the Nigella sativa oil and Chroococcus turgidus extract are promising natural compounds that can be used in fighting schistosomiasis

    Ethics in accounting and auditing

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    Accounting and auditing professions deal with the most critical issues relative to individuals i.e. property. Accountants are as same as physicians in which trust has a major role in their profession. Client’s mistrust is destructive to accounting systems and profession. Main matter in the field of accounting is exclusive benefit of CPAs‘s legal auditing as well as ability to respond which is the requirements of unique advantage. Profession is protected proprietary advantage through its superior characteristics such as independence, integrity and protecting public interest. The relationship between characteristics and professional behavior is main criticisms against profession. Major accounting errors as well as unusual and exceptional errors, causing losses to investors and is outside of moral assumptions. However, the focus of professional behavior and code of conduct in the audit is moral decisions making which should not be considered simple and insignificant. Audit firm should confront with illegal activities considering auditing professional code of conduct. The firm also should abide by its legal obligations to protect the reputation of the recently conducted Research in the accountants and auditors professional code of conduct, concentrated on accretion understanding and acceptance of accepted professional ethics. Unethical behavior Continuation showed that ethical principles are more important than technical rules in professional accounting and auditing. Thus, ethics got more attention and the International Federation of Accountants gives the committee mission to provide the Code of Professional Conduct. Committee developed the first Code of professional conduct of accountants in 1996, to be used as a model of ethical guidelines

    Ethics in accounting and auditing

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    Accounting and auditing professions deal with the most critical issues relative to individuals i.e. property. Accountants are as same as physicians in which trust has a major role in their profession. Client’s mistrust is destructive to accounting systems and profession. Main matter in the field of accounting is exclusive benefit of CPAs‘s legal auditing as well as ability to respond which is the requirements of unique advantage. Profession is protected proprietary advantage through its superior characteristics such as independence, integrity and protecting public interest. The relationship between characteristics and professional behavior is main criticisms against profession. Major accounting errors as well as unusual and exceptional errors, causing losses to investors and is outside of moral assumptions. However, the focus of professional behavior and code of conduct in the audit is moral decisions making which should not be considered simple and insignificant. Audit firm should confront with illegal activities considering auditing professional code of conduct. The firm also should abide by its legal obligations to protect the reputation of the recently conducted Research in the accountants and auditors professional code of conduct, concentrated on accretion understanding and acceptance of accepted professional ethics. Unethical behavior Continuation showed that ethical principles are more important than technical rules in professional accounting and auditing. Thus, ethics got more attention and the International Federation of Accountants gives the committee mission to provide the Code of Professional Conduct. Committee developed the first Code of professional conduct of accountants in 1996, to be used as a model of ethical guidelines

    Quality of Life Among of Menopausal Women

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    Background: The transition through menopause is a life event that can profoundly affect quality of life. More than 80% of women report physical and psychological symptoms that commonly accompany menopause, with varying degrees of severity and life disruption. Studies find that most women experience at least one or more of these symptoms as they transition through the postmenopausal stage of life. The aim of this study was to assess the menopause related symptoms and their impact on the women’s quality of life. Subjects and methods: A descriptive design was carried out in Obstetrics and Gynecological department at maternity and children hospital in Makkah Al Mukkarrmah..  Convenient sample composed of 90 women at range of from 40-60years were recruited in the study. Interviewing sheet that was designed by the investigators and Menopause Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (MENQOL) were used to collect the data. Results: The present study showed that the most severe symptoms in vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual domains were, hot flushes (29%), experiencing poor memory (48.3%), being dissatisfied with their personal life (44.8%), Low backache (41.9%), and change in your sexual desire (36.8%). The overall scores of menopausal quality of life for each MENQOL domain are indicated that the highest mean score in sexual domain (3.19± 1.99), following by psychosocial (2.94± 1.45) then vasomotor (2.55± 1.53) and finally physical symptoms (2.28± .749). Conclusion: The present study concluded that most severe symptoms in vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual domains were, hot flushes, experiencing poor memory, being dissatisfied with their personal life, low backache, and change in your sexual desire. The mean scores of physical and vasomotor domain were significantly more in postmenopausal (PM) group then menopausal transition MT group. While the mean scores of each domain suggest that menopausal symptoms were associated with decrease in women quality of life. The current study recommended that: Health care providers need to play a more visible and instrumental role in continuously assessing menopausal women's needs as well as implement appropriate health educational programs. Also further research addressing women's health needs is also essential for improving the quality of life of menopausal women in Saudi Arabia Keywords: Menopause – Menopausal symptoms- Quality of life - MENQOL

    Mutagenicity assessment of Salacia chinensis by bacterial reverse mutation assay using histidine dependent Salmonella typhimurium tester strains

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Genotoxicity analysis is one of the most important non-clinical environmental safety investigations required for pharmaceutical and agrochemical product registration. Any medicinal product must undergo a risk evaluation to determine its mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Ames test is a commonly used in vitro test for determining a test chemical\u27s mutagenic activity. Histidine-dependent Salmonella typhimurium strains with a defective gene that causes the bacteria to synthesis the necessary amino acid histidine for life were tested for mutagenic potential. In order to reveal pro-mutagens and mutagens, the mutagenic potential of both plate integration and pre-incubation techniques was examined in the presence and absence of metabolizing system. Salacia chinensis has been widely used in ayurveda to treat various ailments. However, the information of mutagenicity of Salacia chinensis is scarce as per available literature. RESULTS: The mutagenicity of a Salacia chinensis root extract was investigated utilizing the Ames assay with plate incorporation and pre-incubation protocols using the appropriate Salmonella typhimurium tester strains: TA98, TA100, TA1537, TA1535, and TA102 in the presence and absence of S9. The concentrations used were 0.3123, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 mg/plate. The extract of Salacia chinensis root did not show any mutagenic effect in any of the Salmonella typhimurium strains at the concentrations tested in the absence or presence of metabolic activation. CONCLUSION: The root of Salacia chinensis was hence confirmed to be non-mutagenic and at least according to the results of this genotoxicity evaluation can be regarded as being safe for human use

    Castor Oil Safety and Effectiveness on Labour Induction and Neonatal Outcome

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    Background: Castor oil is one of the most popular methods for  labour induction. The use of castor oil to induce labor is controversial. The irregular, painful contractions of castor oil-induced labor can be stressful on the mother and fetus. The use of castor oil may stimulate passage of meconium, and thus, neonatal respiratory distress that may result from meconium aspiration. So, the aim of this study was to assess safety and effectiveness of castor oil on labour induction and neonatal outcome. Subjects and Methods: a quasi-experimental design was used. The study was conducted in a private hospital at Makkah Al Mukaramah. One hundred pregnant women who attended the hospital for giving birth was selected from the previously mentioned setting. The sample was divided as follow: 50   women already took castor oil and 50   women didn't take castor oil at the time of birth. Results: there were a lot of maternal complications that had been occurred among castor oil group in comparison with control group such as fatigue (12.0%), nausea & vomiting (20.0%) and excessive uterine activity (12.0%) compared to (8.0%, 4.0% ,4.0%) from the control group respectively. About one fifth 18 % of castor oil group had amniotic fluid mixed with meconium. In addition, a highly statistical significant difference was found between the two groups at the first minute APGAR score (t=2.65 at p=0.009). Conclusion: It can be concluded that, the probability of labour initiation increases during the first 24 hours after using castor oil. In addition, taking castor oil increases the chances of meconium stained amniotic fluid. Most side effects caused by taking castor oil are fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Also, castor oil affected newborn's APGOR score at the first minute. Key words: Castor oil, labour induction, neonatal outcom

    Anti-mutagenic potential of algal extracts on chromosomal aberrations in Allium cepa L.

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    In the present study, sodium azide (SA) toxicity and the anti-mutagenic effects of different algal extracts at 0.1% and 0.2% concentrations were studied on the mitotic index (MI), chromosomal and nuclear aberrations using Allium cepa L. root assay. Moreover, phytochemical screening of photosynthetic pigments, antioxidants compounds, total antioxidant, DPPH scavenging activity, polysaccharides, and phenolic contents were done for two red seaweeds (Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux and Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey) and for one brown seaweed (Dictyopteris delicatula Lamouroux). Treatment with 300 μg/ml sodium azide (SA) induced the highest number of aberrations in A. cepa root. A highly significant decrease in the MI appeared after treatment with SA, whereas its value increased following different algal extracts treatments. The highest anti-mutagenic inhibition activity of Dictyopteris delicatula added at 0.2% concentration was 72.96%, 69.84%, 56.89% and 43.59% with the algal polyphenol, polysaccharide, aqueous and methanol extract treatments, respectively. The different algal extracts minimized the genotoxicity and exhibited anti-mutagenic potential against SA in a dose-dependent manner. Phytochemical studies showed that Dictyopteris delicatula contained the highest total phenol, chlorophyll-a and carotenoid quantity. Moreover it exhibited the highest total antioxidant and DPPH scavenging activities. Total polysaccharides and the weight percentage of sulphated polysaccharides were relatively higher in Polysiphonia morrowii followed by Laurencia obtusa. Hydroquinone and bromophenol were detected only in the studied brown and red seaweeds, respectively. Polysiphonia morrowii and Laurencia obtusa contained the highest quantity of galactose, rhmnose and xylose, while Dictyopteris delicatula contained fucose and mannitol as main monosaccharide units. In conclusion, the studied seaweeds may be considered as rich sources of natural antioxidants. Meanwhile the investigated different algal extracts can minimize the genotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner and exhibit anti-mutagenic potential against the mutagenic substance sodium azide