8 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Pollutants Emissions in the City of Tuzla

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    OnečiŔćenje zraka se sve viÅ”e smatra značajnim rizikom po zdravlje stanovniÅ”tva. Uslijed rada industrije, velike koncentracije prometa i individualnih ložiÅ”ta, na području grada Tuzle već je dulje vrijeme prisutan problem onečiŔćenja zraka. Tvari koje onečiŔćuju okoliÅ” predstavljaju rizik za zdravlje ljudi i drugih živih bića, a onečiŔćenje zbog sagorijevanja fosilnih goriva je na vodećem mjestu crne ljestvice prijetnji za zdravlje. OnečiŔćenost okoliÅ”a može uzrokovati niz bolesti, poput astme, alergija, raznih oblika raka, bolesti srca i krvožilnog sustava, problema s plodnoŔću, neuroloÅ”kih problema i slično. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati monitoringa emisije polutanata u razdoblju od 1. 1. 2019. do 31. 12. 2019. godine. Proveden je monitoring zraka za polutante: sumporov dioksid (SO2), duÅ”ikov dioksid (NO2), ugljikov monoksid (CO), ozon (O3) i lebdeće čestice PM2,5, na tri lokacije u Tuzli. Rezultati ukazuju na to da je tijekom sezone grijanja, odnosno zimskih mjeseci kvaliteta zraka u urbanom području grada Tuzle vrlo loÅ”a. Najveća koncentracija sumporova dioksida zabilježena je u prosincu na mjernoj stanici Bukinje i iznosila je 271,7 Āµg mā€“3, također u istom mjesecu, na mjernoj stanici Skver zabilježena je koncentracija lebdećih čestica PM2,5 od 153,2 Āµg mā€“3. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Air pollution is increasingly considered a significant risk to human health. Due to industrial activity, individual fireboxes, and the high traffic concentration, the problem of air pollution has long been present in the Tuzla area. Environmental pollutants cause serious harm to humans and all living things, and pollution from fossil fuel combustion is at the forefront of the black scale of health threats. Environmental pollution can cause a number of diseases such as asthma, allergies, various cancers, heart and circulatory system diseases, fertility problems, neurological problems. This paper presents the results of monitoring pollutant emissions in the period from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2019, and the harmful effects of polluted air on the human body. Monitoring at three locations in Tuzla was carried out for the following air pollutants: sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and PM2.5. The results showed that, during the heating season (winter months), the air in the urban area of Tuzla was heavily polluted; the highest concentration of sulphur dioxide was recorded in December at the measuring station Bukinje, which amounted to 271.7 Āµg mā€“3. In the same month, the measuring station Skver recorded a concentration of particulate matter PM2.5 of 153.2 Āµg mā€“3. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Stories from the temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and time

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    Izložba ā€žPriče iz Templa: metamorfoza hrama kroz prostor i vrijeme" donosi historiografske crtice o hramu i gradu, pokazujući kako vrijeme i prostor nisu (samo) fizičke dimenzije, već emotivne, duhovne i simboličke. Svaka stanica na putovanju kroz vrijeme i prostor hrama ispričana je putem fotografija, dokumenata, novinskih članaka i svjedočanstava: putovanje kroz vrijeme započinje od prve ideje o izgradnji hrama, preko destrukcije u Drugom svjetskom ratu i prenamjene u periodu socijalizma, te opsade Sarajeva i revitalizacije u poslijeratnom periodu, do savremenosti.The exhibition "Stories from the Temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and Time" brings historiographic reminiscences about the temple and the city, showing that time and space are not (only) physical dimensions, but emotional, spiritual and symbolic too. Each stop on the journey through time and space of the temple is told through photographs, documents, newspaper articles and testimonies: the journey through time starts from the first idea of building the temple, through its destruction in World War II and its conversion during the period of socialism, as well as the siege of Sarajevo and revitalization in the post-war period, until modern times.Izložba održana od 1 do 30. juna 2023. gdoine u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u Sarajevu (the exhibition was held from June 1 to June 30, 2023, at the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo)

    Značenje funkcionalnosti vodopropusnih objekata u protuerozijskoj zaŔtiti na Ŕumskim cestama

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    Bosna i Hercegovina ima pretežno brdsko-planinsku konfiguraciju terena, bogata je razvijenom hidrografskom mrežom. Pri projektiranju i izgradnji mreža Å”umskih cesta učestala je pojava presijecanja stalnih ili povremenih vodotoka pa je zato prijeko potrebno planirati i graditi vodopropusne objekte. Najrizičnija su mjesta, kada je u pitanju negativan utjecaj vodotoka na erozijske procese, upravo točke presijecanja Å”umske ceste rijekama i brdsko-planinskim vodotocima. Da bi se smanjio postotak neupotrebljivosti primarne mreže Å”umske transportne infrastrukture, treba pristupiti kvalitetnim rjeÅ”enjima odvodnje povrÅ”inskih voda i izgradnji prelazaka preko postojećih planinskih vodotoka. Vodna je erozija jedna od mogućih pojava, koja može nastati na kolničkoj konstrukciji, ako na odgovarajući način nije rijeÅ”eno pitanje odvodnje povrÅ”inskih i oborinskih voda. Procjena erozijskih procesa prilikom provođenja istraživanja utjecaja hidrografske mreže na primarnu mrežu Å”umske transportne infrastrukture obavlja se na osnovi terenskoga snimanja stanja vodopropusnih objekata i kolničke konstrukcije u njezinoj neposrednoj blizini. Prilikom istraživanja nisu analizirani tehnički elementi Å”umskih cesta (osim erodiranosti kolničke konstrukcije), aktivnosti su usmjerene na vodopropusne objekte, odnosno njihovo stanje i eventualni utjecaj na erodiranje kolničke konstrukcije. Istraživanja su provedena u GJ Ā»NeretvicaĀ« u okviru Å PP Ā»KonjičkoĀ«. Analizirano je ukupno 129 različitih vodopropusnih objekata, od kojih su 16 mostova, 73 cijevna betonska propusta i 40 drugih tipova objekata. U okviru provedene analize vodopropusnih objekata obrađena je oÅ”tećenost i funkcionalnost vodopropusnih objekata te erodiranost kolničke konstrukcije u njezinoj neposrednoj blizini

    Priče iz Templa: metamorfoza hrama kroz prostor i vrijeme [izložbeni plakati]

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    The exhibition "Stories from the Temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and Time" brings historiographic reminiscences about the temple and the city, showing that time and space are not (only) physical dimensions, but emotional, spiritual and symbolic too. Each stop on the journey through time and space of the temple is told through photographs, documents, newspaper articles and testimonies: the journey through time starts from the first idea of building the temple, through its destruction in World War II and its conversion during the period of socialism, as well as the siege of Sarajevo and revitalization in the post-war period, until modern times. Each of them contains a corresponding image and accompanying text from a segment of the history of this building.Izložba ā€žPriče iz Templa: metamorfoza hrama kroz prostor i vrijemeā€œ donosi historiografske crtice o hramu i gradu, pokazujući kako vrijeme i prostor nisu (samo) fizičke dimenzije, već emotivne, duhovne i simboličke. Svaka stanica na putovanju kroz vrijeme i prostor hrama ispričana je putem fotografija, dokumenata, novinskih članaka i svjedočanstava: putovanje kroz vrijeme započinje od prve ideje o izgradnji hrama, preko destrukcije u Drugom svjetskom ratu i prenamjene u periodu socijalizma, te opsade Sarajeva i revitalizacije u poslijeratnom periodu, do savremenosti. U ovoj prezentaciji predstavljeno je 15 izložbenih plakata na bosanskom jeziku. Svaki od njih sadrži odgovarajuću sliku i prateći tekst iz segmenta istorije ove građevine.Izložba održana od 1 do 30. juna 2023. godine u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u Sarajevu (the exhibition was held from June 1 to June 30, 2023, at the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo).Link na katalog izložbe (link to the exhibition catalogue): [https://www.jevrejskadigitalnabiblioteka.rs/handle/123456789/2573

    Stories from the temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and time [exhibition posters]

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    Izložba ā€žPriče iz Templa: metamorfoza hrama kroz prostor i vrijemeā€œ donosi historiografske crtice o hramu i gradu, pokazujući kako vrijeme i prostor nisu (samo) fizičke dimenzije, već emotivne, duhovne i simboličke. Svaka stanica na putovanju kroz vrijeme i prostor hrama ispričana je putem fotografija, dokumenata, novinskih članaka i svjedočanstava: putovanje kroz vrijeme započinje od prve ideje o izgradnji hrama, preko destrukcije u Drugom svjetskom ratu i prenamjene u periodu socijalizma, te opsade Sarajeva i revitalizacije u poslijeratnom periodu, do savremenosti. U ovoj prezentaciji predstavljeno je 15 izložbenih plakata na bosanskom jeziku. Svaki od njih sadrži odgovarajuću sliku i prateći tekst iz segmenta istorije ove građevine.The exhibition "Stories from the Temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and Time" brings historiographic reminiscences about the temple and the city, showing that time and space are not (only) physical dimensions, but emotional, spiritual and symbolic too. Each stop on the journey through time and space of the temple is told through photographs, documents, newspaper articles and testimonies: the journey through time starts from the first idea of building the temple, through its destruction in World War II and its conversion during the period of socialism, as well as the siege of Sarajevo and revitalization in the post-war period, until modern times. Each of them contains a corresponding image and accompanying text from a segment of the history of this building.Izložba održana od 1 do 30. juna 2023. godine u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u Sarajevu (the exhibition was held from June 1 to June 30, 2023, at the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo).Link na katalog izložbe (link to the exhibition catalogue): [https://www.jevrejskadigitalnabiblioteka.rs/handle/123456789/2573

    The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian 1.0

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    This corpus is specialized, static (i.e., no future growth is planned), diachronic and covers the period from 2002 to 2022. The SMS messages included in this corpus were obtained from voluntary donors (informants). Both senders and recipients of the messages included in the corpus are Bosnian speakers, exhibiting diversity in terms of age, education and occupation, place of origin and countries of long-term residence. The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian was originally published by University of Sarajevo ā€“ Faculty of Philosophy as an electronic book. The second phase of the work involved compiling the SMS messages into a corpus and linguistic annotation, which was done using the CLASSLA package (https://github.com/clarinsi/classla), version 2.1, with language = Serbian and type = nonstandard for tokenization, lemmatization and morpho-syntactic tagging (both MULTEXT-East and Universal Dependencies)

    The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian 1.1

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    This corpus is specialized, static (i.e., no future growth is planned), diachronic and covers the period from 2002 to 2022. The SMS messages included in this corpus were obtained from voluntary donors (informants). Both senders and recipients of the messages included in the corpus are Bosnian speakers, exhibiting diversity in terms of age, education and occupation, place of origin and countries of long-term residence. The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian was originally published by University of Sarajevo ā€“ Faculty of Philosophy as an electronic book. The second phase of the work involved compiling the SMS messages into a corpus and linguistic annotation, which was done using the CLASSLA package (https://github.com/clarinsi/classla), version 2.1, with language = Serbian and type = nonstandard for tokenization, lemmatization and morpho-syntactic tagging (both MULTEXT-East and Universal Dependencies). As opposed to the previous version, this version corrects a number of mistakes in the metadata