Stories from the temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and time


Izložba „Priče iz Templa: metamorfoza hrama kroz prostor i vrijeme" donosi historiografske crtice o hramu i gradu, pokazujući kako vrijeme i prostor nisu (samo) fizičke dimenzije, već emotivne, duhovne i simboličke. Svaka stanica na putovanju kroz vrijeme i prostor hrama ispričana je putem fotografija, dokumenata, novinskih članaka i svjedočanstava: putovanje kroz vrijeme započinje od prve ideje o izgradnji hrama, preko destrukcije u Drugom svjetskom ratu i prenamjene u periodu socijalizma, te opsade Sarajeva i revitalizacije u poslijeratnom periodu, do savremenosti.The exhibition "Stories from the Temple: metamorphosis of the Temple through space and Time" brings historiographic reminiscences about the temple and the city, showing that time and space are not (only) physical dimensions, but emotional, spiritual and symbolic too. Each stop on the journey through time and space of the temple is told through photographs, documents, newspaper articles and testimonies: the journey through time starts from the first idea of building the temple, through its destruction in World War II and its conversion during the period of socialism, as well as the siege of Sarajevo and revitalization in the post-war period, until modern times.Izložba održana od 1 do 30. juna 2023. gdoine u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u Sarajevu (the exhibition was held from June 1 to June 30, 2023, at the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo)

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