1,014 research outputs found

    Efficient and accurate three dimensional Poisson solver for surface problems

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    We present a method that gives highly accurate electrostatic potentials for systems where we have periodic boundary conditions in two spatial directions but free boundary conditions in the third direction. These boundary conditions are needed for all kind of surface problems. Our method has an O(N log N) computational cost, where N is the number of grid points, with a very small prefactor. This Poisson solver is primarily intended for real space methods where the charge density and the potential are given on a uniform grid.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    High-efficiency power conversion options for flywheel energy storage systems

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    The impact of efficiency on the power system and how efficiency is affected by component types is discussed. Some ac and dc bus configurations are described along with prototype systems

    Non-conformal coarse-grained potentials for water

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    Water is a notoriously difficult substance to model both accurately and efficiently. Here, we focus on descriptions with a single coarse-grained particle per molecule using the so-called Approximate Non-Conformal (ANC) and generalized Stockmayer potentials as the starting points. They are fitted using the radial density function and the density of the atomistic SPC/E model by downhill simplex optimization. We compare the results with monatomic water (mW), ELBA, as well as with direct Iterative Boltzmann Inversion (IBI) of SPC/E. The results show that symmetrical potentials result in non-transferable models, that is, they need to be reparametrized for new state-points. This indicates that transferability may require more complex models. Furthermore, the results also show that the addition of a point dipole is not sufficient to make the potentials accurate and transferable to different temperatures (300 K-500 K) and pressures without an appropriate choice of properties as targets during model optimization

    Exact solution of Riemann--Hilbert problem for a correlation function of the XY spin chain

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    A correlation function of the XY spin chain is studied at zero temperature. This is called the Emptiness Formation Probability (EFP) and is expressed by the Fredholm determinant in the thermodynamic limit. We formulate the associated Riemann--Hilbert problem and solve it exactly. The EFP is shown to decay in Gaussian.Comment: 7 pages, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Charge ordering induces a smectic phase in oblate ionic liquid crystals

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    We report a computer simulation study of an electroneutral mixture of oppositely charged oblate ellipsoids of revolution with aspect ratio A = 1/3. In contrast to hard or soft repulsive ellipsoids, which are purely nematic, this system exhibits a smectic-A phase in which charges of equal sign are counterintuitively packed in layers perpendicular to the nematic director

    Optical Communication Noise Rejection Using Correlated Photons

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    This paper describes a completely new way to perform noise rejection using a two-photon sensitive detector and taking advantage of the properties of correlated photons to improve an optical communications link in the presence of uncorrelated noise. In particular, a detailed analysis is made of the case where a classical link would be saturated by an intense background, such as when a satellite is in front of the sun,and identifies a regime where the quantum correlating system has superior performance.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Particle linear theory on a self-gravitating perturbed cubic Bravais lattice

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    Discreteness effects are a source of uncontrolled systematic errors of N-body simulations, which are used to compute the evolution of a self-gravitating fluid. We have already developed the so-called "Particle Linear Theory" (PLT), which describes the evolution of the position of self-gravitating particles located on a perturbed simple cubic lattice. It is the discrete analogue of the well-known (Lagrangian) linear theory of a self-gravitating fluid. Comparing both theories permits to quantify precisely discreteness effects in the linear regime. It is useful to develop the PLT also for other perturbed lattices because they represent different discretizations of the same continuous system. In this paper we detail how to implement the PLT for perturbed cubic Bravais lattices (simple, body and face-centered) in a cubic simulation box. As an application, we will study the discreteness effects -- in the linear regime -- of N-body simulations for which initial conditions have been set-up using these different lattices.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures and 4 tables. Minor corrections to match published versio

    Self-Consistent Cosmological Simulations of DGP Braneworld Gravity

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    We perform cosmological N-body simulations of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld model, by solving the full non-linear equations of motion for the scalar degree of freedom in this model, the brane bending mode. While coupling universally to matter, the brane-bending mode has self-interactions that become important as soon as the density field becomes non-linear. These self-interactions lead to a suppression of the field in high-density environments, and restore gravity to General Relativity. The code uses a multi-grid relaxation scheme to solve the non-linear field equation in the quasi-static approximation. We perform simulations of a flat self-accelerating DGP model without cosmological constant. The results of the DGP simulations are compared with standard gravity simulations assuming the same expansion history, and with DGP simulations using the linearized equation for the brane bending mode. This allows us to isolate the effects of the non-linear self-couplings of the field which are noticeable already on quasi-linear scales. We present results on the matter power spectrum and the halo mass function, and discuss the behavior of the brane bending mode within cosmological structure formation. We find that, independently of CMB constraints, the self-accelerating DGP model is strongly constrained by current weak lensing and cluster abundance measurements.Comment: 21 pages; 10 figures. Revised version matching published versio

    The decay of excited He from Stochastic Density-Functional Theory: a quantum measurement theory interpretation

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    Recently, time-dependent current-density functional theory has been extended to include the dynamical interaction of quantum systems with external environments [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 226403 (2007)]. Here we show that such a theory allows us to study a fundamentally important class of phenomena previously inaccessible by standard density-functional methods: the decay of excited systems. As an example we study the decay of an ensemble of excited He atoms, and discuss these results in the context of quantum measurement theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Ultraviolet avalanche in anisotropic non-Abelian plasmas

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    We present solutions of coupled particle-field evolution in classical U(1) and SU(2) gauge theories in real time on three-dimensional lattices. For strongly anisotropic particle momentum distributions, we find qualitatively different behavior for the two theories when the field strength is high enough that non-Abelian self-interactions matter for SU(2). It appears that the energy drained by a Weibel-like plasma instability from the particles does not build up exponentially in transverse magnetic fields but instead returns, isotropically, to the hard scale via a rapid avalanche into the ultraviolet.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures; v3: small textual changes; updated to correspond with version to appear in publicatio
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