777 research outputs found

    Kontrolle der Expression des UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS (UFO) Gens in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Kontrolle des Expressionsmusters des UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS (UFO) Gens von Arabidopsis thaliana. UFO wird im Sproß- und Blütenmeristemen aller Entwicklungsstadien der Pflanze exprimiert. In Blütenmeristemen agiert UFO als Kofaktor von LEAFY (LFY) bei der Aktivierung der Organidentitätsgene des zweiten und dritten Wirtels. UFO stellt also einen generellen Faktor der Musterbildung in Meristemen dar. Um regulatorische Gene, die die Expression von UFO beeinflussen, zu identifizieren, wurden transgene Pflanzen, die GFP unter Kontrolle des UFO-Promotors exprimieren (UFO::GFP) mutagenisiert. Anhand der GFP-Expression wurde nach Mutanten gesucht, in denen UFO im Keimlingsstadium fehlexprimiert wird. Zusätzlich wurde durch eine Deletionsanalyse des UFO-Promotors die Kontrolle der UFO-Expression durch cis-regulatorische Sequenzen untersucht. Bei der Analyse der mutagenisierten UFO::GFP-Pflanzen konnte eine Mutante identifiziert werden, in der UFO nicht exprimiert wird. Das betroffene Gen konnte isoliert und als neues Allel von WUSCHEL (WUS) identifiziert werden. WUS kodiert einen Homöodomänen-Transkriptionsfaktor, der in der zentralen Zone von Sproß- und Blütenmeristemen exprimiert wird und ein positiver Regulator des Stammzellschicksals ist. Durch WUS-Fehlexpressionsexperimente konnten gezeigt werden, daß WUS in Sproß- und Blütenmeristemen UFO-Expression aktiviert. WUS aktiviert UFO-Expression aber nicht direkt, sondern benötigt dafür meristematische Kofaktoren. Ektopische WUS-Expression in der Wurzel führte bei hohen Auxinkonzentrationen zur Umprogrammierung von Zellen auf ein sproßmeristematisches Schicksal. Das hatte zur Folge, daß auch die für die Expression von UFO benötigten Kofaktoren exprimiert werden und WUS somit UFO-Expression aktivieren kann. Anschließende Fehlexpressionsexperimente mit dem SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) Gen zeigten, daß auch STM ein indirekter Aktivator der UFO-Expression ist. Die Deletionsanalyse zeigte, daß der UFO-Promotor sich aus mehreren, in verschiedenen Promotorregionen gelegenen cis-Elemente zusammensetzt. UFO-Expression in Blütenmeristemen und im Sproßmeristemen werden also durch separate regulatorische Sequenzen kontrolliert. Auch die Kontrolle der UFO-Expression im Sproßmeristem wird durch getrennte cis-Elemente gewährleistet, da sich das UFO-Expressionsmuster durch 5´- Deletionen des Promotors in eine zentrale und eine periphere Teildomäne trennen läßt. Die zentrale Teildomäne ist mit dem WUS-Expressionsmuster identisch; möglicherweise vermittelt WUS also die positionale Information für diesen Teil des UFO-Expressionsmusters

    Effect Sizes to 1.5 Standard Deviations When Integrating Reading and Writing Instruction

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    The Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI) presents evaluation effects to 1.5 sigma (1.5 standard deviations) explaining student achievement when reading and writing integration occurs. Evaluation studies occurred with all student ability and socio-economic levels. One years growth on commercially prepared norm referenced standardized tests equals about .65 sigma. Many teachers experience challenges when scheduling integrated reading and writing instruction while working with different ability students. ECRI\u27s research codified effective teaching practices and used these practices when designing instruction and scheduling practices leading to the stated effect sizes. When teachers integrate reading and writing instruction with effective scheduling for grammar, literal, inferential, critical, creative comprehension, and literature, students within all ability and socio-economic levels achieve well

    The Era of Globalisation as a Challenge to International Law

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    The author explores the effects of globalization on international law. Considering the technological advancements of the 20th century propelling globalization, the Article first recounts the history of international law from independent nation-state sovereignty to an international law of cooperation. Next, the author discusses the roles that nongovernmental organizations and other non-state actors play in international law, and how sources of international law may result. Finally, the author concludes that international law must undergo fundamental changes to adapt to a new globalized international system

    1. Why Use Norm Referenced Standardized Tests to Answer: Did I Teach? Did They Learn?

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    : If it is state law that students must attend school or be home schooled until they are a certain age, then must the state protect them while at public schools? The answer seems self-evident. Indeed, the United States Constitution’s 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection under the laws to its citizens. But do school practices unintentionally violate this protection

    Providing Evidence Teacher Candidates Teach Well, How Well They Teach, and How We Know

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    How do we decide what teacher candidates need to do well in a program, how well they do it, and how do we know, will be seen, heard, and discussed. Participants will receive activities, with examples, explaining how these decision are made so program standards are demonstrated and assessed. Procedures for video evidence gathered during field experiences and related to decided standards and requirements, including edTPA, will be analyzed with presentation participant involvement. This research project is in progress

    Integrating Teaching Literature and Writing

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    Brief Description: Come and learn how we can better understand each other through reading and writing about literature. Participants will see demonstrated and participate in integrated literature and writing lessons for all age students. They will receive references and lessons for integrating literature and writing lessons. Participants will discuss teaching literature and writing in schools

    21st Century Challenges in Arable Farming - Essays on the Agricultural Land Market and Drone Adoption in Germany

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    This cumulative thesis addresses two key challenges facing modern arable farming in Germany in the 21st century. The first challenge considered is the agricultural land market. The ongoing reduction in the limited production factor of land and the sharp price increases on the purchase and rental market for agricultural land are leading to an ongoing social, political and scientific debate about causes, effects and the need for political intervention. The scarcity of land requires an increase in productivity from a sectoral perspective and an increase in the profitability of the land under cultivation from a business management perspective. Additionally, sustainability and resource efficiency are playing a considerably increasing role in arable farming. By adopting precision agriculture technologies, farmers can increase farm productivity by improving yields while reducing input use and external environmental impacts. Therefore, the adoption of precision agriculture technologies is considered an important goal and current challenge in arable farming. Drones are one of the newest technologies belonging to precision agriculture, and many potential applications are promised due to their multifunctionality. Nevertheless, so far drones are less used in arable farming than expected and very little is known about the adoption process of drones. The adoption of precision agriculture technologies, and in this case specifically the case of drones, is therefore considered as the second key challenge in arable farming in the cumulative thesis. The first paper studies the status quo regarding price drivers on European farmland rental markets according to current literature and offers primary survey results of German farmers’ perceptions regarding those identified price drivers. Results show that "policy/CAP", "bioenergy", "climate change" as well as "market prices/competition" are identified by the primary literature as central price drivers on the European farmland rental markets and that the surveyed German farmers perceive these four price drivers differently from the literature regarding their relevance. The second paper studies the effect of restricted tendering in farmland auctions as a widely used policy intervention tool on the agricultural land market utilizing Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and auction theory. It is demonstrated that restricted tendering in land market auctions reduces the average number of bidders but does not fulfill the ultimate purpose of lower prices for structurally disadvantaged groups of bidders, as it leads to higher purchase prices on average. In the third paper, key factors influencing the adoption of drones are studied with a modified trans-theoretical model of adoption (TTMA). The focus of this fundamental research is mainly on sociodemographic farm and farmer characteristics. Results show that, among other factors, farmers' age, gender, and technology literacy, as well as farm size, influence the adoption process of drones in arable farming. The fourth paper extends the scope of research towards the latent factors influencing the adoption process of drones in arable farming based on an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). It is shown that both raising farmers' awareness of farm-specific applications of drones and confidence in using a drone can increase farmers' intention to use a drone. The results are primarily of interest to agricultural policymakers who are involved in the active debate on agricultural land market interventions as well as those who wish to politically promote the dissemination of PAT. Furthermore, the results are of interest to farmers, (potential) buyers in the farmland market and agricultural expansion services. Developers and providers of drones and farm equipment that integrates drone technology could also benefit from this research. Each of the papers contributes to its particular body of literature and shows potential directions for future research.2021-09-1