73 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Infectious diseases caused by bacteria are a leading cause of death worldwide. Hence, the objectives of the study are aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity against five human pathogenic bacteria of methanolic extracts from 66 plants collected from Vietnam. Methods: The broth microdilution method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of methanol extracts of 66 plant species against five bacterial strains. Results: In this study, all the plant extracts were active against at least one train with MIC values ranging from 24 to 2048 μg/mL. Twenty-five plant extracts were active against all three Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus). Of these, the extracts of Macaranga trichocarpa (Rchb. f. and Zoll.) Mull. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), Calophyllum inophyllum L. (Clusiaceae) and Caryodaphnopsis baviensis (Lecomte) Airy Shaw (Lauraceae) exhibited the highest antibacterial activity (MIC =24–128 μg/mL), followed by extracts of Betula alnoides Buch.- Ham. e × . D. Don (Betulaceae), Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq. (Rutaceae), Croton alpinus A. Chev. ex Gagnep. (Euphorbiaceae) (MIC =64–256 μg/mL). Furthermore, the extract of Rhus chinensis Mill. (Anacardiaceae) and Annona reticulata L. (Annonaceae) exhibited potent antibacterial activity against the two Bacillus species (MIC =32–64 μg/mL). Conclusion: Results of this study reveal that plant extracts from Vietnam have highly antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. These results suggest that Vietnamese plant extracts may be a rich source of antibacterial drugs

    Investigating the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from Gymnema sylvestre and Curcuma longa in Vietnam

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are soil eukaryotes that belong to phylum Glomeromycota and have symbiosis with the vast majority of higher plants’ roots. AM fungi are believed to be coevolved with terrestrial plants, the abundance and diversity of AM fungal communities as a result are host plant dependent. A survey of AM fungi from the rhizospheres of medicinal plants in Northern Vietnam including gurma Gymnema sylvestre and turmeric Curcuma longa was carried out. From the extracted total DNAs of the medicinal plants’ rhizosphere soil samples, 35 mycorrhizal fungal species were identified by analyzing small subunit rRNA gene sequences. Result revealed that genus Glomus is the most abundant in the AM communities of G. sylvestre and C. longa, followed by Gigaspora and Acaulospora. Besides, AM species belonging to genera Scutellospora, Diversispora and Rhizophagus were observed in almost all rhizosphere soil samples. The spore counting by wet sieving and decanting method uncovered a variation in AM spore density of gurma and turmeric rhizosphere. In general, AM species were found more abundantly and more diverse in collected rhizome soil samples of C. longa (27 species belonging to 10 genera) than of G. sylvestre (17 species found belonging to 7 genera). The observed difference in AM communities of G. sylvestre and C. longa supports evidence for the dependence of AM fungal species on host plants, and indicates that AM fungi may have relation to the host plants’ secondary metabolite production

    Struvite formation from wastewater: affecting factors and nutrient recovery

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    Never human being has to face such a serious lack of phosphorus and pollutants from human activities. Nutrient recovery from wastewater is a new trend which attracts the interests of several researchers. Extraction of the nutrients, based on struvite crystal from wastewater as nutritious sources, has been assessed as an urgent solution to tackle the water pollution issue. This review focused on feature characteristics of struvite as a chemical fertilizer for plant, struvite formation process in various wastewaters, which is related to physio-chemical conditions, and potential of applying this idea into practice

    Investment guide for low-emission rice in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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    Rice production is an integral commodity to global food security, but it also contributes considerably to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). There are a variety of options to mitigate GHG emissions from paddy rice production but the impacts and opportunities to finance such activities are not well-known or well-understood for global investors, and much remains to be done to ensure that international climate finance can be used to attract private sector investments into sustainable agriculture. This guide provides promising GHG mitigation options and analyses of cost and benefits to develop an investment plan for Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Investment de-risking strategies are also included in this publication

    Megastigmans and other compounds from Antidesma hainanensis Merr.

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    Four megastigmans 7-megastigmene-3-ol-9-one 3-O-[α-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside]  (1),  alangionoside L (2),  alangioside (3), ampelopsisionoside (4), and other constituents as N–trans-feruloyloctopamide (5), trans-linalool-3,6-oxide-β-D-glucopyranoside (6),  5α,8α-dipioxiergosta-6,22-diene-3β-ol (7), and (Z)-2-hexenyl β-D-glucopyranoside (8) were isolated from the methanol extract of the Antidesma hainanensis leaves. Their chemical structures were successfully determined using NMR and ESI-MS analysis as well as in comparison with the reported data. This is the first report of these compounds from Euphorbiaceae family


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    By reactive grinding method Vanadium-doped rutile TiO2 nanoparticle material was obtained with an average particle size of 20‐40nm, the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) specific surface area about 20 m2g−1 and it absorbed strongly in the UV region and increased at the visible wavelength of 430 – 570 nm. This study focused on the improvement of exhaust gas treatment from coal-fired flue gas of the traditional adsorption-catalysis system (Modular System for Treating Flue Gas - MSTFG) by using the V2O5/TiO2 Rutile as photocatalyst. The results showed that integrating both catalytic systems mentioned above increased the gas treatment efficiency: CO from 77 % to over 98 %, NOx from 50 % to 93 %, SO2 was absent as opposed to the input gas component. Also it showed that V2O5/TiO2 Rutile integrated with MSTFG has got high efficiency of CO treatment, also secured the high obtained CO2 concentration as a valuable carbon source for microagal mass culture as well as saving energy and simplifying devices

    Cider Production from King Mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour.) and Its Antioxidant Activity

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    With the necessity of diversifying alcoholic beverages, cider has become a kind of drink that can fulfill this demand. This is because the cider will be diversified depending on the kinds of fruit that are chosen to be used for the cider fermentation. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of dilution ratio, Brix, pH, and yeast concentration on the production of cider from king mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour.), and to evaluate the analytical characteristics and antioxidant activity of the product. After the investigation, it can be claimed that the dilution of the juice causes the ethanol content to decrease, whereas the increase of Brix, pH, and yeast concentration makes the ethanol content increase. However, the proportional increase in the ethanol content with Brix, pH, and yeast concentration has its limitations. Specifically, when the Brix and the yeast concentrations were, respectively, higher than 16°Brix and 0.04%, the ethanol content tended to maintain the same. This is also the same when the pH was lower than 4.5. In addition, by using the DPPH and ABTS●+ methods, the antioxidant activity of cider is estimated to be lower than the one of the juice before fermentation, which is smaller than 3.78 times for the DPPH method and 3.76 times for the ABTS●+ method

    Furanosesterterpenes from the marine sponge Ircinia echinata (Keller, 1889)

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    Four furanosesterterpene, (7E,12E,20Z,18β)-variabilin (1), (12E,20Z,18β)-8-hydroxyvariabilin (2), (7E,11E,3β)-3,7,11-trimethyl-14-(furan-3-yl)tetradec-7,11-dienoic acid (3), and furoscalarol (4), and one sterol, 3β-hydroxycholest-5-en-7-one (5) were isolated from the methanol extract of the sponge Ircinia echinata (Keller, 1889). Their structures were elucidated by 1D and 2D-NMR spectra and in comparison with those reported in the literature. Keywords. Sponge, Ircinia echinata, furanosesterterpene, sterol

    Merosesquiterpenes from marine sponge Smenospongia cerebriformis

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    Using various chromatography methods, three merosesquiterpenes belonging to sesquiterpene quinone type, neodactyloquinone (1), dactyloquinone D (2), and dactyloquinone C (3) together with two indole derivatives indole-3-aldehyde (4) and indole-3-cacboxylic methyl ester (5) were isolated from the methanol extract of the Vietnamese marine sponge Smenospongia cerebriformis. Their structures were determined by 1D-, 2D-NMR spectra, HR-ESI-MS and in comparison with those reported in the literature. Keywords. Smenospongia cerebriformis, merosesquiterpene, sesquiterpene quinone, indole derivative

    Biflavones and megastigmane glycosides from the leaves of Antidesma bunius.

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    Two biflavones, podocarpusflavone A (1) and amentoflavone (2) and two megastigmane glycosides, byzantionoside B (3) and (6S,9R)-roseoside (4) were isolated from the methanol extract of the leaves of Antidesma bunius. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods and in comparison with the published data. Keywords. Antidesma bunius, Euphorbiaceae, biflavone, megastigmane