169 research outputs found

    FPT HCM University Parental Attitudes and Behavior Towards their Children's ``Coming Out''

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    The research team carried out a study of parental’ attitudes and behaviors towards their children’s ”coming-out” and gender identity. The study was conducted in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam with a group of respondents who are parents of the FPT students. The study was conducted through quantitative methods using questionnaires modified from previous qualitative studies of the researchers. The results show that the group of respondents had low rates of shock or devastation because of their children’s sexual orientation, but they still had a worried attitude. While their behavior is largely non-violent towards their children, they still try to encourage their children to conform to the biological sex they were born with. Parents are also more inclined to accept their children’s sexual orientation if society and its laws accept it. The research results have and will contribute to the implementation of many campaigns and activities related to the topic of LGBT parents and children. Keywords: parents, students, attitude, behavior, LGBT, coming out, FPT HCM universit

    Development of PSO for tracking Maximum Power Point of Photovoltaic Systems

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    For a photovoltaic system, the relationship of the output voltage and power is usually non-linear, so it is essential to equip a MPPT controller in PV systems. Furthermore, the hotspot problem is a common phenomenon, resulting from the PV system operating under PSC. Partial shading not only damages the PV cells, but also makes it difficult to find the global MPP in the characteristic curves of P-V. The paper proposes a novel version of PSO, namely PPSO in order to detect the global peak among the multiple peaks, known as the true maximum energy from PV panel. For this, the PPSO algorithm makes the velocity of each particle be perturbed once the particles are struck into a local minima state in order to find the best optimum solution in the MPPT problem. The perturbation in the velocity vector of each particle not only helps them tracking the MPP accurately under the changing environmental conditions, such as large fluctuations of insolation and temperature like PSC; but also removes the steady-state oscillation. The proposed approach has been tested on a MPPT system, which controls a dc-dc boost converter connected in series with a resistive load. Moreover, the obtained results are compared to those obtained without any MPPT controller to prove the efficiency of the suggested method. In addition, this novel version gives the highest accuracy of tracking the optimum power in the least iteration number as compared to the conventional PSO

    Social Media Affects the Attitudes of FPT Students From the LGBT Community Towards Coming Out to Their Parents

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    This study aims to determine the factors from social media and crowd psychology among individuals, a group, or communities on social networks that affect the attitudes of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) students at FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City toward coming out to their parents. The research desires to determine whether there is any difference in terms of year of admission, major, and the frequency of social media use. The research method is quantitative research (survey - using questionnaire). The sample size of the survey is 154 LGBT students; All respondents are studying at FPT University Ho Chi Minh City. The results showed that searching for information and digital coming out are the two factors that have the most substantial impact on the attitudes of LGBT students at FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) towards disclosing their sexual orientation to their parents


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    This paper presents the results of studies and analysis, assessment the controlling factors to the distribution of salinity (mainly NaCl) in the Quaternary marine sedimentary in Nam Dinh area by using a combination of different methods such as boreholes logging, undisturbed sediment sampling, pore water squeezing, analysis of chemical and stable isotope compositions of pore water.Based on the correlation between concentration of Cl-, Na+ ions and NaCl versus electrical conductivity of marine sediment at different depth according to geophysical borehole results determine the distribution of concentration of salinity (NaCl) of pore water at different depths. In addition, results from the analysis of stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H of porewater in the marine sedimentary layer show the mixing of marine water and meteoritic water in the sediments. Distribution of NaCl of marine sediments is due to difference in density and molecular diffusion.ReferencesCharles D. Shackelford, David E. Daniel, 1990. Diffusion in Saturated soil. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 117, 467 - 484.Crooks, V. E. and Quigley, R. M., 1984. Saline leachate migration through clay: A comparative laboratory and field investigation. Can. Geotech. J., 21(2), 349 - 362.Đoàn Văn Cánh, Lê Thị Lài, Hoàng Văn Hưng, Nguyễn Đức Rỡi, Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa, 2005. Groundwater Resource Of Nam Định Province, J. of Geology, B/25, Hà Nội.Frank Wagner, Dang Tran Trung, Hoang Dai Phuc, Falk Lindenmaier, 2011. Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Nam Dinh Province. Final Technical Report of improvement of Groundwater Protection in Vietnam, Ha Noi.Hoàng Văn Hoan, Flemming Larsen, 2007. Phương pháp xác định độ lỗ hổng hiệu dụng, hệ số thấm của tầng chứa nước và TDS của nước bằng phương pháp địa vật lý lỗ khoan, lấy ví dụ vùng đồng bằng sông Hồng. TC KHKT Mỏ - Địa chất, 20/10-2007. Hà Nội, 101-107.Hoan V. Hoang, Nhan Q. Pham, Flemming Larsen, Long V. Tran, Frank Wagner And Anders V. Christiansen, 2011. Processes Controlling High Saline Groundwater in the Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam. 2nd Asia-Pacific Coastal Aquifer Management Meeting October 18-21, 2011, Jeju Island, Korea.Hoàng Văn Hoan, Phạm Quý Nhân, Flemming Larsen, Trần Vũ Long, Nguyễn Thế Chuyên, Trần Thị Lựu, 2012. Ảnh hưởng của quá trình khuếch tán tới sự phân bố độ mặn của nước lỗ rỗng trong lớp trầm tích biển tuổi Đệ tứ khu vực Nam Định. Báo cáo hội nghị khoa học lần thứ 20, ĐH Mỏ - Địa chất. Hà Nội.Nguyễn Kim Ngọc, Kiều Vân Anh, Nguyễn Thị Hạ, Hoàng Văn Hoan, Đỗ Tiến Hùng, Hoàng Văn Hưng, Nguyễn Văn Lâm, Phạm Quý Nhân, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thủy, 2005. Thủy Địa Hóa học. Nhà xuất bản Giao thông vận tải, Hà Nội, 315tr.Kooi H., Groen J., Leijnse A., 2000. Modes of seawater intrusion during trangressions, Water resources research, Vol. 36, No. 12, phương pháp 3581-3589.Rowe, R. K., Caers, C. J., and Barone, F., 1988. Laboratory determination of diffusion and distribution coefficients of contanminants using undisturbed clayey soil. Can. Geotech. J., 25, 108-118.Schincariol RA, Schwartz FW, Mendoza CA., 1997. Instabilities in variable density flows: stability and sensitivity analyses for homogeneous and heterogeneous media. Water Resour Res; 33(1), 31-41.Simmons CT, Fenstemaker TR, Sharp JM., 2001. Variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in heterogeneous media approaches resolutions and future challenges. J Contam Hydrol; 52(1-4), 245-75. 148.Tanabe, S., Hori, K., Saito, Y., Haruyama, S., Vu, V.P., Kitamura, A., 2003a. Song Hong (Red River) delta evolution related to millen-nium-scale Holocene sea-level changes. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 2345-2361.Tanabe, S., Hori, K., Saito, Y., Haruyama, S., Doanh, L.Q., Sato, Y., Hiraide, S., 2003b. Sedimentary facies and radiocarbon dates of the Nam Dinh-1 core from the Song Hong (Red River) delta. Viet-nam. Journal of Asian Earth Science 21, 503-513.Tanabe, S., Hori, K., Saito, Quang Lan Vu, Till J. J. Hanebuth, Quang Lan Ngo, Akihisa Kitamura, 2006. Holocene evolution of Song Hong (Red River) delta system, north Vietnam. Sedimentary Geology 187, 29-61.Weixing Guo and Christian D. Langevin, 2002. User’s Guide to SEAWAT: A computer program for simulation of three-dimensional variable-density groundwater flow, USGS, Florida, USA.This paper presents the results of studies and analysis, assessment the controlling factors to the distribution ofsalinity (mainly NaCl) in the Quaternary marine sedimentary in Nam Dinh area by using a combination of differentmethods such as boreholes logging, undisturbed sediment sampling, pore water squeezing, analysis of chemical andstable isotope compositions of pore water.Based on the correlation between concentration of Cl-, Na+ ions and NaCl versus electrical conductivity of marinesediment at different depth according to geophysical borehole results determine the distribution of concentration ofsalinity (NaCl) of pore water at different depths. In addition, results from the analysis of stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H ofporewater in the marine sedimentary layer show the mixing of marine water and meteoritic water in the sediments.distribution of NaCl of marine sediments is due to difference in density and molecular diffusion

    Genetic variants of interferon regulatory factor 5 associated with chronic hepatitis B infection

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    Aim: To investigate possible effects of IRF5 polymorphisms in the 3’ UTR region of the IFR5 locus on susceptibility to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and progression of liver diseases among clinically classified Vietnamese patients.Methods: Four IFR5 SNPs (rs13242262A/T, rs77416878C/T, rs10488630A/G, and rs2280714T/C) were genotyped in clinically classified HBV patients [chronic hepatitis B (CHB). n = 99; liver cirrhosis (LC), n = 131; hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), n = 149] and in 242 healthy controls by direct sequencing and TaqMan real-time PCR assays. Results: Comparing patients and controls, no significant association was observed for the four IFR5 variants. However, the alleles rs13242262T and rs10488630G contributed to an increased risk of liver cirrhosis (LC vs CHB: OR = 1.5, 95%CI: 1.1-2.3, adjusted P = 0.04; LC vs CHB: OR = 1.7, 95%CI: 1.1-2.6, adjusted P = 0.019). Haplotype IRF5*TCGT constructed from 4 SNPs was observed frequently in LC compared to CHB patients (OR = 2.1, 95%CI: 1.2-3.3, adjusted P = 0.008). Haplotype IRF5*TCAT occurred rather among CHB patients than in the other HBV patient groups (LC vs CHB: OR = 0.4, 95%CI: 0.2-0.8, adjusted P = 0.03; HCC vs CHB: OR = 0.3, 95%CI: 0.15-0.7, adjusted P = 0.003). The IRF5*TCAT haplotype was also associated with increased levels of ALT, AST and bilirubin. Conclusion: Our study shows that IFR5 variants may contribute as a host factor in determining the pathogenesis in chronic HBV infections

    Automated pupillometry and optic nerve sheath diameter ultrasound to define tuberculous meningitis disease severity and prognosis

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    Background: Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) causes high mortality and morbidity, in part due to raised intracranial pressure (ICP). Automated pupillometry (NPi) and optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) are both low-cost, easy-to-use and non-invasive techniques that correlate with ICP and neurological status. However, it is uncertain how to apply these techniques in the management of TBM. Methods: We conducted a pilot study enrolling 20 adults with TBM in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Our objective was to investigate the relationships between baseline and serial measurements of NPi and ONSD and disease severity and outcome. Serial NPi and ONSD were performed for 30 days, at discharge, and at 3-months, with measurements correlated with clinical progression and outcomes. Results: ONSD and NPi measurements had an inverse relationship. Higher ONSD and lower NPi values were associated with lower Glasgow coma score. Baseline NPi was a strong predictor 3-month outcome (median NPi 4.55, interquartile range 4.35–4.65 for good outcomes versus 2.60, IQR 0.65–3.95 for poor outcomes, p = 0.002). Pupil inequality (NPi ≥0.7) was also strongly associated with poor 3-month outcomes (p = 0.006). Individual participants' serial NPi and ONSD were variable during initial treatment and correlated with clinical condition and outcome. Conclusion: Pupillometry and ONSD may be used to predict clinical deterioration and outcome from TBM. Future, larger studies are need explore the optimal timing of measurements and to define how they might be used to optimise treatments and improve outcomes from TBM

    Tannins: Extraction from Plants

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    The chapter presents mainly on different extraction methods of tannin. Some technical means required for effective extraction are also presented, for example, collection and treatment of plant and drying and storage of plant. Opportunity and challenges in application of extraction methods are also exhibited in the chapter

    Research of Regenerative Braking Strategy for Electric Vehicles

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    In the context of global energy instability caused by the transformation of global demand for energy and energy resources, one of the most important areas in the automotive industry is the development of electric vehicles. Serial production of high-tech electric vehicles with a long range contributes to the stabilization of the energy market and the sustainable development of the whole fuel-energy sector. To evaluate the possibility of optimizing the electric vehicles energy consumption, various regenerative braking strategies are discussed in the article based on the Nissan Leaf electric vehicle, which simulation model includes submodules of the traction electric motor, hybrid braking system, traction rechargeable battery and tires. In order to test the adequacy of the simulation model to reproduce the relationship between the operating parameters of electric vehicles various systems and evaluate their ability to regenerate energy during braking the simulation results were compared with the actual experimental data published by the Lab Avt research laboratory (USA). The relative error of the mathematical modeling results of the braking energy regeneration processes is 4.5 %, which indicates the adequacy of the electric vehicle simulation model and the possibility of its using as a base for research and comparison of the energy efficiency of various regenerative braking strategies. As the results of experiments have shown, the usage of the proposed control strategy of the regenerative braking maximum force allows increasing 2.14 times the energy recharging traffic to the battery as compared with the basic control strategy of fixed coefficient braking forces distribution with an increase in braking distance by 10 m. An alternative control strategy of regenerative braking optimal efficiency as compared to the basic control strategy provides a reduction in braking distance by 13.2 % at increasing by 84.4 % the amount of energy generated by the electric motor for recharging the batteries. The carried out investigations confirm the available significant potential for improving the efficiency of the electric vehicles usage by developing the control strategy and algorithms of the braking energy regeneration

    Исследование стратегии рекуперативного торможения электромобилей

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    In the context of global energy instability caused by the transformation of global demand for energy and energy resources, one of the most important areas in the automotive industry is the development of electric vehicles. Serial production of high-tech electric vehicles with a long range contributes to the stabilization of the energy market and the sustainable development of the whole fuel-energy sector. To evaluate the possibility of optimizing the electric vehicles energy consumption, various regenerative braking strategies are discussed in the article based on the Nissan Leaf electric vehicle, which simulation model includes submodules of the traction electric motor, hybrid braking system, traction rechargeable battery and tires. In order to test the adequacy of the simulation model to reproduce the relationship between the operating parameters of electric vehicles various systems and evaluate their ability to regenerate energy during braking the simulation results were compared with the actual experimental data published by the Lab Avt research laboratory (USA). The relative error of the mathematical modeling results of the braking energy regeneration processes is 4.5 %, which indicates the adequacy of the electric vehicle simulation model and the possibility of its using as a base for research and comparison of the energy efficiency of various regenerative braking strategies. As the results of experiments have shown, the usage of the proposed control strategy of the regenerative braking maximum force allows increasing 2.14 times the energy recharging traffic to the battery as compared with the basic control strategy of fixed coefficient braking forces distribution with an increase in braking distance by 10 m. An alternative control strategy of regenerative braking optimal efficiency as compared to the basic control strategy provides a reduction in braking distance by 13.2 % at increasing by 84.4 % the amount of energy generated by the electric motor for recharging the batteries. The carried out investigations confirm the available significant potential for improving the efficiency of the electric vehicles usage by developing the control strategy and algorithms of the braking energy regeneration.В условиях энергетической нестабильности, вызванной трансформацией глобального спроса на энергию и энергоресурсы, одним из важнейших направлений в автомобилестроении является разработка транспортных средств на электрической тяге. Серийное производство высокотехнологичных электромобилей с большим запасом хода способствует стабилизации рынка энергоресурсов и устойчивому развитию всего топливно-энергетического сектора. Для оценки возможности оптимизации энергопотребления электромобилей в статье рассматриваются различные стратегии рекуперативного торможения на базе имитационной модели электромобиля Nissan Leaf, включающей субмодули тягового электродвигателя, гибридной тормозной системы, тяговой аккумуляторной батареи и шин. Результаты моделирования сопоставлялись с экспериментальными данными научно-исследовательской лаборатории Lab Avt (США), опубликованными для проверки адекватности имитационных моделей, воспроизводящих взаимосвязь между рабочими параметрами различных систем электромобиля и оценивающих их способность регенерировать энергию при торможении. Относительная погрешность результатов математического моделирования процессов рекуперации энергии составляет 4,5 %, что свидетельствует об адекватности имитационной модели электромобиля и возможности ее использования в качестве базовой для исследований и сопоставления энергоэффективности различных стратегий рекуперативного торможения. Как показали результаты экспериментов, использование предлагаемой стратегии управления максимальной силой рекуперативного торможения позволяет увеличить трафик энергии подзарядки в 2,14 раза по сравнению с базовой стратегией управления на основе фиксированного коэффициента распределения тормозных усилий по осям транспортного средства при увеличении тормозного пути на 10 м. Альтернативная стратегия управления оптимальной эффективностью рекуперативного торможения обеспечивает по сравнению с базовой стратегией уменьшение тормозного пути на 13,2 % при одновременном увеличении на 84,4 % количества вырабатываемой электродвигателем энергии для подзарядки тяговых аккумуляторных батарей. Проведенные исследования подтверждают имеющийся потенциал по повышению эффективности использования электромобилей за счет совершенствования стратегии и алгоритмов управления рекуперацией энергии торможения