12 research outputs found

    Establishing an Assessment Criteria System for Architectural Heritage of Colonial Educational Buildings in Hanoi

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    A number of educational buildings were built up by the French in Hanoi during their dominance. Most of these buildings still exist in the downtown area and have become an integral part of the valuable heritage, and their preservation is increasingly imperative. To preserve and promote more efficiently the values of the colonial building heritage assets, there is a need of a set of criteria for an assessment and classification. This paper presents the development of an assessment criteria system for the architectural heritage of colonial educational buildings in Hanoi. According to the proposals, colonial educational buildings can be classified into three groups of Special Value, Notable Value, Average Value. A set of criteria including factors related to both the internal and external values of these buildings have been proposed and validated with expert judgements. Each criterion then is incorporated with a set of scores showing the value it can bring to a colonial educational building to be assessed. The set of criteria and their scores can be used by the city authority to establish regulations to preserve and promote heritage values of the colonial educational buildings in Hanoi

    Impact of Fintech’s Development on Bank Performance: An Empirical Study from Vietnam

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    In recent years, fintech has exploded in popularity and importance in the finan- cial industry. Its impacts have spread widely throughout the world, including Vietnam. This study aims to investigate the effect of fintech’s development on bank performance in Vietnam. Based on the unstructured data about fintech on the financial expert web- sites from Vietnam, the word frequency statistic technique of the text mining approach is applied for measuring fintech’s development under the support of Python-based solu- tions. The bank-level data of 15 Vietnamese banks for the period from the first quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2021 are collected from the quarterly financial statements in the Vietstock organization. Python programming and text mining techniques are used to compile this dataset by gathering information from popular and relevant websites. The generalized least squares method is used for estimating the panel models. The estimation result shows the significant impact of fintech’s development on bank profitability, but the net interest margin does not associate with the fintech variable. Besides, some interesting findings are revealed: The slow banking transformation to adapt to the rise of fintech and the COVID-19 pandemic increased bank profitability. Furthermore, suggestions for the banks and fintech companies are recommended, and the limitations and directions for further research are also proposed

    Outage performance analysis and SWIPT optimization in energy-harvesting wireless sensor network deploying NOMA

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    Thanks to the benefits of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in wireless communications, we evaluate a wireless sensor network deploying NOMA (WSN-NOMA), where the destination can receive two data symbols in a whole transmission process with two time slots. In this work, two relaying protocols, so-called time-switching-based relaying WSN-NOMA (TSR WSN-NOMA) and power-splitting-based relaying WSN-NOMA (PSR WSN-NOMA) are deployed to study energy-harvesting (EH). Regarding the system performance analysis, we obtain the closed-form expressions for the exact and approximate outage probability (OP) in both protocols, and the delay-limited throughput is also evaluated. We then compare the two protocols theoretically, and two optimization problems are formulated to reduce the impact of OP and optimize the data rate. Our numerical and simulation results are provided to prove the theoretical and analytical analysis. Thanks to these results, a great performance gain can be achieved for both TSR WSN-NOMA and PSR WSN-NOMA if optimal values of TS and PS ratios are found. In addition, the optimized TSR WSN-NOMA outperforms that of PSR WSN-NOMA in terms of OP.Web of Science193art. no. 61

    Relationship between fintech by Google search and bank stock return: a case study of Vietnam

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    Due to the ongoing global debate regarding the relationship between fintech and banks, including developing countries, this study aims to investigate this relationship in the case of Vietnam, an emerging nation. The study analyzes the relationship between fintech search and bank stock returns, which are measures of fintech and banks, respectively. The time series data for fintech and bank stock returns were obtained from Google Trends and Vietstock, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis was utilized to derive the fintech variables, while the bank stock return variable was calculated using a basket of eight listed banks from 2017w46 to 2021w46. The results were estimated using the vector autoregression and Granger causality method and validated with the copula method. A key finding of this study is the presence of a simultaneous negative change and bidirectional causality between bank stock returns and fintech lending. Furthermore, several other interesting findings were discovered: (1) the causal relationship from fintech to bank stock returns is weaker compared with the opposite direction; (2) unidirectional causality exists between different types of fintech, such as influence from FinFintech to FinLending, from FinPayment to FinLending and FinWallet, from FinMoney to FinFintech, from FinWallet to FinLending, and from FinProduct to FinFintech; and (3) there is an equal occurrence of simultaneous increase or decrease between bank stock returns and certain types of fintech, specifically between BankReturn and FinPayment, BankReturn and FinLending, as well as BankReturn and FinWallet. These findings shed light on the complex relationship between fintech and banks, offering insights that contribute to our understanding of this dynamic interplay in the context of Vietnam’s emerging fintech landscape

    Outage and bit error probability analysis in energy harvesting wireless cooperative networks

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    This study focuses on a wireless powered cooperative communication network (WPCCN), which includes a hybrid access point (HAP), a source and a relay. The considered source and relay are installed without embedded energy supply (EES), thus are dependent on energy harvested from signals from the HAP to power their cooperative information transmission (IT). Taking inspiration from this, the author group investigates into a harvest-then-cooperate (HTC) protocol, whereas the source and the relay first harvest the energy from the AP in a downlink (DL) and then collaboratively work in uplink (UL) for IT of the source. For careful evaluation of the system performance, derivations of the approximate closed-form expression of the outage probability (OP) and an average bit error probability ( ABER) for the HTC protocol over Rayleigh fading channels are done. Lastly, the author group performs Monte-Carlo simulations to reassure the numerical results they obtained.Web of Science255746

    Analyzing public opinions regarding virtual tourism in the context of COVID-19: Unidirectional vs. 360-degree videos

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    Over the last few years, more and more people have been using YouTube videos to experience virtual reality travel. Many individuals utilize comments to voice their ideas or criticize a subject on YouTube. The number of replies to 360-degree and unidirectional videos is enormous and might differ between the two kinds of videos. This presents the problem of efficiently evaluating user opinions with respect to which type of video will be more appealing to viewers, positive comments, or interest. This paper aims to study SentiStrength-SE and SenticNet7 techniques for sentiment analysis. The findings demonstrate that the sentiment analysis obtained from SenticNet7 outperforms that from SentiStrength-SE. It is revealed through the sentiment analysis that sentiment disparity among the viewers of 360-degree and unidirectional videos is low and insignificant. Furthermore, the study shows that unidirectional videos garnered the most traffic during COVID-19 induced global travel bans. The study elaborates on the capacity of unidirectional videos on travel and the implications for industry and academia. The second aim of this paper also employs a Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest for sentiment analysis of YouTube viewers' comments, where the sentiment analysis output by SenticNet7 is used as actual values. Cross-validation with 10-folds is employed in the proposed models. The findings demonstrate that the max-voting technique outperforms compared with an individual fold.IGA/CebiaTech/2022/001TBU in Zlin [CZ.02.2.69/0.0/19_073/0016941]; Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/CebiaTech/2022/001

    Percepção e influência turística no turismo virtual usando modelo de análise sentimental bayesiana no Vietnã baseado na eWOM para o desenvolvimento sustentável

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    Objective: The advancement of Internet technology brought up the tourism industry towards new development and opportunities. With application of the Internet technology tourism industry comprises a vast range of virtual communities such as Trip Advisor, Agoda, Travelocity and so on. Existing research concentrated on evaluating the factors influencing virtual communities' behaviour with limited evaluation of tourist perception. This paper focused on examining the tourists' perception of a virtual tour through the sentimental analysis model based on eWOM for sustainable development. Method: The developed model comprises the group average Bayesian network with the computation of the polarity of the tourist perception. A Bayesian network is a data-driven method involved in estimating dependence among the variable with probabilistic computation. Results: The analysis is based on data collected from sample population in Vietnam with consideration of the 11 variables. Participation intensity, social identity, functional value, emotional value, sharing, interaction, and user satisfaction are among eleven primary variables that have been chosen. Conclusions: The analysis of the results expressed that the user satisfaction level is based on the user's experience and functional value. Additionally, the analysis stated that social value comprises the intermediary role in virtual tourism. This research adds to research methodologies of user engagement methods as well as serves as a reference for theoretical research and management practise in the virtual tourist community. © 2023 The Author(s)

    Engaging virtual reality technology to determine pro-environmental behaviour: The Indian context

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    The main purpose of this study is to capture key pro-environmental behaviours that are triggered when individuals are subjected to a virtual environment simulation of a pristine tourism destination. The study made use of virtual reality headsets to gauge potential predictors of pro-environmental behaviour. Pre and post intervention response differentials were recorded through a structured questionnaire on 100 individuals. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage comprised of the PLS-SEM algorithm which empirically tested postulations anchored on the Pro-Environmental Behaviour framework. The second phase of the study deployed the PLS-MGA algorithm to observe changes in propensities. Findings reveal that, virtual reality interventions partially effect how individuals perceive pro-environmental behaviour. The study advices policy makers and practitioners to cultivate industry 4.0 technologies like virtual reality to raise awareness about climate action among tourists. For academicians, the study expands the utility sprectrum of the Pro-Environmental Behaviour (PEB) framework and it is suggested that future studies inculcate virtual/augmented/extended reality competencies in experiment based investigations. The study maybe repeated in the context of other developing economies where sustainable tourism development remain a challenge. © 2022 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All rights reserved

    Impact of fintech's development on bank performance: An empirical study from Vietnam

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    In recent years, fintech has exploded in popularity and importance in the financial industry. Its impacts have spread widely throughout the world, including Vietnam. This study aims to investigate the effect of fintech’s development on bank performance in Vietnam. Based on the unstructured data about fintech on the financial expert websites from Vietnam, the word frequency statistic technique of the text mining approach is applied for measuring fintech’s development under the support of Python-based solutions. The bank-level data of 15 Vietnamese banks for the period from the first quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2021 are collected from the quarterly financial statements in the Vietstock organization. Python programming and text mining techniques are used to compile this dataset by gathering information from popular and relevant websites. The generalized least squares method is used for estimating the panel models. The estimation result shows the significant impact of fintech’s development on bank profitability, but the net interest margin does not associate with the fintech variable. Besides, some interesting findings are revealed: The slow banking transformation to adapt to the rise of fintech and the COVID-19 pandemic increased bank profitability. Furthermore, suggestions for the banks and fintech companies are recommended, and the limitations and directions for further research are also proposed

    Optimization issues for data rate in energy harvesting relay-enabled cognitive sensor networks

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    This paper looks into an energy harvesting (EH) relay-enabled cognitive radio wireless sensor network (CR-WSN) considering power splitting (PS) architecture. More specifically, a relay (RU) harvesting energy from the signals transmitted from a secondary user transmitter (ST,) and using the harvested energy to forward the resulting signals to another sensor node subsequently is being investigated. This scheme can be broken down into two components, i.e., a sensor node physically placed near the transmitter (SPNT) and a sensor node physically placed far from the transmitter (SPFT). The closed-form expressions for the successful transmission probability (STP) and the achievable data rate in both cases can be derived analytically. In order to quantify the energy consumption, the system energy efficiency (EE) is examined. Furthermore, the achievable data rate was optimized in three possible scenarios, i.e., the trade-off between the sum data rate and the sum harvested energy (R-E), the achievable data rate at RU, and the joint optimization of the power allocation and PS ratio in case of SPNT. A Monte Carlo simulation has been performed to verify the theoretical analysis obtained, and to show the impact of different parameters on system performance.Web of Science157402