497 research outputs found

    Improvement of the accuracy of the quasigeoid model VIGAC2017

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    As mentioned in (Ha Minh Hoa, 2017), a national spatial reference system will be constructed based on a highly accurate national quasigeoid model with accuracy more than 4 cm. In Vietnam at the present stage there isn’t a detailed gravimetric measurement in mountainous regions and marine area. So with the purpose of improvement of accuracy of the national quasigeoid model VIGAC2017, we only can solve the task of fitting this model to national quasigeoid heights obtained from heights GPS/first, second orders levelling quasigeoid heights through least squares collocation.This scientific article will introduce a first research result for improvement of accuracy of the quasigeoid model VIGAC2017 on the base of it’s fitting to 194 national quasigeoid heights by the least squares collocation. Research results show that accuracy of the quasigeoid model VIGAC2017 will be obtained at level of ±0.058 m and increased to 20.69 %.ReferencesCressie N.A.C., 1993. Statistics for spatial data, John  Wiley Sons. New York, 900p.Ha Minh Hoa, et al.,  2012. Research scientific base for perfection of the height system in connection with construction of national dynamic reference system. General report of the science - technological teme of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Hanoi, 247p.Ha Minh Hoa (Editor), 2016. Research for determination of normal surfaces of sea levels (“zero” depth surface, mean sea surface, highest sea surface) by methods of geodesy, hydrography and geology with serving construction of buildings and planning of coastline in tendency of climate changes”. State techno - scientific theme with code KC.09.19/11-15 in period of 2011-2015, Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology, Hanoi, 563p.       Huang J., Véronneau M., 2013. Contribution of the GRACE and GOCE models to a  geopotential - based geodetich vertical datum in Canada. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-10164.Iliffe J.C., Ziebart M., Cross P.A., Forsberg R., Strykowski G., Tscherning C.C., 2003. OSGM02: A New model for converting GPS-derived heights to local height datums in Great Britain and Ireland. Survey Review, 37(290), 276-293.Marcin Ligas, Marek Kulczycki, 2014. Kriging approch for local height transformations. J, Geodesy And Cartography, Polish Academy of Sciences, 63(1), 5-37, Doi: 10,2478/geocart-2014-0002.Metin Soycan, 2014. Improving EGM2008 by GPS and leveling data at local scale. BCG - Boletin de CiĂȘncias Geodésicas Sec, Artigos, Curitiba, 20(1), 3-18, on - lineversion, ISSN 1982-2170. Doi,org/10,1590/S1982-21702014000100001.Moritz H., 1980. Advanced Physical Geodesy. Herbert wichmann Verlag Karlsruhe, Abacus Press Tunbridge Wells Ken, 512p. Quasigeoid of the Federal Republic of Germany GCG2016. Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, www,geodatenzentrum.de.Roman D.R., Wang Y.M., Saleh J., Li X., 2010. Geodesy, Geoids Vertical Datums: A Perspective from the U,S, National Geodetic Survey. FIG Congress 2010, Sydney, Australia, April 2010, 11-16.Schabenger O., Gotway C.A., 2005. Statistical methods for spatial data analysis. Chapman Hall/CRC, New York, ISBN 1-58488-322-7, 488p. Smirnov N.V., Belugin D.A., 1969. Probability theory and mathematical statistics in applying to geodesy. Moscow, Nedra, 379p.

    Development of Recurrent Method with Rotation for Combined Adjustment of Terrestrial Geodetic and GNSS Networks in National Spatial Reference System

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    A construction of national spatial reference systems (NSRS) is promoted in many countries due to modern achievements of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) methods and results of building of high accurate geoid/quasi-geoid models at centimeter level of accuracy. One of the most popular methods used for the construction of the NSRS is related to Helmert block adjustment method, by which we ought to solve techno-scientific task of a separate adjustment of GNSS network in International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and next combination of a results of adjustment of the terrestrial geodetic and GNSS networks in the NSRS. In this chapter, we carry out a research on the usage of a recurrent adjustment method with Givens rotation for solving the abovementioned task on an account of its advantages of being effective for application of a technique of sparse matrix, outlier detection and very simple for solving the subsystem of observation equations, created based on the transformation of the results of the separate adjustment of the GNSS network from the ITRF into the NSRS. The experiment results of solving the abovementioned task for the GPS network in the North Vietnam had shown that the horizontal and vertical position accuracy of the GPS points in VN2000–3D had reached the few centimeter level

    Estimating the geopotential value W0 of the local geoid based on data from local and global normal heights of GPS/leveling points in Vietnam

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    Currently, the determination of geopotential value W0 of local geoid that best fits local mean sea level at the Zero Tide Gauge Station is getting important in building the National Geoid-Based Vertical System. Ha Minh Hoa (2007) and Kotsakis et al. (2012) recommended a method, which estimates the geopotential value W0 of local geoid at the Zero Tide Gauge Station based on equations of relation between the local and global normal heights or between the local and global height anomalies at GPS/leveling points regularly located on the whole territory. The objective of this paper is to determine conditions for estimating the geopotential value W0 of local geoid at the Zero Tide Gauge Station accomplished for whole territory of Vietnam

    Reforming the administrative apparatus organization in Vietnam in the context of international integration

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    This article focuses on reforming the administrative apparatus in Vietnam in the context of international integration. Vietnam has beengoing through a process of deep integration with the world, through international trade and economic agreements, especially theComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Economic Partnership (CPTPP) and the Vietnam - EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)

    Construction of initial national quasi-geoid model VIGAC2017, first step to national spatial reference system in Vietnam

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    84 reference ellipsoid. However, usage of the broadcast satellite messages doest not give high accuracy in determination of national quasi-geoid heights. Based on the determined geopotential of the Hon Dau local geoid and constructed initial mixed quasi-geoid model VIGAC2014, this scientific article presents results of building of initial national quasi-geoid model VIGAC2017. Used data consisting of geodetic coordinates B, L, H of 164 first and second orders benchmarks of the national leveling networks was obtained from GPS data processing in ITRF according to global WGS-84 ellipsoid with satellite ephemeris accuracy at level of ± 2,5 cm,  and  the initial mixed quasi-geoid model VIGAC2014 was constructed from the EGM2008 model. The orientation of the WGS-84 ellipsoid was accomplished under conditions of it’s best fitting to the Hon Dau local quasi-geoid and the parallelism of its axes to the corresponding axes of the national WGS-84 reference ellipsoid allows get national quasi-geoid heights   and coordinate transformation parameters that have been used for conversion of the mixed quasi-geoid heights from the VIGAC2014 quasi-geoid model to the initial national quasi-geoid model VIGAC2017. Along withquasi-geoid heights which were obtained from the initial national quasi-geoid model VIGAC2017, an estimation of the accuracy of differences ( ) shows that quasi-geoid heights have the accuracy at the level of  ± 6,2 cm. Apart from that determination of seven coordinate transformation parameters  leads to the  building of the initial national spatial reference system in Vietnam.References Bursa M., Kenyon S., Kouba J., Sima Z., Vatrt V., Vitek V., Vojtiskova M., 2007. The geo-potential value W0 for specifying the relativistic atomic time scale and a global vertical reference system. Journal  of  Geodesy, 81(2), 103-110. Gauss, C.F., 1828. Bestimmung des Breitenunterscchiedes zwischen den Sternwarten von Gottingen und Altona, Gottingen. Ha Minh Hoa, Dang Hung Vo, Pham Hoang Lan, Nguyen Ngoc Lau, 2005. Research scientific base for construction of different orders GPS networks in dynamic reference system. General report of the science - technological teme of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in period  2002 - 2004, Hanoi. Ha Minh Hoa et al.,  2012. Research scientific base for perfection of the height system in connection with construction of national dynamic reference system. General report of the science - technological teme of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Hanoi. Ha Minh Hoa, 2013a. Method of coordinate transformation bewwen coordinate systems. Science and Technique Publisher, Hanoi, 140p. Ha Minh Hoa, 2013b. Estimating the geo-potential value W0 of the local geoid based on data from local and global normal heights of GPS/Leveling points in Vietnam. Geodesy and Cartography. Taylor Francis. UDK 528.21, doi:10.3846/20296991.2013.823705, 39 (3), 99-105. Ha Minh Hoa, 2013c. Problems related to construction of national spatial reference system. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, 18, 1-10. Vietnam Institute of Geodesy And Cartography. Ha Minh Hoa, 2014a. Method of mathematical processing of national geodetic networks. Science and Technique Publisher, 244p, Hanoi. Ha Minh Hoa, 2014b. Theory and practice of geodetic gravimetry. Science and Technique Publisher, Hanoi, 592p. Ha Minh Hoa, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, 2015a. Research for perfection of method of mathematical processing of first, second orders leveling network  in modern height system in Vietnam. General report of the science - technological teme of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in period 2012-2015, Hanoi. Ha Minh Hoa, Nguyen Tuan Anh, 2015b. Effective realization of correction of spherical harmonic coefficients of Earth gravitational model by mothod of Colombo O. L. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, 25, 25-32. Vietnam Institute of Geodesy And Cartography. Ha Minh Hoa, Nguyen Ba Thuy, Phan Trong Trinh et al., 2016a. Research for determination of normal surfaces of sea levels (“zero” depth surface, mean sea surface, highest sea surface) by methods of geodesy, hydrography and geology with serving construction of buildings and planning of coastline in tendency of climate changes”. State techno - scientific theme with code KC.09.19/11-15 in period of 2011-2015. Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology, Ha Noi. Ha Minh Hoa, 2016b. Research of height changes between Hon Dau local quasi-geoid and global quasi-geoid in the world scale. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, 28, 1-7. Vietnam Institute of Geodesy And Cartography. International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 1984. IAG Resolutions adopted at the XVIII General Assembly of the IUGG in Hamburg, August 1983. “The Geodesist’s handbook”. Bulletin Geodetique, 58(3), p.321. Listing, J.B., 1873. Ueber unsere jetzige Kenntuts der Gestalt und Grösse der Erde. Nachrichten von der Georg - Augusts Universi tĂ€t, Gröttingen, (3), 33-98. Le Huy Minh, Tran Thi Lan, R. Fleury, C. Amory Mazaudier, Le Truong Thanh, Nguyen Chien Thang, Nguyen Ha Thanh, 2016. TEC variations and ionosphere disturbances during the magnetic storm in March 2015 observed from continuous GPS data in the Southeast Asia region. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(3), 287-305. Luong Thanh Thach, 2016. Accuracy estimation of the initial national quasi-geoid model VIGAC2014 based on 75 second order benchmarks. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, 25, 17-28. Vietnam Institute of Geodesy And Cartography. Nguyen Tuan Anh, 2015. Detailed research of height of Hon Dau local geoid according to the global geoid in territory of Vietnam. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, 25, 33-38. Vietnam Institute of Geodesy And Cartography. Petit, G., Luzum, B., 2010. IERS Conventions, 2010. IERS Technical Note, 36, Verlag dĂ©s Bundesamts fur Kartographie und Geodasie. Frankfurt am Main 2010, 179p. Scientific report. Construction of national  coordinate system and reference system, 260p. General  Department  of  Land Adminustration, Hanoi. Vy Quoc Hai, Tran Quoc Cuong, Nguyen Viet Thuan, 2016. Crustal movement along the Red river fault from GNSS data. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(1), 14-21

    Food and biosecurity: livestock production and towards a world free of foot-and-mouth disease

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    A key challenge for global livestock production is the prevalence of infectious animal diseases. These diseases result in low productivity in meat and dairy production, culled animals, and significant barriers to trade and lost income from meat and meat products. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) affects both developing countries, where it is often endemic and very costly, and developed countries where incursions result in considerable economic losses in the order of billions of dollars per year. In some cases, production levels of pork meat in developed countries have still not recovered to levels prior to past disease incursions, more than a decade ago. In developing countries, the export of animal products has exhibited sluggish growth for decades, constrained by ongoing animal disease problems. We make three contributions. First, we provide an overview of worldwide meat production, consumption and trade in the context of FMD. Second, we provide insights into the economics of biosecurity measures and how these activities should be optimally designed to enhance livestock production. Third, we analyse a case study of an FMDendemic country, Vietnam, which has been trying to achieve FMD-free status for some time. Lessons learnt from this case study shed light on the challenges in achieving FMD-free status in developing countries, which is useful for a global FMD control strategy and the promotion of world food security.Partial funding from the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis at the University of Melbourne is also greatly appreciated. This paper was part of a workshop sponsored by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme on Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems

    Stakeholder engagement in late-stage translation phase 4 research for noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries : what works and why—the Vietnam experience (UMMS–Vietnam Team)

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    Background: Stakeholder engagement is crucial for conducting high-quality implementation research as well as for the incorporation and adoption of health interventions and policies in the community. Objectives: This study sought to build a mutually rewarding collaboration between stakeholders in Vietnam and investigators in the United States. Methods: A collaboration was established between investigators from several institutions in Vietnam and the University of Massachusetts Medical School that was built on mutual trust, cross-cultural learning, and shared experiences. This collaborative arrangement has led to sustainable stakeholder engagement in Vietnam. We formed a multidisciplinary transnational research team and maintained regular contact both online and in person. We also conducted a needs assessment study, in which several focus group discussions and in-depth interviews of stakeholders in Vietnam were carried out. Results: The formal collaboration between investigators in Vietnam and the University of Massachusetts Medical School began in 2011 and has strengthened over time. The U.S. team provided expertise in study and intervention design, data collection and analysis, and trial implementation, whereas the team in Vietnam brought a deep understanding of local health care delivery systems and expertise in the delivery of health care interventions at the grassroots level. Our initial partnership has now grown to include committed individuals at the government, academic, and community levels including the Vietnam Ministry of Health, key governmental and nongovernmental research institutions and agencies, medical and public health universities, and communities in rural settings. The needs assessment study found that there are important gaps in the delivery of hypertension management practices in many rural communities in Vietnam and that stakeholders are fully engaged in our ongoing, community-based, hypertension-control project. Conclusions: Multiple layers of stakeholders and communities in Vietnam are fully engaged with, and have contributed significantly to, our ongoing hypertension control research project in Northern Vietnam. © 2019 World Heart Federation (Geneva). **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Huy Nguyen” is provided in this record*

    Productivity, net returns and efficiency: land and market reform in Vietnamese rice production

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    Extensive land and market reform in Vietnam has resulted in dramatic increases in rice output over the past thirty years. The land and market reforms in agriculture were pervasive, moving the system of rice production from commune-based public ownership and control to one with effective private property rights over land and farm assets, competitive domestic markets and individual decision making over a wide range of agricultural activities. The effect of this reform period and beyond is detailed with measures of total factor productivity (TFP), terms of trade and net returns in rice production in Vietnam from 1985 to 2006. Results show that TFP rises considerably in the major rice growing areas (the Mekong and Red River Delta areas) during the early years of reform, and beyond, but also that there is clear evidence of a productivity “slow-down” since 2000. The differences over time and by region speak directly to existing land use regulations and practices, suggesting calls for further land and market reform. To illustrate this, additional frontier and efficiency model estimates detail the effects of remaining institutional and policy constraints, including existing restrictions on land consolidation and conversion and poorly developed markets for land and capital. Estimates show that larger and less land-fragmented farms, farms in the major rice growing areas, and those farms that are better irrigated, have a greater proportion of capital per unit of cultivated land, a clear property right or land use certificate and access to agricultural extension services are more efficient


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    Abstract The research aims to assess the quantitative impact of the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on Vietnam's export growth to the EU market. The study employs quantitative analysis using the SMART model with data on export turnover and scenarios of tariff reduction to 0% when EVFTA takes effect. Based on the export turnover data and necessary parameters, the analysis results show an increase in Vietnam's exports to the EU market when EVFTA becomes effective. As a result, the research proposes some implications to promote Vietnam's export activities to the EU in the future
