23 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of densification of the city in the neoliberal economy - a case study: the surroundings of the eastern part of the former airport runway Rakowice-Czyżyny in Cracow

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    The article is a case study of land use planning in the surroundings of the eastern side of the runway of the former airport Rakowice-Czyżyny in Cracow. The area was chosen because it is an example reflecting the history of many urban spaces that are well connected externally, well equipped in infrastructure, and favourably located in the city. They are now the scene of an intense market game, which arrogates to itself the almost unlimited right to determine the land use. Therefore, a study was conducted to verify the knowledge in that field. The analysis was based, inter alia, on differentiated source materials (including historical ones), a survey of press materials (mostly local ones), interviews with residents, the field analysis carried out in the research area and data analysis (primary market of real estate). The chosen example allowed the authors to confirm the theorems on the growing threats to the spatial order in a situation of struggle between supporters of neoliberal urbanism and broadly defined new urbanism. The latter cannot exist without spatial planning but since1990 in Poland we have been able to observe a crisis in this area. It leads to chaotic, too concentrated development in urban areas. This demonstrates that while the criticism of the new urbanism is in some dimensions justified, it cannot be used to legalize voluntary land development. This possibility of social and political permission for arbitrariness generates an “appetite” for space understood primarily as an economic good

    Wpływ dojazdów do miasta rdzeniowego na emisję CO2 w Miejskich Obszarach Funkcjonalnych

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    Photovoltaic Solar Energy from Urban Sprawl: Potential for Poland

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    Urban sprawl is a process that shapes contemporary urban spaces. Generally, this process is associated with negative effects due to the generation of high costs. However, not all the effects of urban sprawl should be considered in the context of the increasing costs of the use of space; some of them should be regarded as cost cutting factors, for example, the possibility of the use of roofed areas in generating energy from sunlight. Solar energy is believed to be one of the sources of clean energy that reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. However, solar energy generation necessitates the development of large areas for the purpose of installing photovoltaic modules and substantial funds for creating large solar farms. For this reason, a significant role in state energy policies is played by small dispersed installations mounted on the roofs of buildings. There is a gap in existing research on the assessment of urban sprawl in terms of the potential use of rooftops for solar installations in suburban areas. This research gap has not yet been filled, either conceptually and methodologically. Hence, the contribution of the research to the development of the current state of knowledge involves the identification of economic and environmental benefits of usually negatively perceived urban sprawl. The proposal of a method for the identification of suburban housing potential for solar energy generation constitutes another addition to the state of knowledge. The main objective of this article is to analyse the energy generating potential of buildings located in suburban and urban areas characterised by the confirmed occurrence of urban sprawl phenomena. CityGML data were used to conduct an analysis of the exposure of roofs to sunlight using algorithms based on vector data. The authors estimated the dynamics of changes in time and referred the existing photovoltaic installations to the total potential of a selected area. The use of the energy potential of the analysed roofs of buildings was used to evaluate the external costs and benefits of spatial planning. The discussion presented the current conditions of the energy sector and energy policies in Poland and the EU. In addition, recommendations were proposed for local spatial policies concerning the mitigation of the effects of suburbanization in the context of developing the system of PV micro-installations

    Economic and Ecological Externalities in Spatial Planning

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    Spatial planning, including space management, is a difficult task, especially in view of the limited resources available. Furthermore, the production of public and private goods generates external effects in the city space. Considering the complexity of this problem, a theoretical discussion on the issue of external effects (spillover) in space planning was undertaken (especially when residential areas are developed). The consideration were focused on the economic, but also on the natural and technological externalities accompanying the spatial econom

    Potencjalne skutki niewłaściwych praktyk w planowaniu przestrzennym.(przypadek Krakowa)

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    Problems and Dilemmas of Spatial Planning in Different Types of Territorial Units

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    The challenges of local self-government in the field of the increasing depreciation of space as a result of urban sprawl process. Suggested methodology of optimal delimitation of areas.

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    Planowanie przestrzenne jest procesem trudnym, złożonym i wymagającym od władz jednostek samorządu terytorialnego zintegrowanego i przemyślanego działania. Ponadto obecne uwarunkowania formalnoprawne nie zapewniają wystarczającej efektywności procesu, czego skutkiem jest także nasilające się urban sprawl. Niestety na jakość i zagospodarowanie terenu oddziałują także mieszkańcy i inwestorzy. Celem nadrzędnym opracowania jest wskazanie autorskiej koncepcji delimitacji obszarów służącej praktyce planistycznej. Zaproponowaną metodę oparto o teorię progów B. Malisza.Spacial planning is a difficult and complex process, requiring local self-government units integrated and thoughtful actions. Moreover, the current legal conditions do not secure required efficiency of the process, which results in the increasing urban sprawl. Unfortunately, the quality and management of the space is dependent also on the residents and investors. The primary aim of the paper is delineating of the authorial solution to delimitation of areas for the planning practice. The suggested method is based on B. Malisz’s thresholds theory

    Efektywna gospodarka odpadami jako wyzwanie dla samorządu gminnego na przykładzie projektu rekultywacji składowiska odpadów komunalnych w Nowym Targu

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    Tyt. z nagł.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.W opracowaniu wskazano i opisano podstawy prawne gospodarki odpadami w Polsce. Omówiono próbę rozwiązania problemu na przykładzie projektu rekultywacji składowiska odpadów komunalnych w Nowym Targu

    Funkcjonowanie Gminnego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska Gospodarki Wodnej na przykładzie miasta Krakowa

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    Tyt. z nagł.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Zadaniem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie roli funduszy środowiskowych w finansowaniu ochrony środowiska naturalnego. Przeprowadzono analizę czynności Funduszu Gminnego ukierunkowanego na ochronę środowiska i gospodarki wodnej w Krakowie