46 research outputs found

    Ljubljanska Opera med obema vojnama

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    Raziskovanje ljubljanske Opere odpira opazovanje različnih področij delovanja te ustanove – umetniškega, organizacijskega in nenazadnje družbenega –, ki se v soodvisnosti vzajemno prepletajo in vplivajo na temeljno poslanstvo umetniškega zavoda – uprizarjanje glasbenogledališkega dela ter v širši perspektivi posredovanje in etabliranje umetnostnih teženj operne hiše. Pričujoči prispevek osvetljuje čas ljubljanske Opere med obema vojnama, v ospredje pa postavlja vprašanje operne režije oz. umetniško emancipacijo opernega režiserja skozi prizmo najpomembnejših akterjev te ustanove

    Refleksija ob pojmu romantika v glasbi

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    Zdi se, da je raba pojma romantična glasba ali glasbena romantika v vsakodnevni govorici že tako močno zakoreninjena in samoumevna, da se ponovno preverjanje pomena na videz kaže kot nepotrebno. Pretres nekaterih razprav sodobnega muzikološkega diskurza pa kaže povsem drugačno podobo: opredelitve pojma in pristopi pri tem so si tako zelo različni, da se zdi kakršna koli dokončna definicija pojma nemogoča. Toda iskanja bistva in legitimnih vzrokov za nastanek romantike v glasbi ne smemo omejiti zgolj na muzikološka dognanja, temveč zahteva poznavanje duhovnozgodovinske antropologije novoveškega človeka

    Predicting ecological responses to global warming in Iris pumila: an open-topped chamber experiment

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    To predict short-term plant responses to global warming, an open-topped-chamber experiment was conducted in two sun-exposed natural populations of Iris pumila during a growing season. In each population, one half of all randomly selected clonal plants were experimentally warmed using a clear-sided, open-topped chamber (OTC), while the other half experienced the ambient temperature conditions. The air temperature within the OTCs was approx.1-2 ºC higher than that outside of the OTCs in general. In spring and summer of 2018, phenotypic values of the three functional leaf traits: specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry mass content (LDMC), and leaf water content (LWC) were recorded on the ramets from each clone growing inside and outside of the OTC. The phenotypic expressions of all analyzed traits changed significantly with temperature in both populations, but in an opposite direction. While SLA and LWC tended to be greater in the ramets developing within the OTCs relative to those growing outside of them, their LDMC values reversed, being higher inside than outside of the OTCs. The analyzed traits varied seasonally as well. Regardless of the location within a clone, the values of SLA and LWC were greater in spring then in summer. Conversely, LDMC reached its maximum in the warmer season. Our results clearly suggest that I. pumila plants have the capacity to cope with increasing temperatures by plastic responses of leaf functional traits. This finding is of crucial importance to forecast the fate of Iris populations under global warming - that is, whether they will adopt or disappear.17th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology; 2019 Aug 19-24; Turku, Finland. S36e.P12