9 research outputs found

    Evoluce rodu Elettariopsis (Zingiberaceae)

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl podat komplexní vhled do problematiky rodu Elettariopsis Baker, posledního nerevidovaného rodu v podčeledi Alpinioideae (Zingiberaceae). Na sekvenčních datech z úseků ITS, matK, a DCS jsou provedeny fylogenetické analýzy, které jsou korelovány s absolutní velikostí genomu a biogeografickým rozložením vzorků. Z výsledků je zřetelné, že Elettariopsis jakožto rod je jen slabě podpořen a silně podpořen je pouze po spojení s některými druhy rodu Amomum Roxb., včetně typového druhu A. subulatum. Absolutní velikost genomu je v této skupině větší, než v mimoskupině (outgroup) tvořené zástupci podčeledi Zingiberoideae. Ze sekvenčních dat dále vyplývá, že Elettariopsis je rozdělen do dvou silně podpořených skupin, skupiny F a skupiny G, z nichž každá zahrnuje několik silně podpořených skupin. Z analýzy absolutní velikosti genomu se ukazuje, že absolutní velikost genomu je vyšší ve skupině Fnež ve skupině G. Tyto dvě skupiny se rovněž liší svým biogeografickým rozložením; skupina "E. triloba/E. unifolia" se vyskytuje pouze ve Vietnamu, Laosu a Thajsku, zatímco zástupci skupiny "E. curtisii" se vyskytují rovněž v Singapuru a v Indonésii (na Borneu). Klíčová slova: Zingiberaceae, Elettariopsis, jihovýchodní Asie, ITS, matK, DCS, absolutní velikost genomuThis work attempts to offer an insight into the problematic of the genus Elettariopsis Baker, the last unrevised genus in the subfamily Alpinioideae (Zingiberaceae). Phylogenetic analyses are performed on ITS, matK and DCS sequence data and correlated with absolute genome size and biogeographical distribution of the samples. Elettariopsis as a genus is found to be weakly supported and strongly supported only with the addition of some species of Amomum Roxb., including the type species A. subulatum. The absolute genome size in this group is greater than in the outgroup represented by members of the Zingiberoideae subfamily. The evidence given by sequence data further suggests that Elettariopsis is divided into two well-supported groups, the "E. curtisii" group and the "E. triloba/E. unifolia" group, each of which contains several well-supported clades. In the analysis of absolute genome size it is shown that the absolute genome size in the "E. triloba/E.unifolia" group is higher than in the "E. curtisii" group. These two groups also differ slightly in their biogeographical distribution, the group G being distributed in only in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, while members of group H are also occurring in Singapore and Indonesia (Borneo). Keywords: Zingiberaceae, Elettariopsis, South-East Asia, ITS,...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Phylogenomics, genome size evolution and repeat dynamics in the genus Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae)

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    Amomum Roxb. s.l. (black cardamom) is a complicated genus in the ginger family Zingiberaceae (subfamily Alpinioideae) that according to some definitions includes groups of species recognized as separate genera, e.g. genus Elettariopsis Baker. Phylogenetic studies have so far failed to elucidate both the position of Amomum within Alpinioideae and the relationship between Amomum and other genera like Elettariopsis. In this work, Amomum was subjected to a detailed morphological analysis of the largest possible sampling, together with a phylogenetic analysis. Amomum was recircumscribed, Amomum s.s. and three new genera were established, three genera were resurrected, and genus Elettariopsis was merged into Amomum. Meanwhile, new species were described and others epitypified. A well-resolved nuclear-gene phylogeny of Amomum s.s. was obtained using next-generation sequencing (Hyb-Seq) and showed the existence of four clades (A, B, C, D) within the genus. Clade D, the former genus Elettariopsis, was further divided into three subclades (D1-D3). A chloroplast DNA-based phylogeny supported this structure, but additional phylogenies based on ribosomal DNA were incongruent with it, indicating that the frequently used ITS marker and other rDNA markers may not be suitable for reconstructing deeper phylogenetic..

    Biogeografie zázvorovitých z podčeledi Alpinioideae

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    This work aims to summarise the recent knowledge of the distribution of the subfamily Alpinioideae and suggest the possible patterns of distribution and dispersal for individual genera, particularly for South-East Asia, where the majority of genera is found. Alpinioideae is a quite recently established and unresolved group and some of its genera are polyphyletic. The main part of the subfamily is distributed throughout South-East Asia to Australia and Oceania, two genera (Aframomum and Renealmia) are found in Africa and the genus Renealmia has undergone long-distance dispersal to South America. Three genera (Leptosolena, Paramomum and Siamanthus) are monotypic endemics. Alpinioideae is further divided into the tribes Alpinieae and Riedelieae

    Student Associations at the Turn of the 21st Century (On the Example of Student Associations in Thübingen)

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    Liberal Arts and Humanities - Social Sciences ModuleStudium humanitní vzdělanosti - Společenskovědní modulFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

    The evolution of Elettariopsis (Zingiberaceae)

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    This work attempts to offer an insight into the problematic of the genus Elettariopsis Baker, the last unrevised genus in the subfamily Alpinioideae (Zingiberaceae). Phylogenetic analyses are performed on ITS, matK and DCS sequence data and correlated with absolute genome size and biogeographical distribution of the samples. Elettariopsis as a genus is found to be weakly supported and strongly supported only with the addition of some species of Amomum Roxb., including the type species A. subulatum. The absolute genome size in this group is greater than in the outgroup represented by members of the Zingiberoideae subfamily. The evidence given by sequence data further suggests that Elettariopsis is divided into two well-supported groups, the "E. curtisii" group and the "E. triloba/E. unifolia" group, each of which contains several well-supported clades. In the analysis of absolute genome size it is shown that the absolute genome size in the "E. triloba/E.unifolia" group is higher than in the "E. curtisii" group. These two groups also differ slightly in their biogeographical distribution, the group G being distributed in only in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, while members of group H are also occurring in Singapore and Indonesia (Borneo). Keywords: Zingiberaceae, Elettariopsis, South-East Asia, ITS,..

    Community law against unfair competition

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    European Law Against Unfair Competition Resumé This diploma thesis deals with the European (EU) law against unfair competition, or more specifically with the legal regulation of two directives of European Union, which are the ones for the european law against unfair competition most significant, Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive and Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. The purpose of this thesis is to provide comprehensive and understandable overview of the legal regulation of both above mentioned directives, to analyze selected judicature of the Court of Justice of the European Union related to these directives, to briefly outline interpretation problems arising from the transposition of both directives to the Czech legal order, which were identified by professional literature. The content of this diploma thesis is divided into 5 main chapters. After the Introduction follows the chapter briefly defining the main notions, economic competition, competition law, the law against unfair competition and unfair competition. The second chapter deals with the development of the European Law against unfair competition till the present day. The third chapter provides overview of the legal regulation of Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, describes factual basis of the misleading..

    DataSheet_1_Ancient hybridization and repetitive element proliferation in the evolutionary history of the monocot genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae).docx

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    Genome size variation is a crucial aspect of plant evolution, influenced by a complex interplay of factors. Repetitive elements, which are fundamental components of genomic architecture, often play a role in genome expansion by selectively amplifying specific repeat motifs. This study focuses on Amomum, a genus in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), known for its 4.4-fold variation in genome size. Using a robust methodology involving PhyloNet reconstruction, RepeatExplorer clustering, and repeat similarity-based phylogenetic network construction, we investigated the repeatome composition, analyzed repeat dynamics, and identified potential hybridization events within the genus. Our analysis confirmed the presence of four major infrageneric clades (A–D) within Amomum, with clades A–C exclusively comprising diploid species (2n = 48) and clade D encompassing both diploid and tetraploid species (2n = 48 and 96). We observed an increase in the repeat content within the genus, ranging from 84% to 89%, compared to outgroup species with 75% of the repeatome. The SIRE lineage of the Ty1-Copia repeat superfamily was prevalent in most analyzed ingroup genomes. We identified significant difference in repeatome structure between the basal Amomum clades (A, B, C) and the most diverged clade D. Our investigation revealed evidence of ancient hybridization events within Amomum, coinciding with a substantial proliferation of multiple repeat groups. This finding supports the hypothesis that ancient hybridization is a driving force in the genomic evolution of Amomum. Furthermore, we contextualize our findings within the broader context of genome size variations and repeatome dynamics observed across major monocot lineages. This study enhances our understanding of evolutionary processes within monocots by highlighting the crucial roles of repetitive elements in shaping genome size and suggesting the mechanisms that drive these changes.</p