170 research outputs found

    Renewing Film’s Public Emphasis

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    A review of Patricia White Women’s Cinema, World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms (Duke University Press, 2015)


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    Le privilĂšge culturel et la politique de la reconnaissance

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    Les théories post-colonialistes nous ont montré à quel point l'absence d'une reconnaissance de la valeur de certaines formes culturelles produit des effets nuisibles. Ces théories ignorent pourtant la nature asymétrique des relations régissant l'interaction entre des cultures mineures et des cultures majeures, c'est-à-dire entre les grandes et les petites nations. Par conséquent, la nécessité d'une politique de la reconnaissance spécifique aux petites nations privilégiées n'est pas reconnue. Afin d'établir ce point, j'examine quelques aspects de la production cinématographique danoise. J'essaie aussi de montrer que les cinéastes appartenant à des petites nations privilégiées doivent adopter une stratégie précise de la reconnaissance.Influential postcolonial theories have successfully shown that the failure to recognize the value of certain cultural forms inflicts a form of harm. What these theories fail to note is that small, prosperous nations also require a politics of recognition as a result of the asymmetrical nature of relations governing major and minor cultures. To prove this point I consider aspects of contemporary Danish cinematic production. I attempt to identify the strategy for recognition that is best suited to filmmakers belonging to small, but prosperous nations

    On Lars von Trier, Enfant Terrible of Danish Art Film

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    THE PROBLEM WITH PROVOCATION: ON LARS VON TRIER, ENFANT TERRIBLE OF DANISH ART FILM Anyone interested in contemporary art is likely to have spent a good deal of time pondering the nature and role of artistic provocation. Provocation as a crucial feature of artistic practice was largely unknown before 1800 (Walker 1999: 1). The idea of 'shocking the recipient' was, however, 'a dominant principle of artistic intent' for members of the various avant-garde movements that emerged in the early decades of the 20th century (Peter BĂŒrger, cited in Walker: 2), and at this point the provocateur is a well-known and even expected figure in the landscape of art. It is not difficult to think of examples of artworks that are self-evidently about creating a sense of outrage. Let me mention just a few well-known works that prompted a public outcry: Rick Gibson's Human Earrings (1985), which consists of a..

    Explicitation and Implicitation in Legal Translation – A Process Study of Trainee Translators

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    Le prĂ©sent article a pour objet d’examiner l’utilisation de l’explicitation et de l’implicitation dans le domaine de la traduction juridique. Sur le plan linguistique, les textes juridiques sont complexes et difficiles Ă  comprendre pour les non-spĂ©cialistes. Du point de vue cognitif, on pourrait par consĂ©quent s’attendre Ă  ce que l’explicitation et l’implicitation apparaissent frĂ©quemment dans les textes cibles juridiques, Ă©tant donnĂ© que les traducteurs ont tendance Ă  laisser dans les textes cibles des traces de leur comprĂ©hension, fruit d’un travail ardu. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les traductions dans le domaine juridique ont des consĂ©quences juridiques dans le monde rĂ©el. Du point de vue juridique, on pourrait donc s’attendre Ă  ce que l’explicitation et l’implicitation apparaissent assez rarement dans les textes juridiques traduits, vu l’effet, sur le plan juridique, que peuvent avoir l’ajout ou la suppression d’informations. Cependant, comment cette contradiction se traduit-elle dans les textes cibles produits par des traducteurs d’expertises variables ? Le prĂ©sent article Ă©tudie le phĂ©nomĂšne de l’explicitation et de l’implicitation dans les traductions rĂ©alisĂ©es par les Ă©tudiants en traduction. Notre hypothĂšse est que le manque de compĂ©tences suffisantes en matiĂšre de scĂ©narios juridiques a plus de poids que les efforts mentaux des Ă©tudiants et que ceux-ci choisiront, pour plus de sĂ»retĂ©, de se restreindre aux explicitations et aux implicitations obligatoires.This article explores the use of explicitation and implicitation in the context of legal translation. Legal texts are linguistically complex and difficult to understand for lay persons. From a cognitive point of view it may therefore be assumed that ex- and implicitations will be frequent phenomena in legal TTs, because translators will tend to leave traces of their hard-won understanding in the TT. On the other hand, legal translations have legal consequences in the real world. From a legal point of view it may therefore conversely be assumed that ex- and implicitations will be relatively rare phenomena in legal TTs because of the potential legal effect of adding or removing information. But how is this schism reflected in legal TTs performed by translators at different levels of expertise? This article examines phenomena of ex- and implicitations in trainee translator TTs. It is hypothesized that lack of sufficient knowledge of legal scenarios will override heavy mental processing efforts and that trainee translators will restrict themselves to choosing only obligatory ex- and implicitations as their safe bet

    Uncertainty in the Cognitive Processing of a Legal Scenario: A Process Study of Student Translators

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    This article describes a process oriented case study of student translators’ translation of a legal text from Danish into English. Generally, when students are asked to translate a complex legal text their reaction to some degree demonstrates lack of conïŹ dence in their ability to perform successfully both as students and after graduation. On the basis of a think-aloud experiment involving four groups of students we focus on how they handle uncertainty in the translation process, and explore whether it is possible to point to factors that are likely to make students go about the task of legal translation with more conïŹdence. Two parameters are focused on: the students’ access to tentative translation equivalents both at the syntactic and lexical levels and the nature of reïŹ‚ection or argumentation performed to support their ïŹnal choices. The ultimate purpose of this study is pedagogical in that we hope to be able to point to focusing points that will help students in their learning process

    >>New Historicism

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    - Interview med Stephen Greenblatt
