22 research outputs found

    Giant squamous cell carcinoma of the cheek

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    A 60-year-old woman with a history of non-insulin-dependent diabetes reported a case of cutaneous swelling in her right cheek. The swelling had been evolving for 18 months while gradually increasing in size. The dermatologic examination revealed an ulcero-budding lesion, measuring 5cm at large diameter, rounded, with an ulcerated center and a fibrinous base. It was voluminous, sitting on the level of the right cheek pushing the right wing of the nose and causing an occlusion on right eyelid, but the ganglionic areas were free. A skin biopsy was carried out and histology indicated that a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was present. The patient was referred to the plastic surgery department for surgical removal of the tumor. The cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is an invasive tumor that develops at the expense of epidermal keratinocytes or mucous membranes in oral, anal or genitals. The major risk factor is the solar exposure

    Granulome facial de Lever

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    Angiomyolipome Rénal et Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville: Revue de la Littérature à Propos de Deux Cas.

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    Objectif: La sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville est une affection héréditaire caractérisée par le développement de tumeurs bénignes à type d’hamartomes au niveau de la peau, du rein, du cou, du cerveau et de l’oeil. Le but de rapporter nos deux observations est de rappeler les différentes caractéristiques de cette pathologie. Observations: Nous rapportons deux cas de sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville avec manifestation rénale. Il s’agit de deux jeunes patients suivis pour sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville et chez qui l’atteinte rénale sous forme d’angiomyolipome est venue corroborer le diagnostic. Discussion: L’atteinte rénale doit être dépistée systématiquement chez les patients ayant une sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville. A côté des kystes corticaux et de l’angiomyolipome bénins, la malignité n’est pas exclue soulignant l’intérêt de la biopsie rénale devant le doute.Mots clés: Angiomyolipome, Rénal, Sclérose, Tubéreuse, Bournevill

    Pneumopathie grave avec atteinte bronchique compliquant une varicelle chez un adulte immunocompétent

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    La varicelle est une infection virale cosmopolite, très contagieuse, due au virus varicelle-zona (VZV) et caractérisée par de la fièvre et une éruption papulo-vésiculeuse prurigineuse. L'incidence de la varicelle a significativement augmenté dans les dernières décennies en Europe et aux États-Unis. Chez l'enfant, la varicelle est une infection habituellement bénigne. Chez l'adulte, son évolution peut être émaillée de  complications. La pneumonie varicelleuse est la plus fréquente des complications graves de la varicelle chez l'adulte, avec une incidence estimée de 16 à 33 % et une mortalité pouvant atteindre 20 %. Nous rapportons un cas de varicelle compliquée d'une pneumopathie hypoxémiante. L'examen endoscopique bronchique met en évidence des lésions vésiculeuses de la muqueuse bronchique. Sous traitement antiviral, l'évolution est  favorable.Key words: Varicelle, pneumonie virale, endoscopie bronchique, Aciclovi

    HLA-B*44 allele associated with clinical parameters in HIV-1 infected Moroccan cohort

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    Background: The human leukocyte antigen-B*44 (HLA-B*44) allele has been reported to have promising results in the control of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection and associated with protection against HIV-1 disease progression. In the Moroccan HIV-1 infected patients, the contribution of this allele has not been established. This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of HLA-B*44 allele among HIV-1-infected in Morocco. Additionally, investigate HLA-B*44 allele association with demographical and HIV clinical parameters.Methods: One hundred and sixty-seven HIV-1 infected, antiretroviral naive individuals were enrolled in this study. The HLA-B*44 allele screening was performed using the PCR amplification.Results: Of the 167 individuals genotyped, 26 (16%) of them expressing the HLA-B*44 allele. Clinical stages at diagnosis, median pre-treatment HIV viral load (pVL) and CD4 T cell counts differ significantly (p = 0.0001, p=0.001 and p=0.0001 respectively) between the patients who had been expressing the HLA-B*44 allele and patients who had not been expressing this allele. The presence of HLA-B*44 allele was significantly associated with pVL and CD4 T cell counts (p=0.004 and p=0.0001 respectively). The bivariate analysis has showed that the expression of the HLA-B*44 allele was strongly associated with advanced HIV infection (Odd ratio (OR) 0.12 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.04-0.37), p=0.0001).Conclusions: Author have described for the first time in Morocco the association of the HLA-B*44 allele with the clinical parameters of HIV infection. These results expand the knowledge of the distribution and effect of this allele in the Moroccan population


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    Bee venom: a case of effectiveness on skin varicosities veins with review of its dermatological benefits

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    Bee venom is a very rich and varied biochemical complex, which explains the multitude of its physiological effects as well as its medical indications. In dermatology, apart from psoriasis, few studies have been conducted concerning its interest and effectiveness; however the preliminary results remain so promising and encouraging. We present a clinical case illustrating the efficacy of bee venom in cutaneous varicosities, with a review of the literature of its main dermatological indications

    Madura foot: Report of a eumycetoma Moroccan case

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    Madura foot is a chronic infectious disease, caused by bacterial actinomycetes or by fungi. Mycetoma is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas, where it is a real public health issue. It is a rare and neglected disease in our country. The diagnosis is made by clinical picture, direct microscopic examination and histological study. The best therapeutic choice is surgical removal of the lesion, followed by medical treatment. An earlier diagnosis and treatment can elicit good results. We report a case of eumycetoma in a 33 year-old Moroccan man, rural worker, treated by Ketoconazole in 12 months, associated with surgical debridement. The evolution was marked by the complete remission of the infection