22 research outputs found

    The effect of covered bonds : high encumbrance in banks : a game changer for senior unsecured debt investors?

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    This study examines the effect covered bonds have on the senior bondholders. We discuss how this new funding method is affecting the banks' balances and to which extent the senior bonds credit spread is influenced by different factors. The results show that the senior bondholders and depositors are experiencing a much higher level of risk towards corporate loans than before the transfer of mortgages. This new risk is reflected in the increased credit spread for senior bonds. As banks continue to transfer more of their mortgages, so does the risk continue to increase. Our analysis of the senior bond credit spread shows that the return of equity (ROE) has a significant effect on the credit spread. We have found no evidence that size has an effect on the credit sprea

    Elveovervåkningsprogrammet – vannkvalitetsstatus og -trender 2018

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    Project manager Hans Fredrik Veiteberg BraatenIn the Norwegian River Monitoring Programme (Elveovervåkingsprogrammet) 20 rivers along the Norwegian coastline are monitored for chemical and hydrological parameters. It is a continuation of a former monitoring programme, having produced monitoring data since 1990. This report presents the current status (2018) and long-term (1990-2017) water quality trends.Norwegian Environment AgencypublishedVersio

    Elveovervåkningsprogrammet 2019 – vannkvalitetsstatus og -trender

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    Project manager Hans Fredrik Veiteberg BraatenIn the Norwegian River Monitoring Programme (in Norwegian: Elveovervåkingsprogrammet) 20 rivers along the Norwegian coastline are monitored for chemical and hydrological parameters. It is a continuation of river monitoring with data from 1990. This report presents the current status (2019) and long-term (1990-2019) water quality trends.publishedVersio

    The Influence of Physical Factors on Kelp and Sea Urchin Distribution in Previously and Still Grazed Areas in the NE Atlantic

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    <div><p>The spatial distribution of kelp (<i>Laminaria hyperborea</i>) and sea urchins (<i>Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis</i>) in the NE Atlantic are highly related to physical factors and to temporal changes in temperature. On a large scale, we identified borders for kelp recovery and sea urchin persistence along the north-south gradient. Sea urchin persistence was also related to the coast-ocean gradient. The southern border corresponds to summer temperatures exceeding about 10°C, a threshold value known to be critical for sea urchin recruitment and development. The outer border along the coast-ocean gradient is related to temperature, wave exposure and salinity. On a finer scale, kelp recovery occurs mainly at ridges in outer, wave exposed, saline and warm areas whereas sea urchins still dominate in inner, shallow and cold areas, particularly in areas with optimal current speed for sea urchin foraging. In contrast to other studies in Europe, we here show a positive influence of climate change to presence of a long-lived climax canopy-forming kelp. The extent of the coast-ocean gradient varies within the study area, and is especially wide in the southern part where the presence of islands and skerries increases the area of the shallow coastal zone. This creates a large area with intermediate physical conditions for the two species and a mosaic of kelp and sea urchin dominated patches. The statistical models (GAM and BRT) show high performance and indicate recovery of kelp in 45–60% of the study area. The study shows the value of combining a traditional (GAM) and a more complex (BRT) modeling approach to gain insight into complex spatial patterns of species or habitats. The results, methods and approaches are of general ecological relevance regardless of ecosystems and species, although they are particularly relevant for understanding and exploring the corresponding changes between algae and grazers in different coastal areas.</p></div

    The Norwegian river monitoring programme – water quality status and trends in 2018

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    In the Norwegian River Monitoring Programme (Elveovervåkingsprogrammet) 20 rivers along the Norwegian coastline are monitored for chemical and hydrological parameters. It is a continuation of a former monitoring programme, having produced monitoring data since 1990. This report presents the current status (2018) and long-term (1990-2017) water quality trends

    Factors affecting the quality and distribution of the kelp Saccharina lattissima in Norway

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    -Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA) og Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) har gjennomført prosjektet «Tallknusing av sukkertare-data», på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet. Gjennom prosjektet har tilgjengelige data som kan forklare bortfall av sukkertare Saccharina latissima blitt statistisk analysert. Dataserier som er sammenstilt inkluderer datasett fra overvåking (KYS, KYO, ØKOKYST, IO og YO) og forskning (Sukkertareprosjektet og SaccRef) på sukkertare, samt relevante datasett om dens antatte påvirkningsfaktorer (RID, NVE, eKlima, Havforskningsinstituttets hydrografiske målestasjoner, fiskeridata, NAO, samt geofysiske GIS-lag). Analyser viser en generell nedgang i tilstanden av sukkertare på Sør-Vestlandet og Vestlandet, mens Skagerrak i tillegg har opplevd en markant nedgang i indre kystområder med påfølgende oppgang i løpet av 2000-tallet. De viktigste variablene som påvirket sukkertare i denne analysen er flere faktorer som har tilknytning til klimaendringer, tilførsler av næringssalter og partikler og det er sannsynlig at flere faktorer virker sammen. Forekomst av torsk hadde ingen målbar effekt for tilstanden av sukkertare. Selv om forklaringsgraden i analysene var lav var resultatene noenlunde konsistente og gjenspeiler et sett av flere faktorer som kan settes i sammenheng med klimaendringer og næringssalter som de viktigste påvirkningsfaktorene. I rapporten blir det pekt på mulige justeringer i den videre overvåkingen av de store sukkertareforekomstene, og det gis forslag på undersøkelser som kan gjennomføres for å avdekke årsakssammenhenger mellom ulike påvirkningsfaktorer og nedgang i sukkertare i de ulike regionene på Sør- og Vestlandet.Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) has implemented this project, commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency. Through this project, available data that could explain the loss of sugar kelp Saccharina latissima have been statistically analyzed. Data series compiled includes data from monitoring surveys (KYS, KYO, ØKOKYST, IO and YO) and research (“Sukkertarprosjektet” and “SaccRef”), as well as relevant data-series on impact factors (RID, NVE, eKlima, IMR hydrographic measuring stations, fisheries data, NAO and geophysical GIS layers). This survey was carried out to identify causes of loss of sugar kelp. Analyses of available long-term data show a decline in the condition of sugar kelp in the three areas Skagerrak, the southwestern and the west coast. In Skagerrak there was a marked decrease with subsequent increase during the 2000s. Corresponding data from southwestern and western Norway were not available. The results show that the most important variables that affected sugar in this analysis are several factors that relate to climate change and inputs of nutrients and since analysis has not pointed to a single factor it is likely that several factors work together

    Tallknusing av sukkertaredata

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    Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA) og Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) har gjennomført prosjektet «Tallknusing av sukkertare-data», på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet. Gjennom prosjektet har tilgjengelige data som kan forklare bortfall av sukkertare Saccharina latissima blitt statistisk analysert. Dataserier som er sammenstilt inkluderer datasett fra overvåking (KYS, KYO, ØKOKYST, IO og YO) og forskning (Sukkertareprosjektet og SaccRef) på sukkertare, samt relevante datasett om dens antatte påvirkningsfaktorer (RID, NVE, eKlima, Havforskningsinstituttets hydrografiske målestasjoner, fiskeridata, NAO, samt geofysiske GIS-lag). Analyser viser en generell nedgang i tilstanden av sukkertare på Sør-Vestlandet og Vestlandet, mens Skagerrak i tillegg har opplevd en markant nedgang i indre kystområder med påfølgende oppgang i løpet av 2000-tallet. De viktigste variablene som påvirket sukkertare i denne analysen er flere faktorer som har tilknytning til klimaendringer, tilførsler av næringssalter og partikler og det er sannsynlig at flere faktorer virker sammen. Forekomst av torsk hadde ingen målbar effekt for tilstanden av sukkertare. Selv om forklaringsgraden i analysene var lav var resultatene noenlunde konsistente og gjenspeiler et sett av flere faktorer som kan settes i sammenheng med klimaendringer og næringssalter som de viktigste påvirkningsfaktorene. I rapporten blir det pekt på mulige justeringer i den videre overvåkingen av de store sukkertareforekomstene, og det gis forslag på undersøkelser som kan gjennomføres for å avdekke årsakssammenhenger mellom ulike påvirkningsfaktorer og nedgang i sukkertare i de ulike regionene på Sør- og Vestlandet

    The Norwegian river monitoring programme 2019 – water quality status and trends

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    In the Norwegian River Monitoring Programme (in Norwegian: Elveovervåkingsprogrammet) 20 rivers along the Norwegian coastline are monitored for chemical and hydrological parameters. It is a continuation of river monitoring with data from 1990. This report presents the current status (2019) and long-term (1990-2019) water quality trends

    The study area.

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    <p>Map of the study area along the north Norwegian coast 65°–68°N, within the northeast Atlantic, coded for sampling year. Large points (n = 1220) are model data for the statistical analyses, whereas small yellow points (n = 403) are test data for evaluation of the models.</p

    The extent of kelp recovery within the study area.

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    <p>Size of the predicted area (in km<sup>2</sup> on the left axis and in percent of the study area on the right axis) modeled to be areas with recovery of kelp (<i>Laminaria hyperborea</i>, lh) and with persistence of sea urchins (<i>Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis</i>, sd), given different cut-off probabilities for the best GAMs and for the BRT models. The low and high optimal threshold lines show the lowest and highest cut-off value according to the Youden index for the best models.</p