268 research outputs found

    Introduction: magazines and/as media: periodical studies and the question of disciplinarity

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    The first 10 years of operation of the Red Cross House for runaway, throwaway and homeless adolescents in Reykjavík, Iceland

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: The Red Cross House (RCH) is a 24-hour emergency shelter in Reykjavik, Iceland for adolescents. On the occasion of its 10th anniversary it was decided to analyse the data collected since inauguration. Material and methods: During the first 10 years of running 475 adolescents, age 10-18, (grouped into runaways, throwaways and homeless adolescents) registered 927 visits. The admission records of the RCH were used for collecting data for subsequent analysis. Results: The runaways and throwaways were more alike one another than the homeless. Most of the parents were living apart suggesting that conflicts were more likely to take place in stepfamilies and single parent families and the situation at home had enforced one parent to leave home. Many of the guests were school-dropouts particularly those coming from the country. A majority had been in contact with the social services, and many boys had been dealt with by the police. Prior use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs was common. Conflicts within the family was the most usual reason for the runaways and throwaways seeking assistance. The most common reason for the homeless visiting was having nowhere to stay, alcohol or drug abuse. Conclusions: The plight of the homeless was more serious than that of the runaways and throwaways. The homeless usually had a prior history of having run away or been throwaways from home. The preventive work of the RCH is reflected in keeping young people off the streets and offering assistance before it is too late.Tilgangur: Í tilefni 10 ára starfsafmælis Rauðakrosshússins var ákveðið að vinna úr upplýsingum sem skráðar höfðu verið um hjálparþurfi unglinga frá 1985 til 1995. Efniviður og aðferðir: Á tímabilinu voru skráðar 927 komur 475 unglinga á aldrinum 10-18 ára sem röðuðust í heimanfarna, heimanrekna og heimilislausa. Skráningarblað athvarfsins var notað við gagnaöflun. Niðurstöður og ályktanir: Rannsóknin leiddi í ljós talsverðann mun á heimanförnum og heimanreknum annars vegar og heimilislausum hins vegar. Fæstir foreldra unglinganna voru í sambúð. Margir gestanna höfðu hætt skyldunámi og skáru landsbyggðarunglingar sig úr. Meirihluti unglinganna hafði verið í tengslum við félagslegar stofnanir og margir drengjanna sætt afskiptum lögreglu. Rannsóknin sýndi að neysla tóbaks, áfengis og fíkniefna var útbreidd meðal þeirra sem leituðu til athvarfsins. Árekstrar innan fjölskyldu var algengasta ástæða komu heimanfarinna og heimanrekinna til Rauðakrosshússins. Húsnæðisleysi og eigin neysla voru helstu ástæður fyrir því að heimilislausir leituðu aðstoðar. Ályktanir: Almennt stóðu heimilislausir mun verr að vígi en heimanfarnir og heimanreknir. Heimilislausir unglingar eiga líklega flestir forsögu sem heimanfarnir eða heimanreknir. Þeir eru því viðvörun um þær hættur, sem heimanfarnir og heimanreknir standa frammi fyrir ef ekki finnst viðunandi lausn á þeirra málum, svo sem vandamál í skóla, aukin neysla, afbrot og húsnæðisleysi. Forvarnarstarf Rauðakrosshússins felst í því að halda þessum unglingum frá götunni og bjóða þeim hjálp áður en vandamálin verða yfirþyrmandi

    Introducing magazines and/as media : the aesthetics and politics of serial form

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    In her recent book on the ongoing relationship between modernism and media, Jessica Pressman makes the convincing claim that modernism—as a "strategy of innovation that employs the media of its time to reform and refashion older literary practices in ways that produce new art—is "centrally about media" (3–4 emphasis added). Pressman is not the first to link modernist aesthetic innovation to the rapid transformation of media technologies at the turn of the twentieth century; she identifies her indebt - edness to media scholars including Friedrich Kittler, Lev Manovich, and Marshall McLuhan, all of whom engage with the new discourse networks afforded by the rise of phonographs, radio, and cinema

    NSAIDs-induced colopathy with diaphragm-like strictures. Case report

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenA sixty-eight-year old male with osteoarthritis was admitted for elective hip replacement. Routine preoperative tests found the patient to be anemic and the operation was postponed. Colonoscopy revealed diaphragm-like strictures and ulcerations in the right colon. A right hemicolectomy was performed. It is believed that the lesions were due to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as the patient had been taking diclofenac for the preceding eighteen months due to hip pain. At the time of this diagnosis, apparoximately thirty cases of colopathy with diaphragm-like strictures due to NSAID use had been reported worldwide. It is likely that with increasing use of slow-release and enterocoated preparations of NSAIDs, the number of similar cases will increase.Sjúklingurinn er 68 ára gamall karlmaður með slitgigt sem lagður var inn á bæklunardeild Fjórðungssjúkrahússins á Akureyri (FSA) til gerviliðsaðgerðar á mjöðm. Fyrir aðgerð fannst járnskortsblóðleysi. Aðgerð var frestað á meðan skýringa blóðleysis var leitað. Frekari rannsóknir leiddu í ljós sáramyndanir í ristli með himnulíkum þrengingum. Voru hluti ristils og dausgarnar fjarlægðir með skurðaðgerð. Meinafræðirannsókn leiddi í ljós ristilþrengsli af því tagi sem lýst hefur verið eftir töku bólgueyðandi lyfja (NSAIDs). Sjúklingur hafði tekið díklófenak í um það bil eitt og hálft ár fyrir komu vegna verkja frá mjöðmum. Áður hefur verið lýst um það bil þrjátíu tilfellum sárasjúkdóms í ristli með hringlaga þrengingum af völdum bólgueyðandi lyfja. Í ljósi þess að notkun bólgueyðandi lyfja, sem ná hámarksþéttni í sermi á löngum tíma eða frásogast í fjarhlutum meltingarvegs eykst, má búast við að tilfellum sem þessum fjölgi á næstu árum

    Upplýsingatækni í skólastarfi

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    Í þessum kafla er er lýst þeim hluta rannsóknarinnar á starfsháttum í grunnskólum þar sem markmiðið var að skoða áhrif upplýsingatækni á nám og kennslu. Upplýsingatækni er ætlað að gegna lykilhlutverki í skólastarfi og þróun nútímaskóla og tengist í raun öllum sex stoðum rannsóknarinnar: viðhorfastoð, námsumhverfisstoð, stjórnunarstoð, kennarastoð, nemendastoð og foreldra- og samfélagsstoð. Rannsóknarhópur tengdur námsumhverfisstoð skipulagði og vann að þessum verkhluta, en jafnframt studdi Rannsóknarstofa í upplýsingatækni og miðlun (RANNUM) við verkið með öflun styrkja og kynningarstarfi. Niðurstöður sem tengjast sérstaklega rafrænni stjórnsýslu og notkun Mentors hafa birst áður í greinum og meistaraprófsritgerðum (Bergþóra Þórhallsdóttir, 2011; Bryndís Ásta Böðvarsdóttir, 2010a; Bryndís Ásta Böðvarsdóttir, 2010b; Bryndís Ásta Böðvarsdóttir og Sólveig Jakobsdóttir, 2010). Í kaflanum er fjallað um baksvið og fræðilegan grunn, greint stuttlega frá framkvæmd gagnaöflunar um þátt upplýsingatækni í námi og kennslu og niðurstöður raktar. Að lokum eru helstu niðurstöður teknar saman og ræddar, greint frá áhugaverðri þróun og nýrri tækni sem nú ryður sér til rúms í skólastarfi og loks reifaðir ýmsir framtíðarmöguleikar í því ljósi.RANNÍS, Háskóli Ísland

    Úr dulardjúpum menningarinnar

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    A dynamic test platform for evaluating control algorithms for a supercavitating vehicle

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    The use of supercavitation to enable marine vehicles to travel at extraordinary speeds is a topic of considerable interest. The control of these vehicles poses new challenges not faced with fully wetted vehicles due to a complex interaction between the vehicle and the cavity that it rides in. Some of the existing models make assumptions that may not be valid for a maneuverable vehicle. Furthermore, since there are various models being suggested for planing forces as well as different ways of obtaining fin and cavitator forces, there is a lack of unity among the equations used to calculate the hydrodynamic forces imparted on such a vehicle. Experimental test platforms have been developed at St. Anthony Falls Laboratory to enable testing and validation of control algorithms and hydrodynamic models. Previous efforts have revealed the destabilization of marginal supercavities by control surfaces, especially when a cavity is being maintained with ventilation [1]. Our latest water tunnel test platform is a body of revolution with an actuated cavitator on the model forebody, actuated fins that protrude through the cavity surface, and variable pitch of the model body, all supported by a six-axis force balance. In this paper we will present a brief description of the forces present in our mathematical model of a supercavitating vehicle, and then present the new experimental test platform that will be used to validate, and expand on this model.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84290/1/CAV2009-final110.pd

    The value of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography for the exclusion of choledocholithiasis.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.To investigate the ability of Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) to exclude choledocholithiasis (CDL) in symptomatic patients.Patients suspected of choledocholithiasis who underwent MRCP from 2008 through 2013 in a population based study at the National University Hospital of Iceland were retrospectively analysed, using ERCP and/or intraoperative cholangiography as a gold standard diagnosis for CDL.Overall 920 patients [66% women, mean age 55 years (SD 21)] underwent MRCP. A total of 392 patients had a normal MRCP of which 71 underwent an ERCP investigation demonstrating a CBD stone in 29 patients. A normal MRCP was found to have a 93% negative predictive value (NPV) and 89% probability of having no CBD stone demonstrated as well as no readmission due to gallstone disease within six months following MRCP. During a 6-month follow-up period of the 321 patients who did not undergo an ERCP nine (2.8%) patients were readmitted with right upper quadrant pain and elevated liver tests which later normalised with no CBD stone being demonstrated, three (0.9%) patients were readmitted with presumed gallstone pancreatitis, two (0.6%) patients were readmitted with cholecystitis and two (0.6%) patients were lost to follow-up. Seven patients of those 321 underwent an intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) and all were negative for CBD stones. For the sub-group requiring ERCP following a normal MRCP the NPV was 63%.Our results support the use of MRCP as a tool for exclusion of choledocholithiasis with the potential to reduce the amount of unnecessary ERCP procedures

    The clinical effect of an unloader brace on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, a randomized placebo controlled trial with one year follow up.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadTreatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis is challenging. Unloader braces have been developed with various success. Unloader One® Knee Brace is light, easily-fitted and shown to be effective by the unloading of the affected compartment. The aim of the study was to assess the clinical outcome of the brace vs. a placebo on patients with knee osteoarthritis. Initially 150 patients were randomized to receive either the Unloader brace or a control placebo group look-alike brace where the active strips had been removed. The patients were followed up at 6,12,26 and 52 weeks with Knee Society Score (KSS) and Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). The reason for dropout was recorded. A total of 149 patients were included, 74 in the study and 75 in the control group. The mean age was 59.6 vs. 60.2, BMI was 27.5 vs. 26.9, 37% vs. 44% were women in the study vs. control group. Both groups showed improvement in KSS over 52 weeks, with the study group showing higher improvement in mean scores. KSS increased from 64.3 to 84.0 for the study group and from 64.0 to 74.6 for the control group (p = 0.009). The study group improved in KSS function from 67.0 to 78.6 (p  0.001) whereas the control group did not show significant improvements in any of the scores. The dropout was higher in the control group, 40 vs. 25. The brace seems to be more effective and better tolerated than the placebo.Ossur, Iclean