5 research outputs found

    The prevalence of dental erosion amongst competitive swimmers

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að meta algengi glerungseyðingar hjá sundíþróttafólki 18 ára og eldra á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Efniviður og aðferðir: Framkvæmd var samanburðarrannsókn sem samanstóð af 38 þátttakendum í tveimur hópum, tilraunahópi (sundíþróttafólk, N=20) og samanburðarhópi (nemar sem ekki æfa sund, N=18). Glerungseyðing var metin með BEWE index. Allir þátttakendur svöruðu spurningalista varðandi matarvenjur með sérstöku tilliti til neyslu súrra drykkja. Niðurstöður: Enginn marktækur tölfræðilegur munur fannst á milli samanburðarhóps og tilraunahóps þegar meðaltöl BEWE index hópanna voru skoðuð og borin saman. Framtennur í efri- og neðri gómi voru einu svæðin sem sýndu marktækan mun milli hópa, þar sem tilraunahópur sýndi meiri glerungseyðingu fyrir bæði efri og neðri góms framtennur. Samanburðarhópur sýndi hærra meðaltalsgildi á öllum jaxlasvæðum samanborið við tilraunahóp en munurinn var ekki tölfræðilega marktækur. Enginn munur var á milli hópa í neyslu á súrum drykkjum. Ályktun: Niðurstöður benda til aukinnar glerungseyðingar á framtönnum sundíþróttafólks. Fræðslu er þörf fyrir þessa einstaklinga, bæði á vegum íþróttafélaga og tannlækna sem geta bent á fyrirbyggjandi aðferðir til að draga úr hættu á glerungseyðingu tanna.Introduction: Research has shown that dental erosion in competitive swimmers is common. The process of dental erosion can be rapid if the chlorine content of swimming pools is poorly controlled. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental erosion in competitive swimmers 18 years and older in the capital area of Iceland. Materials and methods: A comparative study was made consisting of 38 participants in two groups, a test group (competitive swimmers, N=20) and a control group (college students who were not competitive swimmers, N=18). Dental erosion was evaluated with the BEWE index. All participants answered a questionnaire regarding food habits with a special consideration to acidic drinks. Results: There was no significant difference between the control group and the test group when the average BEWE index of the groups was compared. The anterior teeth in both upper and lower jaws were the only regions with significant difference between the groups, where the test group showed more dental erosion for both the upper and lower anterior teeth. The control group showed higher value in all posterior regions compared to the test group, but the difference was not significant. There was no difference between the groups regarding consumption of acidic drinks. Conclusion: The results indicate that competitive swimmers are more at risk for dental erosion in anterior teeth. Competitive swimmers need to be aware of this risk. Preventive education is needed in the competitive swimming community and dentists should suggest methods to reduce the chances of dental erosion

    The prevalence of dental erosion amongst competitive swimmers

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að meta algengi glerungseyðingar hjá sundíþróttafólki 18 ára og eldra á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Efniviður og aðferðir: Framkvæmd var samanburðarrannsókn sem samanstóð af 38 þátttakendum í tveimur hópum, tilraunahópi (sundíþróttafólk, N=20) og samanburðarhópi (nemar sem ekki æfa sund, N=18). Glerungseyðing var metin með BEWE index. Allir þátttakendur svöruðu spurningalista varðandi matarvenjur með sérstöku tilliti til neyslu súrra drykkja. Niðurstöður: Enginn marktækur tölfræðilegur munur fannst á milli samanburðarhóps og tilraunahóps þegar meðaltöl BEWE index hópanna voru skoðuð og borin saman. Framtennur í efri- og neðri gómi voru einu svæðin sem sýndu marktækan mun milli hópa, þar sem tilraunahópur sýndi meiri glerungseyðingu fyrir bæði efri og neðri góms framtennur. Samanburðarhópur sýndi hærra meðaltalsgildi á öllum jaxlasvæðum samanborið við tilraunahóp en munurinn var ekki tölfræðilega marktækur. Enginn munur var á milli hópa í neyslu á súrum drykkjum. Ályktun: Niðurstöður benda til aukinnar glerungseyðingar á framtönnum sundíþróttafólks. Fræðslu er þörf fyrir þessa einstaklinga, bæði á vegum íþróttafélaga og tannlækna sem geta bent á fyrirbyggjandi aðferðir til að draga úr hættu á glerungseyðingu tanna.Introduction: Research has shown that dental erosion in competitive swimmers is common. The process of dental erosion can be rapid if the chlorine content of swimming pools is poorly controlled. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental erosion in competitive swimmers 18 years and older in the capital area of Iceland. Materials and methods: A comparative study was made consisting of 38 participants in two groups, a test group (competitive swimmers, N=20) and a control group (college students who were not competitive swimmers, N=18). Dental erosion was evaluated with the BEWE index. All participants answered a questionnaire regarding food habits with a special consideration to acidic drinks. Results: There was no significant difference between the control group and the test group when the average BEWE index of the groups was compared. The anterior teeth in both upper and lower jaws were the only regions with significant difference between the groups, where the test group showed more dental erosion for both the upper and lower anterior teeth. The control group showed higher value in all posterior regions compared to the test group, but the difference was not significant. There was no difference between the groups regarding consumption of acidic drinks. Conclusion: The results indicate that competitive swimmers are more at risk for dental erosion in anterior teeth. Competitive swimmers need to be aware of this risk. Preventive education is needed in the competitive swimming community and dentists should suggest methods to reduce the chances of dental erosion

    Obesity isn't always obesityCushing's disease - case report

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    Kona á fertugsaldri leitaði á bráðamóttöku með tveggja vikna sögu um versnandi höfuðverk og tvísýni. Hún hafði í um 8 ár leitað til lækna vegna þyngdaraukningar, sykursýki og háþrýstings og fengið ráðleggingar um heilbrigðan lífsstíl sem bar ekki árangur. Mænuástunga sýndi aukinn innankúpuþrýsting og segulómskoðun af höfði sýndi fyrirferð í heiladingli. Konan var talin hafa útlit sem samræmdist Cushing-heilkenni og við tók langt greiningarferli sem staðfesti Cushingsjúkdóm. Meðferðin var flókin og þurfti konan meðal annars að fara í aðgerð á kirtilæxli í heiladingli, meðferð með gammahníf og brottnám á nýrnahettum. Tilfellið sýnir algenga töf í greiningu Cushing-sjúkdóms. Höfundar fengu samþykki sjúklings fyrir þessari umfjöllun og birtingu. Woman in her thirties presented to the emergency room with a two-week history of worsening headache and diplopia. For eight years she had suffered from progressive weight gain, diabetes and hypertension that didn't improve with lifestyle modification. A lumbar puncture demonstrated increased intracranial pressure and MRI a pituitary adenoma. Physical examination was consistent with Cushing's syndrome and endocrine workup confirmed Cushing's disease. Treatment was complex, including unsuccessful pituitary surgery and gamma knife radiosurgery, and eventually bilateral adrenalectomy with subsequent development of Nelsons syndrome. This case illustrates the diagnostic delay that many patients with CD suffer from.Peer reviewe

    Obesity isn‘t always obesity: Cushing's disease – case report

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadKona á fertugsaldri leitaði á bráðamóttöku með tveggja vikna sögu um versnandi höfuðverk og tvísýni. Hún hafði í um 8 ár leitað til lækna vegna þyngdaraukningar, sykursýki og háþrýstings og fengið ráðleggingar um heilbrigðan lífsstíl sem bar ekki árangur. Mænuástunga sýndi aukinn innankúpuþrýsting og segulómskoðun af höfði sýndi fyrirferð í heiladingli. Konan var talin hafa útlit sem samræmdist Cushing-heilkenni og við tók langt greiningarferli sem staðfesti Cushingsjúkdóm. Meðferðin var flókin og þurfti konan meðal annars að fara í aðgerð á kirtilæxli í heiladingli, meðferð með gammahníf og brottnám á nýrnahettum. Tilfellið sýnir algenga töf í greiningu Cushing-sjúkdóms.Woman in her thirties presented to the emergency room with a two-week history of worsening headache and diplopia. For eight years she had suffered from progressive weight gain, diabetes and hypertension that didn’t improve with lifestyle modification. A lumbar puncture demonstrated increased intracranial pressure and MRI a pituitary adenoma. Physical examination was consistent with Cushing’s syndrome and endocrine workup confirmed Cushing’s disease. Treatment was complex, including unsuccessful pituitary surgery and gamma knife radiosurgery, and eventually bilateral adrenalectomy with subsequent development of Nelsons syndrome. This case illustrates the diagnostic delay that many patients with CD suffer from

    GREENBAS : Sustainable Fibres from Basalt Mining

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    The GREENBAS project is about the feasibility of producing continuous basalt fibres from Icelandic basalt. The project was made possible with support from NordMin, with the aim to develop the Nordic mining and mineral industry.Geological investigations by Iceland Geosurvey have resulted in insight into locations of the most ideal materials. Work at Innovation Centre Iceland (ICI) led to the definition of the basalt properties required. ICI also analysed the business conditions for a start-up factory. The involvement of JEI has ensured industrial relevance in tandem with the contribution of the University of Reykjavik team in gaining an understanding of the importance of applications in building materials.The involvement of SINTEF Norway and VTT Finland was crucial. They provided their expertise to analyse the life-cycle of basalt fibres and the feasibility and need of artificial external components. On basis of this project, a new phase can be started: the preparations for establishing a continuous basal fibre factory in Iceland