147 research outputs found

    Urticaria and angioedema

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    Urticaria (hives) is a common disorder that often presents with angioedema (swelling that occurs beneath the skin). It is generally classified as acute, chronic or physical. Second-generation, non-sedating H1-receptor antihistamines represent the mainstay of therapy for both acute and chronic urticaria. Angioedema can occur in the absence of urticaria, with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor-induced angioedema and idiopathic angioedema being the more common causes. Rarer causes are hereditary angioedema (HAE) or acquired angioedema (AAE). Although the angioedema associated with these disorders is often self-limited, laryngeal involvement can lead to fatal asphyxiation in some cases. The management of HAE and AAE involves both prophylactic strategies to prevent attacks of angioedema (i.e., trigger avoidance, attenuated androgens, tranexamic acid, and plasma-derived C1 inhibitor replacement therapy) as well as pharmacological interventions for the treatment of acute attacks (i.e., C1 inhibitor replacement therapy, ecallantide and icatibant). In this article, the authors review the causes, diagnosis and management of urticaria (with or without angioedema) as well as the work-up and management of isolated angioedema, which vary considerably from that of angioedema that occurs in the presence of urticaria

    Urticaria and infections

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    Urticaria is a group of diseases that share a distinct skin reaction pattern. Triggering of urticaria by infections has been discussed for many years but the exact role and pathogenesis of mast cell activation by infectious processes is unclear. In spontaneous acute urticaria there is no doubt for a causal relationship to infections and all chronic urticaria must have started as acute. Whereas in physical or distinct urticaria subtypes the evidence for infections is sparse, remission of annoying spontaneous chronic urticaria has been reported after successful treatment of persistent infections. Current summarizing available studies that evaluated the course of the chronic urticaria after proven Helicobacter eradication demonstrate a statistically significant benefit compared to untreated patients or Helicobacter-negative controls without urticaria (p < 0.001). Since infections can be easily treated some diagnostic procedures should be included in the routine work-up, especially the search for Helicobacter pylori. This review will update the reader regarding the role of infections in different urticaria subtypes

    Gümüşhane İli Köse Deresi Yağış Havzasında Hidro-Fiziksel Toprak Özelliklerinin, Toprak Oluşumunda Etkili Faktörlere Bağlı Olarak Değişimi

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    Bu çalışmada Köse deresi yağış havzasında toprağı oluşturan faktörlerin hidro-fiziksel toprak özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Köse deresi yağış havzasının bu amaçla seçilmesinin nedeni, bu yağış havzasının çıkış yerinde sulama amaçlı bir su depolama tesisinin yapılmakta oluşudur. Bu amaçla yetişme ortamı koşulları olarak da ifade edilebilen toprak oluşum faktörlerinden genel iklim özellikleri, ana materyal ve eğim sabit; yükselti kademesi, bakı, arazi kullanım şekilleri ve derinlik kademeleri değişken faktörler olarak alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sabit alınan ana materyal üzerinde 1700-1800 m, 1800-1900 m ve 1900-2000 m yükselti kademelerinde orman, tarım ve mera alanlarının bulunması, 0-20 cm ve 20-40 cm derinlik kademelerinin üst ve alt toprak özelliklerinin karşılaştırılmasına elverişli olması çalışma yönteminin oluşturulmasında etkili olmuştur. Araştırmada incelenen hidro-fiziksel toprak özellikleri; derinlik kademeleri başta olmak üzere, bakı ve yükselti kademeleri etkisinde değişime uğrarken, bu özellikler arazi kullanım şekillerinden daha az etkilenmişlerdir. Bakı, yükselti ve derinlik kademelerinin hidro-fiziksel toprak özelliklerini etkilemeleri, genel iklim koşullarıyla ilişkilendirilebilir. Bu çalışmada, dispersiyon oranı da incelenmiştir. Bu oranda değişime neden olan etkenlerin bakı ve yükselti kademeleri oldukları belirlenmiştir. Dispersiyon oranı sonuçları araştırma alanı topraklarının erozyona yatkın olduklarını göstermiştir

    Radiation of dipoles in multilayered cylinder with ferrite layer

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    Radiation characteristics of infinitesimal dipole in multilayered circular cylindrical structure including gyromagnetic media are investigated. Transversal field equations in spectral domain are obtained for gyromagnetic medium in cylindrical coordinates. These expressions are formed into a set of linear differential equations. The solution at each layer is expressed in terms of state transition matrices. Fields are matched at the interfaces. Far fields are evaluated asymptotically. The effects of changing the bias field, the thickness of the layers, the frequency, and the medium parameters are examined

    Radiation characteristics of slot excited cylindrical antenna coated by layered anisotropic material

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    This paper presents the radiation characteristics of a slot antenna on a conducting circular cylinder coated with an anisotropic layer. Full wave equations in a cylindrical anisotropic medium are derived from transversal field equations using Fourier series in azimuth /spl phi/ and Fourier transform in axial coordinate z. The solution is expressed in terms of state transition matrices which are evaluated numerically. Formulation can be easily generalized to multilayered cylindrical structures. Effects of changing different variables such as bias field, thickness of the coating, frequency, etc., are investigated