522 research outputs found

    Hybrid Business Models and the Public Science–Private Industry Interface

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    We draw on recent research in business models calling for a broader conceptualiztion of value creation and "hybrid" organizations to propose a novel model for bridging the "logics" that often conflict as science-based technologies are commercialized. Our model helps explain puzzling findings from past research and offer testable propositions


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    Korunmaya muhtaç çocuğun her alanda sağlıklı gelişimi için en iyi bakırnın öz aile yanında yapılan bakım olduğu pek çok çalışma ile ortaya konmaktadır. Ancak çocuğun ailesinin yanında sağlıklı gelişiminin mümkün olmadığı durumlar yaşanabilmektedir. çocuğun öz ailesi yanında kalmasının sorun oluşturacağı durumlarda devlet koruması söz konusu olmaktadır. Korunmaya muhtaç çocuk için devlet farklı bakım hizmetleri sunmaktadır. Bu bakım hizmetlerinden birini oluşturan Koruyucu Aile Hizmeti, çeşitli sebeplerle öz ailesi yanında bakılamayan ve evlat edindirme hizmetinden yararlanamayan korunmaya muhtaç çocuğun bakım ve korunmasının, devlet denetimi altında, uzun veya kısa süreliğine, ebeveyn rolü üstlenen kişi veya aile tarafindan yerine getirildiği bir hizmet türüdür. Koruyucu Aile Yönetmeliği ile düzenlenen hizmetle, çocuğun sorunlu döneminin en az zararla ve normal hayatını olağan biçimde geçirmesini sağlamak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, koruyucu aile hizmetinden yararlanan koruyucu ailelerin yaşadıkları sorunları tespit etmek ve öneriler sunmaktır. Bu kapsamda derinlemesine bilgi edinmeyi mümkün kılan nitel araştırma yöntemi tercih edilerek, Denizli ilinde yaşayan 35 koruyucu aile ile görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler, içeriz analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda koruyucu aile hizmetinden yararlanan ailelerin, bürokratik, toplumsal, sosyal yardım ve sosyal hizmete yönelik sorunlar yaşadıkları bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır.Many studies have demonstrated that the best care for healthy development of the ehild in need of protection_x000D_ in every field is the care taken by his own family. However, it is possible that healthy development of ehild is_x000D_ not possible besides their families. In eases where it is a problem for the ehild to stay with his / her own family,_x000D_ there is state protection. The state provides different care serviees for the ehild in need of protection. The Foster_x000D_ Family Service, whieh eonstitutes one of these care services, is a type of service in whieh the care and protection_x000D_ of a ehild in need of proteetion, who cannot be eared for and who cannot benefit from the adoption service for_x000D_ various reasons, is earried out by the person or family who takes the role of a parent under state controlfor a_x000D_ long or short term. With the service organized by the Foster Family Regulation, it is aimed to ensure that the_x000D_ ehild's problematic period is spent with the least harm and normallife. The purpose of this study is to identify_x000D_ the problems experieneed by foster families benefiting from foster family service and to provide suggestions._x000D_ In this context, qualitative researeh method, whieh makes it possible to obtain in-depth information, was_x000D_ preferred and interviews were eondueted with 35 foster families living in Denizli. The data obtained from the_x000D_ interviews were evaluated by eontent analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that families benefiting_x000D_ fromfoster family service experience bureaucratic, social, social assistanee and social service problems.Many studies have demonstrated that the best care for healthy development of the ehild in need of protection in every field is the care taken by his own family. However, it is possible that healthy development of ehild is not possible besides their families. In eases where it is a problem for the ehild to stay with his / her own family, there is state protection. The state provides different care serviees for the ehild in need of protection. The Foster Family Service, whieh eonstitutes one of these care services, is a type of service in whieh the care and protection of a ehild in need of proteetion, who cannot be eared for and who cannot benefit from the adoption service for various reasons, is earried out by the person or family who takes the role of a parent under state controlfor a long or short term. With the service organized by the Foster Family Regulation, it is aimed to ensure that the ehild's problematic period is spent with the least harm and normallife. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems experieneed by foster families benefiting from foster family service and to provide suggestions. In this context, qualitative researeh method, whieh makes it possible to obtain in-depth information, was preferred and interviews were eondueted with 35 foster families living in Denizli. The data obtained from the interviews were evaluated by eontent analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that families benefiting fromfoster family service experience bureaucratic, social, social assistanee and social service problems

    Innovating for Good in Opportunistic Contexts: The Case for Firms’ Environmental Divergence

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    This research work is partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Funds (Grant No. ECO2016-7509-P), the Spanish State Research Agency (Grant No. PID2019-106725GB-100; doi 10.13039/501100011033), Montpellier Research in Management (Grant No. EA 4557), and LabEx Entrepreneurship (Grant No. ANR-10-Labex-11-01).Opportunistic behaviors are considered ethically and strategically troublesome since they disrupt otherwise mutually beneficial relationships. Previous literature has shown that firms attempt to protect their investments from opportunism by generating a large amount of patented marginal innovations in domains central to their industry. However, this approach may generate some ethical dilemmas by preventing firms and societies from more radical, collaborative, and much-needed environmental progress. We extend the environmental innovation literature using strategic and ethical lenses to analyze the potential of an alternative, divergent way to provide financial opportunities for a focal firm without aiming to prevent innovative opportunities for competitors. Our longitudinal analysis of 6768 environmental patents from 59 large companies worldwide in the electrical components and equipment industry shows that high levels of innovation intensity, environmental scope, bargaining power, and environmental expertise increase the incidence of patented environmental innovations related to domains in which industry competitors are less focused (i.e., technological divergence). We also show a positive relationship between this divergence and market-based firm performance. Our results suggest that pursuing innovative divergence to avoid opportunism may make ethical and market sense and we also identify the organizational factors that can support these efforts.Spanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessEuropean Regional Development Funds ECO2016-7509-PSpanish State Research Agency PID2019-106725GB-100; doi 10.13039/501100011033Montpellier Research in Management EA 4557LabEx Entrepreneurship ANR-10-Labex-11-0

    Advanced, High Power, Next Scale, Wave Energy Conversion Device

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    The project conducted under DOE contract DE‐EE0002649 is defined as the Advanced, High Power, Next Scale, Wave Energy Converter. The overall project is split into a seven‐stage, gated development program. The work conducted under the DOE contract is OPT Stage Gate III work and a portion of Stage Gate IV work of the seven stage product development process. The project effort includes Full Concept Design & Prototype Assembly Testing building on our existing PowerBuoy� technology to deliver a device with much increased power delivery. Scaling‐up from 150kW to 500kW power generating capacity required changes in the PowerBuoy design that addressed cost reduction and mass manufacturing by implementing a Design for Manufacturing (DFM) approach. The design changes also focused on reducing PowerBuoy Installation, Operation and Maintenance (IO&M) costs which are essential to reducing the overall cost of energy. In this design, changes to the core PowerBuoy technology were implemented to increase capability and reduce both CAPEX and OPEX costs. OPT conceptually envisaged moving from a floating structure to a seabed structure. The design change from a floating structure to seabed structure would provide the implementation of stroke‐ unlimited Power Take‐Off (PTO) which has a potential to provide significant power delivery improvement and transform the wave energy industry if proven feasible

    Educating for the future: How higher education in environmental management affects pro-environmental behaviour

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    This study analyses whether and how environmental education determines the adoption of pro-environmental behaviours. We conducted an experiment on 222 business administration students to examine this relationship from two theoretical approaches: instrumental and emancipatory perspectives. Structural equation modelling shows that environmental education in higher education affects pro-environmental behaviour, but only in an indirect way, i.e., through the knowledge–concern–willingness model. These results confirm the emancipatory perspective of higher environmental management education in detriment of instrumental counterpart. Thus, this research sheds light on the current theoretical debate around both perspectives and it offers important implications for both educators and policy makers in designing business educational programmes

    DNA methylation in bryophytes as a biomarker for monitoring environmental pollution

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    Rapidly growing industrialization and increased need for transportation have led to environmental pollution, particularly heavy metals. Efficient monitoring would help planning effective strategies to curb such increasing pollution. In this context, we studied the epigenetic changes in the bryophyte Greater Fork-moss, Dicranum majus Turner so as to use to monitor the environmental stress conditions due to accumulation of heavy metals and toxic organic compounds. The hypothesis is that the DNAm (DNA methylation) signatures reflect changes in the environmental conditions, and thus could serve as an alternate monitoring tool to study environmental pollution. The vegetative form of D. majus was collected from two different geographical locations where one was near the main road (MR) and another in the forest area (FS). DNAm rate was found 10.41±2.009 and 23.37±2.94 in MR and FS, respectively (P <0.005). The only difference between the two samples were traffic related pollutants. Thus, the reuslts suggest that vehicle pollution induces epigenetic changes in bryophytes, particularly DNA methylation, and could serve as a valuable biomarker to assess pollution risk due to vehicle traffic


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    Pediatri hekimlerinin özellikle yenidoğan döneminde sık karşılaştığı klinik tablolardan biriside hipotonidir. Hipotoniyi santral (beyin, beyin sapı ve servikal spinal bileşke) ve periferal hipotoni (ön boynuz hücreleri, periferik sinirler, nöromuskuler bileşke ve kaslar) olarak sınıflamak mümkündür. Ancak santral ve/veya periferal sinir sistemini etkileyebilen bazı multisistemik hastalıklar da klinik olarak hipotoni ile karşımıza çıkabilmektedirler. Hipotoniye neden olan durumların ortaya çıkartılmasında, nöroloji, genetik ve metabolizma bölümlerini içeren multidispliner yaklaşım gereklidir. Bu derlemede hipotoniye klinik yaklaşım ve sık görülen hipotoni nedenleri tartışılacaktır. Hypotonia is one of the frequent clinical finding that the pediatricians detected, especially in neonatal period. Hypotonia could be classified as central ( brain, brainstem and cervical spinal junction) and peripheral hypotonia (anterior horn cells, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction and muscles). However, multisystemic diseases that can affect central and/or peripheral nervous system may prove to a clinical hypotonia. Multidisciplinary approach is essential to detect the situations that can cause hypotonia, including neurology, genetic and metabolic disorders departments. In this study, the causes and the clinical approach to hypotonia were reviewed


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    Amaç: Parsiyel epilepsisi bulunan, > 16 yaş hastalarda zonisamidin güvenilir ve etkin bir antiepileptik ilaç olduğu yapılan kontrollü çalışmalarla gösterilmiştir. Ancak literatürde zonisamidin çocuklarda kullanımı, etkinliği ve güvenilirliği ile ilgili yeterli sayıda çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Gereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2010-Aralık 2010 tarihleri arasında, diğer anti-epileptik ilaçlara yanıt alınamayan ve zonisamid tedavisi başlanan 10 dirençli epilepsi olgusunun tedavi sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Zonisamid, 2 mg/kg/gün ve 2 dozda başlanarak, haftalık 1-2 mg/kg/gün doz artışı yapılmış ve maksimum 12 mg/kg/gün dozunda kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: On hastanın (5 kız, 5 erkek) ortalama yaşı 9,7 yıl (min 4,7-max 17)'dir. 2/10 olgu idiyopatik, 3/10 olgu kriptojenik, 5/10 olgu semptomatik epilepsi olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Tedavi süresi ortalama 6,9 aydır. Olguların 6/10'u jeneralize, 4/10'u parsiyel epilepsi hastasıdır. Jeneralize ve parsiyel epilepsi gruplarında birer olguda ≥ %50 tedavi yanıtı görüldü. Parsiyel epilepsi olarak sınıflandırılan 1 olgunun ise nöbetsiz olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Zonisamid tedavisi süresince sadece 1 olguda geçici iştahsızlık ve kilo kaybı görüldüğü saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, antiepileptik ilaçlara yanıt alınamayan, özellikle parsiyel epilepsisi bulunan olgularda zonisamid tedavisinin etkili ve güvenli bir tedavi seçeneği olduğunu düşünmekle beraber daha çok olguyu kapsayan çalışmalarla desteklenmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz. Objeçtive: It have shown with controlled studies that, zonisamide is a safe and effective antiepileptic drug in > 16 years of age patients with partial epilepsy. However, there is not enough study on the efficacy and safety of the use zonisamide with children, in literature. Material and method: The treatment results of 10 cases with refractory epilepsy, not responded to the other anti-epileptic drugs and zonisamide therapy was initiated, between January 2010-December 2010, were evaluated, The starting dose of zonisamide was 2 mg / kg / day, dose has been increased weekly by 1-2 mg / kg / day and a maximum of 12 mg / kg / day was used. Results: Ten patients (5 boys, 5 girls), mean age was 9.7 years (min 4.7-max 17 years). 2/ 10 of the cases idiopathic, 3 / 10 of the cases cryptogenic and 5 / 10 of the cases were classified as symptomatic epilepsy. The mean duration of treatment was 6.9 months. 6 / 10 of the cases were generalized and 4 / 10 of the cases were partial epilepsy patient. In each generalized and partial epilepsy groups, ≥ 50% treatment response was seen in one patients. One case who had been classified as partial epilepsy was found as seizure free. In only 1 case, temporary loss of appetite and weight loss was seen during zonisamide therapy. As a result, we thought that zonisamide is effective and safe treatment option, particularly in patients with partial epilepsy who did not respond to other antiepileptic drugs, but more studies are needed to support