71 research outputs found

    History of the Arabs : rujukan induk dan paling otoritatif tentang sejarah peradaban Islam = History of the Arabs : from the earliest times to present

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    Buku ini merupakan karya tentang kemunculan Islam dan perkembangannya hingga abad pertengahan, gerak penaklukannya, kerajaannya, serta masa kejayaan dan kemundurannya, yang sangat komprehensif. Buku ini menyingkapkan seluruh kekayaan panorama historis yang mengesankan.xxi, 970 hlm. : ilus.

    Program linier

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    History of the Arabs

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    For this revised tenth edition, Walid Khalidi's timely preface emphasises that now, more than ever, this magisterial work is of vital importance to the on-going attempts to bridge the Arab/Western cultural divide.xxiv, 757p.: ilus.; 21 c

    Islam and the west

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    the author inspired by readings drawn from original sources highlight cultural contributions, transmissions and interactions. for example, selections from the koran illustrate similiarity to christian-judaic material184 p.; 18 c

    De Arabische Wereld Een Korte Geschiedenis

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    Amsterdam240 p.; 23 c

    Islam : A Way of Life

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    Illinois198 p.; 21 c

    The arabs : a short history

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    Buku ini menjelaskan sejarah singkat budaya kuno Timur Tengah telah melahirkan tiga agama besar di dunia. Prestasi yang besar dan luar biasa yang diraih dalam peradaban budaya Timur Tengah yaitu sastra dan sains.xx, 273 hlm. ; 21 cm

    History of the Arabs

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    For this revised tenth edition, Walid Khalidi's timely preface emphasises that now, more than ever, this magisterial work is of vital importance to the on-going attempts to bridge the Arab/Western cultural divide.xxiv, 757p.: ilus.; 21 c

    The Arabs, a short history

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    viii, 211 p.; 20 cm

    History of the Arabs

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    For this revised tenth edition, Walid Khalidi's timely preface emphasises that now, more than ever, this magisterial work is of vital importance to the on-going attempts to bridge the Arab/Western cultural divide.xxiv, 757p.: ilus.; 21 c
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