36 research outputs found

    ミャンマー チュウブ ノ セイカツ ヨウスイ

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    Usage and quality of water for living were investigated in Bagan, Mandalay, Inle Lake and Taunggyi in the central area of Myanmar. Almost all people in the country do not have direct access to a water supply system. However, piped water is also groundwater or surface water without filtration and chlorination because there are few water purification plants. Furthermore, the majority of latrines are the pit type, and domestic sewage is directly discharged into surface waters such as rivers and lakes. Therefore, the contamination of raw water and soil influences the water quality directly. Many samples had a high concentration of Na+ and total alkalinity. The existence of NO2 -, NH4 + and K+ in all the samples suggest the raw water was polluted with human waste and chemical fertilizers


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    Usage and quality of water for living were investigated in the basins of the Amu-Darya(riv.) and the Karakum canal. The residents of this area used groundwater or piped water for cooking, washing and drinking, and the water had permanent hardness. Karakum Canal reaches across southern Turkmenistan from the Amu-Darya. The piped water of the area showed 49-83 ms/m of electric conductivity and had neither NO^-_2 nor NH^+_4. The groundwater used in the lower reaches of the Amu-Darya showed over 1000 mg/L of total hardness and contained NO^-_3, NO^-_2, and NH^+_4. There is concern of serious health impairment led by possible groundwater pollution by chemical fertilizers and domestic sewage. People should be more aware of saving water since the leakage of water from faucets or feeding pipes was often found

    中国内モンゴルの生活用水 : 呼和浩特~烏審旗

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    Usage and quality of water for living were investigated in Inner-Mongolia autonomous region in China. Although every household had access to a drinking water supply in the urban area, there were no such infrastructures in rural areas where water from wells is used for daily life. City dwellers believe that groundwater and spring water is cleaner and safer when compared to the piped water they are using everyday. COD ranged from 4 to 10 mg/L in all water samples and no coliforms were detected. Whereas piped water of Hohhot contained more than 60 mg/L of Ca^and 32-43 mg/L of NO_3^-, spring water of Ordos plateau was soft water with a total hardness below 100 mg/L

    ミエケン チホウ オロシウリイチバ ノ サンチ ヘンカ ト カンキョウ エイキョウ

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    The kinds and shipment districts of vegetables and fruit handled by the Miedistrict wholesale market were observed, and the environmental load caused by foodtransportation was examined. The rate of the transaction volume of the vegetables and fruit yielded in Mie decreased gradually from 42-47% in 1981, to 23-25% in 2011.Although vegetables shipped from foreign countries account for 3% of the total in recent years, fruits account for about 20%. The transaction volume of vegetables growingin other prefectures increases during Mie\u27s off-crop season. Compared with vegetables,fruits are more seasonal. A great amount of AKIHIME(strawberry) and mandarin orangesare produced in Mie. However, apples are mainly produced in Aomori and Nagano, and bananas and oranges are sipped from foreign countries. The environmental load could be reduced if consumers bought vegetables and fruit producible regionally in the best season. A consumers\u27 behavioral change will be required

    ウズベキスタン ナントウブ ノ セイカツヨウスイ

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    Usage and quality of water for living were investigated in Tashkent and 3 south-eastern cities in Uzbekistan and 2 north-western cities in Tajikistan, a neighboring country of Uzbekistan. Waterworks were created in urban areas of the region and piped water had high concentration of SO_4^-^2, NO_3^- and Ca^+^2. This indicates that raw water (surface water or groundwater) had been supplied without purification. Groundwater of flatlands in Shahrisabz and Termiz, Uzbekistan showed total hardness of 300-650mg/L and contained many ions when compared with mountain spring water of Ainy, Tajikistan. PO_4^-^3 and NH_4^+ detected in a majority of samples might suggest water resource contamination with fertilizer and excreta

    チュウゴク トウホクチホウ ノ セイカツヨウスイ

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    The usage and quality of water for living were investigated in northeastern China. Waterworks were constructed in the major cities of the region. Although a water shortage in northern China is serious, Haerbin and Dandong have comparatively abundant water resources. The value of EC and the concentration of Ca^+^2 were low in the piped water in these cities. In Shenyang and Dalian the piped water showed total hardness of 80-170 mg/L. Therefore, groundwater is used as raw water. Since water treatment is not utilized for drinking water in China, contamination of raw water or soil influences water quality directly. The existence of NO_2^-, NH_4^+ and K^+ in all the samples of the region have suggested raw water was polluted with chemical fertilizer and human waste


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    カザフスタン ナントウブノ ミズ

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    The usage and quality of water for living were investigated in southern Kazakstan. Waterworks were created in urban areas of the region. In rural areas (Aralsk and Tastubek), piped water was used only for driving and cooking, and well water was used for washing and showers. Also piped water and well water in the region had a high concentration of SO_4^-^2 and contained NH_4^+. The value of EC was low in piped water in Almaty. The water in Shymkent and Turkistan showed comparatively low EC and a higher concentration of Ca^+^2 than Na^+, although the water in Qyzlorda contained a higher content of Na^+ rather than Ca^+^2. The salt accumulation has caused contamination of groundwater and river water in the region


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    This paper will examine sustainable water-resource protection in the arid region of southern Turkey. Usage and quality of water for living were investigated. Waterworks were created in the region and they have been managed relatively well. In south-eastern Anatolia, however, there were some towns where tap water was stored in tanks because of low hydraulic pressure. The water of those areas showed high concentrations of NO3-. Meanwhile in the Mediterranean area, water registered a remarkable hardness of more than 315 mg/L with high concentration of SO4-2. NH4+, K+ and/or PO4-3 were detected in many of the samples in the investigated regions. This might suggest the possibility of groundwater contamination from excessive use of fertilizers and agricultural chemicals

    キルギス ノ セイカツ ヨウスイ

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    Usage and quality of water for living were investigated from Osh to Bishkek via Narin in the Kyrgyz Republic. About half of the people in the country do not have direct acce ss to piped wat e r and the re si den ts ou t s ide the wa t er supp l y a r ea us e untreated groundwater or surface stream water. The groundwater used for livingshowed hardness of 335〜580 mg/L with high concentrations of SO4-2, and had more than 0.35mg/L of NH4+. In tap water to the contrary, levels of electric conductivity and hardness were low with little content of ions such as Na+,Cl- and SO4-2