11 research outputs found

    Applied Plasma Research

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    Contains reports on two research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant GK-28282X1)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-33843

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains reports on two research projects.U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(11-1)-3070

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains reports on three research projects.U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(11-1)-3070

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains research objectives, summary of research and reports on six research projects.U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(11-1)-3070

    Three-dimensional anisotropic pressure free boundary equilibria

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    Free boundary three-dimensional anisotropic pressure magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with nested magnetic flux surfaces are computed through the minimisation of the plasma energy functional W=Vd3x[B2/(2μ0)+p/(Γ1)]W={\int}_{V}{d^3}x\left[{B^2}/(2\mu_0)+p_{||}/(\Gamma-1)\right]. The plasma–vacuum interface is varied to guarantee the continuity of the total pressure [p+B2/(2μ0)]\left[{p}_{\perp}+{B^2}/(2\mu_0)\right] across it and the vacuum magnetic field must satisfy the Neumann boundary condition that its component normal to this interface surface vanishes. The vacuum magnetic field corresponds to that driven by the plasma current and external coils plus the gradient of a potential function whose solution is obtained using a Green's function method. The energetic particle contributions to the pressure are evaluated analytically from the moments of the variant of a bi-Maxwellian distribution function that satisfies the constraint BFh=0{\bf B\cdot\nabla}{\cal F}_h=0. Applications to demonstrate the versatility and reliability of the numerical method employed have concentrated on high-β off-axis energetic particle deposition with large parallel and perpendicular pressure anisotropies in a 2-field period quasiaxisymmetric stellarator reactor system. For large perpendicular pressure anisotropy, the hot particle component of the pperpendicular distribution localises in the regions where the energetic particles are deposited. For large parallel pressure anisotropy, the pressures are more uniform around the flux surfaces

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research on eighteen research projects split into seven sections and reports on four research projects.U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(l1-1)-3070)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-37979X1

    Neoclassical Viscosities in NCSX and QPS with Few Toroidal Periods and Low Aspect Ratios

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    Previously reported benchmarking examples of the analytical formulae of neoclassical viscosities were presented implicitly assuming applications in a future integrated simulation system of the Large Helical Device (LHD). Therefore, the assumed toroidal period numbers were mainly N = 10. However, in this type of calculation, an implicit (or sometimes explicit) assumption of ι/N 1 is sometimes included. This assumption is included not only in simplified bounce-averaged drift kinetic equations for ripple diffusions, but also in the equation before the averaging for non-bounce-averaged effects determining neoclassical parallel viscosity and banana-plateau diffusions. For clarifying the applicability of the analytical methods for configurations with extremely low toroidal period numbers (required for low aspect ratios), we show recent benchmarking examples in the National Compact Stellarator Experiment (NCSX) with N = 3 and the Quasi-Poloidal Stellarator (QPS) with N = 2