1,371 research outputs found

    Review of the AGARD S and M panel evaluation program of the NASA-Lewis SRP approach to high-temperature LCF life prediction

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    Twenty laboratories in six countries participated in testing their own materials of interest under their own laboratory conditions. In this way the results obtained provided validation of the Strainrange Partitioning (SRP) method for a wide range of materials and insured maximum usefulness to each of the participating laboratories. The various investigators shared their findings, thus providing the basis for an in-depth evaluation of the SRP method. While the results were variable from laboratory to laboratory, most investigators agreed that the SRP method was a significant step toward life prediction in the presence of high temperature and cyclic stresses

    Self-organizing search lists using probabilistic back-pointers

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    A class of algorithms is given for maintaining self-organizing sequential search lists, where the only permutation applied is to move the accessed record of each search some distance towards the front of the list. During searches, these algorithms retain a back-pointer to a previously probed record in order to determine the destination of the accessed record's eventual move. The back-pointer does not traverse the list, but rather it is advanced occationally to point to the record just probed by the search algorithm. This avoids the cost of a second traversal through a significant portion of the list, which may be a significant savings when each record access may require a new page to be brought into primary memory. Probabilistic functions for deciding when to advance the pointer are presented and analyzed. These functions demonstrate average case complexities of measures such as asymptotic cost and convergence similar to some of the more common list update algorithms in the literature. In cases where the accessed record is moved forward a distance proportional to the distance to the front of the list, the use of these functions may save up to 50% of the time required for permuting the list

    Aircraft engine hot section technology: An overview of the HOST Project

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    NASA sponsored the Turbine Engine Hot Section (HOST) project to address the need for improved durability in advanced aircraft engine combustors and turbines. Analytical and experimental activities aimed at more accurate prediction of the aerothermal environment, the thermomechanical loads, the material behavior and structural responses to loads, and life predictions for cyclic high temperature operation were conducted from 1980 to 1987. The project involved representatives from six engineering disciplines who are spread across three work disciplines - industry, academia, and NASA. The HOST project not only initiated and sponsored 70 major activities, but also was the keystone in joining the multiple disciplines and work sectors to focus on critical research needs. A broad overview of the project is given along with initial indications of the project's impact

    Aircraft engine hot section technology: An overview of the HOST Project

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    NASA sponsored the Turbine Engine Hot Section Technology (HOST) Project to address the need for improved durability in advanced aircraft engine combustors and turbines. Analytical and experimental activities aimed at more accurate prediction of the aerothermal environment, the thermomechanical loads, the material behavior and structural responses to loads, and life predictions for cyclic high-temperature operation were underway for the last 7 years. The project has involved representatives from six engineering disciplines who are spread across three work sectors (industry, academia, and NASA). The HOST Project not only initiated and sponsored 70 major activities, but was also the keystone in joining the multiple disciplines and work sectors to focus on critical research needs. A broad overview of the project is given along with initial indications of the project's impact

    Strainrange partitioning: A tool for characterizing high temperature low cycle fatigue

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    The basic concepts of strain range partitioning are reviewed and the areas requiring for expanded verification are detailed. A suggested cooperative evaluation program involves the verification of the four basic life relationships (for PP, CC, PC, and CP type inelastic strain ranges) for a variety of materials that are of direct interest to the participating organizations

    Use of strainrange partitioning to predict high temperature low-cycle fatigue life

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    The fundamental concepts of the strainrange partitioning approach to high temperature, low low-cycle fatigue are reviewed. Procedures are presented by which the partitioned strainrange versus life relationships for any material can be generated. Laboratory tests are suggested for further verifying the ability of the method of strainrange partitioning to predict life

    Low cycle fatigue of notched specimens by consideration of crack initiation and propagation

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    Low cycle fatigue of notched steel and aluminum alloy specimens by consideration of crack initiation and propagatio

    Ductility normalized-strainrange partitioning life relations for creep-fatigue life predictions

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    Procedures based on Strainrange Partitioning (SRP) are presented for estimating the effects of environment and other influences on the high temperature, low cycle, creep fatigue resistance of alloys. It is proposed that the plastic and creep, ductilities determined from conventional tensile and creep rupture tests conducted in the environment of interest be used in a set of ductility normalized equations for making a first order approximation of the four SRP inelastic strainrange life relations. Different levels of sophistication in the application of the procedures are presented by means of illustrative examples with several high temperature alloys. Predictions of cyclic lives generally agree with observed lives within factors of three

    Cyclic creep and fatigue of TD-NiCr (thoria-dispersion-strengthened nickel-chromium), TD-Ni, and NiCr sheet at 1200 C

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    The resistance of thin TD-NiCr sheet to cyclic deformation was compared with that of TD-Ni and a conventional nickel-chromium alloy. Strains were determined by a calibration technique which combines room-temperature strain gage and deflection measurements with high-temperature deflection measurements. Analyses of the cyclic tests using measured tensile and creep-rupture data indicated that the TD-NiCr and NiCr alloy specimens failed by a cyclic creep mechanism. The TD-Ni specimens, on the other hand, failed by a fatigue mechanism

    Elevated temperature fatigue testing of metals

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    The major technology areas needed to perform a life prediction of an aircraft turbine engine hot section component are discussed and the steps required for life prediction are outlined. These include the determination of the operating environment, the calculation of the thermal and mechanical loading of the component, the cyclic stress-strain and creep behavior of the material required for structural analysis, and the structural analysis to determine the local stress-strain-temperature-time response of the material at the critical location in the components. From a knowledge of the fatigue, creep, and failure resistance of the material, a prediction of the life of the component is made. Material characterization and evaluation conducted for the purpose of calculating fatigue crack initiation lives of components operating at elevated temperatures are emphasized