21 research outputs found

    Shape-Keeping Technique and Its Application to Checkmate Problem Composition

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    The checkmate problem in Shogi (Japanese Chess) is a puzzle within the game itself. These puzzles have enjoyed a long play and have been the subject of centuries of analysis. The subject of this research is defining the aesthetic criteria of great Shogi problems, and finding new methods for composing interesting checkmate problems in Shogi. First we examine the results of previous studies of aesthetics in Shogi checkmate problems. For this purpose, we focus on the Proof Number Search algorithm and record the data while solving checkmate problems. We analyzed these data and we calculated the proof number related to the evaluation of the checkmate problem. Good checkmate problems have large proof numbers. Next, we present a new technique for automatic composition of checkmate problems in Shogi. This technique uses already existing checkmate problems in Shogi and develops them further. Finally, we can compose new checkmate problems which have bigger proof numbers than original ones. This work is not yet sufficient unto itself

    Shape-Keeping Technique and Its Application to Checkmate Problem Composition

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    The checkmate problem in Shogi (Japanese Chess) is a puzzle within the game itself. These puzzles have enjoyed a long play and have been the subject of centuries of analysis. The subject of this research is defining the aesthetic criteria of great Shogi problems, and finding new methods for composing interesting checkmate problems in Shogi. First we examine the results of previous studies of aesthetics in Shogi checkmate problems. For this purpose, we focus on the Proof Number Search algorithm and record the data while solving checkmate problems. We analyzed these data and we calculated the proof number related to the evaluation of the checkmate problem. Good checkmate problems have large proof numbers. Next, we present a new technique for automatic composition of checkmate problems in Shogi. This technique uses already existing checkmate problems in Shogi and develops them further. Finally, we can compose new checkmate problems which have bigger proof numbers than original ones. This work is not yet sufficient unto itself

    Using Conspiracy Numbers for Improving Move Selectionin Minimax Game-Tree Search

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    In a two-person perfect-information game, Conspiracy Number Search (CNS) was invented as a possible search algorithm but did not find much success. However, we believe that the conspiracy number, which is the core of CNS, has not been used to its full potential. In this paper, we propose a novel way to utilize the conspiracy number in the minimax framework. Instead of using conspiracy numbers separately, we combine them together. An example way of combining conspiracy numbers with the evaluation value is suggested. Empirical results obtained for the game of Othello show the potential of the proposed method

    Safety Lead Curve and Entertainment in Games

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    This paper is concerned with the safety lead curve and entertainment in games, where the safety lead curve is that once information of the game outcome goes above it, the advantageous team will win the game with 100% certainty. The safety lead curves have been derived by using a series of approximate solutions of the flow between two parallel at walls, one of which is at rest, the other is suddenly accelerated from rest to a constant velocity. The safety lead curve (SLC) is critical for neutral observer(s) to assess entertainment in games, for when the information of game outcome is below it, the game is interesting, while when the information is above it, the game is boring. The power balance between the two teams (players) causes the in-formation of game outcome to follow along the safety lead curve so as not to lose entertainment during the game. The safety lead curve can be a critical edge of game, at which two different things, viz. interesting game and boring game, happen, and thus we feel a particular emotion while the game proceeds along it. The four Japan games in 2010 FIFA World Cup are under the safety lead curve, and thus are interesting for neutral observer(s)

    Critical Position Identification in Games and Its Application to Speculative Play

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    Research in two-player perfect information games have been one of the focus of computer-game related studies in the domain of artificial intelligence. However, focus on an effective search program is insufficient to give the “taste” of actual entertainment in the gaming industry. Instead of focusing on effective search algorithm, we dedicate our study in realizing the possibility of applying speculative play. However, quantifying and determining this possibility is the main challenge imposed in this study. For this purpose, the Conspiracy Number Search algorithm is considered where the maximum and minimum conspiracy numbers are recorded in the test bed of a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game application. We analyze these numbers as the measures ofcritical position identifier which determines the right moment for possibility of applying speculative play through operators formally defined in this article as ↑tactic and ↓tactic. Interesting results are obtained with convincing evidences but further works are still needed in order to prove our hypothesis

    Tough Physical Double-Network Hydrogels Based on Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers

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    A series of physical double-network hydrogels is synthesized based on an amphiphilic triblock copolymer. The gel, which contains strong hydrophobic domains and sacrificial dynamic bonds of hydrogen bonds, is stiff and tough, and even stiffens in concentrated saline solution. Furthermore, due to its supramolecular structure, the gel features improved self-healing and self-recovery abilities

    Asymmetric Synthesis of α‑Chiral Hydroxyalkylphosphines by a Catalytic Enantioselective Reduction of Acylphosphines

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    Enantioselective reduction of acylphosphines, after precomplexation with borane, proceeded smoothly in the presence of a chiral oxazaborolidine catalyst and catecholborane. α-Hydroxyalkylphosphine products were obtained as phosphine–borane complexes in good yield and enantioselectivity. One of the products of the enantioselective reduction was successfully applied as an optically active phosphine ligand for asymmetric catalysis after suitable derivatization