73 research outputs found

    Life history-related organotin body burden in the catadromous eels Anguilla marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica in Vietnam.

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    In order to understand the ecological risks caused by organotin compounds (OTs) in diadromous fish migrating between sea and freshwater, tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) compounds, and their breakdown products, were determined in the catadromous eels Anguilla marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica, collected in Vietnam waters. Ontogenic changes in otolith strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations were examined along life history transects in order to determine habitat use in the eel. There were generally no significant correlations between TBT and TPT accumulation and various biological characteristics such as total length (TL) and body weight (BW). In A. bicolor pacifica, TBT and the total butyltin (BT) concentrations of yellow-stage eels (immature eels) were significantly higher than those in silver-stage eels (mature eels). This suggests that yellow-stage eels have a higher risk of contamination by TBT than silver-stage individuals. Positive linear relationships were found between Sr:Ca ratios, total BTs and total phenyltins. These results suggest that the ecological risk of OTs in these eels increases with increasing sea residence period. Thus, migratory history and maturation stage are the most important factor for OT accumulation in catadromous eels

    Contamination profiles of antifouling biocides in selected coastal regions of Malaysia

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    The concentrations of butyltins (BTs) in sediment from Peninsular Malaysia along the Strait of Malacca and their spatial distribution are discussed. The concentrations of BTs were high in the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia where there is a lot of ship traffic, because trade is prosperous. The concentrations of monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT), and tributyltin (TBT) in sediment from the coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia were in the range 4.1-242 microg/kg dry weight (dw), 1.1-186 microg/kg dw, and 0.7-228 microg/kg dw, respectively. A higher percentage of TBT was observed in the area where TBT concentrations were high. The concentrations of monophenyltin (MPT), diphenyltin (DPT), and triphenyltin (TPT) were in the range <0.1-121 microg/kg dw, 0.4-27 microg/kg dw, and 0.1-34 microg/kg dw in sediment from Peninsular Malaysia, respectively. MPT was the dominant phenyltin species. MBT, DBT, and TBT in green mussel (Perna viridis) samples were detected in the range 41-102 microg/kg, 3-5 microg/kg, and 8-32 microg/kg, respectively. A tolerable average residue level (TARL) was estimated at 20.4 microg/kg from a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.25 microg TBTO/kg body weight/day. The maximum value of TBT detected in green mussel samples was the value near the TARL. TPTs were not detected in green mussel samples. The concentrations of Diuron and Irgarol 1051 in sediment from Peninsular Malaysia were in the range <0.1-5 microg/kg dw and <0.1-14 microg/kg dw, respectively. High concentrations of these compounds were observed in locations where the concentrations of TBT were high. Sea Nine 211, Dichlofluanid, and Pyrithiones were not detected in sediment. The concentrations of antifouling biocides in Melaka and the Strait of Johor were investigated in detail. BTs were found in similar concentrations among all sampling sites from Melaka, indicating that BT contamination spread off the coast. However, Sea Nine 211, Diuron, and Irgarol 1051 in the sediment from Melaka were high at the mouth of the river. BT concentrations at the Strait of Johor were higher than those in Peninsular Malaysia and Melaka and were high at the narrowest locations with poor flushing of water. The concentrations of antifouling biocides were compared among Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. A higher concentration and wide variations of TBT and TPT in sediment from Malaysia were observed among these countries. The Irgarol 1051 concentrations in sediment from Malaysia were higher than those in Thailand and Vietnam

    Butyltin and phenyltin residues in water, sediment and biological samples collected from Otsuchi Bay, Japan

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    Between 1996-2001, butyltin (BT) and phenyltin (PT) compounds were monitored in water, sediment, plankton mussels and fish from Otsuchi Bay. The changes of tributyltin (TBT) compounds in water and sediment were not observed during study period, however TBTs in plankton, mussels between 1997-1999 decreased in comparison with those in 1996. The current status of BTs and PTs in Otsuchi Bay was investigated. TBT in water, sediment, plankton, mussels and fish ranged of , 0.016-0.110mgkg^ dry, 0.010-0.255mgkg^ dry, 0.012-0.048mgkg^ wet and 0.009-0.029mgkg^ wet, respectively. TBT concentrations were high near the shipyard. Triphenyltin (TPT) compounds in water and mussel were not detected. TPT in sediment, plankton and fish ranged of dry, dry and wet, respectively

    Imposex in Thais gradata as a biomarker for TBT contamination on the southern coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Thais gradata samples were collected from six locations along the southern shores of Peninsular Malaysia and analyzed for imposex incidence and organotin (butyltins (BTs), including tributyltin, dibutyltin, and monobutyltin, and phenyltins (PTs), including triphenyltin, diphenyltin, and monophenyltin concentrations), in tissue burden. On average, the BT levels were found to be higher than the levels reported a year before for other biota. In contrast, the PT compounds were found to be lower than in the previous report. The present study also classified the morphological expressions of the imposex scheme for this species into seven stages (stage 0 to stage 6) by observing the development of vas deference sequence (VDS) and penis bulk. This latest imposex scheme clearly indicates the mechanism of VDS growth, the structural changes from penis bulk to a penis with flagellum, and from a normal vaginal opening to a swollen vaginal opening. The degree of imposex was assessed using the vas deference sequence index and the percentage of females possessing the imposex characteristics. It was found that locations possessing high imposex levels also tended to show high BT levels in the snail tissue samples. However, correlation analysis did not show a significant relationship among the two parameters. A better result could be obtained if more samples and sampling locations were added in order to prove the hypothesis. The nonsignificant correlation between the shell height and any of the organotin compounds, along with no significant differences between BT levels in female and lower imposex stage samples, suggests that the BT concentration detected was a recent contamination

    Status of butyltins contamination in sediments from Kong Kong Laut, Johor after five years of global banning

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    This study is aimed to determine the concentration of butyltin and the physic-chemical factors in marine sediment after five years of total global banning. Level of butyltins namely tributyltins (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) monobutyltin (MBT) and the physicochemical parameters of sediments (sediment texture, pH and total organic carbon (TOC)) were measured in sample collected from nine stations at Kong Kong Laut. Concentrations of tributyltin were varied from undetected to 945.7 μg kg-1 dry weight, undetected to 188 μg kg-1 dry weight for DBT, and undetected to 55.2 μg kg-1 dry weights for MBT. The highest levels of TBT and DBT were found at station number 1, which is in the vicinity of dock yard. Level of pH and type of sediment are almost uniform in all nine stations except for TOC. No significant relationships were found between physicochemical parameters and the three butyltins. These findings suggest that TBT in station number 1 was freshly introduced and that the main source was suspected from maintenance work conducted in the dockyard

    Environmental DNA preserved in marine sediment for detecting jellyfish blooms after a tsunami

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    堆積物の環境DNAで探る過去の出来事 --津波直後のクラゲ大発生を検知--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-08-23.Environmental DNA (eDNA) can be a powerful tool for detecting the distribution and abundance of target species. This study aimed to test the longevity of eDNA in marine sediment through a tank experiment and to use this information to reconstruct past faunal occurrence. In the tank experiment, juvenile jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) were kept in flow-through tanks with marine sediment for two weeks. Water and sediment samples from the tanks were collected after the removal of fish. In the field trial, sediment cores were collected in Moune Bay, northeast Japan, where unusual blooms of jellyfish (Aurelia sp.) occurred after a tsunami. The samples were analyzed by layers to detect the eDNA of jellyfish. The tank experiment revealed that after fish were removed, eDNA was not present in the water the next day, or subsequently, whereas eDNA was detectable in the sediment for 12 months. In the sediment core samples, jellyfish eDNA was detected at high concentrations above the layer with the highest content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, reflecting tsunami-induced oil spills. Thus, marine sediment eDNA preserves a record of target species for at least one year and can be used to reconstruct past faunal occurrence

    Concentration of antifoulant herbicide, diuron in the vicinity of Port Klang, Malaysia

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    Diuron is one of the alternative compounds that had been introduced by the paint manufacturer to be used in the coating paints. It is used to replace organotin-based paint that is prohibited to be used due to its deleterious effects on non-target organisms. However, significant amount of Diuron that been released resulted from shipping moved was accumulated and contaminated the coastal waterline. Thus, environmental samples (sediment, porewater and surface seawater) were collected from the largest Malaysia shipping port, Port Klang area and extracted quantified for Diuron concentration by using a LC-MS/MS. Results showed range of mean concentration in sediment (2.24 µg/Kg to 19.28 µg/Kg hold the highest reading followed by porewater (0.88 µg/L to 12.91 µg/L) and followed by surface seawater samples (N.D to 0.53 µg/L). Recovery of samples ranged from 79.72 to 86.56 %. Vessels moored, rapid industrialization, active fishing activities, rich flushing zone are the point sources of Diuron input in the Port Klang area. In conclusion, the founded concentrations exceed previous reported of Diuron concentration. Continues study is suggested to report and monitor the level of Diuron in marine environment


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    Although water important source of life and energy, millions of people worldwide are suffering from a shortage of fresh and clean drinking water. Industrialization, population expansion and urbanization have largely contibuted to the severe water pollution. Namely, the main sources of water pollution can be attributed to the discharge of untreated toxic industrial and municipal waste, the dumping of industrial effluent and runoff from agricultural fields. In order to reuse the little available water, many water treatment systems have been developed. Among the various water treatment technologies, the adsorption process is considered as a better method, because of convenience, lower cost, ease of operation and simplicity of design. In particular, charcoal is re-examined as an adsorbent. In this paper, the characteristics of charcoal, mechanism of adsorbing and application of activated carbon, wood charcoal and bamboo charcoal are reviewed

    Organotin levels in bivalves in Southeast Asia

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    The distribution of organotin compounds in bivalves collected from Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia was studied in order to examine the present status of contamination on marine environment. The bivalves such as clams Meretrix spp., green mussels Perna viridis, and arkshells Anadara granosa and A. antiquata were purchased at each local market or collected from each coast. Six organotin compounds, monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT), monophenyltin (MPT), diphenyltin (DPT) and triphenyltin (TPT) were analyzed in these samples using GC-MS. Concentrations of TBT in bivalves specimens collected from Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia were in the range of 0.37-56 ngg^ wet wt., 0.83-16 ngg^ wet wt. and 9.737 ngg^ wet wt., respectively. Among 12 Vietnamese sites, average concentration of TBT (47 ngg^ wet wt.) in clams from Cua Luc was the highest level, and the ratio of TBT to ΣBTs in this site was 86%. As Cua Luc is an industrial town having large international trading port, continuous input of TBT from vessels might be indicated. Concentrations of MPT in clams from Vietnam ranged from 0.16 to 11 ngg^ wet wt., and those of DPT and TPT in clams from Vietnam and MPT, DPT and TPT in bivalves from Thailand and Indonesia were close to the detection limit. The present study indicated that organotin compounds in bivalves from Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia were fallen in the range of levels reported throughout the world

    Higher bioavailability and contamination by copper in the edible mussels, snails and horseshoe crabs at Kampung Pasir Puteh: evidence of an industrial effluent receiving site at Pasir Gudang area

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    This paper determined the heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni and Zn) in the different soft tissues of mussel Perna viridis, mudflat snail Telescopium telescopium, and horseshoe crabs (Carcinoscor-pius rotundicauda and Tachypleus gigas), and their habitat surface sediments from an industrial effluent receiving site Kg. Pasir Puteh (KPPuteh) [1-6] (a site close to Pasir Gudang industrial area) and relatively unpolluted sites. The sediment data clearly showed that KPPuteh had higher nonresistant geochemical fraction of heavy metals, indicating anthropogenic sources and metal contamination at KPPuteh. However , based on the metal concentrations in all the different soft tissues of the above four biomonitors, Cu was significantly higher than the other comparative site, indicating distinct higher Cu bioavailabilities to the four biomonitors. Thus, it is evidenced and confirmed that KPPuteh was contaminated by heavy metals, having high Cu bioavailability to the four biomonitor