58 research outputs found

    Estudo fitoquímico e das propriedades biológicas de Jatropha Multifida L. (Euphorbiaceae).

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Obdulio Gomes MiguelCo-orientadores : Drª Marilis Dallarmi MiguelDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 22/03/2011Bibliografia: fls. 136-148Área de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a composicao fitoquimica e possiveis atividades biologicas da especie Jatropha multifida L., familia Euphorbiaceae. O material foi coletado na cidade de Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado a partir das folhas e cascas, com as quais foram preparados extratos etanolicos brutos em aparelho de Soxhlet e posteriormente fracionados com hexano, cloroformio e acetato de etila. A partir das fracoes foram isolados tres compostos atraves de colunas cromatograficas, os quais foram identificados com auxilio dos metodos espectroscopicos UV, IV e RMN de 1H e 13C uni e bidimensional. Os compostos identificados foram os flavonoides Vitexina e Isovitexina e o Triterpeno Lupeol. Atraves de estudos de algumas atividades biologicas com os extratos e compostos isolados, esta especie exibiu poder antioxidante pelo metodo de reducao do complexo fosfomolibdenico e reducao do radical DPPH. Os compostos Vitexina e Isovitexina apresentaram IC50 54,37 e 87,27 ƒÊg/ml-1. A fracao acetato de etila das cascas revelou IC50 17,23 ƒÊg/ml-1, valor equiparado ao dos padroes utilizados. Pelos metodos de letalidade frente a Artemia salina e teste de Hemolise alguns extratos apresentaram toxicidade, entretanto, sem interferir na integridade de eritrocitos. Ambos flavonoides nao sao toxicos. Os extratos revelaram potencial alelopatico relevante nos ensaios de germinacao, crescimento, indice mitotico, atividade enzimatica frente as enzimas SOD, POD, CAT e ƒ¿-amilase, teor de clorofila e respiracao. Em todos os ensaios os extratos das cascas foram mais bioativos que os das folhas.Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the phytochemical composition and possible biological activities of the species Jatropha multifida L., Euphorbiaceae family. The material was collected in Alta Floresta town, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The study was conducted from the leaves and barks, which ethanol extracts were generated in Soxhlet apparatus and then fractionated with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. From the fractions it was possible to isolate three compounds with chromatographic column, which were identified with spectroscopics methods UV, IR and NMR 1H and 13C, HSQC and HMBC experiments. The compounds identified were, two flavonoids, Vitexin and Isovitexin, and one triterpene, Lupeol. Through studies of some biological activities with the extracts and isolated compounds, this species exhibited antioxidant power beyond the method of reducing the phosphomolybdenum complex and reduction of DPPH radical. The compounds Vitexin and Isovitexin showed IC50 54.37 and 87.27 ìg/mL-1. The ethyl acetate fraction of the barks showed IC50 17.23 ìg/mL-1, equivalent to the value of the standards used. By the methods of Brine shrimp lethality and Haemolysis test, some extracts showed toxicity, but did not interfere in the integrity of erythrocytes. Both flavonoids are not toxic. The extracts showed relevant allelopathic potential in the germination and growth bioassays, mitotic index, enzymatic activity against enzymes SOD, POD, CAT and á-amylase, chlorophyll content and respiration. In all tests the barks extracts were more bioactive than leaves

    Estudo morfoanatômico, fitoquímico e do potencial tóxico, larvicida, antimicrobiano, antioxidante, anti-inflamatório e antinociceptivo de Smilax larvata Griseb. (Smilacaceae)

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Marilis Dallarmi MiguelCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. Obdulio Gomes MiguelTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/02/2015Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: A especie Smilax larvata Griseb.(Smilacaceae), e conhecida no sul do Brasil como gunha-de-gatoh e suas partes aereas sao utilizadas na medicina tradicional para o tratamento da inflamacao. O presente estudo tem como objetivo gerar informacoes que contribuam para o conhecimento e controle de qualidade da especie. Os aspectos abordados incluem o estudo morfoanatomico, determinacao de parametros de pureza, investigacao da composicao fitoquimica, avaliacao do potencial toxico, hemolitico, larvicida e antimicrobiano, estudo da atividade antioxidante, e investigacao do potencial efeito anti-inflamatorio e antinociceptivo de S. larvata. O material foi coletado na cidade de Curitiba, Parana, Brasil. Uma parte foi destinada ao estudo morfoanatomico e determinacao de parametros de pureza. O restante foi submetido a extracao etanolica em aparelho de soxhlet gerando o extrato etanolico bruto. Este foi submetido a particao liquido-liquido com solventes de polaridade crescente obtendo-se as fracoes n-hexano, cloroformio, acetato de etila e hidroalcoolica. O extrato bruto e fracoes foram utilizados nos ensaios de atividade biologica. De acordo com o estudo anatomico, a folha de S. larvata e simples, hipoestomatica e a margem e espinulosa. O mesofilo e dorsiventral. Observa-se a presenca de cristais prismaticos e rafides. Projecoes espiniformes sao observadas na nervura central da face abaxial da folha e por toda extensao do caule. Este possui um anel esclerenquimatico continuo envolvendo o cilindro vascular no qual os feixes vasculares estao distribuidos de forma atactostelica. Com relacao a composicao fitoquimica, da fracao acetato de etila foram isolados dois flavonoides di-glicosideos, os quais foram identificados por experimentos de RMN de 1H, 13C, HSQC e HMBC como drabanemoroside e canferol 3-O-ƒ¿-L-ramnopiranosil(1¨2)-ƒ¿-L-ramnopiranoside. Estas substancias foram isoladas pela primeira vez no genero no presente estudo. Tambem foram identificados o canferol, acido p-cumarico e acido p-hidroxibenzoico. O extrato bruto e fracoes foram inocuos a Artemia salina, entretanto, o extrato bruto, fracao hexano e cloroformio foram hemoliticos (1000 ƒÊg.mL-1). O extrato bruto apresentou atividade larvicida contra larvas de Aedes aegypti e atividade antifungica para Candida albicans. Todos os extratos reduziram a peroxidacao lipidica. O extrato bruto apresentou significativa atividade antinociceptiva. O mecanismo de acao compreende a participacao do sistema opioide, com atuacao sobre receptores ƒÊ e provavelmente sem o envolvimento de receptores TRPA1. Esta propriedade e devida provavelmente aos alcaloides presentes no extrato etanolico bruto de S. larvata. Palavras-chave: Smilax, drabanemoroside, canferol, Aedes aegypti, antioxidante, antinociceptivo.Abstract: The species Smilax larvata Griseb. (Smilacaceae) is known in southern Brazil as "unha-de-gato" and its aerial parts are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammation. This study aims to generate information that contributes to the knowledge and the quality control of the species. The aspects evaluated include morpho-anatomical study, determination of purity parameters, phytochemical composition investigation, toxicity, hemolytic, larvicidal and antimicrobial activities evaluation, study of antioxidant activity, and antiiinflammatory and antinociceptive activities investigation of S. larvata. The vegetal material was collected in the city of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. A part was used in the anatomical study and quality control parameters. The remaining was submitted to an alcoholic extraction in Soxhlet apparatus generating the crude extract. It was submitted to a liquid partition with crescent polarity solvents producing the n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and hydroalcoholic fractions. The crude extract and fractions were used in the biological activities assays. According to the anatomical study, S. larvata leaf is simple, hypostomatic and the margin is spinulose. The mesophyll is dorsiventral. Prismatic crystals and raphides were observed. Spiniform projections were observed in the leaf midrib abaxial face and through all stem length. The stem has a sclerenchymatous ring involving the vascular cylinder which vascular bundles has atactostelic distribution. Regarding to the phytochemical composition, from the ethyl acetate fraction were isolated two flavonoid glycosides which were identified through 1H, 13C, HSQC and HMBC NMR experiments, as drabanemoroside and kaempferol 3-O-ƒ¿-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1 ¨ 2) -ƒ¿- L-rhamnopyranoside. These compounds were isolated for the first time on this genus in the present study. Kaempferol, p-coumaric acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid were also identified. The crude extract and fractions were harmless to Artemia salina, however, the crude extract, hexane and chloroform fractions were hemolytic (1000 ƒÊg.mL-1). The crude extract showed larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti and antifungal activity against Candida albicans. All extracts reduced the lipid peroxidation. The crude extract showed significant antinociceptive activity. The mechanism of action consists on opioid system participation, acting on ƒÊ receptors probably without TRPA1 receptors involvement. This property is probably due to the alkaloids detected in the crude ethanolic extract of S. larvata. Keywords: Smilax, drabanemoroside, kaempferol, Aedes aegypti, antioxidant, anti-nociceptive


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    Realizou-se uma pesquisa em duas bases de dados no período de 1992-2012, a qual teve como objetivo de busca o uso do ensaio de letalidade com Artemia salina em artigos científicos. Observou-se a frequência e a especificidade da área das publicações.  Foram encontrados artigos em diversas categorias como química medicinal, farmacologia, ecotoxicidade e agronomia. Pode-se concluir que este ensaio é extremamente útil e versátil, uma vez que possui aplicabilidade em diversas áreas do conhecimento científico.

    C-glycosyl flavones and a comparative study of the antioxidant, hemolytic and toxic potential of Jatropha multifida leaves and bark

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    The ethyl acetate extract from Jatropha multifida (Euphorbiaceae) leaves yielded two C-glycosyl flavones. Their structures were elucidated through spectroscopic methods, including UV, IR, 1D and 2D NMR, and compared with the related known compounds. The structures of the two flavonoids were determined as Vitexin (1) and Isovitexin (2). The ethanol extracts of leaves and bark and their fractions did not interfere in the integrity of erythrocytes, not even 1 and 2. In the Brine shrimp lethality method, bark extracts showed greater toxic potential than the leaf extracts. Both flavonoids are not toxic. The Phosphomolybdenum and DPPH assays were used in order to investigate the antioxidant activity of both compounds and fractions of leaf and bark extracts. The ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed excellent activity, with IC50 17.23 μg/mL-1, equivalent to the standard values, Vitamin C and Rutin. Compounds 1 - 2 demonstrated good activity with IC50 values of 54.37 and 87.27μg/mL-1.  In the Phosphomolybdenum test, the ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed 86.18% of antioxidant activity compared with Rutin, and the chloroform fraction of leaves, 103.29%. In all tests the bark extracts were more bioactive than the leaf extracts

    C-glycosyl flavones and a comparative study of the antioxidant, hemolytic and toxic potential of Jatropha multifida leaves and bark

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    The ethyl acetate extract from Jatropha multifida (Euphorbiaceae) leaves yielded two C-glycosyl flavones. Their structures were elucidated through spectroscopic methods, including UV, IR, 1D and 2D NMR, and compared with the related known compounds. The structures of the two flavonoids were determined as Vitexin (1) and Isovitexin (2). The ethanol extracts of leaves and bark and their fractions did not interfere in the integrity of erythrocytes, not even 1 and 2. In the Brine shrimp lethality method, bark extracts showed greater toxic potential than the leaf extracts. Both flavonoids are not toxic. The Phosphomolybdenum and DPPH assays were used in order to investigate the antioxidant activity of both compounds and fractions of leaf and bark extracts. The ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed excellent activity, with IC50 17.23 μg/mL-1, equivalent to the standard values, Vitamin C and Rutin. Compounds 1 - 2 demonstrated good activity with IC50 values of 54.37 and 87.27μg/mL-1.  In the Phosphomolybdenum test, the ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed 86.18% of antioxidant activity compared with Rutin, and the chloroform fraction of leaves, 103.29%. In all tests the bark extracts were more bioactive than the leaf extracts

    Phytochemical and Antinociceptive, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antioxidant Studies of Smilax larvata

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    The tea of aerial parts of Smilax larvata Griseb. (Smilacaceae) has been ethnopharmacologically used in Southern Brazil due to its anti-inflammatory action. In this study, ethanolic and organic extracts from aerial parts of S. larvata were phytochemically and pharmacologically characterized. The phytochemical analysis of EtOAc extract of S. larvata revealed the presence of three flavonoids, drabanemoroside, kaempferol 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside, and kaempferol, the first two being isolated for the first time in this genus, two phenolic compounds p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid, and alkaloids. In vitro assays demonstrated a potential antioxidant property of SLG. The treatment with SLG induced a significant reduction of the formalin-evoked flinches in rats, an effect reversed by opioid antagonist naloxone. Treatment with SLG also induced a significant increase in the hot plate latency and a decrease of intestinal motility by 45%. No effect was observed over nociceptive responses induced by a TRPA1 agonist mustard oil or over acetic acid-induced writhing in mice. Together, our data suggested that SLG has an in vivo antinociceptive effect, which seems to be associated with the opioid system activation. These findings support previous claims of medical use of Smilax larvata in the treatment of pain conditions