417 research outputs found

    The objective of considering SMEs in the context of comparative institutional analysis in the Japanese economy : Closing the gap to the international economy / Hiromasa Nakamura

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    It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the recovery of the Japanese Economy, and Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan have constantly strived to overcome the structural recession. Japan’s international competitive advantage is primarily value-added manufacturing and trade, and the recovery of the Japanese Economy is in relation to the exportation of electronics to China and automobiles to the United States. On the other hand, most Japanese SMEs are facing confusion in the structural reform in the fields of manufacturing, commerce and SME Finance

    Photoinduced rotamerization and dissociation of o-fluorobenzoyl chloride in solid Ar

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    UV light-induced reactions of o-fluorobenzoyl chloride (FBC) were investigated using infrared spectroscopy in a cryogenic Ar matrix. Photoinduced rotational isomerization from anti- to gauche-FBC was confirmed by comparison with calculated spectra. In addition, photolysis products were found to be ketene species (6-chloro-2-fluoro-2,4-cyclohexadien-1-ylidenemethanone), o-fluorobenzoyl radical, o-chlorofluorobenzene, m-chlorofluorobenzene and CO.ArticleCHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 613:34-39 (2014)journal articl

    Chapter 4 : Injury and the Recovery Reaction due to the Penetration of Material into the Mandibular Canal

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    A root canal filling material paste, mainly made of calcium hydroxide and iodoform with the addition of silicone oil, was experimentally introduced into the mandibular canals of dogs. The tissue reactions to the paste were examined by radiography, histopathology, and electron microscopy. The examination results showed that the paste was phagocytosed by macrophages and, in general, was gradually resorbed by the passage of time. The paste was also found to cause heterotopic calcification and/or bone formation within the limited area of original penetration. The histopathological tissue changes of the alveolar nerve tissue were also examined. No injury-related histopathological change was observed as long as the injected paste did not contact alveolar nerve tissue, but tissue damage was observed at sites of direct contact. After removal of degenerated nerved debris by macrophages and Schwann cells, the persisting external membrane or “Schwann tubes” appeared to provide a scaffold for axonal regeneration and Schwann cell proliferation.Editor, Toshiyuki KawakamiLanguage Editor, David M Carlsonviii, 232 p. ill. (some col.

    Relation Between Severity of Magnesium Deficiency and Frequency of Anginal Attacks in Men With Variant Angina

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    AbstractObjectives. We evaluated whether the severity of magnesium deficiency was correlated with the frequency of attacks of variant angina.Background. Magnesium deficiency may be associated with the development of variant angina. However, the relation between the activity of variant angina and magnesium deficiency remains to be elucidated.Methods. We assessed the body magnesium status of 18 men with variant angina: Group 1 (≥4 attacks/week, n = 7) and Group 2 (<4 attacks/week, n = 11). Concentrations of magnesium were determined in serum, urine, mononuclear cells and erythrocytes, and the 24-h magnesium retention rate was determined.Results. Group 1 showed a higher 24-h magnesium retention rate (mean ± SEM 63.5 ± 7.6% vs. 24.9 ± 2.7%, p < 0.01) and a lower intracellular concentration of magnesium in mononuclear cells and erythrocytes than did Group 2 (respectively, 156.3 ± 13.5 vs. 212.1 ± 6.9 fg/cell, p < 0.01; and 3.5 ± 0.5 vs. 5.2 ± 0.4 fg/cell, p < 0.05), demonstrating the presence of magnesium deficiency in Group 1. The 24-h magnesium retention rate and intracellular concentrations of magnesium in mononuclear cells and erythrocytes correlated well with the frequency of anginal attacks (r = 0.78, p < 0.01; r = −0.78, p < 0.01; r = −0.62, p < 0.01, respectively) for all patients.Conclusions. Data suggest that the magnesium status of men with variant angina is closely related to disease activity

    Ratioless full-complementary 12-transistor static random access memory for ultra low supply voltage operation

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    In this study, a ratioless full-complementary 12-transistor static random access memory (SRAM) was developed and measured to evaluate its operation under an ultra low supply voltage range. The ratioless SRAM design concept enables a memory cell design that is free from the consideration of the static noise margin (SNM). Furthermore, it enables a SRAM function without the restriction of transistor parameter (W/L) settings and the dependence on the variability of device characteristics. The test chips that include both conventional 6-transistor SRAM cells and the ratioless full-complementary 12-transistor SRAM cells were developed by a 180 nm CMOS process to compare their stable operations under an ultralow supply voltage condition. The measured results show that the ratioless full-complementary 12-transistor SRAM has superior immunity to device variability, and its inherent operating ability at the supply voltage of 0.22 V was experimentally confirmed

    Light and Electron Microscopic Studies of Microcalcifications Appearing in Monomorphic Adenomas

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    Microcalcifications appearing in two cases of monomorphic adenomas were studied histopathologically, electron microscopically, and electron-microanalytically. One case was basal cell adenoma that occurred in a 56-year-old man and the other was canalicular adenoma in a 71-year-old woman. The calcified granules were observed both in the lumina formed by the tumor cells and in the stromal tissues. The surroundings of the granules were stained by alcian blue and showed a sulfur peak by EPMA. These facts suggest that the surroundings contain sulfated glycosaminoglycans and that sulfur has a significant role in the mechanisms of pathological calcification as well as physiological calcification

    Vth-Shiftable SRAM Cell TEGs for Direct Measurement for the immunity of the Threshold Voltage Variability

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    We developed VTSTs for 6T-SRAM and RL-SRAM and evaluated them to investigate the influences of SRAM operation by Vth fluctuation using measured FCMs and CΔVths. As a result, we successfully confirmed the superior immunity of Vth fluctuation of the RL-SRAM than the 6T-SRAM.IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2017), 27-30 March 2017, Grenoble, Franc

    Amyloid Deposition in Human Pulp

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    A tooth with a pulp having a rare degenerative change was found among numerous extracted tooth specimens. Microscopically eosinophilic dimunutive granules existed around vesseles in the coronal pulp. These were stained positively with Congo red and periodic acid-Schiff. Electron microscopic observation revealed that granules were composed of bundles showing one of the characteristic appearances of amyloid deposition

    Analytical Electron Microscopic Study of Mineral Deposits in a Case of Calcionsis Universalis

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    Calcinosis universalis with dermatomyositis occurred in a 58-year-old woman. Tissues removed from the patient\u27s sublingual region were studied mainly by analytical electron microscopic methods. According to an elemental analysis using a wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscope, most of the mineral deposits contained the elements sodium, phosphorus, calcium, rhenium, and some deposits also contained sulphur and magnesium. The elements sodium, sulphur, chlorine, and calcium were found in the stromal tissues of the material. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy demonstrated that the analysis-peaks of phosphorus and calcium were higher in the mineral deposits than in the stromal tissues. The mineral deposits throughout the specimen were mainly composed of hydroxyapatite, judging from field-limited area electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction examinations